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Imagine the global population was made up of just 100 people, and this pie represents global income.
想像全球人口組成只有 100 人,而這個派代表全球所得。
The richest 1% of people - or just one person - gets one-fifth of this pie.
最有錢的前 1%——或者說只有一個人——擁有這五分之一的派。
But for the poorest half of the population - or 50 people - they have to share just half of that.
但對於最貧窮的另一半人口——或是 50 個人——他們必須分享前者一半的派。
That's what global inequality looks like today.
And the difference between those slices of pie is only getting bigger.
Global income has grown over the past four decades, but so has income inequality in nearly every region of the world.
Huge growth in Asia, particularly China and India, has meant that the bottom 50 percent's income gained 12% of that overall growth.
亞洲巨大的增長,特別是中國與印度,意味著底層 50% 的收入占整體增長的 12%。
But that's nothing compared to the top 1%, which captured 27% of income growth.
但跟前 1% 的人比起來不算甚麼,他們獲得了 27% 的收入增長。
Those moves at the very top and bottom have left the global middle class squeezed.
The poorest 90% of the U.S. and EU's population falls within this bracket.
美國與歐盟最貧窮的 90% 人口就落在這個階層。
It's this rising inequality that exploded into the global Occupy Wall Street movement.
And if you think the financial crisis would have helped level the playing field, think again.
The one percent's share has steadily increased since 2008.
從西元 2008 年以來,1% 人的份額正穩定成長。
And the source of wealth growth?
It's heavily tilted towards the United States and the rise of financial assets.
That's partly because banks started taking less risks after the financial crisis, meaning they've become less willing to lend to the poor and middle class.
But the gap between the rich and poor differs depending on where you're looking.
In Europe, the top 10
在歐洲,前 10% 的人獲取不到 40% 的所得。
In the Middle East, they capture more than 60%. So what's causing inequality?
在中東,他們獲取了超過 60%。所以是甚麼導致貧富差距?
An obvious contributor is China and Russia's move away from communism, but that's just a tiny portion of the explanation.
Fast technological changes have led to a greater demand for skilled labor, while automation has eliminated many jobs.
That has led to a growing earnings gap between high and low-skilled workers.
Until recently, trade was seen as a largely positive global force.
But now it's become the bogeyman for rising inequality.
Some people in wealthier countries say they're losing out because good jobs are being outsourced to workers in developing countries.
80% of Americans think sending jobs overseas harms America's workers.
80% 的美國人覺得把工作外包到海外傷害了美國的勞工。
But it's not that simple.
There's evidence that free trade has increased and decreased wages at the same time.
Take Apple for example.
It's created two million jobs in the U.S. but it's also created more than twice that in China.
In 2014, inequality came to the forefront of global discussion.
在西元 2014 年,貧富不均成為全球議題探討的最前沿。
That's because of French economist Thomas Piketty, who published a book called Capital in the Twenty-First Century.
那是因為法國經濟學家 Thomas Piketty 出版了一本書《二十一世紀資本論》。
Despite being 700 pages long, it became an international bestseller.
雖然是一本 700 頁的大部頭,它還是成為國際暢銷的書籍。
Piketty drew a distinction between wealth and income.
Piketty 在財富跟收入間做了區別。
His argument was that wealth, essentially a person's net worth, grows faster than income.
That means the rich get richer, because their wealth grows faster from capital they own, like stocks and houses.
This type of capital appreciates in value faster than wage growth, which salaried workers depend on.
So what can we do about it?
The IMF, Thomas Piketty and 100 other researchers have come up with some suggestions.
國際貨幣基金組織 (International Monetary Fund,簡稱 IMF),Thomas Piketty 跟其他 100 位研究人員想出了一些建議。
But you're not going to like the first one.
The United States pays much less tax when compared to Western European countries, and it has an impact on inequality.
The top one percent's share of income in the U.S. has risen dramatically, while that inequality is much more moderate in Western Europe.
美國前 1% 人的收入份額急遽上升,而在西歐這樣的貧富不均程度較為緩和。
Economists say this is largely because of taxes.
While it's commonly believed that taxes discourage people from working and investing more, good tax policies help governments to redistribute wealth for a more equal society.
On top of that, the IMF also found that higher income taxes for the rich do not hurt growth.
But that's if people actually pay them.
At least 10% of global GDP is being held in tax havens.
至少有 10% 的全球國內生產毛額 (Gross Domestic Product,簡稱GDP) 被控制在避稅港。
In six European countries alone, €350 billion is estimated to be hidden away.
僅在 6 個歐洲國家,估計就有 3500 億歐元被藏起來了。
Shareholders benefit most from tax havens.
But governments and societies suffer from the huge loss of revenue, which could be invested in public services and infrastructure.
That's bad news for another potential solution - better access to quality education and job opportunities.
那對另一個潛在解決方案來說是個壞消息 —— 更容易獲得優質的教育與工作機會。
Finally, the IMF found that rich countries with less unionisation are associated with an increase in the share of income of the top 10%.
最後,國際貨幣基金組織發現,富裕國家的組織工會較少與收入前 10% 的收入份額增加有所關連。
In Denmark, domestic policies led to fast food workers making $20 an hour, that's twice of what they make in the United States.
在丹麥,國內政策導致速食店勞工時薪達到 20 美元,是美國的兩倍。
Despite having no minimum wage, unions dominate in the small country.
That's guaranteed them a living wage and benefits their American counterparts could only dream of.
Some say that inequality incentivises innovation and productivity.
But inequality causes political and economic instability, and the IMF says it hurts economic growth.
If we want to make this pie bigger overall, its slices are going to have to get more equal first.
Hey everyone it's Xin En. Thanks for watching.
嗨,各位,我是 Xin En。感謝你的收看。
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