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Happy New Year!
It's 2019 or 2019.
I hope you had a good New Year's Eve, and I hope that the new year treats you well.
I just wanted to start this video by thanking all of you for watching my Youtube videos.
I know they help you learn English, but their also a lot of fun for me to make, and I started
2 years ago.
Two years ago I had 0 subscribers, and as of today I have close to 18,000 subscribers.
So thank you so much for watching.
You're awesome!
I wanted to talk to you a little bit today about two things.
I wanted to talk about what a New Year's Resolution is and then I wanted to tell you
about my New Year's Resolution when it comes to teaching English on this Youtube channel,
and I wanted to give you some suggestions for New Year's Resolutions that you could
do yourself.
So let's get 2019 started off with some, some good planning for the future.
So I mentioned New Year's Resolution.
A New Year's Resolution is when you decide to kind of make a promise to yourself to do
something in the New Year.
So a New Year's Resolution can be something like deciding that you're going to eat better.
A New Year's Resolution could be deciding that you're going to lose weight.
There's a number of different kinds of New Year's Resolutions.
My New Year's Resolution, personally, the New Year's Resolution for myself is: I'd
really like to make sure, because I had heart surgery way back in May, I want to make sure
that I walk everyday for exercise, and I want to make sure that I eat healthy food.
It's really important to me, I'm 48 years old, it's really important to me that I
stay healthy for a very long time because I want to be healthy for my wife and kids,
also for myself, but I want to make sure that I'm around a long time for my wife and kids.
My second New Year's Resolution actually has to do with you guys - all of you that
learn English on my Youtube channel.
My New Year's Resolution is pretty simple.
I'm going to make a video, every Tuesday there will be a new video, and I really hope
to keep doing the Friday morning live streams.
Those are pretty fun for me.
So new video every Tuesday, new live stream every Friday.
The other thing is, you might not be aware of this, but I have a second Youtube channel.
So I have a Youtube channel where do really short videos, less than a minute, and I do
them every morning, or at least 5 or 6 times a week.
And it's called, “Really Short English Lessons”.
I'll put a link down in the description and I'll put a link up here as well.
So my New Year's Resolution is to make sure that over the next year I make 365 little
tiny videos as well.
And those are great little lessons, you should check it out.
You will have to subscribe over there cause it is a different channel, and I know a few
people asked why I had a second channel.
I think it just keeps things tidier for me.
Long videos on one channel.
Short little videos on the other channel.
I said I had some ideas for you, some ideas for you for New Year's Resolutions - promises
you can make to yourself about learning English for the coming year.
So here's my challenges to you.
Number one.
I think you should get a dictionary.
I know it might cost some money, but I think you should get a French-English dictionary,
a Chinese-English dictionary, whatever your language is I challenge you to get a dictionary
for that language and then what I would suggest you do is, you, one page a day you pick out
5 words and you highlight those words or you underline those words and you learn them.
And just do that for the whole year.
It sounds like a lot.
I know, but I think that would be one really really great idea.
The second New Year's Resolution that I would challenge you to try is: Find a Youtube
channel, you can keep watching my videos, but find a Youtube channel where the person
is teaching English for the country that you are currently in, or that you might move to.
So what I mean by that is, if you are thinking of moving to Australia, you should also be
watching Youtube videos that are made by someone from Australia.
If you are thinking of moving to Britain or the U.K. you should watch some Youtube videos
that are made by someone who has the British accent.
And if you're thinking of moving to America, I would suggest you watch some videos made
by someone who's American.
So that's number 2.
Number 3 is really simple.
For number 3 I just suggest that you try to read some books in English.
Maybe try to read one book a month, that might be a lot!
Maybe try to read three books in the whole year, but it's just so important when you're
learning English that you're reading.
Reading is one of the best ways to learn new words and new vocabularies, so, vocabulary!
Sorry I made a mistake there.
But, yeah, see if you can find a book, it can be a novel.
Even if that means instead of reading a book you just decide that you're going to read
the news every day.
Do that.
And then the last thing, number 4, this is the last one.
I challenge you as a New Year's Resolution, to find an English television show that you
can watch, that you find an English television show that's interesting to you.
Maybe it's a crime drama, maybe it's a science fiction television show, but find
an English television show that you can watch and then watch it twice during the year.
Maybe there's a 10 episode season.
Try to watch all ten episodes and then try to watch them all again.
So, so that's it!
Bob the Canadian here.
Learn English with Bob the Canadian.
I'm so happy that you guys joined me in 2018, and I look forward to making lots of
videos for you in 2019.
I hope you just have a great year yourself.
I really look forward to 2019.
I think it's going to be kind of exciting.
It's kind of fun as I'm shooting this video the sun is slowly coming through the
I'll point up and we'll see if you can see what I'm talking about.
It's pretty beautiful.
It's been fairly overcast here in Canada so it's nice to see a little bit of sunlight.
Bob the Canadian here.
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for watching all my videos, and I look forward
to making as many as I can in 2019.
Have a great year!