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  • With nearly 30,000 cafes across the globe, Starbucks has become more than just a household name.

    星巴克在全球擁有近 3 萬間分店,它早已不只是一個家喻戶曉的名字。

  • From its iconic cups, often adorned with misspelled names, to the espresso inside them,


  • Starbucks has catapulted from one coffee bean shop in Seattle to a sprawling 80-billion-dollar business over the last 47 years.

    星巴克在過去 47 年間,從不過是西雅圖的一間咖啡豆店成長成價值 800 億的企業。

  • Starbucks sales account for 57% of the total café market.

    星巴克的銷售額佔了咖啡市場的 57%。

  • Yes, 57%.


  • Nearly two-thirds of all coffee sold at cafés in the US comes from a Starbucks.


  • But this impressive expansion hasn't come without growing pains.


  • With more than 14,000 locations in the US alone, Starbucks has spread itself too thin.

    光是在美國就有 1 萬 4 千個據點,讓星巴克無法全盤兼顧。

  • Having too many stores has led to fewer transactions at individual stores.


  • To compensate, the company has raised prices.


  • But doing this too quickly, or too often, can drive customers away.


  • So how did this happen?


  • And what's a coffee giant to do about it?


  • The year is 1970.

    時間要先回到 1970 年。

  • Three college friendsZev Siegl, Jerry Baldwin, and Gordon Bowkerdecide to get into the coffee business.

    Zev Siegl、Jerry Baldwin 和 Gordon Bowker 這三位大學好友決定投身咖啡界。

  • They found a mentor in Alfred Peet, founder of Peet's Coffee and the man responsible for bringing custom coffee roasting to the US.

    他們找來了 Alfred Peet 當指導人,他是畢特咖啡的創辦者,也是將客製化咖啡烘焙引進美國的人。

  • He knew the coffee industry inside and out, especially the gourmet end.


  • He was the most educated coffee guy in the country at that time.


  • So, with Peet's help, the three friends open Starbucks, a coffee bean shop and roastery at Seattle's famous Pike Place Market in 1971.

    於是,這三位朋友在 Peet 的協助下於 1971 年開設了星巴克,一間位於西雅圖有名的派克市場的咖啡豆烘焙坊。

  • Peet provided the young entrepreneurs with roasted coffee beans

    Peet 提供烘焙咖啡豆給這些年輕的企業家,

  • and connected them with coffee brokers until they could set up their own roastery and source their own beans.


  • For the first decade, the founders opened five more locations in Seattle.


  • At this point, contemporary coffee consumers might have noticed a glaring absence: actual coffee drinks.

    到了這時候,當代咖啡消費者大概已經注意到他們一直以來缺少的一塊 : 真正的咖啡飲品。

  • But that's the thing about the 70s coffee cultureit didn't really exist outside the home.

    但 70 年代的咖啡文化就是這樣,在家門外沒有真的咖啡。

  • There were no coffee bars, nor was there much of a demand for espresso-based drinks.


  • You purchased coffee beans, and you either took them home as beans or we ground them for you in the store.


  • Nobody expected to get a beverage at a Starbucks coffee store until after 1980.

    在 1980 年以前,沒有人想過能從星巴克咖啡店買飲品。

  • Starbucks' initial focus was bringing high-quality beans to consumers who were more accustomed to instant or canned coffee.


  • But that changed with the addition of one man.


  • The company hired its first really professional Director of Marketing and Sales, and that man was Howard Schultz,

    星巴克聘請了他們第一位專業的市場營銷總監,這名男子就是 Howard Schultz,

  • and he couldn't figure out why we weren't selling beverages.


  • In 1983, Schultz travels to Italy and returns with an idea: turn the coffee bean stores into cafés.

    在 1983 年,Schultz 到義大利旅遊,帶回了一個點子:將咖啡豆販售店變成咖啡館。

  • Starbucks served its first latte the next year.


  • The experiment was a success, and four years later, Schultz partnered with investors and bought Starbucks for 3.8 million.

    這次的實驗是個成功,四年後,Schultz 和投資者合夥,以 3 百 8 十萬美金的價格買下星巴克。

  • He was only 34 at the time.

    他當時才 34 歲。

  • Schultz pursued a strategy of aggressive expansion.

    Schultz 企圖採取大型擴張的策略。

  • By the time the company went public in 1992, it had 165 stores.

    到了該公司於 1992 年上市時,它已經有了 165 間店。

  • By 1996, it had opened more than a thousand locations, including its first international cafés in Japan and Singapore.

    到了 1996 年,它已經開了超過 1 千間分店,包括最初幾間在日本和新加坡的國際分店。

  • Growth was so rapid that, just three years later, Starbucks opened its 2,000th location.

    成長得實在太迅速,短短三年後星巴克有了第 2 千個據點。

  • Schultz switched from CEO to Executive Chairman in 2000, at which time Starbucks operated 3,500 stores in more than a dozen countries.

    Schultz 在 2000 年從執行長轉到執行董事長,在這時候,星巴克已經在超過十個國家開了 3,500 間店。

  • Between 2000 and 2007, the number of Starbucks cafés more than quadrupled, from 3,500 to over 15,000.

    在 2000 到 2007 年間,星巴克咖啡館數量成長超過四倍,從 3,500 間增加到 15,000 以上。

  • During this period, the company opened an average of 1,500 stores every year, including 2,500 in 2007 alone.

    在此期間,該公司平均每年開設 1,500 間店,而在 2007 年一年內就開了 2,500 間。

  • Sales shot up from 2 billion to 9.4 billion.

    銷售額從 20 億直衝到 94 億。

  • Consumers were increasingly ditching their kitchen mugs for these iconic paper to-go cups.


  • But then, Starbucks hit a wall.


  • The 2007 financial crash.

    2007 年的金融危機。

  • That year, its rapid growth screeched to a halt and its stock price plummeted by 50%

    在那年,它飛快的成長猝然終止,而且股票價格猛跌了 50 個百分點,

  • as cash-strapped consumers backed away from pricey coffee habits.


  • The Great Recession was devastating for the restaurant industry.


  • What we typically saw was more trading out, so consumers taking a pause on that everyday luxury that Starbucks offered.


  • So Starbucks brought back Howard Schultz.

    所以星巴克召回了 Howard Schultz。

  • This news alone caused Starbucks stock to shoot up by 9%.

    光是這個消息就讓星巴克股市上升了 9 個百分點。

  • Schultz halted growth and focused on customer experience.

    Schultz 暫停擴店,並且聚焦在消費者體驗。

  • He shuttered cafés⏤more than 600 in 2008, and another 300 in 2009⏤and laid off around 6,700 baristas.

    他在 2008 年關了超過 600 間咖啡館,2009 年又關了 300 間,並且解僱了約 6,700 名咖啡師。

  • A month after his return, Schultz ordered Starbucks to close all of its US locations for one afternoon

    在他回歸後一個月,Schultz 下令美國境內所有星巴克暫停營業一個下午,

  • so he could retrain more than 135,000 baristas about how to make its signature espresso.

    所以他才能重新指導 13 萬 5 千名咖啡師怎麼做他們最具代表性的濃縮咖啡。

  • Schultz's goal was to remind customers what they loved about the brand by making the stores an experience, not just a place to get a quick coffee.

    Schultz 的目標是藉由將咖啡館營造為一個體驗,而非只是一個能夠快速買咖啡的地方,來喚起消費者對於這個品牌的喜愛。

  • They stopped selling breakfast sandwiches and brought back in-house grinding, infusing the cafés, once again, with that fresh coffee aroma.


  • Schultz even mandated the removal of automatic espresso machines.

    Schultz 甚至下令撤掉自動的濃縮咖啡機。

  • These made service faster, but removed much of the romance and theater of watching baristas craft each cup of coffee.


  • Schultz's makeover worked.

    Schultz 的改造奏效了。

  • The company's stock soared more than 143% in 2009, and same-store sales rebounded.

    公司的股市在 2009 年驟升了 143 個百分點,而且同店銷售也回歸了。

  • Starbucks has posted positive same-store sales ever since.


  • During Schultz's makeover of the cafés, Starbucks barely opened any new stores.

    在 Schultz 重整咖啡館期間,星巴克幾乎沒有再開任何新的店。

  • But the pace picked up again in 2012.

    但是在 2012 年步調回升了。

  • By 2017, Starbucks opened nearly 3,000 more locations, ending the year with 28,000 cafés around the world.

    到了 2017 年,星巴克開了近 3 千間新店,到了年底全球擁有 2 萬 8 千間分店。

  • However, this brings us back to the first problem: profit cannibalization.


  • Over-saturation, particularly in urban locations, has spread sales thin.


  • Because Starbucks has so many locations, customers don't have to be loyal to just one.


  • So even if Starbucks' overall sales are growing, its individual same-store sales won't reflect it.


  • Compounding this problem are changing consumer preferences.


  • People are shying away from sugar-laden calorie bombs, which happens to be one of Starbucks' staples.


  • These signature Frappuccinos contain an average of 57 grams of sugar.

    這些代表性的星冰樂平均含有 57 克的糖。

  • That's more than double the recommended daily limit of sugar.


  • So, to combat these problems, Starbucks is changing once again.


  • The company announced the closure of 150 stores in 2019.

    公司宣佈在 2019 年要關閉 150 間分店。

  • That may seem like a drop in the bucket for a sprawling company like Starbucks, but it's three times the number of stores it usually closes each year.


  • The company will still open stores, but future growth will be more focused.


  • Additionally, decadent drinks topped with whipped cream are taking a backseat.


  • Instead, the company is pushing lighter drinks like cold brew and its fruity Refreshers.


  • The company also plans to roll out delivery to a quarter of its company-owned stores by the middle of 2019.

    公司也打算在 2019 上半年於四分之一的分店推出外送服務。

  • Perhaps the company's biggest undertaking is its new line of upscale stores: Starbucks Reserve Roasteries.


  • These massive, 20,000-square-foot stores are designed to be a tourist destination.

    這些巨型的、占 2 萬平方英呎的店鋪是設計來作為一個觀光景點。

  • Here, Starbucks baristas and bartenders experiment with different brewing methods and craft new, innovative beverages.


  • These have proven popular.


  • In the first weeks, the Shanghai Roastery made an average of $64,000 every day, which is double what a regular café makes in a week.

    在頭幾週,上海典藏烘焙坊每日平均有 6 萬 4 千元美金的收益,是一間尋常咖啡館一週收益的兩倍。

  • The company has opened four Roasteries so far, with plans for two more.


  • It doesn't look and feel like anything else that Starbucks has.


  • Those are the kinds of experiential stores, the high-end experience stores, that consumers are really looking for.


  • But I think what's gonna be more interesting, coming out of this, is the halo effect that puts the brand in a higher light among consumers.


  • Yeah, that's pretty meaningful.


With nearly 30,000 cafes across the globe, Starbucks has become more than just a household name.

星巴克在全球擁有近 3 萬間分店,它早已不只是一個家喻戶曉的名字。

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