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  • - I love this video, 'cause it's like girl power.

  • - This is very creative and out of the box,

  • all the videos.

  • ♪ (punk rock intro) ♪

  • - ♪ You know me the best ♪ ♪ You know my worst,

  • see me hurt, but you don't judge

  • That, right there, is the... ♪ - I feel like I've heard this song.

  • - ♪ I've said those words before... ♪ - Cool video concept, I might say.

  • - ♪ And you deserve to hear... ♪ - I don't know who this is.

  • - Already don't like it, because it sounds

  • like every other song. - Why Don't We!

  • - Why Don't We! Yes! I LOVE these guys!

  • They have REALLY good songs. - All my friends are

  • obsessed with them, and I'm like, "I've never

  • listened to their music before."

  • - ♪ Why do I pull you close? ♪ - They're cute. They're cute boys.

  • - ♪ If all it is is eight letters ♪ ♪ Why is it so hard to say? ♪

  • - Again, don't care about the music, but the music video is very,

  • very good to look at it.

  • - Man, that's such a big trend now, using the vocoder.

  • - He looks like one of those Instagram boys that decided

  • to have a music career.

  • - ♪ Why is it so hard to say? ♪

  • - Oh my gosh. I literally-- I see them all over Instagram.

  • - I checked them out after they did a collab with Logan Paul,

  • just 'cause they actually sounded pretty good.

  • - Just all of Shawn Mendes' songs. Sounds like all of Ed Sheeran's songs.

  • It's not good. It's all the same damn thing!

  • - ♪ You were there when I was low ♪ ♪ You held me... ♪

  • - What the hell? I've never seen these boys.

  • - That girls looks, like, years older than him. (laughs)

  • - So far, the song sounds pretty good.

  • - ♪ Every single place we go

  • You start a fight ♪ - This is so cute.

  • - ♪ ...then you kiss my neck

  • and take a bite ♪ - Oh, man.

  • - What the [bleep]?

  • - ♪ Everybody says I'm sleeping with the enemy

  • ♪ I don't even care if you're gonna be

  • the death of me ♪ - Oh, this is so greenscreened

  • it hurts. - ♪ ...a bad reputation

  • in my neighborhood ♪ - Oh my god.

  • I actually love their music. - ♪ You drive me mad

  • with temptation, 'cause it tastes so good

  • - Ooh, his voice is good.

  • - ♪ ...away even if I could ♪ ♪ It took one night,

  • one try, and... ♪ - ♪ I'm hooked

  • - Okay, all five of them. Okay! - (chuckles) I thought four of them

  • were the same person.

  • - ♪ I'm hooked ♪ - Okay, I'm kinda hooked.

  • - The song was good, but the music video

  • was kinda strange. Like...

  • the octopus just coming out of nowhere from the lake.

  • - I actually like these songs. Wow. Did I just find a new boy band

  • that I can fangirl over? Jackpot.

  • - ♪ I don't want a girl who gets a care for her sweet 16 ♪

  • Or spends a stack of dollar bills on a limousine

  • - I've never heard any of these songs.

  • I'm so surprised, 'cause they're good.

  • - ♪ What the hell are Louboutins? ♪ - ♪ Don't want no fake tan,

  • short skirt, daddy's money, don't work

  • Shop until you drop on the town ♪ - Yes. (snapping)

  • Go fix that tire, girl.

  • - I love this video, 'cause it's like girl power.

  • - He doesn't want someone who's just trying to be

  • like everyone else. He wants someone

  • who's smart and talented. - They're definitely for teen girls.

  • I think that's the crowd they're going for.

  • - ♪ Don't wanna die to get rich ♪ ♪ But she loves Fifty Cent, ow, ow

  • And all we used to dream about ♪ - Prom! Wow!

  • Oh my gosh. How exciting.

  • - Oh my god. Really? Prom? That's how you ask her to prom?

  • - I don't know. I just feel like all their music

  • is very... commercialized.

  • - ♪ It took a while... ♪ - These are cool shots.

  • I like the music video.

  • - Honestly, most of their videos, from what I've seen, is hella cool.

  • - ♪ ...out of me ♪ ♪ I don't really want... ♪

  • - I get One Direction vibes from them,

  • and it's really bringing back memories from my heart.

  • - ♪ And we don't need nothing else

  • - I just love love songs. I don't know why.

  • - I love that song. That's literally on my Spotify playlist.

  • Typical boy band music, but I still love their music.

  • - They're cute little love songs, I guess, and about girls,

  • and you know, like every boy band kind of sings about.

  • Like, girls and love and... it's cute.

  • - I get where they're going with it, but then it's also like,

  • ugh, it's sort of like that not-like-other-girls

  • kind of toxic trope. And I'm like, mm.

  • Like, okay, support your woman, but don't trash the other woman.

  • - ♪ I been all through the country ♪ ♪ From LA to Kentucky

  • Met a good girl in Houston, but she... ♪

  • - I love this music video, too.

  • - ♪ There are bad girls in Paris ♪ ♪ No, they wanna get married

  • In some beautiful... ♪ - Holy cow.

  • This is such a picture of 2019.

  • - (nasally) Oh, gotta get those emojis in there.

  • - ♪ Some go to college, some go to model

  • Some diggin' for that gold

  • - I'm not sure how much I like this song.

  • - ♪ Hollywood girl, tryna be like Rihanna

  • - ♪ Rihanna ♪ - ♪ Rihanna

  • - ♪ And I can't choose one, I just gotta be honest

  • - ♪ Oh, I don't know how to decide

  • - Oh, are they rating the girls?

  • - ♪ Too many girls... ♪ - Okay.

  • Why are they judging them? (chuckles)

  • - ♪ These girls ♪ - ♪ Are the ones who love

  • all of the drama ♪ - ♪ These girls

  • - (chuckles) My friends and I when we text.

  • - ♪ I can't help it, I just wanna love all

  • - Wow! They got bangers.

  • - I like that song. I like the beat,

  • but I'm not sure I like the message.

  • You shouldn't love all these girls. You should love one girl.

  • - They all have the same one-octave vocal range.

  • So, I'm like, none of them stand out, because it's like, oh,

  • I don't really hear any harmony.

  • - (man chuckles) Let's just get this pass right over your head here.

  • Okay. - I watched this one--

  • oh, I've watched more than I thought I have!

  • - (man) Hello, audio. All right. There we go.

  • - Ah, he put my headphones on. What a gentleman.

  • - (man) How about we try something different?

  • - I like the whole concept of the video with the earphones,

  • but it's an art museum.

  • (heart beating)

  • - That is every tour guide, I guess.

  • - ♪ Look at us ♪ ♪ We could paint a perfect picture

  • - Okay. This is a cool little art space.

  • - ♪ From your head to toe, I fit you

  • They follow us ♪ - Wow. (laughs)

  • This is very creative and out of the box,

  • all the videos, which makes me think

  • that this group is very innovative.

  • - ♪ I know what you're thinking ♪ ♪ I could spend my time

  • Feeling all the reasons ♪ ♪ What they know... ♪

  • - See, now this song sounds more beach-y.

  • But it's definitely young.

  • I feel like I'm definitely their demographic.

  • - Oh, that's cool.

  • - ♪ We on something different ♪ ♪ We on something, something, some

  • We on something different ♪ - They're really promoting, like,

  • "Oh, we're not like other boy bands, and you're not like the other girls,

  • so we make a match."

  • - I'm really liking these songs, and watching these cute boys.

  • - ♪ I need you in my life like limelight

  • Wherever I go I... ♪ - Wait. If there's five of them,

  • why do they all sing separately? They never sing together.

  • - ♪ ...I depend on you ♪ - ♪ You fly with me... ♪

  • - Just skipped that guy. (chuckles) - ♪ ...I depend on you ♪ - ♪ You fly with me... ♪

  • - Just skipped that guy. (chuckles)

  • - I'm just confused, 'cause I feel like I should know who they are.

  • - ♪ You're the view

  • - ♪ I only say it 'cause I really... ♪ - I bet that's the one girls like,

  • 'cause they're like, "Oh, he has a gap.

  • That's so cute." - I like that guy. He's my favorite.

  • - ♪ I ain't afraid of how you got me feeling

  • Sky's so clear when you're the view

  • Anywhere I go, I'm taking you

  • - You can't not dance.

  • - See? This is kind of a bop. I feel like this is music

  • that would play on the radio. But I wouldn't be like,

  • "Hey, Siri, play this."

  • But if it was on, I wouldn't turn it off.

  • - Every other band has already done what they've been doing!

  • Except they have new faces.

  • - They have good songs. And they're cute boys.

  • They're the next big thing. They're the next One Direction.

  • And that's a huge thing for me to say, because I'm always like, "Oh,

  • nobody could be the next One Direction."

  • - (FBE) So, those were all songs by the boy band Why Don't We.

  • - I love 'em. - (FBE) So, even though they were

  • formed in 2016 and they've only released one album so far,

  • they have become one of the most requested bands for us

  • to cover in a really long time. - Wow. That's pretty good.

  • - I'm sure the majority of the people who requested them were teenage girls.

  • - (FBE) So, from what you just saw, do you personally like their music?

  • - I like it. I'm not a huge fan. It's not special to me.

  • - It's so generic. I feel like it's just a waste

  • of a boy band if you all sing in unison.

  • - They're not bad. Yeah.

  • They might be a little too poppy for me, though.

  • - I really like their music, because it gives off

  • One Direction vibes, like the typical boy band.

  • They're cute. They have the looks.

  • They can all sing. They know how to dress.

  • They're stealing girls' hearts out here.

  • - (FBE) So, the band got their start on the internet like many

  • other artists today. - Oh, yeah. Like Justin Bieber.

  • Shawn Mendes. He's huge now.

  • - (FBE) And they've even collaborated with some internet personalities

  • like Logan Paul. And Logan Paul even directed

  • three of their music videos. - I strongly dislike Logan Paul,

  • but you do what you gotta do. So, I get--

  • it doesn't really change my opinion on them

  • just because they've worked with him.

  • - (FBE) As a teen whose generation is the first to witness

  • the merging of YouTube personalities and musicians, do you think

  • that more and more artists will utilize YouTube influencers

  • and platforms like social media more than they rely

  • on record labels and traditional marketing

  • for their success? - I would think they should

  • stick with record labels. Those are the big deal things

  • that'll get you on the radio, that'll get you concerts,

  • that'll get you EVERYTHING you need.

  • - A lot of people are blowing up 'cause of the internet,

  • 'cause of YouTube, 'cause of Instagram

  • from just these short little 15-second or 60-second videos of people singing.

  • For me, I just care about the talent, so I don't care if they're signed

  • with Sony or they're a YouTuber. If they're good, they're good.

  • That's my view. And I think a lot of other people feel that way, too.

  • - I think a lot of people who had a start on social media

  • for whatever reason kind of, out of the blue, decided

  • that they wanna-- "Oh, maybe I'll just do music."

  • But I still think that real talent is still being discovered,

  • and people are still being signed to record labels.

  • But hopefully, that will never get lost.

  • And hopefully, people don't have to have a million followers

  • in order to get a record deal.

  • - You used to need to have a ton of money

  • to be able to broadcast your own stuff.

  • And usually, the record label did that for you.

  • But now you have things like Instagram, Twitter, whatever,

  • to grow your own clout and release that on your own terms.

  • - (FBE) So, the band members actually all started off as solo artists

  • with their own music careers... - Oh, really?

  • - (FBE) ...before they came together and formed the group.

  • One of the members was even an American Idol contestant.

  • - Oh, really? I didn't even know that.

  • - (FBE) Three of the guys met while they were on a social media

  • meet and greet tour. And they were suggested by some fans

  • to start a boy band, to which they responded, "Why don't we?"

  • - Oh. And that's how they got their name. I like that.

  • - (FBE) So, why do you think that they maybe chose to continue

  • as a group instead of continuing their individual solo careers?

  • - I think you can get places a lot faster as a boy group.

  • It's a lot harder to break out as a solo artist than it is

  • to break out when there's five of you. (chuckles)

  • - Maybe they just got along together, and they realized

  • that they made music pretty well, like, they synergized.

  • - I guess boy bands are way more popular

  • than if they were doing it solo, because obviously they blew up.

  • Instead of having five separate things,

  • they could just have one collective thing

  • where they can make a lot of money.

  • - I feel like being in a group can pull all of the guys up together

  • or the group together basically. And eventually, once they get big,

  • I think they might start splitting up like One Direction.

  • I hope they stay together, but honestly,

  • they're probably breaking up eventually.

  • - Thanks for watching Teens React. Shoutout to Chloe and Swag Tiger28.

  • - Why don't we subscribe and hit that bell?

  • - Leave us a comment to let us know what artist we should react to next.

  • - Bye! - Hey, guys! Ethan here from FBE.

  • Thank you so much for watching this episode of Teens React.

  • Hey, if you wanna check out everything that we do here at FBE,

  • be sure to follow us on Twitter. You can follow us @fbe. Bye, guys.

- I love this video, 'cause it's like girl power.

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青少年對我們為什麼不這樣做? (Teens React To Why Don't We)

  • 59 2
    kayleigh.herron posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary