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  • James Joyce's "Ulysses" is widely considered to be both a literary masterpiece

    譯者: Dai-Yun Wu 審譯者: Sylvia He

  • and one of the hardest works of literature to read.

    「要學習,就得虛心。 然而人生就是一位偉大的老師。」

  • It inspires such devotion that once a year on a day called Bloomsday,

    --- 詹姆斯·喬伊斯的《尤利西斯》

  • thousands of people all over the world dress up like the characters,

    詹姆斯·喬伊斯的《尤利西斯》 被廣泛認為既是文學傑作,

  • take to the streets,


  • and read the book aloud.

    它激發人們創立一年一度的 「布魯姆日」,

  • And some even make a pilgrimage to Dublin

    在這天,來自世界各地的成千上萬人 會打扮成書中角色,

  • just to visit the places so vividly depicted in Joyce's opus.


  • So what is it about this famously difficult novel


  • that inspires so many people?


  • There's no one simple answer to that question,

    就為了參觀那些喬伊斯書中 栩栩如生的場景。

  • but there are a few remarkable things about the book


  • that keep people coming back.


  • The plot, which transpires over the course of a single day,


  • is a story of three characters:


  • Stephen Dedalus, reprised from Joyce's earlier novel,


  • "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man";


  • Leopold Bloom, a half-Jewish advertising canvasser for a Dublin newspaper;


  • and Bloom's wife Molly, who is about to embark on an affair.

    史蒂芬.迪達勒斯, 是喬伊斯早期小說

  • Stephen is depressed because of his mother's recent death.

    《一位青年藝術家的畫像》 裡同一個角色。

  • Meanwhile, Bloom wanders throughout the city.

    李奧波德.布魯姆-半猶太人, 是位都柏林報紙推銷商。

  • He goes to a funeral,

    布魯姆的太太-茉莉 在故事中有段風流韻事。

  • his work,


  • a pub,


  • and so on,

    他前後參加了一場喪禮, 去工作,去酒吧的等等。

  • avoiding going home because Molly is about to begin her affair.


  • Where it really starts to get interesting, though,


  • is how the story's told.


  • Each chapter is written in a different style.


  • 15 is a play,


  • 13 is like a cheesy romance novel,


  • 12 is a story with bizarre, exaggerated interruptions,

    第十二章是個古怪、 充滿誇張打岔的故事,

  • 11 uses techniques, like onomatopoeia, repetitions, and alliteration


  • to imitate music,

    例如擬聲法、重複 與押頭韻來呈現樂聲。

  • and 14 reproduces the evolution of English literary prose style,

    而第十四章則重現 英國文學寫作風格的演進,

  • from its beginnings in Anglo-Saxon right up to the 20th century.

    以盎格魯撒克遜為開端, 一路到二十世紀。

  • That all culminates in the final chapter


  • which follows Molly's stream of consciousness


  • as it spools out in just eight long paragraphs


  • with almost no punctuation.


  • The range of styles Joyce uses in "Ulysses"

    喬伊斯在《尤利西斯》中 使用的一系列風格

  • is one of the things that makes it so difficult,


  • but it also helps make it enjoyable.


  • And it's one of the reasons that the book is held up


  • as one of the key texts of literary modernism,


  • a movement characterized by overturning traditional modes of writing.


  • Joyce fills his narrative gymnastic routines


  • with some of the most imaginative use of language you'll find anywhere.


  • Take, for instance,


  • "The figure seated on a large boulder at the foot of a round tower


  • was that of a broadshouldered deepchested stronglimbed frankeyed redhaired

    肩寬胸厚、四肢強壯、 神情坦率、一頭紅髮、

  • freelyfreckled shaggybearded widemouthed largenosed longheaded deepvoiced

    滿臉雀斑、鬍子凌亂、闊嘴大鼻、 頭很長、嗓音低沈、光著膝蓋、

  • barekneed brawnyhanded hairlegged ruddyfaced sinewyarmed hero."

    手臂壯碩、腳上多毛、臉色紅潤、 肌肉發達、充滿英雄氣概。」

  • Here, Joyce exaggerates the description of a mangy old man in a pub

    喬伊斯在此誇飾了一位 酒吧裡的粗鄙男人,

  • to make him seem like an improbably gigantesque hero.

    好讓他看起來似乎 是個頂天立地的英雄。

  • It's true that some sections are impenetrably dense at first glance,

    這部作品裡有些部分 乍看之下的確複雜難解,

  • but it's up to the reader to let their eyes skim over them

    但它取決於讀者用什麼眼光去詮釋 或深入研究它。

  • or break out a shovel and dig in.


  • And once you start excavating the text,

    你會發現這本書 簡直是百科全書般的知識寶庫。

  • you'll find the book to be an encyclopedic treasure trove.


  • It's filled with all manner of references and allusions


  • from medieval philosophy to the symbolism of tattoos,


  • and from Dante to Dublin slang.

    如同書名顯示, 有些典故來自荷馬的《奧德賽》,

  • As suggested by the title, some of these allusions revolve around Homer's "Odyssey."

    每一章節的名稱都是 以《奧德賽》裡的角色或章節命名。

  • Each chapter is named after a character or episode from the "Odyssey,"

    然而這些文學引用經常是含糊、 具爭議性、諷刺,或偽裝的。

  • but the literary references are often coy, debatable, sarcastic, or disguised.

    舉例來說,荷馬筆下的奧德修斯 在經過了二十年漫長而艱辛的旅程後,

  • For example, Homer's Odysseus, after an epic 20-year-long journey,

    回到位於綺色佳(Ithaca)的家 與其忠貞的妻子團聚。

  • returns home to Ithaca and reunites with his faithful wife.

    相較之下, 喬伊斯筆下的布魯姆 則是在都柏林遊蕩了一整天,

  • In contrast, Joyce's Bloom wanders around Dublin for a day


  • and returns home to his unfaithful wife.


  • It's a very funny book.


  • It has highbrow intellectual humor,

    然而如果你有耐心深究 喬伊斯所引用的文獻典故,

  • if you have the patience to track down Joyce's references,


  • and more lowbrow dirty jokes.


  • Those, and other sexual references, were too much for some.

    在美國,這本書在刊完之前 就被審判、禁止和審查刪改,

  • In the U.S., the book was put on trial, banned, and censored


  • before it had even been completed

    作者不僅帶領《尤利西斯》的讀者們 體驗多樣化的文學風格,

  • because it was originally published as a serial novel.

    也帶他們經歷豐富 且令人震驚的精確遊覽,

  • Readers of "Ulysses" aren't just led through a variety of literary styles.


  • They're also given a rich and shockingly accurate tour

    1904 年的都柏林。

  • of a specific place at a time:

    喬伊斯曾說過, 倘若都柏林哪天被摧毀了,

  • Dublin in 1904.

    單憑這本書中的描述, 就能夠將它重建。

  • Joyce claimed that if Dublin were to be destroyed,


  • it could be recreated from the pages of this book.

    但這也顯示喬伊斯 精準地呈現細節的苦心。

  • While such a claim is not exactly true,

    關於這個家鄉城市, 大大小小的細節。

  • it does show the great care that Joyce took in precisely representing details,


  • both large and small, of his home city.


  • No small feat considering he wrote the entire novel

    《尤利西斯》這本困難的書 驗證了喬伊斯出眾的天賦。

  • while living outside of his native Ireland.

    有些人認為這本書 在沒有註解幫助的情況下,

  • It's a testament to Joyce's genius that "Ulysses" is a difficult book.

    令人難以理解喬伊斯 究竟想表達什麼。

  • Some people find it impenetrable without a full book of annotations


  • to help them understand what Joyce is even talking about.

    而樂趣不僅僅來自發現文章裡的典故 與解開書中難題的謎底。

  • But there's a lot of joy to be found in reading it,

    若你覺得它讀來困難、挫折感十足、 亦或是有趣,

  • more than just unpacking allusions and solving puzzles.

    那是因為人生正是如此, 或者更甚。

  • And if it's difficult, or frustrating, or funny,


  • that's because life is all that, and more.

    喬伊斯曾回應說, 若《尤利西斯》不值得閱讀,

  • Responding to some criticism of "Ulysses,"


  • and there was a lot when it was first published,

  • Joyce said that if "Ulysses" isn't worth reading,

  • then life isn't worth living.

James Joyce's "Ulysses" is widely considered to be both a literary masterpiece

譯者: Dai-Yun Wu 審譯者: Sylvia He

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