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  • Whether you're in San Francisco or Bangalore, Sicily or Rio de Janeiro, if you're looking to do an internet search, chances are Google is your go-to.

    不管是在舊金山、班加羅爾、西西里島,還是里約熱內盧,如欲上網找資料,你很有可能會選擇使用谷歌 (Google)。

  • The multinational tech company has cornered the search market, capturing roughly 90 percent of the global market share. But Google's domination hasn't extended everywhere.

    谷歌這家跨國科技公司已壟斷搜尋引擎的市場,在全世界的市場佔有率約 90%。不過谷歌並非在全世界都佔有優勢。

  • It's banned in China and Russia is one of the few countries where it lags behind.


  • Here, 55 percent of the market belongs to the homegrown company Yandex.

    在俄羅斯,55% 的市場被本土企業 Yandex 佔有。

  • So the Internet search market in Russia is very interesting. It's kind of anomalous globally in that it's not like most other markets.


  • So the biggest search engine in the Russian market is Yandex.

    俄羅斯最大的搜尋引擎是 Yandex。

  • But the second biggest is Google, and So really it's basically a duopoly between Yandex and Google.

    不過第二大的是谷歌,以及俄羅斯的谷歌,所以 Yandex 與谷歌基本上是雙頭寡佔市場。

  • Today, Yandex has 65 percent of the market share on desktop search queries.

    現今,Yandex 佔桌面搜尋市場的 65%。

  • And while Google still leads the mobile market, it has recently lost ground.


  • In 2017 it had 60 percent of the mobile market share, but by 2018 it was down to 53 percent, largely thanks to an antitrust suit Yandex brought against Google.

    2017 年時,谷歌有 60% 的通訊市場佔有率,然而 2018 年時卻掉至 53%,很大的原因是因為 Yandex 對谷歌提出「反壟斷」的訴訟。

  • So why do the majority of Russia's 144.5 million citizens choose Yandex? Yandex launched in 1997 a year before Google.

    所以,為何在人口數達 1.445 億的俄羅斯裡,大部分的人都選擇 Yandex?Yandex 於 1997 年上市,比谷歌早一年。

  • But Google didn't even move into the Russian market until 2004.

    但是谷歌直到 2004 年才進軍俄羅斯市場。

  • Yandex had a big head start on Google, which enabled it to get this dominant position during the infancy of the industry.

    與谷歌相比,Yandex 取得很大的先機,在該產業剛起步時,得到了舉足輕重的地位。

  • Today of course, it's not just a search engine. It's actually the biggest technology company in Russia. It's the biggest media company in Russia.

    當然今日的 Yandex 不只是搜尋引擎,它儼然成為俄羅斯最大的科技公司,也是俄羅斯最大的媒體公司。

  • And while Google has been in Russia for 15 years now, experts say Yandex is still better at interpreting Russian language searches, even if there are misspellings or grammatical errors.

    即使谷歌已進駐俄羅斯 15 年,專家表示 Yandex 仍然比較善於理解俄語的搜尋詞條,就算有錯字或文法錯誤也不影響。

  • You know, Yandex is developed as a Russian language search engine.

    畢竟 Yandex 被開發為俄語版的搜尋引擎。

  • And the morphology of the Russian language, not to mention the alphabet even, from a very basic level is quite different from that of English.


  • Russian is a highly inflected language. Words can have up to 20 different endings.

    俄語是非常有屈折變化的語言,單字可以有 20 種不同的詞尾。

  • There are three possible genders for each noun and gender affects the rest of the words in the sentence.


  • So perhaps it's no surprise that the Russian market is better served by a company comprised of native speakers.


  • Additionally, Yandex does a better job of serving Russians living abroad where there are no Russian keyboards. When Cyrillic lettering isn't an option, Russian speakers phonetically spell out Russian words.

    另外,對非居住在俄國本地,且沒有俄語輸入法鍵盤的的俄羅斯人來說,Yandex 提供更好的服務。當無法選擇斯拉夫字母輸入法時,俄語母語者可以用發音的方式拼出俄文。

  • This is called "CrazyFont."


  • So it's basically Russian terms written in the Latin alphabet.


  • And that's quite difficult for Google to really handle. So that's something that Yandex again, it has that built into it.

    這是谷歌難以應對的情形。而這個內建的功能又是 Yandex 另一樣優勢。

  • Like Google, Yandex has expanded far beyond its origins as a search engine.

    跟谷歌一樣,Yandex 不自限於當初搜尋引擎的身分。

  • It offers email, cloud and online payment services, streaming music, news aggregation, live traffic maps, and Yandex.Taxi, which merged with Uber last year.

    它提供信箱、雲端、線上付款服務、串流音樂、聚合器、即時交通地圖,以及去年和 Uber 合併的 Yandex 計程車服務。

  • It is testing self-driving cars and building out its e-commerce unit called Yandex.Market.

    同時也在測試自駕汽車,並建造名為 Yandex.Market 的電子商務裝置。

  • But the Russian government has increasing control over Yandex.

    但是俄國政府增加了對 Yandex 的控制權。

  • In 2017, Russia implemented the news aggregator law, which requires sites like Yandex to be responsible for all content on its platform.

    2017 年,俄國實施了聚合器法,即需要像是 Yandex 的網站來負責其平台上的內容管控。

  • So now, Yandex .News only aggregates from sources with official media licenses, which gives the state greater control over what news gets surfaced. Sites deemed extremist are blocked.

    所以,現在 Yandex 只從有官方媒體執照的資料來源取得新聞,讓政府有更大的權力可以掌控檯面上的新聞。被視為是極端分子的網站皆被封鎖了。

  • The Russian authorities are increasingly categorizing political information as a form of extremism.


  • You know, they don't have the permission to protest on the day they want to protest in the place they want to protest, so they call that extremism.


  • Yandex has little choice but to comply. But for a global company like Google, which positions itself as a champion of freedom of information, state regulations may be harder to swallow.

    Yandex 沒有什麼選擇餘地,只能遵從,然而像是谷歌這家自我定位為「資訊自由」擁護者的全球企業,就很難遵從政府的規定了。

  • The greater surveillance of online traffic in Russia, that does propose something of an ethical issue for Western companies like Google, particularly if your slogan was "Don't be evil."


  • However, Russians don't necessarily view Google as inherently more trustworthy than Yandex.

    可是,俄國不必將谷歌視為本來就比 Yandex 更可靠的存在。

  • The revelations from Edward Snowden and the activities of the NSA etc. have actually gotten quite a bit of play in Russian media.

    Edward Snowden 接露的真相,以及美國國家安全局 (NSA) 的活動,確實有所操縱了俄國媒體。

  • And so a lot of Russian users would have a distrust of Google, as an American or a Western company.


  • There's an understanding that Russian security agencies are monitoring traffic through Yandex. There's an expectation that will happen.

    大家有個認知,就是俄國安全局正透過 Yandex 監控網上的交流往來,正是可預期的事情。

  • And there is similarly among Russians an expectation that even if Western countries don't say it out loud, they're doing similar things online.


  • So McDowell says many Russians figure they might as well support their local company.

    所以 McDowell 指出,許多俄國人認為他們也要支持本土企業。

  • Google did not comment on its future plans in Russia but said in a statement to CNBC that while it remains committed to enabling access to information.

    谷歌沒有對未來在俄國的計畫發表意見,但有向 CNBC 透漏:公司會繼續提供資訊管道。

  • "We consider all valid requests from government bodies and require advertisers to comply with local law and our general advertising policies".


  • I mean, I think Google really wants to be in Russia because it's a big market. It's a really big market.


  • But it's tricky for them, because the kind of Google, Google has to be to be successful in Russia, it doesn't really go with the Google that you and I know from the US, the UK and other markets.


Whether you're in San Francisco or Bangalore, Sicily or Rio de Janeiro, if you're looking to do an internet search, chances are Google is your go-to.

不管是在舊金山、班加羅爾、西西里島,還是里約熱內盧,如欲上網找資料,你很有可能會選擇使用谷歌 (Google)。

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