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hi this is Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question a
little disclaimer I do not speak Korean and this video is going to be about two
words that I am asked a lot about how do I say the word career or your occupation
and Korea the country I am sure that in the country of Korea I am pronouncing
their country completely wrong however I am going to teach you how to say this in
American English and surprisingly this question comes from a lot of my Korean
students and viewers so here you go everybody
all right we're number one is ka rear key here is we are going to have two
syllables ka rear for the second word Korea the country we're going to have 3
syllables most often I hear people say ka re ah I also hear people say core e
uh in both cases the big difference here is that we are going to use 3 syllables
for the country and 2 for the occupation so listen to those words again career
career career Korea Korea Korea career Korea the diplomat had a long career in
Korea give it a try I know people are going to notice the
difference if you have a comment please leave it in the comment section below
but again keep in mind I am only teaching you in American English so
please no comments on how I pronounced it wrong so I'm sure I totally
pronounced it incorrectly when you pronounce it in different countries if
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thank you so much and I hope to see you again soon