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  • Imagine having so many children, you could run a factory.


  • That's what Moulay Ismail's family looked like.


  • He was a brutal emperor of the Moroccan Alaouite Dynasty from 1672 to 1727, and he was reported to have had at least 1,171 children.

    他是摩洛哥阿拉維王朝的一名暴君,執政時期從 1672 到 1727 年,而且據說他膝下至少有 1,171 個孩子。

  • But he wasn't the only one who used his power to sleep with hundreds of women, whether they were interested or not.


  • Other rulers like Augustus the Strong, and Genghis Khan had hundreds of children, and while these were some of the more ruthless rulers of their time, it raises a more fundamental scientific question. [How many children can a human have in a lifetime?]


  • Women can reproduce for about half their lifetime and can only give birth about once every year or so, so it makes sense that women can only have a fraction as many children as men.


  • One study estimated that women can have around 15 pregnancies in a lifetime, and depending on how many babies she gives birth to at a time, a woman can probably have around 15 to 30 children max.

    一個研究估計女人一生大約能夠有 15 次的妊娠。取決於她一次能生下幾個孩子,一個女人終其一生最多大約能夠生 15 到 30 個孩子。

  • But the most prolific mother ever, according to Guinness World Records, was Mrs. Feodor Vassilyev in 19th-century Russia.

    但根據金氏世界紀綠記載,有史以來最多產的母親是 19 世紀俄羅斯的 Feodor Vassilyev 夫人。

  • She is said to have given birth to 69 children over 27 pregnancies.

    據說她一生共懷孕了 27 次,生下了 69 個孩子。

  • That's a lot for one woman, but that's nothing compared to our friend from earlier, Moulay Ismail.


  • According to records, he had four wives and 500 women in his harem.

    根據記載,他的後宮裡有四位妻子和 500 名女人。

  • But there are factors that not even an emperor can control, like how a man's sperm becomes less mobile and more abnormal as he grows older, which ultimately reduces his chances of fathering children later in life.


  • In fact, studies suggest that men over 50 have an up to 38% lower chance of impregnating a woman compared to men under 30.

    事實上,研究表明超過 50 歲的男性比起 30 歲以下的男性,能夠讓女性受孕的機會降低了 38%。

  • For Ismail, he fathered most of his children relatively young, so by age 57, he had an estimated 1,171 kids.

    對於伊斯梅爾來說,他的孩子大部分出世在他比較年輕的時候。而根據估計,他在 57 歲時便已經有了 1,171 個孩子。

  • But he wasn't the only man in history with tons of progeny.


  • Augustus the Strong was king of 18th-century Poland, and he had a long distance relationship with his wife.

    「強力王」奧古斯特是 18 世紀時波蘭的國王,並與妻子是遠距離分居。

  • So, of course that didn't stop him from fathering a rumored 370 children by mistresses.

    於是這當然無法阻礙他和情婦們生下據傳有 370 名的孩子。

  • And Genghis Khan, notorious for conquering large areas of 13th-century Asia, is estimated to have had between 1,000 and 2,000 children.

    還有在 13 世紀以征服廣闊的亞洲地區而聞名的成吉思汗,估計也有 1000 到 2000 個孩子。

  • In fact, by tracking types of Y chromosomes, scientists estimate that up to 16 million men today, who live in regions that Khan conquered, could have been descendants of him or his close male relatives.

    事實上,藉由追蹤 Y 染色體,科學家預估現今有 1600 萬生活在成吉思汗曾征服過地區的人們很有可能是他,或是他男性近親的後代。

  • But did these men really reach their maximum human possibility?


  • Turns out the records on Ismail only spanned 32 years of his life.

    其實,史料只記載了伊斯梅爾人生中的 32 年。

  • By one calculation, he really could have had hundreds more.


  • If you compare that to men in more modern times, the most prolific fathers today have about 200 children.

    如果和現代的人比較,現今最多產的父親大約有 200 個孩子。

  • That's nowhere near 1,171, and honestly, it's probably for the best.

    遠遠不及 1,171 個。而老實說,這樣或許也比較好。

Imagine having so many children, you could run a factory.


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