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Hi, I'm Bruce Daisley.
嗨,我是 Bruce Daisley。
I work at Twitter but in my spare time, I've been studying work culture and how we can be happier at work.
我在 Twitter 工作,但我都利用閒暇時間來研究職場文化還有快樂工作的訣竅。
Work has become this sort of colossal game of Jenga where we're trying to add things on top or still keep everything standing up and stable.
I've put together some thoughts on ways that we can make our lives a lot less stressful.
Half of all people who check their emails outside of work hours show signs of high levels of stress.
The very easiest thing you can do to reduce your stress levels from work is take the number off your email app; that single act is the simplest thing we can do to reduce our stress levels.
減輕工作壓力最簡單的方法就是把未讀信件數量的標示從電子信箱 app上面關掉;單單這樣一個動作就能輕鬆減少我們的壓力。
The second best change that anyone can make is to take a lunch break.
The habit of eating 'al desco' has become so common now it's contributing to an increase in our stress levels and I understand when you're sitting at your desk you're thinking you've got a hundred emails left walking away and taking a break can feel really counter-intuitive but scientists have found the best way to ensure that you feel energized is to take that pause.
You might want to try a monk mode morning.
More and more of us are finding it get hard to get things done because of all the interruptions.
A guy called Cal Newport who's a professor at Georgetown University in Washington, he wrote a book called Deep Work and one of the ideas he gave was that we should think about having a monk mode morning.
一位在華盛頓州喬治城大學的 Cal Newport 教授寫了一本書叫 Deep Work,其中就有提到人們應該要有「和尚模式」這樣的概念。
Well monk mode is where we go somewhere that is silent, there's no interruptions, we maybe get a block of ninety minutes work done, maybe twice a week, then we go to the office as normal, added advantages we've missed the commute, and got our emails and our meetings done.
「和尚模式」是指大概一星期兩次去安靜無外界干擾的地方辦公約 90 分鐘,然後再像平常那樣進辦公室工作,這樣做的附加價值是不用通勤,但還是能回覆電郵、開會、處理完公事。
Some interesting research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows that one of the best ways to increase workplace creativity is to increase the amount of chat and actually that can be chat about last night's TV, that can be chat about what's happening in sports games because normally those conversations then lead to work discussions.
It's a strange thing that by encouraging people to have more chats we're actually going to be achieving more at work.
But the research seems to suggest that the most creative offices are the ones that chat the most.
Ben Waber, one of the researchers, said that one of the best ways to increase creativity in your office is to move the location of the coffee machine.
其中一位研究者 Ben Waber 說移動咖啡機在辦公室的位置也是增進創意的妙方之一。
By having the coffee machine, the kettle, the water cooler, in a different place you'll actually lead to more people having discussions, conversations.
Scientists have found that one of the biggest barriers to being creative in our jobs is stress, and all of us with our phones feel more stressed than ever before.
You need to give yourself permission to have a digital Sabbath, to take time away from your work at the weekend, for a bit of refreshment, a bit of renewal.
Discourage your boss from emailing at the weekend because it leads to people feeling anxious when they come back to work on Monday.
Anxious people can't be creative.
I think in the current world we often celebrate overwork and people working long hours.
The magazine profiles we read, the TV profiles we see are about people who work these enormous long working weeks.
And in fact all of the evidence is starting to point to the fact that maybe that's not the best idea.
Maybe 40 hours of work a week is the right amount.
一週工作 40 小時差不多。
Use our breaks and our evenings as times to re-energize ourselves so when we come back to our desks we're full of life.
Doing 40 hours of work is probably enough.
一週工作 40 小時大概就足夠了。