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  • Hello naturals, how are you today?

  • If you have never seen me before if this is your first time here, let me introduce myself

  • My name is Gabby Wallace and I am an English teacher

  • From the United States with over 17 years of experience

  • And a master's degree in teaching English as a second language

  • I love learning languages and I speak Portuguese

  • Spanish and a little French and a little Japanese

  • Anyway, I'm here to help you to speak English like a natural which means like a native speaker

  • The way that people really speak English

  • Conversationally in the real world

  • So it's time to close your textbook and watch this lesson

  • Today we're talking about five words that you're probably not

  • Using correctly five words that you can stop using or perhaps change the word that you're using to

  • Express what you really want to say?

  • So if that sounds interesting and you'd like to improve the way you speak English today

  • Then let's begin

  • Just before I share these five

  • important words that you need to stop using I

  • Want you to know that I put together all of the best go natural English tips strategies

  • practice ideas

  • into an

  • E-book for you, actually an audio ebook

  • You can get that the English fluency formula by clicking up there or going to

  • slash ebook

  • Okay, let's begin with the first of five words that you really need to stop using

  • the first word may come as a surprise its

  • teacher

  • So it may come as a surprise

  • Because the word teacher is not a bad word to use but we don't use it in the same way

  • in American English as you may use it in

  • Your language. I noticed that a lot of my English students. Call me teacher and

  • we don't do that in the United States when students want to address their teacher or

  • Their professor they use the teacher's name. So it's more appropriate to say

  • Gabi or

  • Miss Wallace or professor Wallace?

  • since I

  • Have been a university professor. I'm used to being called professor Wallace

  • or when I teach more

  • casual English

  • Conversational classes I'm used to being called Gabby. So please call me and

  • Your other teachers at least your English teachers by their names

  • It's always safe to ask your teacher

  • What should I call you? Do you want me to call you teacher or?

  • Gabby or Miss Wallace or

  • Professor Wallace, it's always a good idea to ask if you're not sure

  • number two the word

  • must

  • You are probably over using this word because English textbooks teach you to use must

  • for

  • important situations a textbook might say you must

  • study English or you must turn off the lights before you go to sleep, but

  • Native English speakers don't use must as often as your textbook would lead you to believe in

  • fact the only

  • situation when I use must is

  • not to talk about

  • important

  • commands or important actions I

  • use must when I want to share a

  • logical guess

  • for

  • example I

  • See people out in the street are wearing coats. It must be cold outside

  • so I'm making a logical guess and that is how

  • Native English speakers use the modal verb

  • must

  • Most often when we want to say something is very important

  • Like I'm making an important suggestion then we use should

  • And I know what your textbook says, that should is

  • Less strong. It's weaker than must and must is when you want to really show something is very important

  • but the reality is

  • Trust me on this one that native speakers. Do not use the modal verb a must like they used to and

  • even less common is

  • Mustn't in the negative. This is very very old

  • Archaic English that is not used anymore

  • Sure, there's always going to be someone who

  • Comments and says, but I use must I here mustn't used all the time. That's fine

  • but my reality as a native English speaker with over 17 years of experience teaching English and living in

  • English-speaking countries is that people do not use must?

  • like your textbook tells you so trust me on this one and

  • Mustn't is gonna make you sound like you're 80 years old. So you mustn't use mustn't please don't do it

  • third

  • don't say

  • Goodnight when you actually mean good evening

  • Don't use good night as a greeting we can use good night to say. Goodbye

  • for example

  • If you went to dinner with your friends and you're leaving the restaurant and you're going your separate ways

  • You could say have a good night or good nights

  • But good night is most commonly used when you're just about to go to sleep maybe

  • with your family and you're living in the same house and you're going to go to your bedroom get in bed and

  • Sleep you would say goodnight. So if you want to greet people at nighttime, it's better to say good evening

  • This is a little formal but people do say good evening

  • We don't say good night to greet each other. It's only to say goodbye

  • to finalize a

  • Conversation we have two more words that you really should not use and actually number four is two words. So

  • Thanks. God is a huge mistake

  • That you all do quite a lot and we don't say. Thanks God

  • This is a phrase we use. Thank God

  • To express some kind of relief. Oh

  • Thank god

  • It's not raining. I can go outside without my umbrella, but we never say thanks God

  • This is for when you want to directly

  • thank someone like

  • Thanks to you

  • We are studying English together or thanks to YouTube. We are studying English together

  • Similarly, we wouldn't say thanks you we say thank you. So we say thank God

  • so just remember no s

  • similarly number five our final word that I see a lot of you having trouble with making this mistake with is

  • advice never say

  • advices because advice is a non countable noun and we're never going to make it plural so

  • Thank you for your advice

  • I

  • Really appreciate your advice

  • Could you give me some advice? Is this a nice t-shirt? Should I wear this t-shirt again? Thank you for your fashion advice

  • So that's just an example of how you could use the word advice. It's never ever

  • Going to be in the plural, so just to recap

  • Don't call your teacher teacher

  • Don't overuse must use it more for logical guesses. Don't use goodnight to greet people and

  • Don't use

  • Thanks. God only thank God and

  • Advice only in the singular because it's a non-count noun. So I hope that this was helpful

  • And I think that if you make these changes your English is going to improve a lot

  • don't get down or feel sad if you were making these mistakes because everyday

  • We're learning how to improve our English little by little I'm a language learner, too

  • And I know what it feels like to make mistakes

  • I would like you to stop feeling bad about making mistakes and start looking at mistakes as a good opportunity to

  • learn

  • So today is a great day to make a mistake and we'll learn from it

  • Let me know if you have any questions comments. Tell me in the comments below if you liked this video

  • Share it with your friends

  • Make sure to subscribe to go natural English here on youtube visit

  • our blog for all of our awesome lessons at

  • slash blog and as I mentioned you can get the English fluency formula audio ebook when you click right up there or come to

  • E book. Alright. Bye for now

Hello naturals, how are you today?

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  • 341 11
    Cerulean posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary