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- [Collins] You challenged me to eat
the worst reviewed century egg.
- [Both] Ooh!
- What!
- And you challenged me to eat the worst
reviewed jellyfish noodles.
My stomach's already goin'!
- These are coming from the worst reviewed restaurants.
- [Both] Ooh no!
- You have to eat that!
- That looks like tar!
And the reviews said the smell would be bad,
but this is way worse than I expected.
- [Devan] And the reviews on mine said they would be
rubbery and slimy.
They were not exaggerating!
- Alright, so I'm gonna be taking a bite of this thing here.
Just kinda wanna split it open.
- [Both] Ooh!
- [Collins] It's like, all gooey on the inside!
If this was a dumpling I would be excited.
But it's an egg!
I guess just kinda like, go for it?
I don't know.
Here we go.
Three ...
- [Both] Two, one.
- No!
- Whoa!
- I feel so bad for you dude!
- Whoa! - Are you okay?
I can't even speak.
- Wait!
- What?
(Collins yelling) You can't say ...
Okay, I was like, there's no way!
- Zero stars!
(Collins screaming)
- Time to eat my Jellyfish noodles.
And dude, if yours was that bad,
I wonder how bad this is gonna be, bro.
Okay, while you eat that I'm gonna spin
my mystery wheel for the next food.
Here we go!
- Dude it's jigglin' and wigglin'.
- Alright, let's see what my next food is!
I've got tilapia next.
Yo dude!
It's a full fish!
- Oh, wow!
Alright, well now it's time to try mine, I guess.
Three ...
Two ...
- [Collins] Hope it doesn't like, sting you man.
- Mm.
- What?
Is it good?
- It's super spicy!
And it's got like, little strings in it, bro!
- Maybe those are the things that sting you.
- Mm-mm.
- You don't think so?
- So, the jellyfish was actually alright.
It was more the spice that I didn't like.
- I gotta eat my tilapia.
- I hope it's something good, dude.
- Ooh!
- Aah!
- Dude, it's so bony!
- Wait, what?
Quesadillas a los chapulines?
- What is that?
- I have no clue.
Alright, here's mine.
Just quesadillas?
- I found my piece of fish.
I just gonna go for a bite on this thing.
- And I found a bug, bro!
- Dude! - There's a bug in here!
- There's a bug in your food?
- Ooh!
My food is the bug, bro!
- Oh my gosh!
- It's cricket quesadillas, bro!
- Oh my god!
Dude, no wonder it got such a low review, bro!
- [Devan] That's what the trampolines are!
- Ooh!
I don't think that's how you say it, Devan.
Hopefully I don't get a bone because this stuff
is super bony.
Three ..
- [Both] Two ...
- [Devan] Ooh! (Collins grunting)
Oh! - Ow!
- Oh! - Ow!
- I heard crunching and cracking!
You got bones.
- Aah!
- [Both] Ooh!
- The fish was great until I got hit with the bone.
Ow! - Ooh!
- Okay, lets see how yours tastes, man
- I can't believe I have to take a bite of this thing.
- Well, I've got a blender here.
We're going to be adding these ingredients in
and drinking it at the end of the video.
- And I have to blend this up?
- [Collins] We gotta blend up your crickets stuff, bro.
But right no you gotta take a bite of that.
- Ready?
- Ooh, man!
(Devan grunting) Ooh!
I can see his legs!
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
- If you don't think about it,
it tastes like a crunchy quesadilla.
- What?
But I still give it a zero star bro.
Alright, right now we're on to the next one.
- Oh, now that is a one star sushi plate.
- Wait!
Oh my goodness.
- Oh no, bro.
Those are the beans?
- [Both] Ooh!
- [Collins] What is that, bro!
It is like, gelatinous and undulating hell.
- [Both] Ooh!
- [Collins] Why is it stringy?
- [Devan] It's like spider eggs!
Look how wack mine looks, bro.
I can't get over this.
Done adding this.
- Well how about this Devan.
Would you like to have some of my kale?
- No!
- Here you go, are you sure?
(both screaming) Oh my gosh!
- [Devan] What was that? (Collins laughing)
- Oh my gosh!
- No way! (Collins laughing)
I think what I'm gonna do now is try to mix it up.
- Alright, well now it's time to
taste my sushi and see how it ...
Ooh my gosh it's dripping.
See how it tastes, man.
Three ...
- [Both] Two ...
- Ooh!
- What! - No!
- Nope!
- Alright first I just gotta ...
(Devan gagging)
Gotta mix it up.
- The egg is getting it all stringy, man.
- Ready?
Alright, here we go.
- Oh man!
Oh dude, it's like it's stringing off your mouth.
No way.
Is it good?
- It has like, no taste.
But a wax taste.
And it's like, webs.
- Right into the blender.
And we'll be blending it up at the end.
Let's spin the wheel!
And for this one you challenged us
to try the worst reviewed French food.
Let's see what we got here.
- Wait, escargot?
- I got French onion soup.
- [Both] Ooh!
- [Collins] What is that?
- [Devan] I thought that would look a lot prettier.
- Bro, looks like a liver!
Let's see what your escargot is.
- [Devan] That's interesting.
Ya know what?
I need to figure out what this is.
- Wait a minute.
No way!
Dude, there's a full onion in it!
Well I guess it's time to taste
the worst reviewed onion soup.
Sorry it just dropped off, man.
This looks like every food except soup, man.
It looks like pasta.
I just wanna get as much of the flavor
in this thing as possible.
That is a heaping sporkful.
Alright, I guess here we go.
Three ...
- Two ... - It smelled like an onion.
(triumphant music)
- What?
- Whoa!
It is so good!
- [Devan] Whoa!
You really like this stuff.
- Mm-hmm!
- Alright then.
- Although it might look kinda weird,
I give it five stars, man!
- I don't even know how to do this.
I think I'm gonna maybe break it in half.
- [Collins] Ooh!
- [Both] Ooh!
- No! - What!
Wait a minute!
The stuff on the top is just garlic!
- Ooh!
That's what it smelled like garlic!
- [Collins] Yeah, that's the snails in the middle!
- Think about it, Devan.
If they didn't put like a half inch layer of garlic
to cover up the snails, how bad do the snails taste?
- I don't even wanna--- - You gonna pick up a snail?
- Yeah, I don't even wanna ...
- [Collins] Oh my gosh!
- Oh, man! - Wow!
- [Devan] I guess I'll put it there.
- [Collins] Yep, and then just gonna have
to take a bite of it, Devan.
You ready?
- Yeah, I'm open to try somethin' new.
Alright, three ...
Two ...
- First Five Seconds to Subscribe Challenge!
We wanna see if you can subscribe to this channel
and turn on the channel post notifications
in five second!
Five ...
Four ...
Three ...
Two ...
If you can do that, comment down below
Keyper Squad right now.
- Ready?
- [Collins] Oh my gosh!
- Oh!
- What was that?
You think there's shell in it?
- Aah!
It's spicy!
- Why is it spicy?
And why is there shell in it, bro?
(Devan hacking)
- Its rubbery, bro.
(Devan yelling)
I give it a one.
- Alright, gonna add this to the blenders.
Let's see what our next one is.
- [Both] Three ...
Two ...
Wait, what?
Sriracha noodles? - Yo dude,
I have purple pancakes with green slime.
And it's called taro pancakes.
- [Devan] What is this?
I think this is garlic!
- Ew!
- [Devan] Wow, these are not great noodles, bro.
- I have no clue what this is.
It's like some sorta mystery sauce or something, man.
Dude, the green mixed with the purple
is turning it like, brown.
Alright, well the mystery sauce is on.
- [Devan] Now that you've added your sauce,
it's time to add my garlic, dude.
Oh, it's going to be so spicy!
- It is now time to take a bite of these
and see how they taste.
And so Devan I think you should go first, man.
- Yeah, I think I should.
Three ...
Two ...
- That was a quick bite, bro.
(Devan whining)
- Oh, is it spicy?
- That's so spicy!
- Those noodles are like, super duper spicy?
- Yeah!
- Be careful, man.
You're flipping your noodles everywhere, bro.
- I give it a one!
I mean, it is as advertised.
- Alright, let's see how the pancake tastes.
I can take the pancake and get all
the weird sauce all over it.
Just like that.
I can just kinda go for a bite.
Here we go.
Three ...
- [Both] Two, one.
- Ah!
What does it taste like?
Oh my gosh!
Ten stars! - What?
- Alright, right now we're on to the next one.
Time to spin the wheels.
Here we go.
- [Both] Three, two, one.
- And for this one you challenged us
to try the worst reviewed Italian food.
Oh, I got purple, alright. - What'd I get?
Bone marrow risotto, dude?
- [Collins] I got squid ink pasta.
- Huh.
- [Both] Whoa!
- [Collins] You can literally pick up
all the noodles in one hand.
- Ooh! - Oh, dude so wait.
That's the bone marrow.
- Oh, there's a hair!
There's a little hair. - No way!
- Dude, listen to the bread.
Hold on.
That's like, hard as a rock.
I just realized the stuff on the top,
this is actual squid.
- What is this at the bottom?
They look like crushed up peas.
In the reviews they did say
that this was a little over seasoned.
- Ooh!
All you have to do with the noodles
is peel them apart just like this.
- I don't know if this is normal but I see a vein.
I don't wanna eat my veins.
- It's like a nerve.
To try out mine I wanna get a little bit of everything.
I wanna get a little bit of the rock bread.
And I wanna put a little bit of noodles on here like this.
Of course we gotta get some bits of the squid.
Alright, well it's time to find out what
my squid ink noodles taste like.
- [Devan] Dude, this is gonna be weird.
- No!
Dude I just noticed,
it's a squid tentacle with suction cups on it!
Three ...
- [Both] Two ...
- One!
- I lose a couple pieces, sorry.
I'm not stalling.
(crickets chirping)
I'm just confused.
Three ...
Two ...
- [Both] One.
- Ooh.
It is?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- It's weird.
It's spicy!
- I don't recommend eating this on a first date
because you'll end up with everything in your teeth.
- Is it everywhere?
- Yeah, you look like a fool.
Gotta put some of this green stuff on here.
- I still don't even know what that is.
- Alright, ready?
- No, you can't just bite it!
That is a bone!
- I guess I just gotta use a spoon.
- It's so weird.
It's kinda like gelatinous in a way, man.
- Whoa!
Three, two, one.
The texture is shuddering.
- This is not a favorite of yours.
- It's so greasy.
It lives up to it's one star review,
and I give it a half a star.
- Whoa!
Alright, we're gonna add this to the blender.
Let's spin the wheels and for this one ...
Not again! - Whoah!
- You challenged us to try the
worst reviewed Chinese food.
- [Devan] Wait, what?
Stinky Tofu.
- [Collins] What, I got Tripe soup.
I don't even know what this stuff is, man.
Looks kinda like a brain.
I'm confused.
- Alright, time to see if mine lives up to it's name.
You ready?
- Yup.
I don't smell anything.
Yeah, it's not bad at all.
- (sniffing) Ooh!
It's like dog breath!
Just take a whiff.
(Collins screaming)
I can't imagine ordering this, bro.
I feel like this would linger for a week.
- Alright, look at that!
Look at that hat stringy looking ...
- Oh boy!
- Alright, time to see how this thing tastes!
So here we go, man.
- Wait, you know what this is, right?
- No, I don't.
- It's the inner lining of a cow's stomach.
- Nope, done.
That's it.
- The mystery wheel picked it though.
You gotta do it.
I guess I'll put some egg on mine.
A little bit of this rice here.
- And your stinky tofu.
- I didn't choose the stinky life.
Dude, I'm about to eat dog breath that's food.
This is gonna be rough.
You ready?
- Yep!
- Three, two ...
- Oh man. - One.
- (laughing) Trying not to breath.
Is it a little bit tough?
Oh boy.
- It's spicy.
- Devan doesn't like spice.
- Man, the eggs!
Mixed with it, man.
(exhaling) - Ah, hey!
- Does it smell good?
- Not at all.
- My review for this would be a zero.
The taste is not worth the breath
you're gonna have for a week.
- I can attest to that.
Your breath's pretty bad right now.
Here we go!
Let's see how this tastes, bro.
I don't even know how to ...
- (screeching) Aah!
- That perfectly describes how you must feel right now.
- So it I guess we just gotta go for it.
Three, two, one. (yelping)
I have psyched myself up for this one, bro.
A lot of emotions.
A lot of feelings.
A lot of energy.
A lot of everything right now, man.
- You can do it, you got it just--
- I know, ah!
- Oh, wait!
Oh yeah, Three Second Like Challenge!
We wanna see if you can like this video
in three seconds.
You ready?
Here we go.
- [Both] Three ...
Two ...
- Dude.
It's that little bit that's hanging.
- [Devon] Ay-yi-yi!
(muffled screaming)
- Yo, that was the worst thing I have ever like, texture!
Time to add the foods to the blender.
Let's spin the wheels.
And for this one you challenged us
to try the worst reviewed American food.
Ooh no!
- Wait, what?
Chicken fried steak?
- [Collins] Lobster mac and cheese.
- [Both] Ooh!
- [Collins] What?
It's like dripping out juice!
Let's see what yours is.
- Alright.
I mean, it could look worse.
- [Collins] It's stuck on there!
- [Devan] Stuck on it.
- The weirdest thing is that the mac and cheese
doesn't look creamy at all, man.
It's just like noodles.
It's got lobster meat in it,
but look at this!
It's also got lobster shell.
- You gotta watch where you eat.
There's other pieces of it too.
Look at this!
- [Devan] guess I'm gonna try to cut mine up
and see what's on the inside.
I think that's steak on the inside.
- As you've done that, I think it's time
to add some fresh lobster.
Alright, there we go.
Lobster tail--
Aah! - Ooh!
- Oh my gosh!
On the inside!
No! - Dude, what is that?
That goes back!
That is not added in my thing!
Right now it's time to see how the
macaroni and cheese tastes.
And how your chicken fried steak thing tastes.
- [Both] Three ...
Two ...
- It's really rubbery.
- The reviews did say it was a little bit rubbery.
What rating would you give it, Devan?
Overall probably a three.
- Dude!
That's where all the cheese went!
It's all stuck to the bottom! - Yeah!
- I'm gonna take a huge bite of this thing right now.
You ready?
Three ...
- [Both] Two ...
- Oh.
- How are the noodles?
- A little bit rubbery.
I give this a rating of ...
Alright, gonna add this into the blender.
Let's spin the wheel and for this one you challenged us
to try the worst reviewed German food.
- Alright.
So what's yours? - What?
I got a ham hock.
- I got weisswurst?
- Oh, what? - Whoa!
- So that's ham hock?
It's got a bone in it!
No, dude!
I think this is like the ankle of a pig!
- Dude, how did you now that?
- Bro, I study these things.
- Alright, it's time to open up mine.
- [Both] Whoa!
- [Devan] Is that a soggy pretzel?
- That's got to be the worst looking pretzel
I've ever seen.
- Can we even call this a pretzel?
I didn't even realize the main event.
These sausage looking things.
- Ooh! - Hey!
You can literally peel the skin off of it.
- [Collins] Ugh!
It's like sludge, bro!
- [Devan] Yikes!
Do you have any clue what these are?
- Yeah, they're egg noodles.
Well, now it's time for you to try your white sausages.
It's such a weird combo with the pretzel, bro.
I'm just going to put that on the end, there.
We got a kabob.
Or shabob?
I dunno, kabob?
- (laughing) Shabob?
- Three, two, one.
It's way too spongy.
I would give it a zero for the soggy pretzel, bro.
- Alright, well now let's see how this thingy tastes.
You know the first step, gonna have to
pull it apart a little bit.
You just gotta pull it apart
and get some different textures.
Dude! - Ooh!
- You pull one little bit
and the whole thing comes apart, bro.
(both screaming)
It's hot!
- I think we kinda harmonized there.
- Yeah we turned into a siren.
Oh dude that's kinda cool you can
pull it apart like that.
- [Both] Ooh!
- [Devan] It's steaming!
- I'm gonna put that on there.
It's like a little hat.
It's going out for traveling.
So now we're gonna of course add in
some of garnishes here.
Let's see how this tastes.
Here we go.
Three ...
- [Both] Two, one.
- Whoa!
You took like, the whole thing with you!
- I gotta try some of the raw part, hold on.
- Really?
I heard a bit of a crunch there, bro.
- Ooh! (laughing)
It's the garnishes that ruin the dish!
It is (gagging).
This gets two hawks out of 50.
I'm gonna add this to the smoothie.
We'll be blending this up and drinking it at the end.
Spin the mystery wheels.
And for this one you challenged us to try
the worst reviewed Italian food.
Let's see what we got here.
- [Devan] Shrimmp Scampi.
- [Collins] And I got a head cheese pate plate.
- Alright, time to pop it off and ...
- [Collins] Dude, you have like, full on shrimps in there.
- I have a full school of shrimp in here dude.
- And that is a head cheese pate plate.
Oh boy!
I think I've heard of headcheese before.
I think it's literally like, cheek meat.
- [Devan] What?
- Yeah.
The noodles are actually,
they're a little bit oily.
- Yeah, that what it said in the reviews.
Dude, this is liver pate!
- Wait.
Liver pate?
- This is pate combined with a head cheese
is gonna be a lot.
Then we gotta add some pasta noodles to this thing.
This is a head cheese sandwich right here.
So, oh boy!
Alright, I guess I'm gonna take a bite of this.
So Devan, you ready to take a bite of yours?
- Now it's time to grab some noodles.
I also gotta get some of this asparagus on here.
I heard it was not the greatest asparagus.
Maybe a little bit damp.
Look at it.
It's a little soggy.
Three ...
Two ...
- Oh, I can hear the crunch of the asparagus in there, man.
- It's a little oily.
- Alright, here we go.
Three ...
- [Both] Two ...
- Ooh!
(triumphant music) - Whoa!
- What?
- Mm!
Oh my gosh!
It is so good!
- [Devan] It is just 'cause you
haven't had it before it's good?
Or is like, it's really good?
- Woo!
It may not look it, but it tastes amazing!
This gets five stars.
Alright let's spin the mystery wheel.
Three, two, one.
And for this one you challenged us
to try the worst of reviewed Thai food in our city.
Let's see what we got.
- Wait, what?
Oxtail soup?
- [Collins] Fried Silk?
Alright, so this I guess is fried silk.
- [Devan] And this is oxtail soup.
- Oh my gosh!
- [Devan] There's something hard in there, bro.
- I think I'm doing pretty good so far,
because a lot of the reviews said that they found
weird things in food.
Like bugs in the food.
Or it just wasn't prepared well.
And I feel like, all in all this is a pretty good.
- Wait, dude, I think those are silk worms.
- No!
Oh my gosh!
Dude, you're right!
Dude, that's a silk worm!
- Alright, I think I'm gonna take bite of mine first.
- That's probably best, man.
Because I wanna stall as long as possible
having to eat a silk worm.
- [Devan] So just get some of this and--
- Wait!
N-n-n-n-n-no, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You just can't eat just a little bit of the soup.
You either got to drink it.
Or you got to take a huge bite of that tail.
- Oh, I dropped my spoon in there.
- See, that's a sign Devan.
That's a sign you can't use your spoon.
Take a bite of the oxtail first.
And then take a bit of the soup.
- Bro, I would honestly rather switch with you.
Alright, he we go.
Three ...
- Oh boy.
- Two ...
- (laughing) Your voice gave you away on that one, Devan.
- One.
- Ooh!
- Oh boy.
Dude, it's like it's dangling, bro.
- Aah!
It actually tasted like chicken to me.
- Did you spit it out?
Alright, well now I guess it's time to try some silkworms.
Look at that, bro.
Look at that little ...
- To be honest that's as bad as this.
- Click over here to vote right now.
Which do you think is worse?
Silkworms or ox right now.
Oh, you know what I forgot?
I gotta actually add some of the hot sauce to it.
- Oh, man!
- Then I guess we're gonna put a little piece
of the cabbage.
- Three ...
- [Both] Two, one.
- But wait.
- If you wanna win a 15 minute video call with Devan and I,
text the word worst to 81800 right now.
So pause the video, text the word worst to 81800.
You'll automatically be entered in to win.
And right now, let's see how this things tastes.
Three ...
- [Both] Two ...
(laughing) - Is it really hot?
(Collins groaning)
It's not hot?
Oh, it popped?
- Ooh! (yelping)
- Wow.
You're very brave for doing this, Collins.
- Look, the actual worm itself like,
that tastes kinda good.
This gets a rating of two stars.
Alright, gonna add this to our blender.
We'll be blending this up at the very end.
And right now we're on to the next one.
Time to blend up the worst reviewed smoothies.
- Aah! - Ooh!
I forgot about the squid noodles!
- It's all ...
It's all stuck.
- Why is it just like stuck in one cylinder, bro?
Oh my gosh.
We've also got the best reviewed smoothie in our city.
And the mystery wheel's gonna decide which one
we have to drink.
But first we gotta add them to the big blender here.
- [Both] Ooh!
- [Devan] The escargot, man.
- [Collins] Yo, the bread got mad soggy.
- Oh my gosh, the chicken steak.
- The eggs are goin' in.
- [Devan] I don't even remember what that was.
- Ooh, yeah.
I forgot the stomach is in there, dude.
- Oh, no!
We did some bad stuff with this one.
- [Collins] Ooh!
The silk worms!
- [Devan] It's a full snail!
- These are gonna be the most disgusting smooties
we've ever had to eat.
I'm just crossing my fingers that I get the good smoothie
and don't have to drink this, man.
Alright, well last spoonful is going in.
- Oh, and the jellyfish noodles!
- Real question is, do all these one stars
make it a 10 star?
Or is it like a negative 10 stars?
- It's a negative 10 star, dude.
- Wait, we gotta add some water though to it.
Alright, we got the tap water.
And now let's add this in.
And we'll get this thing blending.
So here we go.
- [Devan] Ooh!
It's dripping!
- How is my pour cleaner than yours?
Time to turn this thing up and blend it.
So, how do we do this?
Hold on.
- [Devan] There?
(blenders whirring)
- Aah!
Oh my gosh!
- [Devan] Oh, it stopped working!
- Yours isn't working?
- No, it stopped.
- Whoa! (blenders whirring)
Oh my gosh!
These things are all blended up
and oh my gosh!
- [Devan] Ooh!
- [Both] Dude!
- [Collins] Oh, let's dump it out.
Dude, this is so gross .
Ooh! - Not the sides!
- Just gonna top it off right there.
Oh no!
- The stinky tofu made it's way
through this whole smoothie.
- It's dripping!
Time to spin the mystery wheels
for which one we're gonna get.
And I hope I get the good one!
- Please be the good one.
- Three ...
- [Both] Two, one!
(wheels clacking)
- Please be the good one. - Please!
Please, please, please.
- I'm not gonna look at mine until you read off yours.
So go for it.
- Alright.
(both yelling)
It says worst smoothie!
- Dude, I'm so sorry, bro!
- No!
- Three ...
Oh no, two ...
(triumphant music)
Yeah! - No!
- Dude, I got the good smoothie!
Oh yeah! - No!
- I'm actually so sorry for you though.
'Cause that's like, the worst smoothie challenge
we've ever done, bro.
Alright, well let's see how
the best reviewed smoothie tastes.
So here we go.
- How is it?
- Mm!
- Wow.
Yeah, yeah.
Way to rub it in, bro.
- That is the best smoothie I have ever had!
But Devan, time for you to take a drink of yours, bro.
- Alright, here we go.
- You're such a trooper, bro.
Oh man!
- Three, two, one--
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Now let's see how this thing tastes.
- Ready ...
Set ... - All my strength, dude.
- Go!
- Ooh!
- [Both] Ooh!
(Collins laughing)
- Oh my gosh, are you okay, bro?
- No!
My eyes!
- Dude I feel so bad.
Take some of my good smoothie.
- Thank you!
- Drink some of my good smoothie, yeah.
Hopefully it'll drown out the taste.
Is it better?
If you want to see another video click right over here.
I'll average a lot better.
You got five seconds here we go.
- [Both] Five ...
Four ...
Three ...
Two ...
One, done!
- Love you! - [Both] Bye!