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- They're so yummy!
- Don't you want a flavor on your cereal?
Come on.
♪ (French accordion music) ♪
- (FBE) We're gonna try some retro cereals today.
- Cereal. Yay, I like cereal!
- Oh my goodness. Thank you.
Cereal? I have cereal three times a day.
- Cereals. I didn't have that much
breakfast today.
- I feel excited and nervous at the same time.
I feel like it would be expired.
- (FBE) So, a lot of these cereals were discontinued
and then brought back due to their popularity.
- Okay. I don't think I know
any cereals from back then, so we'll see about these.
- They're not gonna be as sweet as the ones we have now.
- My mom used to talk about old cereals and stuff.
I think it'll be cool to see old cereals and what
they taste like and stuff and their names, too.
- Trix might be a retro cereal. I can envision it being
in the '80s, 'cause it's all colorful and the '80s
was colorful.
- I'm so happy. I love Kids Vs Food episodes.
I love trying things. I mean, I'm a foodie.
- (FBE) Here's your first cereal. - Frosted--
wait, what? Wait, are these Corn Flakes?
- They look like Frosted Flakes.
- It looks like Frosted Flakes, but a little more orange
and without the sugar on it.
- These are good. They are corn,
but they're puffier than Corn Flakes.
I feel like they were the predecessor to Corn Flakes.
- I think it's pretty good. I actually kinda like it.
- I like it. Teeny bit sweet,
but mostly plain.
- It's kinda sweet, yeah. It's nice and crunchy.
Taste stays in your mouth for a while.
- I feel like I've had this before.
I don't know why, 'cause it looks so familiar
and it tastes familiar.
- (FBE) This is Quisp. Quisp was originally made
in the '60s and then it stopped being made some time
in the late '70s. However, in 2012,
it was brought back. - Oh my God,
that is so long ago!
- I don't know why they discontinued it.
It's so good. Maybe another good cereal
came out that's better than this.
- I'm not expecting this to become a major corporation,
but it's pretty cool, like a blast from the past.
- (FBE) Here's your next one. - This looks like Rice Krispies.
- These look like the Rice Krispies cereal.
It smells like it, too. I can smell it.
- Let's see how they taste.
It's pretty good. Tastes like a marshmallow.
- Whoa. The first bite is like, whoa.
- Mm, it's good. I like how sweet it is.
It kinda tastes like Rice Krispies,
'cause it's like marshmallow.
- Rice Krispies, as much as I like it,
it doesn't taste super ricey and it's a little bit dull.
This is so much better, by a million times.
It's more hard and just more interesting.
- I would like the Rice Krispie Treats better than this,
but it's yummy. I like it.
- (FBE) So, this is Rice Krispie Treats cereal.
It was made in 1993 and then disappeared in the 2000's.
However, you can still find it on Amazon and some Walmarts.
- Hm, okay. Taste is good.
I'd suggest it to all the viewers out there.
- I just had a Rice Krispie Treat before I came here.
It tastes exactly like this.
- (FBE) Here's another. - This looks like pieces of bread.
- The cereal kind of looks like tiny little pieces of toast.
- It's cute. Mini toast.
- It smells like French toast.
- I don't really like how big they are.
- They taste like French toast. They're delicious.
- Cinnamon, yum. I love how they're like
mini toast. They're so adorable.
- Tastes like gingerbread. It's very delicious.
- It does feel like French toast, because it's softer in the middle
and it feels crusty on the side. So far, these are all
really good cereals.
- (FBE) So, this is French Toast Crunch.
It was made in 1995 and it's flavored to taste
like French toast. - So, this came before
Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Copiers.
- They did an amazing job making it taste like French toast.
- This one is my favorite so far because right when you get cereal,
you normally smell it. This is a good smell
and I like the cereal a lot.
- (FBE) So, here is another. - Okay.
Looks kinda like tiny, little tractor wheels.
- It looks like the first one, but in a different shape.
A star with a hole in it?
- Ugh, nah. First thing,
there's no flavor. Don't you want a flavor
in your cereal? Come on.
- Mm-mm, I don't like it. It tastes like the first one,
but with nothing-- no flavor.
- I think this might just be the best one.
It's the least sweet. All the other ones,
I can tell there was sugar. They felt like sweet corn
or sweet rice, but this one,
it really is kinda more bitterish.
- I like them, but I kinda don't like them.
They're plain. They don't have that much
flavor to them.
- I don't really like it. It's too plain.
There's no sugar in it.
- (FBE) So, this is King Vitaman.
It first hit the market way back in 1968.
- Wow, that's-- this cereal's pretty old.
- I don't think I would have it for breakfast with milk.
I feel like it would be better without milk.
- I think the name kind of doesn't sound--
you said "Vitaman?" It sounds like vitamins,
so most kids probably didn't wanna get it
'cause of the name.
- (FBE) Here you go. - It smells like syrup.
- It smells like pancakes with syrup.
- They look like waffles.
- Let's try it.
It's really crunchy.
- I don't really get the taste. It's kinda sweet and plain.
- It's good, but it kinda takes a while
for the flavor to kick in.
- I can taste syrup and waffle in this.
These are good.
- It has that awesome cinnamon flavor.
It's like flavor blasted, flavor popping in my mouth.
I love it.
- (FBE) So, this was Waffle Crisp.
Waffle Crisp was made in 1996.
It is maple flavored corn cereal bits
in a waffle shape. - Yeah.
I can definitely taste the syrup.
- Now I taste the maple syrup. It's weird because
I had pancakes this morning. I'm like, this tastes
like I just had it.
- And now this is making me hungry for my dad's waffles.
They're so yummy!
- (FBE) So overall, how did you feel about
all this cereal? - Gave me lots of energy
and I loved it.
- It was really fun. There was a lot of cereals.
Now I'm gonna feel like I ate breakfast just now.
- I would probably buy a lot of them
and I would probably tell my friends or something
to get them.
- I love them. I wanna eat them all again.
They were so yummy.
- Thanks for watching us try retro cereals
on the React Channel.
- Don't miss out, Subscribe.
- If you like retro cereals, then hit that like button.
- If you have a favorite cereal, tell us in the comments.
- Bye, guys.
- Hey guys, I'm Katie, a React Channel producer.
Thank you so much for watching this episode.
We're in the comments replying to you guys
for the first 30 minutes, so be sure to Subscribe
so you know when we're there. Bye.