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Hey guys, I'll [be] doing today. I'm hanging out with Ro hey you guys [we're] doing something a little different today
Yeah We are [so] I wanted to shoot some videos today that will I can I bring my nintendo [switch] [in] [qui] play that yes
That's workable. Yes, I'm so excited for that if you love to have to play yes, okay
I haven't had a chance to play, but I knew that you were playing and this is how I knew because
My phone went silent for two days like I think in a text from justine or anything
00:00:21,020 --> 00:00:24,930
00:00:24,930 --> 00:00:28,979 And you kind of like disappeared off social media for a minute, and I was like okay, either
She's really really sick
Or one you're playing the new Zelda game both of those and it was both of those at the same time
I'm pretty good at writing back to text and I even realized I didn't write back to
[Facebook] as well. I'm the worst so we're not going to be playing zelda today because it's a one-person game
And I'm just very invested so I can't share about the love
But what I plan shares we've got one to switch and we've got snipper clips okay. I've not played either of these
I'm just really excited. I want to play these. I'm sorry it seems. You will play the one to switch
There's like a cow milking game you can you know these you can there's just a bunch of random things on it
And you know there's no point even trying to explain it. It's kind of like charades is what you're saying
Yeah, I mean that sort of so something's I haven't actually played yet
So some of them you sit down, okay others, you got to get up and get real Rowdy, okay?
I'm ready, so let's do something where [we] sit down. This is a nice little intro
I think to the whole game okay for like a beginner. This is called ball count to anjali Khanna ballroom [vibrate]
I'm having a box with balls roaming around inside into the joy
[Khan's] and no path right? So you're going to try to figure out how many marbles were in the box?
I'm going [to] give you that one, okay?
Is it good is it going this well if you could wall and write?
The cue Ball is rolling around something help if you just put it in one hand. Oh my gosh
This is so weird. I feels like very marvel [play] [now]
Okay, I think I know okay would calm down once you meet [hum]
Okay there, okay, okay? I'm going to set it down
Okay, I'm gonna guess what about you? How many you think's in there? I guess the same thing. Thank you [also]
the answer is oh
Ok ok these are there was two it felt like threes. I felt like a boy hurt [sigmund] like it [ok] yes, well
[ok] I made my gas. You've made you get maybe I'll be right this time
No, I'm not I don't sharon. Oh, no
Little vanilla ok I'm not God weird ok I got it. I'm not. I'm not Gonna
Go, I think we should problems milk as well cacao and even milk the cow before once. I'm like a class field trip
Hey, this was a long time ago. This [was] like more than 15 years ago
We'll think back to what that was like if does it have sensory vomit you'll feel the milk yeah
What [responders] in case you get real while [ok] yeah? Thanks? He knows me. We're locked loaded and ready hates about honor
[ok] for some cow letters
Car their bottom ok hot bottom yep, sure to sweet
Top bono, you'll get a gamma-ray to your channel. [yeah]
Yeah [ok] my first time milk. [I] got was two cups
[wow] person win lose I thought we're doing the same thing fill it up
Look at your hands when you melt
I'm finally right in remember. This is a yes. Okay? [he's] going to make you faster
Yeah, let's try. We're no more no more
Muffin top
I think my sensors it's lovely
Jesse I'm so impressed
Wow, biggest improvement. I've ever had
That's incredible look at our record now and [a] new record records my entire system
So we rolled it on to I'm like you just dominated the milking game
Hmm. Let's see sneaky dice signal time
Do you want to shave yes okay? [oh] look at these guys they're getting ready, so that's going to be honest
they're shaving yeah, [oh], we're practicing oh uh
I'm using some
silly because a prefix isn't
Okay, okay. I've had to shave off my eyebrows all that was I think [I] just missed my eyelash you're yet
You're [I] like [my] long time this evening. It has a camera in here
It could be that one does have a camera. Well, you probably seen my face. Yeah
How'd we do? Oh wow [wow]? [do] you have one percent yeah music [music] - wow?
Oh, here's the replay. [oh]
wow, I
Was not going to be real careful over there
Oh, baby, oh
This is to see if you can cool a baby. This is weird. You know no. I'm a dog. I don't want it
I really don't either home being con okay. Yes
Yes, yes, yes you put in your mouth kind of basically just poured it into exactly [what] the students doing and we're eating hoping
I'll be your coach [okay]. I'll be the [finish]. I'm ready ready. So who's your head don't move anything just your mouth
One two three nine when Forth alone, whatever. I'm pretty good. Do you want try? Yeah, okay?
We can code to me yes, okay. [let] me know when it's ready actually I'm sired do you play?
Families will be there when you're ready
And we did you happen in a half then you owe me?
Oh manny. How many so many top eight air guitars dance is really long
oh, my goodness creepy chicken choker, okay, I
Mean I guess we'll try [it]. [maybe] we can fake it out like yeah, maybe a spinner
[I] actually have to hit ourselves that hard. I think in all visits motion sensor should we stand out?
I feel like should we are we lazy gorilla. Maybe we are as much [little] bit [of] little hands in
The air like a gorilla move your arms in the air like a [gorilla] in your arms, oh
Sure - oh you actually hit yourself alright
But don't actually found it. So actually damn it, almost [Arneson]
Well, I'm exhausted. Thank you. Oh
[please] [oh]. Oh look at her 9r injury
[okay], let's do this quick draw this one. Well. I think we can do oh
I'm already Western Maddie you like Westerns look at A
Location I do too
This is to remind me of west world would I be a black hat or a white hat and I would like that yeah
I probably start off as white at and then
Somewhere around and along the line. I feel like [I'm] [in] black hat now. How did you do [that] laughter?
I don't know it's so funny when you have [a] standoff like back in the western times like oh [Freddie]
She's a [did] I get shot nice Shootin tex
No, universe is I guess [what] I'm listening [for] it because as soon as they say fire you got to do like
shooting me
[ha] ha do you mean some I mean I live in here. Did you not I don't think I didn't even fire right?
Look at the replay. I didn't even fire her. [I] think maybe
Yeah, you know, it'll feel try it again
Justine for me to really get this I feel like we need to do it. How they really do it
I'm gonna do a start back-to-back like there's a western movie, [okay]
And then you got to walk look you might have a good walk. It's just do baby steps
I'm Gonna just do like three baby Steps 1 2
3 go down and down. I'll pretend I knew best turn directions. I just shot my [slim]
I just shot my heart oh
Your foot off for your adrienne yours okay? It's [alright]. Oh my goodness
This is not a good Cowboy. [I] mean I [opened] [a] tooth powder. I think I shot your foot again
Okay, I go to shoot the third
Table, Tennis yeah, we need to like
Back up a little more okay? Oh, then you go over [here]. Okay? We took you back. We'll just wrap it up soon up, okay
So just picture the table here your surroundings and stand far enough apart, so you don't bump in hand and for each other
Yeah, oh except in that way
This swing and hit the ball as it comes down. It doesn't either the ball or you can hit it's like
Oh, the bible is not real oh
[oh], I miss I was too. So sorry. I didn't see it. Yeah. I guess it's right there here
Let's do it about the [man] [to] top
Okay, [just] make believe [you] [got] [this] I've got a picture the divorce and is here oh
Oh your service
Well, it's a long game here
Yes, Table, tennis champion right here, milking champion
Destroyed I'm not good at virtual Ball
You just pretended there, but it's not there
like I
Mean didn't you one last no? Yeah, okay listen I i have to
Just give [lease]. [how] [bad] it was a quick draw. I'm gonna shooting my feet off. Okay. I'm ready
I'm ready all right, okay week on [intouch] me an L and an R button
Look like nobody's help you feel about that. I don't know was crazy. I finally think so
I finally figure out don't let go of the top button just [abano]
Bonbon fuck you want a long pete over there. It's really long. It's like feet long. It's [like] two feet long
There's a really big challenges. Yeah, what do you think awesome?
Yeah, what you think mandy? He's not watching you play bells I can play
Imaginary Table, Tennis, and I can milk I can milk a cow only thing [my] [logic]. [which] [I] loved it. Oh my gosh
I love that these games are [so] I don't creative I've never played video games like this no
It's weird because they kind of change the game like you're it's more interactive
Being real life like they don't want you to look at the screen
Which is kind of strange [if] you keep wanting to look at it. That's [why] did the whole cake so a whole time
We're playing I keep trying to look at this screen
But you're not supposed to you're just look to listen because they're like victim a tas and go with [it]
And they yell at you every time it looks like a no they know how to do they can see if you're looking over there
But I'm like [are] they doing it we need to play more of these and wonders which easier
Than Sniffer [clips] or am I getting way?
Different clips want to play that in a whole nother video because it takes a while to get started
But it's super fun like you. It's a team-based game so you can actually play up to four players, okay?
that could even be fun if we get like
[oil] yeah, it's super fun. I mean there's not many games out right now, so
Hopefully by the end of the year they'll be more fun stuff to play and really
I loved it just seen it. Thank you for bringing over online games. This was so [much] fun. [I] ride one to switch
It's fun. [I] definitely have some favorite games [within] one [two] [three]
[oh], there's some more because the girl was too hard that was so hard
There's one where you like chase a flag [to] [the] beach, so just a lot of moving and running, so I was like well
Thank you guys so much for watching
I hope you guys enjoyed this you want to see more one two switch or us do anything
I don't know you guys always have some really fun suggestions for some collabs yeah speaking up
We also did one on Rose channel
So I'm going to check that out and also all of her links and everything in the description below and annotations somewhere
I don't know where I put them. They're always different every time they appear. Maybe there you may enjoy a beer will be right where?
I'm Gonna Hop
That's why didn't you locate so they just kind of like there's nothing cuter than a little baby chicken. I'm just like
There's a weird if you played this a [local] male