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Hi and welcome to another tutorial my name is Monika Matys and today I'll
teach you three basic hip hop moves. This video starts our hip hop dance series so
if you'd like to see more videos like this one please give this video a thumbs
up and subscribe. At the end of this video I'll show you how to combine the
moves in a little routine so you know how to transition between them so stay
tuned. Let me show you the moves with the music first and then I'm going to break
them down
alright guys so for this first move we're going to bend the knees on every
beat so give me a little bounce and very small knee bend and you're just going forward
with the knees and then straighten the legs. You don't have to straighten them
all the way because you don't want to make the movement look stiff but just
very softly on every single beat we're going to go forward forward forward
forward okay I'll show you also from the side
this is how big the knee bend should be very very little you're just bouncing a
little bit you're just showing the rhythm with the knees and the knees go
back and forth it's very repetitive we're going to go forward forward
forward forward. Once you get into that groove we're going to add the arms so
bend one arm at a time doesn't matter which one, you're going to go with the
arms one two one two one two one two feel free to snap if you want to or just
keep the hands loose - loose fists okay so no creepy fingers going on. After we have
the knee bent one two one two twist on one two one two and you can just mirror
me one two one two one two notice that I stay twisted to one side for two knee
bends so I wait here for two knee bends then I switch the side one two one two
without a twist this movement will look a little bit stiff so it will look
something like this even if you add the arms it will still not be what we need
it to be so that's why the twist the upper body is very important - it just
adds a little bit of groove to your movements okay let's try it again and
and we have side and side and side
let's twist to your right and left and right and left good few more times one
two one two one two one two once you have that at the arm one so and it
doesn't matter which arm you're bending okay just a little bend, snap if you need
to one two one two one two one two and this is a first very very basic movement
perfect for the crowded dance floor you can do it literally to any song. For this
next move we're going to add a little bit of a heel shift it's still a similar
movement, still stationary... Alright guys so we're getting on the heels feel the
weight going into the heel and we're just going to lift the toes and place
them diagonally so you drop them when your body is facing the corner. Let's
try that again. We're gonna go one mm-hmm try to do it with knees slightly
bent avoid doing this with straight legs this will make you look super stiff okay
so we're going to have a slight knee bent and on one we're going to shift to
the side. We have: one, at the same time on one when the toes are landing you're
going to do the first event so it will look something like this one and then
we'll add the second one so just so there's a little bit of bouncing
involved with this movement it's a little bit looser okay let's try it
again one shift, two knee bends. We have one two from here we're going to go
straight to the other side so we're not stepping the middle we want to shift all
the way the other way and and again lifting the toes turning the body to the
other side diagonal. We have one so let's try it again going to the right get on
those heels one two shift one two one two shift one
so notice that the moment the toes are touching the floor I'm starting my first
knee bend. if you wait for too long you're going to lose the beat so let's try that
right away 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 notice that
the angle is small I'm not turning all the way from one side to the other just
keep it very little 20-30 degrees let's try it from the center from the beginning
5 6 7 here we go 1 2 shift 1 2 1 2 shift 1 2 from one side to the other
now notice that I'm not lifting the toes all the way up I'm not putting too much
weight onto the heel because then it will make me trip backwards so the toes
lift just a little bit if it's an inch of the floor that's fine, we just need to
get them over the floor so we can twist so we can pivot on the heels once you
have it you can add the arms I'll show you two options option 1 for balance you
can keep the arms slightly bent by your sides and they don't have to do anything
specific maybe you can just snap one two one two and I'm snapping on count two
which is the snare one two one two alright or option two: we're going to do
the arm bend so just like with the previous movement we'll bend one arm and
then the other I suggest doing the opposite arm it will help you with
balance a little bit - so opposite to the direction that you're going in. If you're
shifting to the right you're going to bend left arm. Let's try 5 6 7 8 1 2 switch
1 2 1 2 switch 1 2 1 2 switch 1 2 and 1 2 1 2 last movement we're going to do
today it's also stationary so it doesn't require much room but this time we're
going to lift the foot and we're going to do a little kick step, each foot will
be going forward 2 times and we'll start with the right leg. You're going to go
kick put it down in the middle kick again very small kick it's going to be pretty
energetic and you want to keep the foot close to the floor so don't give me this
right very small movement the weight will be shifted onto your left leg right
foot kicks two times kick put a down kick stop in the middle, shift weight
onto the right leg left is free to move, you're kicking two times kick put it down
on the toes kick again let's try it one more time we're going
with the right foot first you're gonna go kick toes kick down kick
toes kick down kick toes kick down and kick toes kick down, good
so we're putting the foot down on the toes just to have a little break right
so we're going after the first kick pause for a split second it will be very
quick but it will help you with balance we don't want to do a kick in the air
two times without having that little break in between
so kick toes kick put it down kick toes kick put it down let's do it again
kick toes okay put it down kick toes kick and down
alright once you have that this is the next part this is what makes the
movement happen - we're going to add a little torso forward action. What happens
here torso is a little bit more difficult than footwork so bear with me
we're going to just lean forward or slouch even you can say from the middle
spine okay so you're just dropping the torso forward come up drop again come up
this movement looks pretty weird on its own but it's okay we'll connect it with the
kick step very very soon... alright so now every single time you're
kicking the torso we'll be going forward let's try it
right foot starts we have forward forward switch forward and forward
switch forward and forward switch forward and forward 6 7 8 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
2 loose torso, very small movements very small kick and again 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
okay guys last thing that's missing is arms they shouldn't be just hanging
there so we're going to add the same movement you already know a little bit
of an arm band and we're going to stick to the opposite side so if right foot
goes forward you're going to bend left arm the way I'd do it is bending on
one letting it down on two just so it has a nice flow to it so let me show you
first how this would look. We have one two one two one two one two a lot of
things are happening here there's a lot going on we're moving the feet because
we're kicking we're moving the torso forward and on top of that we're moving
the arms in two separate motions so it might be a little bit tough. If it's
difficult if you're just starting out start with the arm bent forget about the
second movement it will look something like this 1 2 1 so you can just keep the
arm there for 2 kicks 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 and if you can add that little throw on
the second kick 1 2 1 so nice and simple groove movement ok guys let me put the
movements together in a little routine so you know how to use them, you know how
to transition from one to the other and you can already use the moves on the
dance floor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 one two three four five six seven eight
let's let me show you again five six seven eight one two three shift on heels
five six seven kick one two three four five six seven eight
what's happening here we're going to start in place for the first four counts
we have one two three four after that you're going to shift on the heels to
your right bend the knees and the opposite arm five
six seven eight the try that again five six seven eight
one two three shift five six seven eight one more time first eight count five six
seven eight one two three four five six seven eight from here you have to center
the body and we're going to start right foot kicking you're going to go one two
three four five six seven eight and if this is easy for you at the arm
either one of the options either the bend and hold or bend drop bend drop
this is the second eight count we'll try it from the second eight count 5 6 7 8 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 this is option 1 for the arms and this is going to be option 2
second 8 count 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 let me show you with the music, let's try
together we have 5 6 7 8 1 three four five six seven eight one two
three four five six seven eight let me show you from the side five six seven
eight one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven
eight all right guys that's it for today thank you so much for watching and I'll
see you in the next one