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  • Everyone has some idea of what their ideal life looks like.


  • Whether it means affording to travel freely, coming home to a loving family, or having all the cats and dogs in the world.


  • But things are getting harder by the second.


  • It can be nearly impossible just getting out of bed in the morning.


  • Why is it so much easier giving in to negativity than it is to get out of it?


  • Depression doesn't just weigh down our shoulders.


  • It lies, often telling us that we're not in control of our lives, but we are.


  • Whatever you're going through, know it's not always going to be like this.


  • Here are eight tips for dealing with suicidal thoughts:


  • 1) Don't spend the night alone. When you're suicidal, it will be tempting to isolate yourself.

    1) 不要獨自過夜。當你有自殺的念頭,你會想孤立自己。

  • Do you lock yourself in your room, shut the blinds and hide underneath your covers?


  • The thing about depression is that the darkness will welcome you, but this only makes you susceptible to believe your negative thoughts.


  • Watch out for your safety, and don't spend the night alone.


  • Call up your family, friends or lover. Tell them how you're feeling.


  • If possible, sleeping over at their place is even better.


  • Having company around can do wonders for you because it means keeping those bad thoughts at bay,


  • or allowing the new environment to boost your mood.


  • 2) Cut off all ties with toxic people.

    2) 切斷與有毒人群的聯繫

  • Research shows that keeping toxic people in your life isn't just stressful, it can actually kill you.


  • One study showed that subjects in negative relationships had a higher risk of developing cardiac problems.


  • If someone is abusing you, physically or emotionally, please call the police for help.


  • Your life might drastically change if your family members or partner are the toxic ones, but realize that they're putting you in more pain than they are supporting you.


  • 3) Make a list of your accomplishments.

    3) 列出你的成就。

  • Hey you, yeah you, look at how far you've come!


  • Failure can seem like a big slap in the face, but we often obsess over perfection instead of focusing on what we've achieved.


  • There's a difference: striving for perfection doesn't allow you to be human.


  • Embrace your flaws, failures and downfalls as much as you appreciate all the milestones you've reached.


  • Listen closely to what isn't working, turn those into lessons, and grow resilient.


  • 4) Practice positive mantras. These are otherwise known as coping statements.

    4) 練習正面的口號。 這些也稱為應對語句。

  • Ending your life will seem like the only option to end your misery, but nothing lasts forever.


  • Practice saying some of these: "I will get through this." "This is my depression talking, not me." "I don't really want to die,

    練習說其中一些話:「我會搞定這個。」 「這是我的憂鬱症在說話,不是我。」 「我真的不想死,

  • I just want the pain to end." Stick these to your mirror, fridge and carry them wherever you go.

    我只是希望痛苦結束。」 把這些貼在鏡子上、冰箱上並隨身攜帶。

  • Let them be friendly reminders to be kind to yourself. You got this!

    讓它們友善提醒你要善待自己。 你做得到!

  • 5) Find a therapist.


  • Most people shrug this idea off because they might not be able to afford it.


  • But there are options, especially if you're a student. An open mind is what will ultimately get you help.

    但也是有其他選擇,尤其如果你是學生。 開放的心態始終可以幫助你。

  • Call your insurance company for any insights they might have.


  • It never hurts to ask your family doctor too.


  • Networks exists for a reason, and the more professional advice you receive, the faster you can find and work with a professional.


  • 6) If it's urgent, please call the police.

    6) 如果情況緊急,請打給警方。

  • This won't necessarily stop your suicidal thoughts


  • but they will stop you from going through with the act.


  • From here on out, they can take you to the ER where you'll be safe.


  • We hope you never have to resort to this, but want to remind you that help is only one call away.


  • 7) Find out what's hurting you and make changes to it.

    7) 找出傷害你的東西,並做出改變。

  • Do you feel stuck at your dead-end job? Tired of the city you're living in? Or not sure about what you're studying in school?

    你會對沒有前途的工作感到無力? 厭倦了你所居住的城市? 或者不確定你在學校學了什麼?

  • It's ok to address that you're feeling unhappy, but don't succumb to helplessness.


  • It may take time to find what works for you, but this is why practicing patience is so pivotal.


  • Big projects seem intimidating, but break them up into smaller tasks to make them more approachable.


  • Remember, as you wait for your miracle, never stop working on yourself in the mean time.


  • 8) Whatever you do, please don't lose hope!


  • I know it's easier said than done, but committing suicide will end everything,


  • including the amazing days ahead that you won't be alive for.


  • People usually realize too late, while they're in the middle of the act, that every problem they ever faced could have been fixed.


  • So please reconsider your health. You deserve so much more!

    所以請再三考慮你的健康狀況。 你值得擁有更多!

  • What do you do to keep going or stay inspired?


  • We want you to know that you're not alone and we're sending our best wishes your way.


  • For more helpful content, be sure to also subscribe to our channel.


  • Thank you, as always, for watching!


  • Hey guys it's Yumi, one of the partners of Psych2Go.

    大家好,我是 Yumi,Psych2Go 的合作伙伴之一。

  • Today I'm here to talk to you guys about Bell Let's Talk, a mental health initiative that aims to raise awareness.

    今天我想在這和你們討論 Bell Let's Talk,它是一項心理健康倡議,目的為提升意識。

  • Every year Bell, is dedicated to moving mental health board in Canada.

    Bell 每年都致力於在加拿大發展心理健康機構。

  • Bell Let's Talk promotes awareness and action with a strategy built on four key pillars:

    Bell Let's Talk 透過四大關鍵支柱的策略來促進意識和行動。

  • fighting the stigma,


  • improving access to care, supporting world-class research,


  • and leading by example and workplace mental health.


  • Psych2Go, being based in Canada,


  • we can't help but want to participate along. As Ellen Degeneres puts it: "What the world needs more of is kindness and better mental health."

    我們不禁想參與其中。 正如艾倫.狄珍妮所說:「這世界需要更多的是善良和更好的心理健康。」

  • What Psych2Go wants to do is to encourage everyone to be a part of this movement by commenting below about the time when you first opened up and struggled with mental health.

    Psych2Go 想做的是透過在下方告訴我們,你第一次打開心扉和掙扎於心理健康的時候,來鼓勵每個人成為這活動的一部分。

  • We will pick five commenters and they will receive one of our digital magazines.


  • Don't forget to hashtag Bell Let's Talk and hashtag Psych2Go. We can't wait to hear from you!

    不要忘記 #Bell Let's Talk 和 Psych2Go。 我們迫不及待想聽到你的留言!

Everyone has some idea of what their ideal life looks like.


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