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  • The President: I'm speaking to you from just outside Portland,

  • Oregon where I'm visiting Intel, a company that helped pioneer

  • the digital age.

  • I just came from a tour of an assembly line where

  • highly-skilled technicians are building microprocessors that

  • run everything from desktop computers to smartphones.

  • But these workers aren't just manufacturing high-tech computer chips.

  • They're showing us how America will win the future.

  • For decades, Intel has led the world in developing new technologies.

  • But even as global competition has intensified,

  • this company has invested, built, and hired right here in America.

  • Three-quarters of Intel's products are made by American workers.

  • And as the company expands operations in Oregon and builds

  • a new plant in Arizona, it plans to hire another 4,000 people this year.

  • Companies like Intel are proving that we can compete --

  • that instead of just being a nation that buys what's made

  • overseas, we can make things in America and sell them around the globe.

  • Winning this competition depends on the ingenuity and creativity

  • of our private sector -- which was on display in my visit today.

  • But it's also going to depend on what we do as a nation to make

  • America the best place on earth to do business.

  • Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will

  • require education beyond high school,

  • many requiring proficiency in math and science.

  • And yet today we've fallen behind in math, and in science,

  • and in graduation rates.

  • As a result, companies like Intel struggle to hire American

  • workers with the skills that fit their needs.

  • If we want to win the global competition for new jobs and

  • industries, we've got to win the global competition to educate

  • our people.

  • We've got to have the best trained,

  • best skilled workforce in the world.

  • That's how we'll ensure that the next Intel, the next Google,

  • or the next Microsoft is created in America,

  • and hires American workers.

  • This is why, over the past two years,

  • my administration has made education a top priority.

  • We've launched a competition called "Race to the Top" --

  • a reform that's lifting academic standards and getting

  • results; not because Washington dictated the answers,

  • but because states and local schools pursued innovative solutions.

  • We're also making college more affordable for millions of

  • students, and revitalizing our community colleges,

  • so that folks can get the training they need for the

  • careers they want.

  • And as part of this effort, we've launched a nationwide

  • initiative to connect graduates that need jobs with businesses

  • that need their skills.

  • Intel understands how important these partnerships can be --

  • recognizing that their company's success depends on a pipeline of

  • skilled people ready to fill high-wage, high-tech jobs.

  • Intel often pays for workers to continue their education at

  • nearby Portland State University.

  • As a result, one out of every fifteen of Intel's Oregon

  • employees has a degree from Portland State.

  • In fact, Intel's commitment to education begins at an even

  • younger age.

  • The company is providing training to help 100,000 math

  • and science teachers improve their skills in the classroom.

  • And today, I'm also meeting a few students from Oregon who

  • impressed the judges in the high school science and engineering

  • competitions that Intel sponsors across America.

  • One young woman, Laurie Rumker, conducted a chemistry experiment

  • to investigate ways to protect our water from pollution.

  • Another student, named Yushi Wang,

  • applied the principles of quantum physics to design a

  • faster computer chip.

  • We're talking about high school students.

  • So these have been a tough few years for our country.

  • And in tough times, it's natural to question what the future holds.

  • But when you meet young people like Laurie and Yushi,

  • it's hard not to be inspired.

  • And it's impossible not to be confident about America.

  • We're poised to lead in this new century --

  • and not just because of the good work that large companies like

  • Intel are doing.

  • Across America, there are innovators and entrepreneurs who

  • are trying to start the next Intel,

  • or just get a small business of their own off the ground.

  • I'll be meeting with some of these men and women next week in

  • Cleveland, to get ideas about what we can do to help their

  • companies grow and create jobs.

  • The truth is, we have everything we need to compete: bold

  • entrepreneurs, bright new ideas, and world-class colleges and universities.

  • Most of all, we have young people just brimming with

  • promise and ready to help us succeed.

  • All we have to do is tap that potential.

  • That's the lesson on display here at Intel.

  • And it's how America will win the future.

  • Thanks so much.

The President: I'm speaking to you from just outside Portland,

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每週演講贏在英特爾,贏在未來 (Weekly Address: Winning the Future at Intel)

  • 42 1
    alex posted on 2021/01/14
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