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Hello again!
I am Luke and you're watching “Science of Victory”
我是 Luke,您現在收看的是「勝利方程式」
You asked tons of questions after our heavy tanks episode and I can't leave them unanswered.
Many of you wrote that you manage win team battles using tanks we didn't recommend.
Well, I touched on it in that episode but I'll stress it again; any tier 8 can be used for Team Battles if you're good enough.
我在那集節目中提到過,但是今天我再次強調:如果你能力夠強,任何 8 階戰車都能用來參加團隊作戰
However, in a battle of equal skill, those tanks are usually superior for one reason or another.
Nevertheless, today we will talk about the tier 8 tanks we didn't cover in the previous episode as you requested it.
Sl1de from Na`Vi will be our consultant as usual.
與往常一樣,我們請來了來自 Na`Vi 戰隊的 Sl1de 做顧問
The most comments were regarding the Soviet premium tank IS-6.
評論最多的是關於蘇聯金幣戰車 IS-6
Many players claim that this tank is as good as the IS-3.
許多玩家稱這輛戰車與 IS-3 一樣優秀
Is that so? – Let's see.
The mobility of the IS-6 is a little bit worse.
IS-6 的靈活性稍差一些
The hull armor is almost the same, but the IS-6's turret is pretty weak; though shells tend to bounce from it.
兩者車體裝甲幾乎相同,但 IS-6 的炮塔相當脆弱,雖然炮彈也會從上面彈開
Let's also compare the guns: the one-shot damage is the same for IS-6 and IS-3,
我們再來比較一下主砲:IS-6 與 IS-3 單次射擊所造成的傷害相同
the damage per minute is better for the IS-6 thanks to the higher damage per minute, and the aim time is the same - 3.4 seconds.
但 IS-6 的射速較高,所以它每分鐘造成的傷害更大,雙方的瞄準時間同為 3.4 秒
So far so good, but if you take a look at the other IS-6 parameters there is no reason for joy.
到目前為止還算不錯,但是如果大家看一看 IS-6 的其他參數,就沒什麼好高興的了
The tank's accuracy is low and the armor penetration of AP shells is 175 mm, the penetration of the APCR's are 217 mm.
它的準確度較低,AP 炮彈的裝甲穿透力為 175 mm,而 APCR 的裝甲穿透力則為 217 mm
These numbers are lower than those of ALL other tier 8 tanks.
這些數字比所有其它 8 階戰車的相應參數都低
In fact the IS-6's gun is like the tier 7 IS's just but with a higher damage per minute.
事實上, IS-6 的主砲就相當於 7 階 IS 戰車的主砲,只是射速稍高一些
Enough with the numbers.
Let's see some real examples.
First of all the IS-6 can't tank normally, because of the low turret armor.
首先,由於 IS-6 炮塔裝甲較低,所以它不能站在太前線
Well, if you're up against experienced players, anyway.
This can be well seen when face-hugging.
The IS-3 has no trouble penetrating the IS-6's mantlet but the premium tank has a hard time breaching the IS-3's armor.
IS-3 要穿透 IS-6 的防彈盾根本不費吹灰之力,但金幣戰車要撕裂 IS-3 的裝甲則很困難
The only option left is to shoot the top of the turret.
When in a long distance firefight the situation is even worse because of the low accuracy.
You can see that it's not easy to hit the enemy's weak spots.
Some tankers say that they can sidescrape better than any IS-3…
一些車長宣稱IS-6 採用「逆擺角」戰術可以比任何 IS-3 戰車做的都更好…
That is because many opponents just don't know how to penetrate this tank's armor.
You see a sidescraping IS-6?
你實際看過 IS-6 採用「逆擺角」戰術嗎?
Shoot at the front angled corner plate.
The shell will reach it at a good angle and will have an easy time penetrating.
If the opponent is looking straight at you – aim for the lower glacius or the driver's hatch.
I'm not saying that the IS-6 is bad and can't be used in team battles.
我不是說 IS-6 太差不適合團隊作戰
No! It's just clearly worse that the IS-3 in most situations and when two equal teams meet, this will matter.
絕對不是!只是很明顯在大多數情況下它比 IS-3 要差一些,當兩個戰隊旗鼓相當時,這點很重要
Also note that a player who has Team Battle experience and knows the where to penetrate any armor won't be a burden to any team.
Besides, they'll be able to get more credits.
So it's for you to decide.
Now we shall move on.
Another heavy we didn't mention last time was the British Caernarvon.
另一輛我們上次沒有提到的重型戰車是英國的 Caernarvon
This vehicle is pretty interesting – mobile, a great view range and good elevation angles.
這輛戰車很有意思 ─ 很靈活、視野範圍佳並且仰角很好
The damage per minute is close to its competitors and the aiming time plus accuracy are THE BEST among the tier.
This tank is really good… for random battles!
Note that it's not as all-purpose as the IS-3 and is also less suited for team battles.
注意:它不像 IS-3 那樣全能,而且也沒有 IS-3 那麼適合團隊作戰
This is because of the two main faults of the Caernarvon – its low armor and a very low damage per shot.
這是因為 Caernarvon 有兩大缺陷 ─ 裝甲和每次射擊所造成傷害較小
The tank's turret can be easily penetrated from the sides and above the mantlet.
Plus, experienced players often shoot at the joining of the turret and the hull for easy penetration.
The lower glacius is also vulnerable and the side and rear armor of the Caernarvon outmatch only the paper-thin AMX 50 100.
這裡比較容易穿透,首下也很脆弱,Caernarvon 側面和後面的裝甲只比 AMX 50 100 紙一樣薄的裝甲厚一些
You won't be able to sidescrape with it.
Not much to say about the damage.
The maximum is 283 and the average is 230.
最大為 283,平均為 230
This is just too low for Team Battles
Another tank we were asked to talk about is the FCM 50t.
應大家要求,我們要討論的另外一輛戰車是 FCM 50t
This is the most mobile heavy of tier 8.
這是 8階戰車當中最為靈活的重坦
Even the AMX 50 100 isn't as mobile.
即使是 AMX 50 100,靈活性也不敵它
Plus the tank has good accuracy, fast aim and nice elevation angles.
To top it all off; the damage per minute is one of the best of the tier!
That said; the FCM 50t is too vulnerable for team battles.
雖然如此,但 FCM 50t 太過脆弱,還是不適合團隊作戰
Almost any shot will penetrate.
This along with a low damage per shot make the tank poorly suited for Team Battles.
Now we go back to the Soviet super-heavies: the KV-4 and KV-5.
現在,我們再回到蘇聯超級重坦 KV-4 和 KV-5
There were numerous comments about how the armor compensates for its other faults.
Actually it can't hide these tanks' biggest weakness – its mobility.
實際上,這還是無法掩蓋這輛戰車的最大弱點 ─ 靈活性差
Well… let me give you two simple examples.
Cliff. The opponents have a KV-4.
地圖 Cliff,對手有一輛 KV-4
We send our heavies on a standard route.
And the 1390 boldly goes to the enemy's ledge.
1390 大膽地挺進敵方岩架
Our light is in position whilst the KV-4 is still climbing up.
我們的輕型戰車已經就位,同時 KV-4 還在往上爬
Our scout easily unloads his magazine.
This is about 1000 damage at the very beginning.
在戰鬥一開始就造成大約 1000 點傷害
So from here, just keep it up and you're going to win.
Second example.
The enemy has a KV-5. Two of them, no less!
敵方有一輛 KV-5,兩輛,真不少!
No matter.
The ninety scouts.
Now we know where the enemy tanks are and so we decide NOT TO shoot the KV at first.
因此我們決定先不向那輛 KV 射擊
We only shoot at the other targets, because the chance of penetration is much higher.
We rush in and focus down three tanks then hide behind the hill to reload.
Now we just finish them off.
As you can see even the best armor won't save your enemy from defeat if you act with skill and cunning.
The enemy will have even more difficulties on city maps, but that's only two maps out of eight.
Well, enough of the KVs for today.
好了,關於 KV 今天就說這麼多
Now we talk about the Chinese heavies.
Many say that they're better than the IS-3.
許多人認為它們比 IS-3 更好
Let's review the details again.
The 112 has good turret armor and a high max speed, but the acceleration is not so impressive.
112 砲塔裝甲很棒,最高速度也很高
The main fault is the cannon, though.
The one shot damage, accuracy, aim time and armor penetration with APs is similar to the IS-6.
它的主要缺點在於主砲,而單次射擊造成的傷害、精準度、瞄準時間和 AP 炮彈的裝甲穿透力與 IS-6 類似
The premium shells seem to have better penetration, but the damage per minute is lower than that of the Soviet tank.
In fact, the 112 has HEAT shells.
112 使用 HEAT 炮彈
As we mentioned last time, they have trouble dealing damage through tracks and they aren't normalized.
In addition; it has fuel tanks located in the front, so the tank is often set on fire by a frontal armor penetration.
Now, the 110 is a pretty balanced vehicle.
不過,110 算是相當均衡的戰車
It is pretty similar to IS-3 in many aspects, but has worse acceleration.
它在很多方面都與 IS-3 很類似,但加速度稍差
The 110 is a pretty rare tank and most tankers don't know how to penetrate its armor.
110 非常罕見,大多數戰車手都不知道如何穿透它的裝甲
This is a clear advantage.
At least until you have watched “Science of Victory”.
The 110 can be easily penetrated through the lower glacius and the commander's hatch.
110 的首下和指揮官艙可以很容易地被穿透
If the enemy is sidescraping then shoot at the hull's side plate.
You have no guarantee of penetrating the driver's hatch though, so don't chance it.
Another thing that separates the 110 from the IS-3 is the cannon.
還有一個區分 110 和 IS-3 的一點就是主砲,實際上
The 110's is actually a bit more accurate and aims faster, but the damage per shot is lower.
110 更為精準且瞄準速度更快,但是單次射擊所造成的傷害較低
However; the damage per minute is 200 points higher thanks to the higher damage per minute.
不過,由於其射速較高,它每分鐘造成的傷害也高出了 200 點
Overall the tank is pretty good!
If you don't own an IS-3 then you can easily take part in team battles driving a 110.
如果你沒有 IS-3,那麼駕駛一輛 110 也能很輕鬆地參與團隊作戰
Let's sum things up; we still think that the American T32, the IS-3 and the AMX 50 100 are the best choices for team battles,
我們來總結一下:我們仍然認為美國 T32、 IS-3 和 AMX 50 100 是團隊作戰的最佳選擇
but now you know more on why.
I guess this is all we have for today.
In the next episode we will talk about Tank Destroyers and even mention SPGs.
Keep leaving your suggestions and feedback below and remember to like and subscribe to our new channel for more!
See you!