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♪ (industrial music) ♪
- ♪ Anytime I'm alone ♪
♪ I can't help... ♪ - Oh my gosh! I already saw this.
- Oh, it's Ariana.
- It's Ariana Grande.
- My celebrity crush has always been Ariana Grande, since Victorious.
- What is her name? Do I know her? Should I know her?
Probably should. I don't.
- ♪ He giving me that good shit ♪
♪ That make me not quit, that good shit ♪
♪ Oh, he give it to me ♪
♪ Every day, every day, every day ♪ - (laughs)
- ♪ Every day, every day ♪
- (stammers, then laughs)
- She's right on top of the car. And then everyone's seeing it.
- ♪ Every day ♪ - That's, uh... that's something.
- ♪ Oh, he give it to me ♪
♪ Every day ♪ - "He give it to me every day."
- ♪ He give it to me ♪ - Wow.
- ♪ Anytime, anywhere, baby boy ♪
- (singing along) ♪ I can misbehave ♪
- What is up with this? Everyone's just making out in public?
Hell yeah.
- She's really singing about having sex every day?
- ♪ Oh, he give it to me ♪ - Okay.
- ♪ Every day ♪
♪ He give it to me ♪
- (snickering) - ♪ Every day, every day ♪
♪ Every day ♪ - (singing along) ♪ Oh, he give it to me ♪
- ♪ Every day, every day ♪
♪ Every day ♪ - This is my dance move
when I'm in the car now.
- ♪ Every day, every day ♪
♪ He make me go ♪ - (giggles)
- Wow. I don't think I would let my daughter see this.
- I don't know who that is.
- ♪ ...night fall till the sun come up ♪
- I have not worked in an office like that.
- ♪ ...bad guy ♪
♪ I don't compromise my passion ♪ - Oh dear.
I should've expected it.
- ♪ I'm doing the same for you ♪
♪ I don't be trippin' or makin' mistakes ♪
♪ I made too many in my past ♪ - Well, that's just not
work appropriate. I mean,
no wonder the Xerox machine never works right.
- ♪ ...things you believe in ♪
♪ I got your body... ♪ - It's very hardcore.
But I mean, I love Ariana.
- ♪ We 'bout to take us a vacation ♪
♪ I'm 'bout to put all this... ♪
- I don't know whether to be turned on or turned off.
- ♪ ...good shit ♪
♪ That make me not quit, that good shit ♪
- Oh yeah, get it!
- ♪ Every day ♪ - And they said Up had a sad ending.
- ♪ Every day, every day ♪
- (giggles) Awkward.
- It's just dumb.
- ♪ Every day ♪
♪ He give it to me ♪ - (disgusted) Oh!
- Wha-- wha-- (cracking up)
- ♪ Every day ♪ - Oh! Oh.
- ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
- What if there's just something about Ariana Grande's singing
that just makes people do this in public?
- I got it. I understand it now.
They have no uniqueness in their music.
So in order to pay attention to their music,
they have to do a shocking video.
- Hey. I mean, if that's happening, get out snacks.
- ♪ Oh, he give it to me ♪
- Like, her voice and Future made such a good combination.
♪ (song ends with an echo) ♪
- (busts out laughing)
- My kids are never seeing that video.
Or I'm going to attempt to never let them see that video.
- It's amazing what music is today.
It's horrible. (blows raspberry)
- I have no idea what to think about it.
I'm slightly uncomfortable. But I still enjoyed the song.
♪ (industrial music) ♪
- (FBE) All right, so that was the newest music video
for the song "Everyday" by Ariana Grande. - I know.
- She's amazing.
- (FBE) So what did you think of the song and the video?
- It's so shallow.
The song was awful. The video was awfuler.
- I did not like the video.
I'm never gonna knock her vocals, 'cause she can sing.
- I don't like it.
Everyone's just getting naked,
and she's singing about having sex every day.
- Nobody wants to know about that.
- I thought the song was really great.
- I loved the song.
I cannot sing this with my mom in the car.
- That was really... really good.
It's a kind of humor that sort of pokes fun
at the regular type of music video
that usually this type of pop star would do.
- (FBE) So this music video has been celebrated by some online
for showing couples of different sexual orientations,
body sizes, and ages, and it all being treated the same.
What do you think about them making that choice?
- It's-- you guys.
It's not that big of a deal.
- She gets a lot of attention
because she's a very big, known, international artist.
But a lot of artists have done it too.
- They want to soften the context of it, you know,
by putting everybody so that we can all relate to it and say,
"Hey, dude, that's really what we want."
- I love the different body size stuff.
You see these magazines.
And you're like... "Are you kidding me?"
- Having two women make out with each other
and having an interracial couple--
I think those are really, really good messages to put out.
- Slowly as humans, we're progressing
and being acceptable of certain things.
I'm guessing, like, the younger generation
will actually be able to be like, "Okay, this is normal."
- (FBE) The video deals a lot with public displays of affection.
But instead of denouncing it, she seems to be embracing it.
What is your stance on PDA?
- Okay. I'm very private. So I wouldn't be like that.
- Not a fan. I mean, not that I'm a prude.
I just don't care for it.
- I'm very conservative when it comes to PDA.
Like, I had a couple at the movie theater the other day
making out, and she put her hand on my hand by accident
when they were making out. And I thought it was--
I wanted to die.
- Oh God, I'm all about it.
Kiss me in public. Let 'em see it.
- I'm all for it. Maybe not getting naked in front of people.
- We don't, like, dry-hump in the park or anything.
But do we kiss and hold hands and hug? Of course, yeah.
- I have nothing against it. I do it all the time.
I was at a Clippers and Hornets game.
And when the kiss cam came to me, I was--
I was very excited to embrace that moment.
- (FBE) Finally, Ariana is a bit polarizing.
Many feel she releases content on her social media
that has strong, positive messages for young people.
But at the same time, she puts out sexually provocative content
that may be inappropriate for younger fans.
- Yeah.
- (FBE) Do you think that influence on youth should be something
celebrities like Ariana need to be more careful about?
Or do you think this type of controversy
is blown out of proportion?
- I honestly think she does need to be a little careful,
because she has a lot of young girls looking up to her.
- I think it's blown way out of proportion.
She's an artist. She can do whatever it is that she wants.
If anybody doesn't like it, don't listen. Period.
- This always happens to artists that started younger
in TV shows. It happened to Miley. It happened to Demi.
They're with the image of Ariana from five years ago,
and that is not the same Ariana that we have right now.
- Ariana Grande's fan base, I think, are still very young.
Sure, celebrities should watch out
because they have a lot of fans that idolize them.
But I think it's more people like us (giggles)
who just have to just watch out, you know, for what we buy.
And if we are parents,
maybe be responsible for what our kids are consuming.
- You need to take the time as a parent, as an adult,
as a-- you know, even a role model or a figure for this kid,
like, "Hey, you know, this is a tune.
She probably didn't write it. She probably thought it was good.
And let's go from there. What do you think,
and how do you feel about this? And let's talk about it."
- There's two halves to it where it's like,
"I want to make the art that I want to make, and that's it."
And then there's the responsibility half
because of your audience.
Personally, I think the artist is entitled
to doing whatever makes them happy.
And other people can just suck it.
- Thanks for watching this episode of Adults React.
- We have new videos every day! Well, almost every day.
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- Thanks for watching, everybody. See you next time.
- Hey, everybody! It's Dallen here from FBE.
Thank you so much for watching this episode of Adults React.
Now, if you have any other music videos we should react to,
go ahead and leave us a comment below. Bye, guys.