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hey guys it's Theodore and in this video I'm gonna give you some tips to increase
your chances of getting a date on tinder so you've downloaded tinder your friends
may be getting a whole bunch of dates especially if these friends are girls
but you can't even seem to get a single match even doing the running man which
is swiping right on every girl that pops up doesn't result in any good matches
for you so what are you doing wrong let's break down what makes an
attractive tinder profile and what turns people off when they're swiping you
don't get very much time on tinder to make a good first impression so the
smallest no nose can leave your inbox high and dry so tip number one if you
have too many group photos go ahead and take them down it's great that you have
a whole bunch of friends and a group photo where two shows that you like to
have a good time outside of your room alone but if your first photo is a group
of 10 guys girls are more likely to swipe left after all they're going off
looks alone and they don't know which one exactly you look like you can leave
a group photo for later in your collection so that girls can establish
exactly what you look like even if you run with a really handsome crew or even
better you stand out as the handsome one among a rather rough looking crew girls
can see through those tricks your first photo should be a single photo that
establishes who you are and what you look like number two is if you have a
shirtless photo without your face you need to take it down girls want to see
what you look like not just what your stomach and chest would looks like a
shirtless photo without your face sends a message that you only really care what
the girl looks like shirtless or that you have something to hide also a
shirtless photo with your face has seen a small improvement in matches according
to one study but remember what kind of girls you're going to attract with this
method the next tip is to use multiple photos to show off your interests not
all of your photos have to be a clear photo of your smiling face and alone if
you have a handful of photos to show off your personality definitely use them did
you go hiking in New Zealand did you go scuba diving in Aruba did you go
bouldering at your local gym find a collection of photos of you out and
about in life living life and pursuing your actual interests if a girl sees a
collection of photos of you taking selfies in a bathroom they probably
won't have any idea what you like to do in your spare time the next tip as
cheesy as it is try to use a dog photo so what's the real secret to getting
matches your dog is your best wingman add a photo of you and your dog into the
mix and there's not really any science behind it but you'll get a hell of a lot
more matches if you include a puppy in your tinder photos just trust me on this
one and if you don't have a dog you can use your parents your brother's your
sisters your friends even your neighbor's dog will do just
find a dog for a good tinder photo also something that's really important is a
bio if you don't have a bio you're less likely to get a match
so tinder is a pretty shallow app already but not all users rely solely on
a photo or two to swipe if a girl is already interested they'll most likely
click to read your bio if you don't have a bio well that's just not interesting
is it I'm not asking you to write the Great American Novel with your tinder
bio but including a little information about yourself your interest what you
like to do even your favorite television shows could spike someone's interest
your bio in fact might even be more important than your actual photos
depending on what that person is swiping for so try to make it count and try to
be clever but not over-the-top it'll also make the conversation easier when
you do match if you ask a witty question or have your interests listed in your
bio girls will have more information handy so they can send you a message and
trust me they do send messages for the right BIOS you can match this tip with
something called an information gap to greatly increase matches which that's
something that I talk about in my psychology of selling course but you can
look it up in another video use the next three tips that I'm going to give you to
make a bio that makes people feel comfortable and more willing to swipe
right number one is to stay positive sure tinder can get really frustrating
you might run into girls who have ridiculous expectations or matches that
never turn in the dates but everyone experiences hit and misses on tinder
just don't vent your frustration on your tinder bio writing something like don't
match with me without saying hi or swipe left if you have a snapchat filter in
your pictures it just sounds aggressive and sometimes even rude even if these
rules that you said don't apply to the girls looking at your profile they may
still swipe left just because of how you come off no one wants the first
impression to start off with complaints and negativity so number two is to be
honest but not too honest this doesn't mean that you should be dishonest about
what you're looking for if you're in town for a few days or not looking for
anything serious it's completely ok to mention that not all people on tinder
are looking for their next spouse and you probably already knew that but also
not all people are looking for a one-night stand have you ever heard the
expression never talk about politics religion or your exes on a first date
this rule also applies to your tinder bio no one wants to know that you're
just trying to get over an ex that you just got out of a relationship a month
ago and tip number three I have for you guys
is that no one needs your life story in your bio tinder is all about making
quick judgments like it or not and a lot of people on tinder don't take it too
seriously if they see eight paragraphs in your bio their attention span might
get the best of them and they'll probably select left it doesn't take
more than a sentence or two to properly establish your favorite television show
or what your deal is on tinder if you want to write a life story then go ahead
and join a dating site on a desktop and overall if you want my best advice it's
to hand your tinder over to your friends now this might sound like bad advice but
it can help you get a third-party perspective on your tinder profile your
friends know more about the type of tinder matches you want to attract and
what pictures or pieces of your bio you need to add for optimal matches and also
if your friends think that your bio sounds a little bit dorky most likely
the people on tinder are going to feel the same way creating a profile with
your friend will also help you feel less serious about it and it'll be easier
coming up with something clever and attractive so just remember to have fun
with tinder it's not the only way to get a date if you're open the new
experiences and just relax most likely eventually you'll find a match who has
the same mindset if you guys enjoy this video you might check out the video on
how to keep a conversation flowing once you've matched up if you haven't already
watched that video also if you're looking for even better tips and tricks
on how to increase your chances of scoring a girlfriend or ways to be more
attractive I wanted to let you know about the psychology of Attraction it's
an online video course that I created that teaches you how to get a girl to
like you how to read her body language and just general attraction skills you
can check it out in the amazing story some guys have had with it and the link
in the description along with a coupon code for over half off if you use that
link hope you guys enjoyed this video and good luck tindering