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  • Is it bad to hold our urine?

  • Dude.

  • Right now, I'm not in a state to answer you.

  • Alright.

  • I'll explain.

  • Our body has various ways to get rid of unwanted waste materials.

  • One of these ways is through urine.

  • Urine is a liquid waste consisting of unwanted materials like water, salts, urea, uric acid, etc.

  • The urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder and a urethra.

  • The two kidneys filter blood and produce urine.

  • Which flows through the ureters and starts getting collected in the urinary bladder.

  • When our urinary bladder starts getting full and it begins to stretch or expand.

  • The nerves of the bladder inform the brain to produce an urge to urinate.

  • Now, when we want to urinate, the bladder contracts and the urine flows out of the body through the urethra.

  • Once in a while, it's okay to hold our urine.

  • But stress and pressures of modern life make us hold our urine more often and for longer periods.

  • Which can have negative effects on our health.

  • For example, a wet and warm bladder of urine is the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

  • Hence, if we don't empty the bladder regularly, then the bacteria are more likely to grow, Multiply.

  • Causing urinary tract infection or UTI.

  • Holding the urine can also cause the bladder to remain expanded or stretched for too long.

  • This may make it difficult for the bladder to contract normally while urinating.

  • As a result, the bladder will not be emptied completely which can lead to discomfort.

  • Pain and other serious problems.

  • Sometimes, the excess urine in bladder can even flow back to the kidneys,.

  • Causing kidney damage or kidney infection.

  • In very rare cases, the bladder may even burst, risking the life of the individual.

  • Topic: Pins and needles.

  • Why do limbs fall asleep?

  • Because they are tired.

  • No.

  • It basically happens because of nerves.

  • Through nerves, our brain communicates with our limbs.

  • Nerves are so amazing.

  • Yes.

  • However, when we cross our legs or sleep on an arm for very long.

  • We apply pressure causing the nerve pathways and its surrounding arteries to squeeze.

  • Hence, the nerves do not work properly and the arteries cannot supply required nutrients to the nerves.

  • As a result, the signals sent by our brain do not reach the limb.

  • Thus, we cannot move it.

  • So, we say that our limb has fallen asleep.

  • Also, in some situations, some of these squeezed nerves stop sending signals while some fire hyperactively.

  • This gives us the sensation of pins and needles.

  • Why do bees build hexagonal honeycombs?

  • I don't know.

  • Honeybees build honeycombs to store honey, pollen, eggs, etc.

  • The honeycombs are built using beeswax which honeybees produce themselves.

  • However, honeybees produce very less amount of this wax.

  • Hence, honeybees required a shape that would give them maximum storage using minimum beeswax.

  • Now, if each cell of the honeycomb would be a circle, then there would be a lot of gaps or wasted space between cells.

  • So why didn't honeybees make triangular or square cells?

  • These shapes don't leave any wasted space.

  • Popular research suggests that hexagonal cells use less wax.

  • Provide more space as compared to triangles and squares.

  • This means honeybees can store more honey while using the least amount of wax.

  • Besides this, the overall structure is much more stable and strong.

  • Why is blood red in color?

  • Because everyday it bathes using red paint.

  • No.

  • Our blood mainly consists of a liquid called plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

  • However, the color of our blood is basically because of red blood cells.

  • Each of the red blood cells contains hemoglobin.

  • Hemoglobin is an iron rich protein.

  • When hemoglobin binds with oxygen, the interaction between them gives our blood its red color.

  • Moreover, like human beings, not all animals have red color blood.

  • This is because the blood of some animals such as octopuses, spiders, etc. has hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin.

  • Hemocyanin is a copper containing protein.

  • When hemocyanin binds with oxygen, their interaction gives the blood a blue color.

  • The blood of some lizards has biliverdin instead of hemoglobin which give their blood a green color.

  • Topic: Heat.

  • Why is a laboratory thermometer not used to check body temperature?

  • You have got fever.

  • Why don't you check your body temperature using a thermometer?

  • No!!

  • Please don't use a laboratory thermometer.

  • You won't be able to get the correct reading.

  • Why don't you try another one?

  • This is called a Clinical thermometer.

  • A clinical thermometer is different from a laboratory thermometer.

  • Seems like you have made your choice.

  • A clinical thermometer has a kink.

  • When we check our body temperature, the kink present in it prevents the mercury from falling back down

  • Thus helping the thermometer to hold the temperature recorded by it and giving us an accurate reading.

  • Now, in a laboratory thermometer, this kink is absent.

  • This is because a laboratory thermometer is meant to measures immediate temperature.

  • Hence, after recording our body temperature, until we check it, the mercury will fall.

  • Thus not giving us an accurate reading.

It's AumSum Time.

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憋尿有害嗎?| 憋尿不好嗎? (Is it Bad to Hold our Urine? | #aumsum)

  • 14 2
    AumSum posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary