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  • The year is 2015.

  • In Los Angeles County, traffic jams have reached an all-time high.  

  • As a response, President Sinard declares Directive 69.

  • The Adventure Archives team must escape from LA and restore balance to the world by going to Yosemite.

  • A land where many go, and they never come back.

  • It was early in the morning, and we had stayed up long into the night packing for our latest adventure.

  • Getting to where we were going was no minor feat.

  • My flight was at seven in the morning, so I was at the airport bright and early.

  • Or dark and early rather.

  • It looks like Thomas.

  • After a couple hours of waiting, it was time to board the plane.

  • Look at this lovely view.

  • For a trip as big as this, even the journey can feel fun and exciting.

  • As Robby made his way in to LA, we had landed at our layover site...

  • ...and made our way to what we thought was our gate.

  • But just as it was time to board, we realized we were at the wrong gate and missed our flight.

  • We're not getting in to LA until rush hour hits at 5:05pm.

  • So... That's not good.

  • Now, we just had to wait.

  • Thankfully, we were still getting in on the same day.

  • In the meantime, I hopped on a bus and rode from the airport to Thomas's apartment.

  • Adventure Archives was finally coming to Hollywood.

  • And after a couple of hours, we had landed as well.

  • Hey!

  • - How's it going, my brother? - It's going well.

  • Thomas and I rushed out to catch Andrew and Bryan at the airport.

  • On the way, Thomas talked about how much he loved Hollywood and the glamorous lifestyle.

  • ...and you see all these people who are richer than you with stars, and you're like, I don't care.

  • The coolest thing, is this. This is a mountain!

  • - Yeah, that is... - We don't have those in Ohio.

  • We're in the ninth circle of hell right now.

  • Rebel base, we found 'em. I repeat, we found 'em.

  • They're alive!

  • Oh man, what a travesty.

  • After a few or so hiccups, we have arrived here in LAX.

  • Also known as the ninth circle of hell.

  • Well, this is good. We're going to Yosemite. Thomas, how are you feeling about everything?

  • Oh, I'm just peachy-keen.

  • So what the heck happened?

  • When we were landing, the pilot was announcing the connection gates...

  • ...and we were like okay. So we went over there and we sat down and we were waiting...

  • ...and then I was like, uh, Austin?...

  • Andrew decided to take that time to go poop.

  • ...we gotta go!

  • I napped for half an hour, woke up, and it was like 3:40 and we were just taking off, and I was like, well...

  • We still have a lot of traffic to go through yet.

  • So how hungry are you guys?

  • Um, I'm fine actually.

  • Could you guys wait like two hours?

  • Oh yeah, I can wait.

  • It's gonna take us two hours to get out of the city.

  • It's like, "How hungry are you guys?" Can you wait, four hours?!

  • Now that the other three had a taste of my daily commute, it was time to take them to the land that billions more stars than Hollywood.

  • The California hills were beautiful in the setting sun.

  • On the way, we decided to stop for some burgers.

  • The problem is my metabolism, although still very high, is catching up with me.

  • It was time to ride off into the sunset.

  • And it's not a road trip until you sing some songs.

  • One evening as the sun went down and the jungle fire was burning...

  • ...down the track came a hobo hikin', and he said "Boys, I'm not turning."

  • I'm headed to a land that's far away, beyond the crystal fountains.

  • So come with me, and we'll go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

  • Oh, sequoia!

  • In the Big Rock Candy Mountains, you'll never change your socks...

  • Let's start that over.

  • ...and *mumble*...

  • Night fell as strip malls and car dealerships gave way to conifer trees and dark skies.

  • We had arrived at our first destination; Summerdale Campsite.

  • We filled out the registration forms and headed in to the campgrounds.

  • I'm still kind of upset about that. I blame everyone else for not helping me.

  • We shivered, either from the excitement or brisk night air, as we unpacked our sleeping gear.

  • It felt great to be beneath these trees with fresh air filling our lungs.

  • Bryan helped me set up my brand-new tent. It was going to be nice to finally give it a try tonight.

  • Of course, with new gear, things don't always go so smoothly on the first try.

  • - Are you sure it's not supposed to go this way? - It's supposed to go the other way.

  • They set the tent up wrong.

  • With that out of the way, we prepared to go to sleep.

  • Bryan and I would both be taking the tent.

  • And Andrew and I would sleep out in the open.

  • Won't you be my neighbor?

  • It's freezing, dude.

  • What's going on?

  • We have to wake up.

  • - Huh? - We have to wake up.

  • It seems like it's always Thomas waking us up at the buttcrack of dawn on camping trips.

  • Five in the morning. That's usually when my nocturnal self goes to sleep.

  • Now, to be fair, we did have to drive a bit to our next campsite.

  • And if we didn't get there on time, we might not be able to get a site.

  • It's a first-come, first-serve sort of deal.

  • It was time to fight the cold and get our things packed up.

  • We can hear cars going by already. If these guys are stealing our campsite, there will be blood.

  • Well, say goodbye to Summerdale Campsite, and say hello to Yosemite.

  • Oh, my...

  • Oh my god.

  • Holy bajeezus.

  • We soon saw the first glimpses of the majestic Yosemite Valley.

  • We headed through the Yosemite Tunnel, and readied ourselves for an incredible view.

  • This incredible land, with its granite cliffs that dwarve most skyscrapers...

  • ...its massive pine forests, and its vibrant meadows...

  • ...was once home to to the indigenous people who called it Ahwahnee, or "The Wide Mouth".

  • But to most people, it's known by another name.

  • So this is where we are here.

  • It was time to go over the plan. After a dayhike to Nevada Falls, we would try and get a spot at Camp 4 tonight...

  • ...and depart the following day to the Yosemite Falls Trail.

  • We would hike the steep three miles, gaining 2,000 feet in elevation to the top of Upper Yosemite Falls.

  • There, we would need to try and find a campsite for the night.

  • The next day, we'd leave most of our gear behind and hike to North Dome.

  • Then, we would return to the campsite for one final night in Yosemite before making our way down to the valley floor the next morning.

  • We arrived at Camp 4 about an hour and a half before the ranger station opened.

  • There was already a line of about 40 people, and we were becoming worried that we might not get a spot.

  • The 96 available spots quickly fill up, so getting here early is crucial.

  • We chatted and played some games while we waited to see if we were going to be lucky.

  • The ranger showed up and gave us our number. But there was still more waiting.

  • We watched some steller's jays flying around to pass the time.

  • Luckily, our early arrival paid off, and after getting our permit we headed back to the car to get our things so we could set up camp.

  • The campgrounds were already full of people eating breakfast, doing yoga, and lying in hammocks.

  • It was a lively little village.

  • After setting up camp, we were headed on a dayhike. But first, we needed a little bit of coffee to really get us going.

  • We would brew the coffee on Thomas's new portable camping stove.

  • Using these filters to make coffee while camping is a little bit finicky, but it worked out well enough.

  • After pouring the coffee out, I added some nice, grassfed butter.

  • This one is so yellow it looks like a chicken broth.

  • Who wants to start?

  • I'll try the black coffee.

  • Yeah, Andrew, you start that.

  • Cheers, yeah.

  • That is really good. It is kind of like coffee broth or something.

  • Yeah, I mean it tastes a little more watered down than you would expect, but I mean...

  • - Well, try this one. Cause that one's not watered down, it's buttered up. - That has a good aftertaste.

  • This is also really good coffee. It's like unbelievably expensive.

  • - That is really good. - It's actually, the butter is a lot less noticeable than I expected considering how yellow it was.

  • Mhmm...

  • When you tell people I put butter in my coffee, they're like, what?

  • It tastes just like cream. I mean it's almost cream.

  • Yeah, cream is essentially butter.

  • That's great.

  • Chris. Carolyn. We killed a bear.

  • And we ate it.

  • After talking with some of our neighbors, we headed to the car and got ready for the dayhike.

  • Let's make it last.

  • But before that, we had to get our parking permit at the visitor's center for the backpacking tomorrow.

  • - What is this? - I don't know.

  • And while we were there, I picked up a little book.

  • Tree identifier.

  • We were finally on our way to the trailhead.

  • We walked from our car to the trailhead and spotted a weird growth on a tree.

  • I wasn't sure if it was a mushroom or just some sort of foam sprayed on the tree.

  • I wasn't sure if there was a better way.

  • Walking around with nothing is really nice.

  • - It's good to have an extra person. - Yeah.

  • Why am I carrying anything?

  • Huh?

  • Right now, we're on the Happy Isles Trail. Are we headed to the Happy Isles?

  • - Cause I like the sound of that. - Uh, no we're...

  • We're heading to the Misty Trail which is going to take us up Vernal Falls.

  • And then, if we choose to do so we can make it up to Nevada Falls.

  • Then we'll take the John Muir Trail back down.

  • Sweet.

  • It's a good smell out here.

  • It was a bit of a long hike to the actual trailhead since the area was packed full of cars, and we had to park a bit away.

  • Nonetheless, there was a lot of beautiful scenery before we even got to the trail.

  • Rushing rivers below and towering granite cliffs above.

  • Are you not sure, or you just mean...

  • I'm not sure if that's the...

  • The first part of the trail was paved so many people could access it.

  • A bit different than what we're used to.

  • We made it to the trail and from there we could see Upper Yosemite Falls from across the valley.

  • That would be tomorrow's destination.

  • Seeing the falls and all the other granite cliffs was a bit intimidating, especially considering we had to hike to the top tomorrow.

  • The scenery was fantastic, but this first part of the trail was really crowded.

  • You can't really blame anyone for wanting to be out here though.

  • To be honest, it felt sort of like being at an amusement park, which in spite of the name, is not a very amusing feeling.

  • We came to a river and enjoyed the cool, misty breeze and spotted Vernal Falls, which is where we were headed today.

  • And Andrew spotted a tree, as he is wont to do.

  • Okay, I don't know exactly what this is, I'm thinking it might be California Bay, but who the heck knows...

  • But if you... Let me pick a small leaf here.

  • It has like a really fragrant smell. Why don't you give it a sniff and tell me what you think of it.

  • Whoa, that is super strong!

  • - Did you smell this yet? Did you smell this yet? - Yeah, it's really good.

  • Oh my gosh, that smells, like, delicious.

  • I need to put this under my armpits.

  • I wasn't sure at the time, but I can confidently say now that this was a California Bay laurel tree.

  • The bay leaves can be used for cooking, but are much more potent than ordinary bay leaves.

  • It might leave your meal tasting like a cough drop.

  • We continued hiking, and were happy to see that the crowds were thinning out a bit.

  • We arrived at a trail intersection. The famous John Muir Trail.

  • One day we'll hike the whole thing.

  • But for now we kept on the Mist Trail and headed to Vernal Falls.

  • The trail started to narrow down and a set of steep stairs drew us closer to the top of the falls.

  • With every gain in elevation, the view seemed to become even more incredible.

  • With all of the huge boulders and the majestic waterfall

  • it was easier to forget about the crowds around us and just enjoy the beauty of this place.

  • The air carried a cool summer breeze around us as we listened to the water crashing against the rocks below.

  • We started to grasp just how big the landscape around us was.

  • This was a place unlike anything we've seen in the east.

  • As we climbed up the steep trail and took in the mountain air, we came to the realization.

  • We were here. We had made it to Yosemite.

  • As John Muir said, we were in the mountains. And the mountains were in us.

  • This squirrel's just lookin' at me.

  • It's like it's trying to sell me a watch or something.

  • You wanna sell me a watch?

  • At the top of the falls, we took the opportunity to look at just how far below the trail we came from was.

  • It was pretty astounding.

  • Last time I was here, three people had literally just died...

  • ...after I hiked this trail because they hopped over the railing and swam into the pools that fed into the waterfall.

  • Because these cliff sides are made of granite, it actually has like compressed oxygen in it.

  • So when it hits the ground, like the rock, when it breaks, it almost explodes.

  • - Wow. - Really?

  • It's funny because these cliffs, they're granite, you think they're just impermeable...

  • think they're constant, immortal... and they're constantly changing in reality.

  • Yeah, it's like a time frame, right? What scale you're looking at.

  • Well, you know, you look at the rocks, like these big boulders or even like these small little pebbles.

  • And you ask, "How did they get there?"

  • You know, and where are they going? And that's something John Muir asked he was out hiking in these woods.

  • - John Muir. - John Muir.

  • - Let's get some lunch. - Alright.

  • Isn't it funny how much of life is just not trying to bump into other things?

  • Not getting hit by a rock.

  • Not getting in the way of other hikers.

  • You know, sometimes I have the sense that like am I not fully grasping the experience if I don't like walk out right to the edge and stare down?

  • I also think part of respecting nature is just understanding that it can kill you.

  • I don't think it makes anyone less of a man to acknowledge that and to be smart about it.

  • Knowing your strengths and knowing your weaknesses, that's the surest sign of like a mature person.

  • It's like that song...

  • You've got to know when to fold.

  • Well I don't know many plants out here, but I think between the two of us we can at least identify something.

  • I think so... Oh!

  • There it is. Yeah, up there.

  • Yeah, it's got this red bark.

  • Yeah, that's how you can tell.

  • Okay. You know, I think the flowers on these are edible.

  • You know if the berries are edible?

  • I don't know if they are.

  • I guess that's a job for the narrator.

  • I did hear that you can take the leaves from this and it could be made for medicinal use.

  • Whatever those medicinal uses are, I don't know. But the cool thing is...

  • ...was how the bark is like red and white.

  • It's super bright white from like the dead branches and then the red is just so firm and smooth. Feel that.

  • Feel how smooth that is.

  • - Oh wow. - Yeah.

  • Manzanita berries can be crushed into a dry, coarse meal.

  • The leaves can treat rashes and be made into a tea for rheumatism and headaches.

  • Yeah, there's a lot of rocks to break our fall.

  • After that bit of rest, we continued along the trail so we could take a different way back.

  • Now that we'd gotten past the crowds, it was just the four of us and mother nature.

  • One thing I've noticed is that it's getting quieter.

  • When you're standing next to waterfalls for hours, you kinda start drowning out all the white noise.

  • But actually the first thing we noticed when we got in last night was how quiet it was.

  • During the hike, we frequently stopped to take in the astonishing view.

  • It was incredible to see just how high above Vernal Falls we had already gotten.

  • The sun shone from behind a haze of clouds, creating a sort of ethereal atmosphere to accompany our newfound solitude.

  • We talked and rested a bit before heading back down to the John Muir Trail.

  • The sun was just starting to set casting the hard, rocky cliffs in a soft, hazy light.

  • We hiked past a few delicate scartlet penstemon flowers as the sun slid behind the cliffs.

  • Welp, Thomas, it's been a good trip with you. It's too bad we're flying out tomorrow.

  • I have nothing to say.

  • Don't step on any rattlesnakes. I have nothing to say.

  • Don't step on any rattlesnakes.

  • Oh yeah, by the way we'll leave the cameras here. You'll have to film the rest of it yourself.

  • Go ahead and ship them back to us when you're done.

  • What should I do with the food?

  • Just dangle it off your bag with some strings.

  • Make sure you put it in your sleeping bag to keep it warm.

  • Okay, I'm packing out these poopy towels. I don't know what bear wiped his butt with them like in those toilet paper Cottonelle commercials.

  • But, I'm altruistic enough to pack these out, but not enough to not catch it on film and get credit for it.

  • He's using the asian way. He's using chopsticks to get them out.

  • Folks, it's not so hard to use jagged rocks as toilet paper. I don't understand.

  • Wow...

  • Oh my god...

  • What doth I witness with mine eyes?

  • We arrived at the trailhead just as dusk fell, and headed back to the camp in the night.

  • Tonight, I was looking forward to cooking some showy milkweed pods that we had collected before we entered the park.

  • Okay, look how sticky this latex is.

  • Kind of reminds me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

  • The most common milkweed here is called showy milkweed, which is a different species.

  • But it looks very similar to common milkweed and both are edible.

  • So I think we're going to boil these up. Have a good little appetizer.

  • A big misconception is that you have to boil these a lot to eat them.

  • Just boiling it once is fine, and some people can actually eat it raw. But not everyone, some people get sick.

  • To cook our food, we'd be using the gas stove and Bryan's wood stove.

  • There wasn't a whole lot of wood around the area, but look hard enough and you'll find some small twigs perfect for this stove.

  • After that, I decided to garnish Thomas's pasta with some spices that I had brought.

  • Alright, we've got some black pepper, dried garlic, and various other seasonings.

  • Give it a little extra Emeril Lagasse bam.

  • And then it was time for the taste test.

  • That's really good.

  • I can smell it from here.

  • What are your thoughts?

  • I'm glad I know how to cook pasta.

  • It was time for the main course. Andrew's alien pods were just about done.

  • Okay, so milkweed is a wild plant that is edible.

  • You can eat the shoots in the spring, the leaves later on, the flowers...

  • And now is the season for these pods, these seed pods.

  • But you have to boil it first?

  • Yeah and you want them before they split open and they're already hard inside.

  • But inside they've got this thing called pre silk.

  • Cause the seeds will be like fluffy so they can fly away.

  • But in this stage, the pre silk sort of has like this cheesy texture, you can actually see it, like it almost looks like cheese.

  • Oh yeah, it's almost like a mozzarella stick.

  • Yeah.

  • It's good. It is a lot like okra but not slimy like in terms of flavor.

  • Bottoms up.

  • Tastes like a really chewy green bean.

  • You can tell that it absorbs the water, so when you bite into it, it just bursts out.

  • I could definitely eat this again if it was cooked with something.

  • Mm, yeah it has a more fibrousy texture than okra.

  • It's not slimy at all and it has kind of like that juicy green flavor that vegetables have.

  • You know, green things, they all kind of taste the same.

  • It has that same green flavor.

  • If I die tomorrow because this isn't milkweed, I'm gonna kill you.

  • How is it?

  • Very watery.

  • Not bad though. Texture is like it's a pod...

  • ...and then flavor is kind of greeney.

  • You are... You are an absolute poet.

  • - Would you buy it in a store? - Um...

  • Stop. Yes.

  • I'm not sure I'd necessarily buy it in the store... I don't know the texture is pretty good though.

  • The flavor's not the best, so I guess if you could supplement the flavor with something else...

  • ...get that nice texture.

  • I totally change my mind. Maybe I would buy it in the store.

  • Last week when I was on top of Mt. Baldy to kind of motivate everyone I was going with I said...

  • ...if we can make it to the top of Baldy, I will cook some mash potatoes. Last week when I was on top of Mt. Baldy to kind of motivate everyone I was going with I said...

  • ...if we can make it to the top of Baldy, I will cook some mash potatoes.

  • And so I made it to the top, I pulled that stove out and I added water...

  • ...started boiling it and then I added the mash potato spuds, and they were some of the most delicious mashed potatoes I've ever had.

  • On top of the tallest mountain in Los Angeles county.

  • Just an explosion of flavor.

  • The aroma!

  • The onions, give it a nice texture... The seasoning...

  • Oh yeah. Well done, Thomas, well done.

  • Now, as good as this is...

  • It doesn't match the time Andrew and I went hiking in Hocking Hills.

  • Oh man.

  • Because Andrew's an idiot...

  • I don't think you need to preface... What?!

  • You only brought one bottle of water, remember?

  • Yeah, I don't remember you bringing any.

  • - That was my bottle! - Oh, okay.

  • You didn't bring any. You were like, oh, I'm fine, I'm fine.

  • Yeah, we were sharing that bottle of water between the two of us.

  • And before we had left, Mrs. Lin...

  • She gave us a whole thermos of ice water.

  • We begrudgingly took it. I was like, okay, thanks, Andrew's mom.

  • By the time we got back to the car...

  • Like I was literally having stomach pains cause of the dehydration.

  • And I opened that thing up, and I...

  • ...sucked on it like a sowing pig or whatever.

  • Immediately after that, my stomach pain went away completely.

  • Man, that was good.

  • You should not be that thirsty ever.

  • See, my motto is always be unprepared.

  • With full bellies, we drifted off to sleep.

  • It was a glorious new day in Yosemite Valley and Robby was sure to get the coffee flowing as soon as possible.

  • Sorry.

  • Hey, it's working.

  • Really good idea.

  • What do you got there, Andrew?

  • Just some pancakes that our campsite neighbors shared with us very graciously.

  • What are you guys' names anyway?

  • Sheridan, Owen, and I'm Chris.

  • This is the Yosemite Trail...

  • After breakfast, Thomas went over the backpacking plan with us.

  • This whole trail right here up to the top of the falls is 3.2 miles.

  • So last night, we're lying on the ground in our sleeping bags and I feel like a few drops on my face and I'm like hmm...

  • But it's not bad, and I'm like, Robby's not waking up, so...

  • So I literally woke up as soon as Andrew goes uh-oh...

  • And then I feel a splash of water on my face and I'm like, oh god...

  • We were like, okay, we gotta set the tarp up.

  • But we were like, we gotta film it!

  • Bryan was asleep, so eventually I just busted open the thing. I was like, "Film this!"

  • And then we're all yelling and Thomas is like shooshing me, he's like shoosh.

  • I'm like, "Thomas, if you shoosh me one more time, I'm killing you!"

  • Now we are in a camp full of like a hundred other people.

  • - No, it was justified, but nonetheless I was gonna kill you. - No...

  • But we set up the tarp in a diamond pattern.

  • We tied it to the tripod and then we just draped the rest of it over us.

  • I slept well.

  • - Me too. - Cheers to that!

  • On the way out, we bumped into some campground neighbors that had been talking to us before.

  • They introduced us to their adventurous aunt who had climbed half dome just the other day.

  • Then, Thomas and Andrew headed off to park the car in the designated spot...

  • ...while Robby and I waited at the trailhead near the campsite.

  • We also spotted a lurking coyote, which Thomas and Andrew had also seen later.

  • No, he's look at like something.

  • He's not looking at us.

  • While they made their way back, we tested the radios to see if we could contact them.

  • Repeat.

  • - Someone else is talking. - Yeah, there's another person.

  • I don't think we're in this conversation.

  • Yeah, that was somebody with an Indian accent.

  • What are you guys eating?

  • Apparently they're talking about taco sauce.

  • Oh yeah, that's like a ghost story almost.

  • Like you turn your radio on at night and it's like "Help me..."

  • God yeah, what if we had our radio on and we just heard...

  • Need help... Help me...

  • You're just like... Chuck it over there.

  • We watched as shuttle after shuttle passed by. And finally we saw the one Andrew and Thomas were on.

  • With the group reunited, it was time to head out on our adventure.

  • Three miles of nonstop, steep uphill.

  • This was gonna be one hell of a hike.

  • And a hike as big as this is bound to have a lot of sitting and resting.

  • These mountaintops... They're brutal, but every time you rest it really does rejuvenate you.

  • Brutal but beautiful.

  • - Hi. - Hello.

  • How you doing?

  • Hi.

  • But that's kind of like the definition of when you're outdoors.

  • Like, sometimes we get lucky on our trips and we get like super good weather...

  • Along the trail we talked to a few passerby.

  • Including someone who worked for a creature shop media company...

  • ...which peaked our interests a bit.

  • The hiked just seemed to go on and on. And our destination no closer.

  • But damned if it didn't have some amazing views.

  • Thomas just said we gotta hike more than 3.2 miles.

  • You know what I said to that?

  • I said too easy, son.

  • And he actually is my son so that was literal, it wasn't metaphorical.

  • What?

  • I'm your son?

  • The trail was flattening out, but yup, the top of that waterfall is where we still had to go.

  • Alright, down on the ground here is some sort of indian paint brush plant.

  • I don't know the exact species, but you can eat these red parts that are sticking up.

  • You don't want to eat the green ones. I think they have mild toxins or something.

  • It's kinda sandy, but other than that it's kind of like lettuce in terms of how it tastes and terms of the texture.

  • Not bad.

  • The roots and green part of the plant can absorb a toxin called selenium.

  • There's some elderberries over here. These are both a medicinal and edible plant.

  • I'm just gonna try not to die. And there's actually some of these coming into ripeness.

  • Usually they should be black though.

  • Oh... Squirted some juice on myself.

  • Kinda tart and sweet. I don't think they're fully ripe yet, so I'm not gonna eat many of them.

  • When they're still flowers you can fry those and a lot of people like to eat that.

  • You can use the leaves and flowers as a medicinal tea for like fever and things like that.

  • Good stuff.

  • Mmm, what are those one... Oh, nerds. They taste like nerds.

  • Those candies with the little... They look like nerds, taste like nerds too.

  • Okay, let's try these.

  • - Tastes like burning. - They're sour and they're actually a little crunchy too.

  • It's like you're eating nerds.

  • Mmm, nature's candy!

  • Elderberry tea is often used to treat the flu.

  • It's just one of the many wonders found in this fair and bright land.

  • In the big rock candy mountain, there's a land that's fair and bright.

  • Where the handouts grow on bushes, and you sleep out every night.

  • Where the box cars all are empty, and the sun shines every day.

  • All the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees, where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings, on the big rock candy mountain.

  • Is it mountain or mountains?

  • With how tiring this hike was, our campsite was starting to look even more unattainable than the big rock candy mountains.

  • While the rivers might not flow with whiskey and lemonade, we're pretty sure the scenery measures up.

  • We gotta be halfway there, right?

  • Uh, he said... yeah.

  • Switchback after switchback, we continued gaining elevation.

  • And the incredible view helped to restore our energy whenever we stopped to rest.

  • Like it doesn't matter where the sun is, it looks beautiful because there's always something like casting shadows.

  • We climbed quite a bit now, and our goal of making it to the top of the falls actually seemed attainable.

  • ...and you could just crawl up the mountain.

  • Not when you're carrying that tripod though.

  • The path keeps going and going, and we keep getting higher and higher.

  • And don't think I've ever actually been up this high anywhere before.

  • Thomas is up there somewhere, he's like a pack mule.

  • Bryan and Andrew are down there. They're like a sled dog.

  • And I'm like a coyote... I don't know what that means.

  • This... is a helluva hike.

  • We put this on a platter just for you.

  • You can watch it from your bed side, which I will be doing.

  • Dude, altitude really... Something about altitude definitely just...

  • Like I can't finish my sentences right now.

  • - Brain damage... - Wow, these rocks are like some sort of mythical castle or something.

  • - Wow. - Some like Indonesian temple.

  • Yeah, it looks like a painting. I mean that's such a like cliche thing to say, but it like literally looks like somebody did brush strokes on there.

  • Not long now.

  • Thomas had gunned it to the top quicker than all of us somehow.

  • Probably because he was more acclimated to living in those LA mountains.

  • I think I made it to kind of the top, not really the top before the rest of the party came.

  • And so I'm just kind of chilling here. Ran into a few people.

  • They seemed pretty cool and they got another heck of a trip down cause we just had a heck of a trip up.

  • The last stretch of trail was surrounded by gargantuan, lichen covered trees that looked like something out of prehistory.

  • Wow, look at these trees!

  • They're glowing like this neon, mossy green.

  • Bryan's dead.

  • He got eaten by a bear.

  • Well, we'll wait for him up here.

  • Oh, I think we've earned a nice, long rest.

  • - There's point two miles after this. - Oh my god.

  • I'm loving this moment right now.

  • - Are there people still up there? - Yeah, there's a part of like six coming down.

  • Wow, this feels good man. We haven't really eaten dinner yet, have we?

  • - No, we haven't. - We should eat it.

  • Bryan had made it to the top while we rested.

  • Not long now.

  • It's always hard to convey through video, but this was by far the hardest hiking we had ever done.

  • Thank god for this ability to be flatfooted now.

  • My feet don't know what it's like to walk straight this fast without a little angle like that.

  • I think we're about to see something amazing.

  • Are my eyes seeing what my eyes are seeing right now?

  • Oh my god. Yo, words are failing me right now.

  • - Are you guys seeing this? - I'm seeing it.

  • It's amazing.

  • Oh my god.

  • Oh my god.

  • Oh god.

  • Oh god.

  • Holy jesus.

  • Holy crap.

  • Oh my god.

  • Oh my god.

  • Unbelievable.

  • Woo!

  • Before heading to our campsite we wanted to check out the Yosemite Falls overlook.

  • There is a fat squirrel sitting on the edge enjoying the view. Wow, that's so cool.

  • Wow, even squirrels have good taste.

  • Hey, Mr. Squirrel.

  • There was a precarious footpath leading down to a ledge that overlooked the falls.

  • This is not for the faint of heart.

  • Holy cow.

  • How's it down there, Thomas?

  • Dude, I can't stop laughing.

  • This is crazy.

  • We looked out at the valley below us and at the granite cliffs across the valley floor...

  • ...which we were now level with.

  • It felt like we had just tamed a wild beast.

  • We were ready to get to our campsite and relax.

  • We hiked across the river that fed into the falls.

  • It seemed deceivingly placid from up here.

  • - We hiked off trail in search of a campsite. - This is perfect!

  • Robby and Andrew searched from above while I looked around a flat, rocky area below.

  • - Take... ten more steps, ten more steps. - You see all those benches? Right there.

  • We had spotted a perfect campsite, so we climbed down to get tonight's camp set up.

  • And on the way, Thomas pointed something out.

  • I'm not familiar at all with western mushrooms.

  • I'm pretty sure this is some sort of bolete. Thomas actually pointed it out.

  • Look how huge this is though. Oh my god, look at that.

  • It smells great. I don't think it's a king bolete cause it seems a little too yellow to be a porcini.

  • You can see there's a lot of maggots in here.

  • And actually that's the case with boletes, especially king bolete is...

  • ...we're not the only ones who find it delicious, you know.

  • Even if it's fresh by morning, by evening it could be filled with maggots.

  • You can see where some maggots have crawled through here.

  • You know what I'm thinking though. Maggots are protein...

  • You know, on second thought though, if maggots are eating a poisonous mushroom...

  • ...maybe it's not the best idea.

  • I'm actually... I have zero fear of eating the maggots themselves, but now that I think about it I don't want to risk this.

  • This very well could have been an edible species, but it was rotting and it's always good to err on the side of caution.

  • After all, there are two types of mushroom hunters; bold ones and ones that are still alive.

  • I started setting up my hammock using flat pieces of wood to distribute the pressure evenly and protect the tree.

  • The beautiful evening was accompanied by cooling temperatures.

  • So Andrew and I collected firewood for the night.

  • Up here, there were plenty of dried out dead shrubs that would make for perfect kindling.

  • And for tinder, some dead grass would work fine.

  • We all sat around getting everything ready to make dinner.

  • You remember how you asked me what I wanted to eat most?

  • And I said I wanted a southwestern mayonnaise panini.

  • Well, it's not a panini, but it is a southwestern style mesa with beef.

  • Oh man!

  • Not as cool as Andrew's, you know, bushcraft meals.

  • But I don't have Andrew's bushcraft ability.

  • And I do have a full time job, so I can pay for this.

  • Zing!

  • We may have had fancy stoves to cook with, but we still needed a fire to keep warm.

  • I believe in you.

  • I believe in you.

  • - Is that it? - Yup.

  • You know I may not have a full time job, but at least I don't need to flick a switch for fire.

  • Oh my god, this is beautiful. Dude, look at this!

  • Zero to sixty in like five seconds.

  • There aren't many things that can surpass an evening spent with friends in Yosemite.

  • This is great, man.

  • Like in the Truman Show... That's the shot.

  • Guys, we've made it.

  • Each camping trip we take, and we get to a campsite, I'm like...

  • You can't top this. There's no way this could be better!

  • And then we go on another trip, and it's just like...

  • ...what were we thinking on that last one!

  • The memories you have from each place are like incomparable.

  • Like, you can't compare them. They're just...

  • They're their own thing, and you're like I like cause of this and I like this cause of that.

  • It's like trying to choose your favorite cereal.

  • It's so awesome to finally be, like all four of us, back again...

  • The original conception of the show, it was all four of us.

  • But Thomas moved to LA and it's way too hard to do.

  • This is something I've been wanting to do for a very long time.

  • God, how long have... You were just telling us how long we've been planning this...

  • Yeah, we planned it like immediately after.

  • - We went to the Tetons, right? - Yellowstone. That was back in 2009.

  • Now I want to give a shoutout to my uncle cause he is the one that's kind of gotten me hooked on the national parks to begin with.

  • We went back in 2011 right after I graduated high school.

  • That's funny my brother is the one who initially got us into camping.

  • He took me, Andrew, and Bryan to Hocking Hills the year I graduated from college.

  • And that was like the start of our like desire to go outside.

  • This is great though, like...

  • I'm pretty sure this is the definition of heaven right here.

  • Like I said before, I got this Alpine Air food from REI.

  • Ten minutes have passed, so I'm gonna get ready to eat this.

  • It's looking real good.

  • If you're cooking last night was any indication, it's gonna taste really good.

  • Well, thank you!

  • Most of the credit goes to the company that packaged the food.

  • Smell that, smell that.

  • - Those mashed potatoes were delicious but they had about 150 ingredients in them. - Oh wow, that's great.

  • Oh my god.

  • I see corn... and other stuff barely.

  • It's awful. Just trust me, it's awful. You don't want any.

  • - You don't want any. You don't want any! - I gotta see how bad it is. I gotta see how bad it is!

  • Now he's saying it's so bad I gotta try it.

  • Holy crap, that is really good.

  • - It's just such a burst... - Oh my god.

  • Mmm... Mmm... Oh!

  • Yo, it's got that spicy kick in it. Oh man!

  • Thomas, you lucky duck.

  • As delicious as that was, Thomas forgot to take out the desiccation packet.

  • So we decided to just set that aside.

  • So I've got here some dried chanterelle mushrooms that my dad actually picked. Shoutout to him.

  • So I'm gonna put some of these in here for my ramen I'm gonna eat tonight.

  • So I've also got some spinach here that I cooked and dehydrated.

  • This small bag is actually two big bunches of cooked spinach.

  • And the water should boil up. I'll put the ramen in there. It's gonna be delicious.

  • We spent the rest of the night around the fire waiting for the stars to come out.

  • It's times like these that you realize life is really meant to be more than what we've been made to believe.

  • There's so much more to it than just school and work and careers.

  • There's more to it than just looking out for our own selves.

  • When we see the milky way, we realize just how small some of the things we worry about on a day to day basis are.

  • We as a species are meant to do more than just obsess over our own prestige and money.

  • You can pay a couple hundred bucks to stay in a five star resort, but you can't put a price tag on a 5,000 star resort.

  • We arose at dawn.

  • It was a chilly morning, so we decided to get the day started with a warm fire and some hot coffee.

  • Last night's embers were more than enough to get a good blaze going.

  • While Robby tended to the fire, Andrew and I went to retrieve our food from the bear canisters.

  • This rock looked way bigger at night.

  • Bears have learned that they can roll these around and make 'em drop off cliffs and break 'em open.

  • So you just want them somewhere where they won't be able to do that.

  • And that is wear our bear bag was. Tied to the top of that.

  • Warmth.

  • This is the best.

  • You know what's funny is that this is literally energy that came from the sun originally.

  • What a roundabout way to get the energy.

  • The sun was up and the coffee was brewed.

  • Time to drink up.

  • - To a beautiful morning. - Ting.

  • Just down there near bridal veil falls, John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt went sleeping below the stars.

  • I don't know, Herbert Hoover, I'm not a fan of him personally, but...

  • ...he did have a good quote about how all men are equal before fish. When you're fishing and out in nature, everyone's equal.

  • Although it was kind of strange because during the depression he kind of like cut off any support to people who needed it.

  • You know, I'm so on board with self-reliance, but it's not implemented in the right way.

  • Because you can't just have self-reliance. Somebody has to teach you self-reliance.

  • If you have no money, no social status, and no skills, how are you supposed to do that?

  • It's never been about being my own man and to hell with everyone else.

  • It's been more about being so self-reliant that I can give help to others.

  • That to a tee.

  • I'm gonna take a bite because Andrew just told me to.

  • After coffee, I wanted Thomas to try a surprise asian treat; sweet sesame powder.

  • Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

  • Mmm!

  • It's like, you can definitely taste the sesame in there.

  • It's sweet... I don't want to say chocolaty. It's like chocolate and caramel mixed together.

  • Almost evaporates as soon as it hits your tongue. Oh, that's good though.

  • It's kind of a nice asian alternative to oatmeal.

  • Thomas, you up to trying this again?

  • Oh, absolutely.

  • The powder I had before looked a lot more appealing than this.

  • It's just this kind of brown goo. Let's try it out.

  • It's not as sweet as the powder.

  • I prefer the powder.

  • I think I prefer the powder too, but I feel like this needs to be mixed with something.

  • Trying to figure out if there's coffee in here or not.

  • - There is a little bit. - Okay.

  • Mmm... Tis a good morning.

  • It's a beautiful view.

  • All that coffee and sesame has got the movement going.

  • And it wouldn't be an episode of Adventure Archives if we didn't talk about toilet paper.

  • And on today's toilet paper arsenal, emphasis on the arse, we got sticks.

  • I know what you're thinking, "Why would I ever use sticks as toilet paper?"

  • But they actually work really well. At least they work well enough to make you think they work well.

  • And you can choose the barkless or the barked.

  • This one's got a nice rougher texture to get all the things out, but this one's more comfortable.

  • How's it going over there?

  • And while I did my business, Robby decided to waste some of our battery life to film himself.

  • As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good ole way.

  • And who should come? Duh duh duh duh...

  • We filtered some water from a pristine pool nearby.

  • And after that was done, Robby and I went for a quick swim.

  • These are slick.

  • Yeah. It's slick.

  • There's nothing better than swimming outdoors on a sunny day.

  • Ain't no Dolly Sods, but it's pretty dang cold.

  • Let's do it!

  • How was it?

  • What a view, what a view.

  • We headed out on the trail leading to North Dome.

  • On the way there, we decided to stop by the Yosemite Point overlook...

  • ...which was really just a small bit of railing on the precarious cliff face.

  • And we decided to dangle the tripod over the edge to show just how sheer an edge there was.

  • No, no, no, no, no. What are you doing?

  • What do you mean what am I doing?

  • Okay...

  • Please spread the word because we just got that shot. And it was really terrifying.

  • Today's hike was relatively easy.

  • But I think we were still a little exhausted from yesterday's climb.

  • So we frequently stopped and rested just to enjoy the morning.

  • The trail shortly leveled out and led into a beautiful forest with massive trees.

  • Something about these forests is so magical and beautiful.

  • You feel dwarfed by the towering canopy above.

  • But the forest floor itself is open and expansive, so there's no feeling of claustrophobia.

  • Something else about the forest floor are the wonderful plants growing out from the pine needles.

  • One more familiar plant that I see is this yarrow.

  • And it's got these beautiful white flowers and super lacy, soft leaves.

  • Which is the main way to identify it.

  • If you're afraid of bugs, I've heard that you can use this to sort of make sure bugs don't crawl into your shelter. It sort of deters them.

  • I don't know how effective that actually is, but it's worth knowing.

  • I have no idea what this is. It looks really alien and bizarre.

  • But it kind of reminds me of monotropa uniflora, also known as indian pipe or ghost plant.

  • So I'm guessing this is some sort of parasitic plant. I guess we'll let the narrator clue us in.

  • These parasitic pine drops are in the same family as the aforementioned flower.

  • The cool thing is that parasitic plants like this use fungal mycelium to leach nutrients and energy from nearby trees.

  • Everything in nature really is connected to everything else.

  • Along the way I also spotted some sort of russela and a clump of some sort of pholiota mushrooms.

  • Bryan and I lagged behind. We were pretty tired.

  • We soon reached a junction, and we were relieved to find we weren't too far from North Dome.

  • Alright, we have here a balsam for... or at least some sort of analogous species with all these blisters full of balsam oil.

  • This oil can be used to start a fire, but it can also be put on wounds and things like that as a medicinal sort of ointment.

  • As it turns out, this was a young white fir tree, but it has oily blisters all the same.

  • Oh, and it's actually pronounced balsam.

  • Looks like we're coming up on the dome.

  • Oh!

  • I was wondering what you guys were screaming about.

  • Finally, we had made it.

  • Well, actually North Dome was still a half mile away.

  • We are way tired, but you're hiking to North Dome?

  • Hiking to North Dome. I said I'd do it and I'm gonna do it.

  • When I planned this trip, I said that this is the place that I wanted to go, and by god, I'm gonna do it.

  • Okay, go. Bon voyage!

  • Whatever rock face we were standing on, it was northy and domey enough for us.

  • We were gonna nap under this lone pine tree.

  • So I'm hiking North Dome right now...

  • And over there...

  • where Robby, Bryan, and Andrew should be.

  • And then over here is Half Dome.

  • And above me you can see quite a ways that I gotta go up.

  • But I'm gonna do it cause I can.

  • So let's see what I can do.

  • So up there you can see Andrew, Robby, and Bryan.

  • They probably want me to change the lens right now, but I don't know if I'm gonna do that or not.

  • Thomas had said he was gonna signal us with a mirror, and I tried signaling him with my cell phone, but it wasn't quite reflective enough.

  • Yes.

  • Yup, he's signaling.

  • He's moving out.

  • Thomas had made it to the top of the dome. Hey, as long as one of us four did it.

  • Apparently it was even windier on top of North Dome.

  • We enjoyed the scenery some more while we waited for Thomas to get back, and decided to cook some lunch.

  • First I'm gonna put these chanterelles in the water to let them soak a bit.

  • And then we're gonna have some nice mashed potatoey type of stuff.

  • While we wait for those chanterelles to soak, we're gonna partake in some dried squid.

  • It's a good asian alternative to beef jerky, and the other one being asian beef jerky which I think tastes better.

  • I think they both taste good.

  • - Oh, I meant better than American jerky. - Oh.

  • I think the best way to describe it is it's like fishy jerky.

  • It's got a great like, sweet and spicy taste to it.

  • - You want some? - No.

  • It's kind of the flavor of like General Tso's.

  • And I know you like that.

  • To this I'm gonna add some of this dehydrated spinach, some of this dried onion, and this garlic seasoning.

  • Notably missing... salt.

  • Once that gets cooking, we'll add the mashed potatoes and thicken that up. And we'll have some sort of uh...

  • We'll have a thing.

  • Just as we finished cooking, Thomas had made his way back.

  • I finished what we started. Made it to North Dome.

  • Stir that in some more.

  • Mashed potatoes with chanterelles and spinach and seasoning.

  • Let's give it a go.

  • Maybe could use more salt, but I like it.

  • There's so many smells I smell right now.

  • Not as flavorful as you'd hope.

  • Put more onions.

  • Yup. Not as flavorful as you'd hope.

  • It smells good, but does it taste good?

  • It's pretty good. I think I got a mouth full of the fresh spice, so my mouth is burning.

  • Speaking of burning, we saw a helicopter rushing to stop a wildfire in the distance.

  • Smoky Bear would be proud.

  • And with that, we made our way back to the campsite.

  • You can hear the helicopter right in the distance there.

  • It's really ominous sounding because you usually don't hear anything like that in the forest.

  • It's like someone's trying to come and get you.

  • Yeah, it sounds like we're prison escapees or something. Looking for us...

  • Somewhere up there.

  • We keep hearing it... oh.

  • Along the way we collected some dry firewood to take back for the evening's fire.

  • Tonight, I wanted Robby to try making a fire using some cedar bark and lichen that we gathered from a fallen branch.

  • We are really close right now, and it feels so good to be back.

  • What a relief.

  • We're just kinda hoping that nobody's taken our campsite.

  • Yeah, or anything at our campsite.

  • If you're out here and you're stealing something...

  •'re only robbing yourself. Ooh, that was really clever. I thought of that on the fly.

  • Because you should be paying attention to the views, not some stupid...

  • - ...whatever. Yeah. - Material possession.

  • I don't even have any good crap in my bag, but if I did, even still...

  • Unless you're starving and you need food, then I understand it.

  • Yeah, then please, feel free to have my food. We'll eat it together.

  • I actually didn't realize we were this close.

  • No, we are here.

  • And that fire pit is waiting for you.

  • Oh yeah.

  • Good thing you didn't kill yourself just now.

  • As we are wont to do.

  • First order of business is to fluff this birch bark up. Is this birch bark?

  • Cedar bark.

  • - Any particular technique to this? - Yup.

  • I'm giving it a go and it's mostly just ending up on my pants.

  • So like when you've got a bundle like this, you can go through and peel them apart and then do that again, and then go back and peel some more apart.

  • We went to a bachelor party once...

  • And it was at a cabin, and in the off time...

  • ...we found Andrew with a pile of tulip poplar just going like this.

  • There was one time where I picked one out of the fire pit while it was still burning, and uh...

  • I was a bit tipsy.

  • But you know, it's a very therapeutic act actually. For me at least.

  • Oh god... Five minutes till my nipples!

  • Oh god!

  • I think I'm gonna start with the cedar bark just because it looks like it's more fluffed up.

  • I tried to fluff this up, but it seems like it mostly just got on my hands, so...

  • I don't know, what do you think, Thomas?

  • I want to see the green thing light up.

  • Well, we're gonna try the bark first.

  • What you should do is just go at it. Constantly.

  • Oh, really hard?

  • Longer strokes, longer strokes.

  • It's as if you're peeling a carrot.

  • Tell you what, why don't you fluff that some more. I think it needs more fluffing.

  • I've actually had a hard time with cedar bark in the past, so I can't fault Robby for having trouble with it.

  • Try tilting the scraper a little forward.

  • Oh, there it goes.

  • Ch-ch-choo. Just really fast.

  • Yeah, let me fluff this some more.

  • - Want me to give it a go? - Yeah.

  • It's possible the tinder is just not that great.

  • Have you used this before?

  • You know, I've used some sort of cedar bark before and I've always heard it's good, but...

  • I mean it looks really good, but I don't know.

  • Let me try this one more time.

  • There you go.

  • Okay.

  • - Sorry you didn't get to do it. - That's alright.

  • I think that's part of what expertise is. Is knowing when something's going wrong and when something just you need to keep going, you know?

  • Just now, you're like, "Hmm, it probably should be working." so you just keep going, but like for me I'm like...

  • ...oh yeah, it must not be good tinder or whatever.

  • - This is what it's all about. - You better believe it.

  • With the fire started, we enjoyed the night and reflected on life.

  • You know, it's really a shame that not everybody can do this.

  • I think that's one thing that appeals to me about going to national forests is a lot of them you can just go there.

  • - Yeah. - But even then, so many people don't have the time to do it.

  • Some people, they work all the time because they have no choice.

  • A lot of times we think of work and we think, wow, what a productive member of society. You're contributing a lot.

  • But if you think about it, like, is all of this labor that we're doing necessary, you know?

  • Could our human creativity and labor be put to something more useful and more beautiful, you know?

  • I think we romanticize work a little too much.

  • The classic example is computers.

  • Computers have been supposed to free up our lives and make our lives easier.

  • But instead, it makes our lives even busier and we have more to do all the time.

  • Because people expect things quicker now.

  • I don't feel like enough of us ask what is the ultimate goal of like, us humans, right?

  • If the ultimate goal is money, right, everybody's doing the right thing.

  • But if the ultimate goal is to like work together towards something great or to fulfill each person's like, need to contribute and to have a purpose...

  • ...then we're failing at that really hard.

  • Cause when you're in the wilderness, you start realizing that there's so much more to life than just work and money.

  • There's beauty and there's companionship and camaraderie and these things you can't put a price on.

  • Right now, I have totally forgotten all the other things that I do every day in my life...

  • ...but as soon as I get back, it's just gonna be right back into that groove.

  • At least nature shows you that it's a possibility to not be chained to those things...

  • ...and that they aren't the end all, be all of your life.

  • That's the thing. It's in the wilderness where I feel truly free cause that's where you're free of all your bonds and all your chains.

  • It was another brisk and early morning.

  • I don't think anyone wanted to wake up, but we made ourselves take down the camp and pack up.

  • And with that, we hiked out of our campsite to start our descent back to the valley floor.

  • This was a trip that we've been wanting to make for six years.

  • Ever since the last time all four of us went out west.

  • And a trip like this can take a lot of effort to plan.

  • You have to make sure you can get enough time off of work, make reservations far in advance...

  • all of your tickets, pack everything up, and make sure you don't miss your flight.

  • But sometimes, it becomes necessary to ask where one's priorities lie.

  • Sometimes we have to take a step back, think about what really matters, and make sure we put it first.

  • Sometimes you need a break away from the rat race and remember that you're a human being.

  • It was really nice to get out of the office and go back into nature...

  • ...where bird chirps, not car horns, fill the morning air.

  • And it was great to have the four of us reunited again reliving memories and making ones anew.

  • But beyond our own personal lives, Yosemite reminds us to think about what we as a species need to prioritize.

  • Whenever we feel pessimistic or cynical...

  • ...climbing a mountain or even just walking through the woods helps to remind us that beauty exist naturally in the universe.

  • How on earth did we climb up there?

  • So often, we endlessly chase after prestige and success.

  • But look up at the stars, watch the sun rise or observe a squirrel scampering about...

  • ...and you remember that those things ultimately don't matter that much.

  • Almost there.

  • Those two weasels are still up there.

  • There's probably more switchbacks than we remember.

  • - But this is the last section I think. - Yup.

  • Alright, I think we're really coming up on the end now.

  • Bryan and Andrew are still up there. Thomas is probably already on his way to get the car.

  • I'm hungry and tired.

  • Oh, I love seeing those mountains so high.

  • I made it!

  • Bryan and Andrew are still struggling I think.

  • This is the campsite. Oh my goodness.

  • Psychologically this is very good.

  • I just saw Thomas, he hasn't seen me yet. I'm gonna sneak up on him.

  • Gotta go slow. He'll see me otherwise.

  • Sneak up behind him on the trees.

  • - There you are! Oh my god... - How's it going?

  • Three hours. A little more.

  • Three hours to get down the mountain.

  • Good job.

  • Maybe instead of trying to better things for ourselves, we need to better things for humanity as a whole.

  • Imagine a world where everybody could achieve their fullest potential.

  • Where people could create beautiful things, work together, and ensure everybody felt fulfilled.

  • Yosemite could have become a theme park.

  • The valley could have been a place full of casinos and restaurants.

  • Billboards might have been hoisted up onto the cliffs.

  • But instead, we remembered what mattered.

  • Sure, some mistakes were made.

  • Indigenous people were forced out. Hetch Hetchy Valley was dammed.

  • There will always be external forces that try to convince us that money, work, and deadlines...

  • ...are more important than friends, family, and community.

  • But then, there's us; people. We can create a better world.

  • One where families and communities spend time with each other.

  • One where everybody; indigenous or immigrant, young and old, and everything in between...

  • ...can enjoy, respect, and protect places like Yosemite.

  • Let's come together and think about what's important in our lives and in our world.

  • If you've forgotten what those things are, take a step outdoors, look up at the sky, and take a deep breath of fresh air.

  • Nature will help you remember.

  • So thank you so, so much for watching.

  • Huge thank you to all of our Patreon supporters, but in particular...

  • Hong Long and Sun-jan Huang.

  • Each of them donated fifty dollars for this episode to come out.

  • And one of the rewards for that is you get a shoutout in the episode.

  • And Hong Long wanted to give a shoutout to Jacob in pack 168.

  • Which I assume is a boyscout or something.

  • Thanks, Jacob. Thanks, Hong. You guys are the best.

  • And also thank you to Sun-jan, that's actually my brother. He just had a baby, so congratulations on your expanding family.

  • Once again, thank you so much. You all are awesome.

  • Let's watch it again.

  • Click, click. Click. No, it's click, click.

  • Or if you're watching on your phone, click, click.

  • Or watch it like four more times, share it with your grandmother.

  • Thank you very much.

  • We're at Alice's barbecue.

  • Got water here.

  • Food's still cooking... Ooh, there's peanuts.

  • This is my first food in fourten, fifteen...

  • Twenty hours? I don't know how long.

  • Hungry eyes.

  • Or, your eyes are bigger than your stomach.

  • Oh wow, that's...

  • Sorry?

  • So, the rule of thumb is it takes 20 minutes before your body realizes how full you are.

  • So I have to eat all of this in 20 minutes.

  • This potato salad is for everyone, by the way.

  • Do you realize how...

  • ...culminating this experience is right now?

  • This is like the exact opposite of what we've been doing the past five days.

  • Two thumbs up.

  • I'm so full. What a fool I am.

  • I'm gonna wear my shorts when we backpack because A. It'll be a lot easier to move my legs up and down. B...

  • I got some super hero calves.

  • In Yosemite...

  • Yosemite Valley...

  • 2015...

  • Adventure Archives...

  • Bit dot ly slash adventure archives...

  • Adventure Archives!

  • There's actually supposed to be dialogue here, but it got cut out on accident when we rendered. Basically they were re-enacting the scene from Mortal Kombat where someone challenges someone to Mortal Kombat.

The year is 2015.

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優勝美地國家公園 (Yosemite National Park in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping at North Dome/Upper Falls)

  • 737 22
    kevinyeh00 posted on 2019/04/11
Video vocabulary