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與 Sean 的短暫狂熱情愫 Thought I'd end up with Sean
如豔美鮮花 以凋謝告終 But he wasn't a match
特地為 Ricky 譜寫的情歌 Wrote some songs about Ricky
反覆品味後 我開懷大笑 Now I listen and laugh
訂下終身契 就待步上紅毯 Even almost got married
依舊閃婚不成 歸功於 Pete And for Pete, I'm so thankful
Malcolm 已到天國去旅行了 Wish I could say, "Thank you" to Malcolm
但願我能道聲「謝謝」 'Cause he was an angel
一個 讓我嚐到戀愛滋味 One taught me love
一個 告訴我耐心的重要 One taught me patience
一個 造就我永久的傷悲 And one taught me pain
悲歡離合 織出傳奇故事 Now, I'm so amazing
我愛過 當然 也失去過 I've loved and I've lost
都是家常便飯 何必見怪? But that's not what I see
人講分手 我談收穫 Look what I got
是你們 教導我這麼多道理 Look what you taught me
作為回禮 我唱著: And for that, I say
此恩難報 有緣再見 Thank you, next
感激不盡 下一位 Thank you, next
謝謝陪伴 分手快樂 Thank you, next
對各位前任們 表達我該死的謝意 I'm so freaking grateful for my ex
有幸相識 後會有期 Thank you, next
感恩有你 下一位 Thank you, next
如此就行 請多保重 Thank you, next
自由得快發狂 I'm so freaking
有了更多時間 可以跟朋友相處 Spend more time with my friends
我毫不緊張 心無罣礙 I ain't worried 'bout nothin'
再說 我也找了新對象 Plus, I met someone else
個性融洽 聊起天來頗有默契 We havin' better discussions
大家告訴我:欲速則不達 我很清楚 I know they say I move on too fast
但我確信 他會永遠連任 But this one gon' last
因為女孩阿里 無所畏怯 'Cause her name is Ari
交往這檔事 誰敢自稱她前輩? And I'm so good with that
她 告訴我戀愛的滋味 She taught me love
她 提醒我耐心的重要 She taught me patience
她 分享如何度過傷悲 How she handles pain
種種遭遇 令我驚奇訝異 That is amazing
我愛過 當然 也失去過 I've loved and I've lost
都是家常便飯 何必見怪? But that's not what I see
人講分手 我談收穫 Look what I got
是你們 教導我這麼多道理 Look what you taught me
作為回禮 我唱著: And for that, I say
此恩難報 有緣再見 Thank you, next
感激不盡 下一位 Thank you, next
謝謝陪伴 分手快樂 Thank you, next
對各位前任們 表達我該死的謝意 I'm so freaking grateful for my ex
有幸相識 後會有期 Thank you, next
感恩有你 下一位 Thank you, next
如此就行 請多保重 Thank you, next
~~同時 也十分感謝所有支持的粉絲們!~~ ~~I'm so freaking grateful for my fans~~
---Thanks for 10,000,000 subscribers--- ---中文台灣字幕by小帥日常頻道---