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  • Smart Learning for All

  • Topic: Density.

  • Why does oil float on water?

  • Did you realize that a large log of wood floated on water but a comparatively smaller piece of rock sank?

  • How is this even possible?

  • This is possible because of density.

  • It is the measure of the mass of an object per unit volume.

  • In the first case, the log of wood floats on water because it has less density than water.

  • This means that the amount of mass present in unit volume of wood.

  • Is less than the amount of mass present in unit volume of water.

  • However, in the second case, the piece of rock sinks because it has more density than water.

  • This means that the amount of mass present in unit volume of rock.

  • Is more than the amount of mass present in unit volume of water.

  • Do you know why the helium filled balloon is rising up in the air?

  • This is again because of density.

  • The balloon consists of helium gas which has less density than the surrounding air, hence it rises up.

  • Here, have a look.

  • Oil is floating on water.

  • Are you assuming that this is because of density?

  • Yes, you are right.

  • Oil has less density than water.

  • Hence, it floats.

  • However, there is another reason due to which oil floats on water.

  • The reason is that both oil and water are immiscible liquids.

  • They do not mix with each other even if we shake them.

  • They separate out into two layers when kept undisturbed for sometime.

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密度 - 為什麼油會浮在水面上?| 密度 - 為什麼油會浮在水面上? (Density - Why does oil float on water? | #aumsum)

  • 23 2
    AumSum posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary