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Balancing Chemical Equations.
The law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.
I will break the law.
I will create mass.
Creation of mass.
Creation of mass.
No extra mass allowed.
New creation of mass is not allowed.
Deduction of mass.
No deduction of mass allowed.
In a chemical reaction, mass cannot be created, mass cannot be destroyed.
In a reaction, number of atoms should be same.
Before and After.
Hydrogen plus Nitrogen is equal to Ammonia.
Here, 2 is the subscript of hydrogen and nitrogen.
We need to balance the number of atoms on both the sides.
Reactants and Product.
2 Hydrogen atoms.
3 Hydrogen atoms.
2 Nitrogen atoms.
1 Nitrogen atom.
2 Nitrogen atoms.
1 Nitrogen atom.
I need to balance nitrogen atoms on both the sides.
2 Ammonia atoms.
2 Hydrogen atoms.
3 Hydrogen atoms.
3 Hydrogen atoms.
6 Hydrogen atoms.
I need to balance hydrogen atoms on both the sides.
3 Hydrogen atoms.
Perfectly balanced chemical equation.
Hydrogen plus Nitrogen equals Ammonia.
The End.
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