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hello we are Joel & Lia and this is 10 things that British people hate about
themselves so recently Joel came across an article in The Independent
online and it was all about the 10 worst things Brits hate about themselves and he
sent it to me immediately and we were both kind of like do we agree with this
but we want to talk about it online yeah so Brits were given 10 statements that
are basically stereotypes about British people and they were asked whether they
agree or not so some of these ones we're going to discuss British people don't
really agree that we're like this but it is still a stereotype and the others we
do agree that we are like this yeah there's so many I disagree with but
we'll get into that in the video! Okay, shall we start with the first one? yeah so the first one's quite
obvious and that's because 42% of Brits agree that we drink too much alcohol
yeah so we made a video on this actually on our channel all about British
drinking culture and how it's so much a part of who we are, it's like
you know in the pub going out for drinks drinks drinks drinks yeah and
yeah no I do agree with that one I think it's a mindset in the UK we don't see
alcohol as being damaging no we see stuff like meat being damaging. Yeah, not all Brits but I think a lot of people
are like waking up to the awareness of meat and being like "woah, this is really not good for our bodies" but then we just drink loads on weekends!
It's like when you meet vegans that smoke and you're like it just doesn't ring true yeah coz you're like
you care about the planet and stuff or you're like carcinogens into your body! yeah it's
weird yeah we do drink too much not us not us! We're such lightweights three
drinks and we're gone and we're like on the floor, "hangover!" so 37 percent of Brits agreed with this that Brits are
ignorant of other cultures I can't say I don't agree I think it's more funny that
63% of Brits disagree that we're ignorant of other cultures because we so
are definitely are we go on holiday and we just assume everyone's gonna
speak English to us 100%, yeah we only speak English which pisses off
other countries being like "why are you just speaking English to me you've come to my
country?" yeah I've been around like a dinner table where you've got people
from everywhere and like this person speaks four
languages, this person speaks "blabla" and then like goes over to the British
people like guessing you only speak one? And you're like "yeah" I think it's an arrogance
that comes with the country though I do think Brits can be quite arrogant
because we're just taught that like we're amazing we're like the best
country in the world like, I don't think we'ev ever been taught that but we've spoken about this in another video
No one's explicitly said it because this country isn't that patriotic. Imagine if
teachers were like "you are amazing!" but I think comes with the history of like the British
Empire we used to rule the whole world pretty much and like it comes
with like well of course you'd speak English why would we speak your language
yeah old people that are like "we deserve this!". 27% of Brits agree that we complain too much and when
Joel sent it to me I was like we don't and you were like hun we literally complain
all the time the other day we had the worst day and literally we spent about
14 hours together and literally the whole day we were both complaining
complaining complaining at each other it didn't bring either of us any further down because
we couldn't have been any lower that day, no and it just bonded us even more over how much
we were moaning. I love moaning with people, me too! Yeah we do moan a lot, it's a dark pleasure to want to
moan together yeah we like indulge in each other's
moaning yeah I just realised that in another video
loads of American viewers were like "I can't believe you say the word moan for
like what's it, complaining". Oh you're joking! Coz moan to them is like .... moan here is like complain!
Cut! So 22% of Brits agree that we are intolerant to other sections
of society which i think means that like we're in this section
like for example we're like white middle-class millennials and we're intolerant
of like someone in a different section 'intolerant' like literally I'm allergic
to you, almost! yeah yeah unfortunately loads of Brits are yeah completely and socially
intolerant to other people that don't fit into their norm
definitely especially the one I can think of the most
at the moment is age there is such a huge gap in our country at the moment between
Millennials and like baby boomers and like the next generation up. "baby boomers" I love that word "baby boomers"
but everyone hates on Millennials and says that we're selfish self-absorbed all these things
and I think and we think that they are selfish and like privileged and all
these things so I think there's a big intolerance between generations at the
moment that's amazing... well that's an amazing point that's what I meant, obviously it'd be great if there wasn't and similarly with
class like we said at the beginning just people that are from one section
one pocket of society that are just unable to merge
with other... you know, I live in a London townhouse across the road are a big block of council
flats the people on this side of the road do not speak to people on this side of the road
I don't know why if I see someone at the bus stop I'll say hello. If they say hello to me, I don't just say hello to people "hello! I live on this side, you're on the poor side sorry"
but you know I've noticed that and I do agree yeah 19% of Brits agree that
British people are lazy I completely disagree I wouldn't necessarily say
we're not lazy I just don't think we're any more lazy than any other country
yeah I think this might come from like when you hear about Brits not wanting to
take other jobs like car washing, jobs you know you never really meet
a British barista anymore at a coffee shop we don't want those jobs and that
probably.... because my bathroom's being redone at the moment for like five days
we've had builders in and they're Polish and they're great and my flatmate said
to me the other day he was like "I really like them like they work so hard
they've got such good work ethic" and I was thinking yeah you're meaning
like as opposed to Brits who'd just be lazy and just be like "I'll do it when I want"
There are still some British people doing these jobs yeah but there's just been like an
influx in eastern Europeans taking on these jobs and doing them
really well yeah like my mum won't let anyone else
clean that car other than eastern Europeans! yeah they're amazing. They are good. so if any of you are watching from
Eastern Europe you are very good at working hard. I find that SO uncomfortable, I know, same! "You do a fantastic job" but that's what I hate about
Brits when they say that about other cultures " oh they work hard"
yeah I'm just like ..... "Maria in Costa Coffee you make a fantastic Soya Latte"
thank you yeah my cleaners Bulgarian and she's fantastic
yeah so I guess Brits in that sense, they're lazy in terms of like getting your hands dirty
and getting down to the graft of it yeah 18% of Brits believe that we have bad
eating habits I don't know that that's true. What does that mean? For me what that means is eating on
the go not preparing meals not being bothered to an extent I do agree think
about whenever you're overseas and I dunno with you it's kind of America, even worse
but like if I'm in like Greece or Cyprus or France it's big salads it's big
healthy nourishing food yeah think about the crap we eat in London so many carbs and our
staple is potatoes that's our thing and bread bread and potatoes that's pretty much it
i don't think we eat well and I think a lot of people don't know how to eat well yeah and there's not a
lot of education on eating good foods here. Also what highlighted this to me I
think is the KFC shortage we had a chicken shortage here in the UK
loads of KFC branches shut down and in the US apparently well I didn't realise
how much people went mental for it in the UK there was people being interviewed on
news in tears being angry being like "I've come for my chicken and I can't get
it" and then people were paying hundreds of pounds for like chicken that they
could get ahold of and I was like does it mean that much to you
that you're like oh because KFC to us is like a treat if it's closed we'd be like
okay well who cares but to these people it was like I need this chicken from KFC
unbelievable it could have been a stunt. we should try that we won't post any videos the
no one would care "we need Joel & Lia!". The next one is being pessimistic so 17% of Brits agree that we are
pessimistic rather than optimistic so I guess that's kind of like they complain
too much but I guess is saying something more about our characteristic like we
are pessimistic yeah is the glass half full or half empty
half empty, yeah I agree with that yeah we are and that's why you see so many of us trying to
like be optimistic it's like changing your DNA, coz it's easier to be a pessimist
than it is .... it's harder to be an optimist yeah it is unless you are just programmed a
different way and I think its the weather I think we lived in a sunny weather. "and i'll tell ya what it is, if it was sunny we'd all be happy"
If it was sunny we'd be happy, there'd be no argument. Think how happy we are when we go on holiday Brits abroad go mental we love
going on a holidays somewhere hot, so much booze. yeah, onto the next one. so 14% of Brits agree that we are too rude
we've done another video on this about are Brits rude, we'll link it
in the cards above and the description it's a difficult one. I disagree. I think we're extremely polite. and then rude
privately yeah passive-aggressive yeah we're nice to
your face just not behind your back 11% of Brits agree that we are too
nationalistic so that's not actually much, 11% is not a lot. And I disagree as well
I'm part of the, what is that...99 percent eighty eight percent yeah must be 88%, no eighty nine percent
oh that's it maths everyone! 89% I'm with the 89% that think that's wrong. again like we just
said earlier in the video like we're not brought up to be that patriotic in
schools like in America you have to apparently like in classrooms stand up
and sing the national anthem with your hand on your heart like I couldn't tell
you what the national anthem I don't even know the lyrics
I think it's God say God Save the Queen but I have no idea how it goes we don't
know... that's another video Brits attempt the
national anthem after never hearing it but again on our video with a British
citizenship test that we did terribly at people were like I can't believe you don't
know your own country and it's like we're not taught really these things
no we're not. people are just subtly like "Britain's great, okay that's all you need to know"
yeah we don't have a class in school that's "Britain" no the last one is 8% of
people agree that Brits have bad teeth which again 92 percent disagree we would
disagree have you seen our teeth? neither of us have had braces
Brits do have good teeth and I don't know where that stereotype comes from
yeah that one can be ruled out they're probably just looking for another one to
finish off the quiz yeah hope you enjoyed that I think Brits there are
many negative qualities to Brits that we don't tend to talk about oh yeah so there's a few of them for you! There you go. If you
did enjoy the video guys please leave us a comment below and leave us a thumbs up
love a bit of thumbs up! yeah we've also just started a KoFi page so if you'd
like to buy us a coffee just as a you know a little tip to keep us going
through the edits of these videos then we'll link that below, to keep our teeth black buy us a coffee. thank you so much again and we'll see
you next time bye