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Smart Learning for All.
Rusting of Iron.
The famous garage.
When a piece of iron is left out in the open for a while, a film of brownish substance gets deposited on its surface called rust.
My sad story.
I used to be like this.
But then my life turned upside down.
Water vapor.
Water vapor and oxygen forced me to rust.
Rusting occurs when iron is exposed to oxygen in air and water or water vapor.
Rust king.
Rust is Iron oxide.
Equation for rusting.
Iron plus oxygen plus water vapor gives iron oxide.
Save me.
In areas that have higher humidity, the rusting process takes place faster as the content of moisture in the air is higher.
This process of rust formation in presence of oxygen and water or water vapor is called rusting.
So, this is my sad story.
Name: Robo Jr.
Status: Rusted.
My rusted friend list.
Iron gate.
Thanks for watching.
Some days later.
Thank you.
Mr. Smart and Robo's Garage.
The End.
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