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- Hi we're Joel and Lia.
- And today is another episode of
Ask yourself,
which is our series where Joel and Lia go deep.
- Yeah.
- So,
It feels weird saying that.
- I've got itchy nose.
- Itchy mitchy.
- Itchy mitchy.
And yes, if you've noticed my voice is weird,
it's caused I've got acute briconters, broconters,
- Bronchitis!
What is broconters?
- Briconters
I've got broconters. I've got bronchitis.
- You're such a prince.
Joel in his Disney prince cottage in the Cotsworld,
being like, I've got acute bicohonters.
- Bicohonters. I've got acute pocahontas.
- That's so sweet.
- Anyway, I've got acute bronchitis so that's that.
- Yeah, when you go to the doctors next week,
please say it wrong,
- Yeah, I will.
- That will be amazing.
- I've diagnosed myself with pocahontas.
- Then just do a little cough.
For anyone who saw the last episode of this,
we finish every episode with the first question from
this episode. So,
- Which was,
- Do you prefer being around men or women?
Do your closest friends tend to be men or women
so is that all in one go?
- Interesting.
- Well, what do you think?
- I prefer being around
men, I think.
- Really?
- I have a few female friends and I treasure them like
when I find a female that gets on , we get on with each
other really well, finding each other really funny,
it's just like winner winner, chicken dinner. But,
I just don't really have many.
- No?
- No. I've got, I got female cousins, and family members
that I love being around but in general,
I'd say most of my friends are men.
- Yeah, yeah?
It's interesting I think it might, it could be our
generation as well because most of my close friends
are girls.
And again, when you meet a guy, someone of the same
sex as you that you get along with so well is like
amazing and you can't replace those relationships, but
there's something being around women,
I just find it more relaxing, like if you've put me in
a room with loads of women, I'll be like,
they're all gonna love me within like 5 minutes,
like they're gonna love me.
Whereas if you've put me in a room full of men
for 5 minutes, I'm like, they're all gonna hate me.
They're literally all gonna hate me.
- And I think that because that is an ingrained thing
in your mind, you now believe that that is what's true
moving forward.
And I kind of have left my, in the same for me, as well,
I'm like, me and women, like I just don't have many
female friends and that's why I don't have any
many more female friends cause I've said it to myself
so many times.
- Exactly, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
all the time.
I think also for me being bullied at school,
it was always by the boys and a few girls,
but mainly boys so then I'm just always like,
yeah, they're just gonna hate me and they're just
gonna bully me so.
- It makes so much sense like, of course that,
that because that has happened, you're like, you know,
closer with girls.
- But you know what? It used to really bother me,
I was like, why do I have so many friends are girls
and not guys, but actually now, I'm just like,
I don't care like, I don't care if they're boy, girl,
whatever you're identified with, I'm like,
as long as I like you and you're a nice person
and you make me laugh, that's fine.
- That is so true, love that.
Okay, I think I wanna skip the next one,
- Okay, shall I read the next one?
- Yeah you go on
- So we'll skip that one.
Oh, okay, this is a long one so buckle up.
- Okay.
- Right, while on a trip to another city your spouse
or lover
whether you put a ring on it or not.
- In brackets, or lover.
- Meets and spends the night with an exciting stranger.
Given that they will never meet again
and that you will not otherwise learn of the incident,
would you want your partner to tell you about it,
and it roles were reversed, would you reveal what you
have done?
- Oh my gosh.
- I wanna know it all, I think I'd wanna know. Wouldn't you?
- I wouldn't wanna know.
- You wouldn't?
- Not want to know, no, I don't wanna know.
- So yeah your partner might never see those people again,
- Yeah.
- But it says something about their personality and
their character the fact that they cheated on you.
- Yeah, and I think that, that's their issue,
that's their problem that they cheated on me.
- Yeah, but do you still wanna be around them for
doing that? You still wanna keep someone in your life
that did that to you?
- I think if, maybe this is really controversial,
but I think if they were to deal with their own
fears, anxieties and whatever they like have to deal with
because they did that,
then I'll be willing to stay with them if they were to
willing to like learn from it, be a better person,
- Yeah, but you don't know any of this.
- I know, I think that's also me protecting myself from it,
like if they were to do it, and then like, how would I know?
Great, I think like ignorance is bliss.
I'd rather not know.
- I'd rather the bliss was ruined and that relationship
ended and then move on with someone else,
I just think it's unforgivable.
I would never, ever forgive anyone that ever cheated
on me.
- That's good, yeah, I mean. I think I would, but,
I don't think,
I'm not saying I have like a partner that would,
I really, really, really trust who I'm with but
if it was to happen, I just wouldn't wanna know,
I know it would bother me,
I think it would damage me so, so much,
but if I was to know, I would obviously end it.
But I think if I wanted to stay in something and have it
like a strong forever, I would rather not know.
How funny that we're just, I just would rather not know,
but I would want that person to go and deal with their,
do you know what I mean, I look after my half,
you look after your half.
Together we're great but you've done something
and you've messed up,
- Yeah
- I'd rather not know.
- Wow, interesting. Would you tell if you'd done it?
Would you tell or would you keep a secret?
- Yeah, I would tell because I think if it was my beef,
I'd have to end that relationship.
- See I think, we're completely different,
cause now I think I would probably keep it a secret,
after what I've said like, I'll never forgive anyone,
I'll be like, I'll just keep it a secret.
If I'm never gonna see them ever again, and I'm like,
I don't wanna ruin what I've got,
I'd probably would just be like,
I'm not gonna say anything, which is really hypocritical.
- You know it's true though because I see where you're
coming from because what good will it do to that person
to know?
Like what good would I do to my partner to inflict this
information on them that's gonna probably ruin their life.
- I know.
- If they were that into me.
- Yeah.
- It's so tough, what do you guys think? Let us know.
If I'm not sort of Joel's
- And if you're enjoying this video,
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- Okay, are there people you envy enough to want to
trade lives with them? Who are they?
Are there people you envy enough to want to trade
lives with them?
- Definitely people I envy and like I'm jealous of
what they've got in their life and but,
yeah I'd never wanna trade lives because I'd wanna
be me in their position, I wouldn't ever wanna just
be them.
- Yeah, I agree.
There's only one Joel Wood, and that's you.
There's only one, there's only one person with these
fingerprints and that's me.
- And that's me.
- Yeah, and I also like, I think a lot of envy or
jealousy comes from like, other people's achievements
or other people stuff that they've like smashed it,
but surely so much of that is from experiencing it
Do you know what I mean? Like so much like that you gave
from that.
- That you've worked from it rather than just being
given it.
- Yeah. Imagine just swapping lives I mean like,
Ah, this is amazing like I fly, I'm in a private jet.
- Yeah, no exactly.
- It's not gonna be fun is it?
- Right next one, okay. Sorry, this is really funny.
- What is it?
- For an all-expense paid one week vacation anywhere
in the world, would you be willing to kill a beautiful
butterfly by pulling off its wings, what about stepping
on a cockroach?
Absolutely, of course. I'm sorry butterfly and cockroach
but yeah, I would.
- That is hilarious.
- Isn't that funny?
- I mean obviously like when you get the butterfly in
your hand, you're gonna be like, oh it's so pretty,
like you don't really wanna pull its wings off
- But then I'd be, all-expenses holiday
- All-expenses, bye.
- I've already done that, I know I'm a horrible human
being, loads of you are probably gonna unsubscribe
because I'm admitting to this, but when I was a child,
I used to love catching those flying daddy long legs,
you know the ones that are flying spiders almost,
I don't know if you call them the same thing,
and I used to catch them, pull of their wings,
pull off each leg and just leave them as a wriggling
Awful, isn't that awful?
- I can't believe you were one of those kids,
only the bullies in my school did that and you aren't
a bully.
- I've never hurt any animals but insects,
I was just like, you deserve to die.
Apart from wood lice, I love wood lice.
- That's so bizaare.
- Isn't it weird? It's so horrible.
- Don't like you, you're a spider, you deserve no legs.
- Oh I hate spiders.
- Okay would you be willing to murder an innocent person
if it would end hunger in the world?
The classic like
- Which is never gonna happen, so why are we discussing it?
I don't think I would, I'd feel really guilty.
- You can't imagine
- Imagine the guilt you'll live with,
would ending all the hunger in the world, sort of like,
wash away that guilt?
- No.
- Of killing that person.
- No. I wouldn't do that for the greater good.
- No.
- I'll just be like, let's just leave it as it is.
- We came through loads of questions today.
- Okay, yeah, we're whizzing through some of them.
- So the next question is what was your most enjoyable
dream and what is your worst nightmare?
So literally what you dream and nightmare about.
What is the best and worst?
- I struggle to remember my dreams but sometimes I do,
but I remember there's a phase where you would literally
have a dream almost every night and then the next day
tell me what it was.
You had so many good dreams that I almost lived my
happiness through your dreams like me and Gemma Collins,
- I'd wake up and be like Lia, I just dreamt
- So we will be like, so we were out in awards ceremony
last night and this happened then we met her
and we kicked it off and now we're best friends, like,
some of those dreams were amazing.
- Do you know what I really want to get a book on lucid
dreaming because I didn't really know what lucid dreaming
was until someone explained it to me, and I was like,
oh I do that all the time and they were like,
what? That's really rare.
- I'm not sure what it is.
- So apparently it's where you can control your dreams
so you know that you're dreaming, so you're like,
oh cause I'm dreaming I can do anything, let's fly,
and then you just start flying or you're like,
and I do that all the time.
Apparently it's a thing to control your subconscious
- You did this, used to, I don't know if you still do,
where you like, think about something before bed
and you know you're gonna have a dream about it.
Is that basically lucid dreaming?
- I think you can train yourself to do things like that
but I never have like,
I remember so the nightmares that I used to have,
always was someone like following me with like a chainsaw
or something like that,
and there came a stage where I would realize that I was
in a dream.
And I'd be like, oh he's following me with a chainsaw,
this is just a nightmare,
and then I'd find a way to like, I'd find a quiet place
wherever it was, if it was in a palace, if I was in a palace
or like on the street in London, wherever I was I'd find
a quiet place, hug my knees in like that,
and then I'd wake up in the night.
And I could wake myself up from the nightmare.
- That's insane.
They should make that, that should be a film.
Like about, that's so cool.
- Isn't it weird? But then the same for nice dreams,
if I want to fly or something, I'm like, oh it's a dream,
I can do what I want and then do it.
And apparently that's like a skill and I didn't know I had
- So much control over the dream, no, mine is not like that
at all.
I've had, I don't know, I just don't remember dreams very
well like I remember having one loads when I was a kid,
where I would always go downstairs,
open up the shoe cupboard and all of the shoes I've ever
wanted were in the cupboard.
- Balenciagas
- Prada, Gucci, the ones that look like socks.
And then I would wake up from the dream,
run down into the kitchen, open the shoe cupboard,
and it would just be the normal shoes that were there,
and I'd always be devastated.
And I'd open up and be like, Mom, like it's so annoying,
like I really wanted all these shoes I just dreamt about.
- Cause I remember the first time I had that as well
where I dreamt that I had loads of sweets,
and I woke up in the morning and they weren't there
and I got really upset and that's when I realized
that dreams weren't real.
- I used to have this dream like before school,
that I'd, it was really, really close to waking up,
I'd woken up, done my teeth, got ready, got dressed
and ready to go, and then I'd wake up.
And I'd be like, I'm ready, oh no I'm not ready,
I just dreamt that I got ready.
- Yeah, that's weird isn't it?
- It's so annoying and that has happened loads
and I dose to sleep, and then to not to have no time.
- Or the relief when you've dreamt something like that
and you're really late or forgotten something,
and then you wake up and you're like, oh it was,
it's so good.
But I think you can, it is a skill, I think if you
want to dream, you should do some research on it
because I think there are things that you can do before
bed that can enable you to dream.
- That's cool. Imagine if we went to like a Dreams
Specialist and they're like put stickers on us and
stickers and everything, stickers all over our heads
and we're like,
- I do believe dreams mean stuff though, so like,
I will go, one of my friends is really good at knowing
what dreams mean or like interpreting what they could mean.
So I often go to her if I had a really weird dream,
and I'm like, I dreamt this, what does it mean?
And she's like, I think it means this.
- Yeah, Dad does that. He's like, did you dream about
...that means death.
If you dreamt about falling, that means a certain thing,
like, so I would be like, Dad, I had a dream about falling,
and he'd say, ah that means this, this and this.
Don't know, it's interesting though,
I'm interested in dreams.
- I've got one more story about that as well,
- Also got a really funny one, remember when you had
a go at me, you were like,
Oh Lia, last night we were talking about (whispers),
and then I had a dream about him.
- Did you and you're like why did you give me that dream?
- Exactly.
- Yeah, that's the worst.
Now I had a dream once where, so before RADA,
which is a Drama School, where me and Lia met,
I woke up on the day of my results being released
from College how I did my A-levels,
and I was supposed to be going to University
to study Drama, and I had a dream that I didn't get in.
I remember sitting at the screen and it said like,
you didn't get the results, you didn't get in.
And I was like, and then suddenly my dream took me
somewhere to a Drama School, but I think it was,
in my head it was GSA, and as I was walking around
the Drama School and it was like me attending Drama School.
Anyway, woke up, it was a dire result so I was like,
that was a weird dream, went downstairs, checked my results,
failed, didn't get in and then fast forward a year later,
I was at Drama School, not at GSA but at RADA,
and I was like, that's weird that I dreamt the exact thing
that happened.
- I love saying it in a Geordie accent, that's weird,
that is weird. I was bad but, that's weird.
I'm nervous by that,
that's weird.
- We keep saying and if you've watched our Bambino Becky
collab, like we started a video with her going,
I'm nervous, it's that one when we're nervous, I'm nervous.
So good.
- Right, I think that's enough for this episode.
Come back next time guys because we love doing this,
and if you haven't seen the old ones,
we would link them up in the cards so you check those out,
go back and watch them.
- They're often titled not with Ask Yourself or Going Deep
with Joel and Lia, they're titled like the juiciest thing
that came up in the talks.
So if you find a weird title, it's probably one of these.
- Thanks for watching guys, we hope you enjoyed it.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, do all the things,
and follow us over on our Instagrams.
- Yeah.
- We post content daily on there.
- Daily.
- It's thrice weekly.
- The work never stops.
- Oh never, never stops.
- And the fun.
- Yeah.
- We'll see you next time. Bye.