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Hi, guys.
I want to teach you something that I think is fucking amazing: they're homophones.
Do you know what "homophones" are?
If you speak any of the Latin languages, so Portuguese, or Italian, French, or Spanish
- you probably can figure out by the name "homo" means same; and "phones" or "phono"
means sound.
So, "homo" means same, and "phono" means sound.
So, "homophones" are words that have the exact same sound or the exact same pronunciation,
but the spelling is different.
So, in your brain it's going to be difficult because you're going to say: "Oh my god, Ronnie,
no, no, no, no, no.
You've totally said this word wrong.
How can you...?
How can this word be the same as this word?"
This is why English is so crazy, but I'm here to help you.
So, the cool thing about homophones and why I love them so much is it's like you're getting
a special promotion with English.
So, you are learning one pronunciation, but you get two words.
So, it's two words for the price of one in your brain, but you have to remember:
Trust me when I tell you the sounds are exactly the same.
The definitions are going to be different, but the sounds are the same.
So, you get to learn one pronunciation and two meanings.
Bonus time.
It's like a super sale.
Welcome to the super sale on enVid.
enVid, enVid, enVid, enVid.
engVid, okay?
The other thing that we have a huge problem with are these crazy things called "past participles".
Oh, don't you hate past participles?
And maybe you don't know what they are.
So, "past participles" are the third thing or the third part of a verb.
So, irregular verbs usually have a simple past and a past participle.
I've kind of made this easy because most of these words here...
Most of these verbs here, the simple past and the past participle - they're the same.
Oh, so cool.
So, oh, you get another bonus.
You're going to learn more past participles.
So, learning past participles are difficult.
Because there are so many of them.
But if you look back on lessons on, you will see I've given you easy ways to remember
the past participles.
And this is an even easier way to actually say them correctly because your brain and
English pronunciation plays tricks on you.
So, let's start with the first one.
The present tense of this verb is "win", and the past tense is "won".
But, hey, do you know the homophone?
"Won" is exactly the same sound as the number "one".
So, we have "win", the past participle of "win" is "won", and it's pronounced like the
number "one".
You are number one; not eleven.
Hello, marker.
Do you work?
So, the past participle of "win" is the exact same pronunciation as number "one".
So, you can say: -"I won one."
'I won one'?
Did you repeat...?"
I won one.
I won one chocolate bar.
I won one.
I won one!
The next one is the verb "hear", and the past tense, we would like to say: "hear-d", but
it's actually just "herd".
A mistake that I've heard a lot of people saying is they say: "hearded".
It's not "hearded"; it's actually "heard".
Now, past participle: "herd", this is how we actually say the word.
But do you know what a "herd" is?
A "herd" is a group of animals.
So, for example: A group of cows or a group or horses we call a "herd".
"I heard the herd."
[Laughs] Another crazy thing about homophones is they're used in a lot of advertising and
a lot of jokes.
Now, are the jokes funny?
That's up to you.
But "herd" is a group of cattle; cows or horses.
The next one is the past tense of the word "teach".
So, in the present tense we say: "I teach", and in the past tense, if you go back, we
say: "taught".
But if you look at this, it looks like: "ta-u-g-h-t".
"I tau-g-h-t you yesterday."
Hey, let's make this easy.
We're actually just going to say it like: "tot".
The past participle of "teach" is the pronunciation: "tot; t-o-t".
That's easier.
Do you know what a "tot" is?
A "tot" is slang or informal for a child.
So, a little child, maybe two or three years old, we call a "tot".
It might have come from "toddler".
"Toddler" is a child who's about two or three years old.
But to make it even shorter, a "tot" is a young child.
So, you'll see this a lot in advertising for children.
So: "I taught a tot."
Oh, you see how funny these are now?
I think they're funny.
This word.
Now, this is an unusual verb; we do not use this a lot.
This present tense is "breed" or the base of the word is "breed", and the past tense
is "bred".
"Breed" means to produce animals to sell.
So, let's say that I have a boy dog and a girl dog, and I want the boy dog and the girl
dog to have puppies so I can make money and sell the puppies.
Or I have two horses, two cows.
Play some nice music, get some red wine going, and magically the animals-dunh-dunh-dunh-will
produce babies.
Then I will sell the babies and make money.
This is terrible, what we do.
So, "to breed" and the past tense: "bred" means to produce animals and sell to people.
But this pronunciation is exactly like the thing that we eat with sandwiches.
So, this word is: "breed", "bred", and "bread".
Do you like bread?
Bread's delicious.
So, bread, as you know...
Oh, that doesn't look like bread.
That's a piece of bread.
It's something that we eat.
Oh, this is a nice baguette.
So, we breed or we bred dogs.
I don't have a funny joke for "bred" and "bread".
I'm not a comedian.
The next one is the verb: "send".
The past tense is "sent", and also the past participle is "sent".
So, all of these verbs up to here, the simple past and the past participle are the same.
So you're learning simple past, and the past participle, and homophones.
Special deluxe offer for you.
But be careful when you guys say this word because sometimes you do not say the ending
strong enough, so you want to say: "sent", but you say: "sen".
So, I don't know: "Did you say 'send' or 'sent'?"
So, please make sure you hit the end of the word.
So, "sent" as a past participle is the exact same pronunciation as this word.
This looks like: "shent", but it's not actually "shent"; it's actually "scent".
"Scent" means the smell of something.
This is another super bonus.
Do you know another word, another homophone for the word "scent"?
So, "sent" in the past tense, "scent" meaning smell, and there's another one.
It has to do with money.
By the way, if you'd like to donate money to, please feel free.
I will take your dollars and your "cents".
So, "cent" is the symbol like this and it has to do with coins or money.
We usually use in the plural; we usually say: "25 cents".
But a long time ago we had one cent; it was called a penny.
So, we don't use this a lot.
We usually use "cents", but bonus.
So, we have: "sent", "scent" like smell, and then "cent" is money.
Dollars are better, always.
The verb: "to be".
Oh, don't you hate this verb?
Now, this is an exception to these rules because "be" in the past, in the simple past is "was"
or "were", and in the past participle it's "been".
Do you like "beans"?
So, this word is "been" and this word is also "bean".
"Bean" maybe you know already is a kind of food.
So, we've got black beans, yellow beans, green beans, red beans.
All the colours of the rainbow, we have beans.
So, we have the past participle is "been" and the food, the delicious food is also "bean".
Aren't homophones fun?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yes, they are, Ronnie.
Homophones are amazingly fun.
We're almost there.
This is a crazy word, too.
So: "tot" and this word kind of will help you with the same pattern.
So: "catch": "I catch something"; past tense: "I caught something"; and also the past participle
looks like "cau-g-h-t".
So, maybe before you said: "I ca-u-g-h-t-ed the ball.
Oh, it's not 'cau-h-g-t-ed' at all.
It's simply: "cot".
So, if you look at this word: "a-u-g-h-t" and "a-u-g-h-t", it's simply just "o-t" when
we pronounce it.
Now, my theory is that our language was made a long time ago, this is from very old English,
and I think they drank a lot of beer.
So, I think that maybe they were joking with us, and they said: "[Laughs].
Let's make this really hard.
Let's put in a lot of extra words and extra, extra, extra letters.
It's such a good joke."
Except not for you that try to learn this crazy language.
So, maybe if you have a time machine, you can travel back in time, make sure the people
are sober when they're writing down this language, and maybe it'll help you.
But I don't think you have a time machine.
If you do, contact me; I'll go on a trip.
And the pronunciation of this word is: "cot".
Now, do you know what the noun of "cot" is?
Do you know what a "cot" is?
"Cot" is a foddable-... foldable bed.
So, let's say that you are going to a hotel and you have a child and you only have two
beds, you can get... you can ask the person in the hotel for a cot.
So, a "cot" is basically a foldable bed, but it folds in like this, and I can't do that
with my hands.
That's weird.
So, you can sleep on a cot.
I don't really know how comfortable they are, but if you drink enough beer, everything's
comfortable, and you can pronounce English.
The last one.
Again, this is an exception to our easy simple past and past participle rule.
The verb "grow" in the simple past is "grew", but in the past participle is: "grown".
And this is how we would pronounce this word: "groan"; "ahh" is the sound.
Now, I'm not too sure how to write "ahh", so let's try.
So, "groan" is a noise that we make when we are doing something very difficult, like at
the gym, some people: "Ahh", groan.
Sometimes we groan because we are in pain or pleasure maybe; a little groan you might hear.
So: "groan" and "grown" - these are homophones.
So, let's go through them one more time.
This word is "groan", so is this word.
This word is "cot", "caught"; "bean", "been".
Bonus: "cent", "scent", "sent".
Delicious "bread", "bred"; "tot", "taught"; "herd", "heard"; "one", "won".
I won one.
I want you to win one, too.
Win the lottery and donate all your money to me.
I'll see you later.