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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Idioms 232. The idiom today is for the

  • birds. Okay. Let's take a look at the note here.

  • If someone says something is for the birds, he or she means that something is

  • stupid , worthless, or completely undesirable. Okay. Let's take a look...

  • Continue here. The origin of this term comes from the idea that birds used to

  • eat seeds that were often left in horse poo poo. Remember before cars became

  • ubiquitous. Ubiquitous means you know, everywhere all over the place. There was

  • a lot of horse poo poo on the streets. Yeah. So of course you know, horses were

  • the main form of transportation at one time. So just like they say here. People

  • could observe birds picking out the seeds. So they can actually see them land at

  • the horse poo poo you know , maybe they were thinking what are you doing ? That's

  • poo poo. You shouldn't be eating that. But of course, the birds went down there. Yeah.

  • They thought may you know, pretty good. Why not ? So they've got some free seeds.

  • Okay. So it originally started out as a more

  • vulgar term. You know, so people used to actually say shit for the birds. So

  • that's not so nice . That's why I've been trying to say poo poo. Because poo poo

  • is not so vulgar. Now we only say something is for the birds. So that's the

  • way we usually use it or something is strictly for the birds. Like strictly means

  • like limited just to the birds. You know, that's just for them. Nobody else

  • would want that. So again, remember if something is for the birds,

  • it's either stupid, worthless, or completely undesirable. Yeah. Regular

  • people they don't really want the horse poop. That's very undesirable. Okay. So

  • let's, let's look at some examples here. Example number one. Watching that soap

  • opera is for the birds. It is a complete waste of time. Yeah. This person probably

  • feels like it's stupid or maybe they might even feel

  • that it's kind of worthless to watch it. You're not gaining too much value from

  • it. Or number two here. Collecting bottle caps is for the birds. They will never

  • have any real value. So if you wanted it to ever sell it to another collector...

  • Bottle caps there's not many out. They're not going to pay much. If they pay

  • anything. If you are going to collect something. You should collect something

  • that will grow in value. So again when they say you know, this is for the birds,

  • they probably really here definitely mean worthless. You know, what's the point ?

  • No need to do it. Okay. Let's look at the last one. Playing that violent video game

  • because you know, maybe there are some good video games. Maybe there are some

  • educational video games. Well playing that violent video game is for the birds.

  • It will only corrupt your mind. So this is one way you might think it's

  • completely undesirable. This is something you shouldn't do. Maybe it will affect

  • you in a negative way or affect your your thinking or your emotions in a

  • negative way. Anyway I hope you got it. I hope it was clear. Thank you for your

  • time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Idioms 232. The idiom today is for the

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英語導師Nick P成語 (232) 鳥語花香 (English Tutor Nick P Idioms (232) For the Birds)

  • 11 0
    anitawu12 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary