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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Idioms 201. The idiom today is a bad hair day. Okay.
Let's take a look at the note. A bad hair day actually means a day when one's hair
seemed to be unmanageable and does not look good no matter what one does. Of
course, this would annoy someone. So you're probably starting off the day
annoyed. And you know sometimes that could lead to a bad day by itself. Okay, good.
To annoy someone, especially women. Okay This idiom is often used to be humorous
and is more likely to be used by women because I guess they relate to this idea
even more. Yeah I do remember a long time ago I once I've read in some woman's
fashion magazine it was an article and she was, she was talking about how her
mother once told her like it was a very, very important, like it was pearls of wisdom,
or something. Like you've got to take care of your hair. If your hair doesn't
look good nothing looks good, and I always, I always
remember that. So anyway, so definitely this is something that women would focus
on even more than men, but you know men groom themselves too. Everybody wants to
look good when they go out. However , over time it has developed a second meaning
to mean a day when everything seems to go wrong. So you could see how it could
lead to this. Because if your hair doesn't look good. You start off the day
annoyed. If you start off the day annoyed maybe you start off in the wrong mood
and things just don't seem to go right for you. All right. Anyway , let's look at a
couple of examples here. Example number one. I decided to just cover up my hair
and wear a baseball cap as a fashion style. Yeah. I sometimes heard that
sometimes women might do this. You know maybe if they're, I don't know they
couldn't wash their hair or the hair just wouldn't look good for some reason. Just
wear a baseball cap maybe think you know maybe that's a cute style for the day. So
just cover up your hair. It might be, maybe, maybe it's a solution.
Tomorrow maybe a better day. I was having a real bad hair day. No matter how I
tried to fix it I just look like a crazy person.
Yes. So, maybe you're trying and your hair is just, just not going the way you
want it to do. No matter what you spray it or look at it. You look , you look nuts.
You look like a crazy person. So that might, so that's the literal
meaning of having a bad hair day. And here's one for the second. You know the
more general meaning. Just to mean that you're having a bad day. Today is a bad
hair day. Nothing is going my way. You know, the way you want it to work out.
Everything I tried to do today just didn't work out. So for that person it's
a bad hair day. Okay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's clear. Thank you for your
time. Bye-bye.