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A former tech company executive who's a political newcomer.
"I am not a career politician, as most of you know. I'm an entrepreneur."
With a devoted internet following.
"Hello, I'm Andrew Yang.”
「大家好,我是 Andrew Yang。」
And an army of memes.
Andrew Yang is running for president.
Andrew Yang 正在參選總統。
So, who is he?
Yang is the son of Taiwanese immigrants and a lawyer by training.
Yang 是來自台灣的移民後代,也是一位受過訓練的律師。
But he made his mark as an entrepreneur.
He helped build a college test preparation business that was bought by a big company.
And it made him a modest fortune.
"Are you ready to build something?”
After that, he started an organization that connects college graduates with startups.
That job took him across the Midwest and eventually led him to politics.
"We automated away four million manufacturing jobs in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and so I was like, why are we not talking about that? So, that's where this all started.”
So, what are his priorities?
Well, he's got a long list.
But the one policy that's turning heads:
"Universal basic income”
"Universal basic income”
"He calls it the Freedom Dividend.”
"Now if you've heard anything about me, you've heard that there's an Asian man running for president who wants to give everyone $1,000 a month. And all of those things are true.”
Yang says this will ease the pain caused by the robot apocalypse, as more jobs become automated.
Yang 說這將有助減輕機器人帶來的大變動,因為越來越多的工作走向自動化。
His internet army, known as the Yang Gang, "Where's the money? Where's the money? We have the money." helped sell the policy with the #SecureTheBag hashtag.
他的網軍,又稱為「楊氏軍團」,「錢在哪裡?錢在哪裡?我們有錢。」用標籤 #SecureTheBag 幫忙宣傳他的政策。
But opponents of the plan say its price tag makes it unrealistic.
但該計畫的反對者說它的價格 (預算)十分不合理。
It could cost approximately $2 trillion, roughly half the current federal budget.
Some of his other policy proposals?
Medicare for all, gun safety and even free marriage counseling for all.
The dilemma to Yang as an internet darling?
網路寵兒 Yang 遇到的兩難是?
Some of that support is coming from the internet's far right, in places like 4chan, Gab and 8chan.
其中的一些支持者來自網路上的極右派,來自如 4chan、Gab 和 8chan 的網站。
Yang has spoken out against it.
Yang 已發言反對它。
But there's no doubt it's helped him go viral.
"You know, it's been a point of confusion because I don't look much like a white nationalist. So, I've completely disavowed any of that support.”
What's his relationship with President Trump?
Well, Yang has positioned himself like this: "The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian guy who likes math.
事實上,Yang 為自己定位如下:「一位喜歡數學且與 Donald Trump 相反的亞洲人。
And then there's even an acronym we're working with, which is Make America Think.”
我們甚至還發想出一個代表性的標語,叫做 Make America Think。」
And he hasn't held back.
"As an entrepreneur, most entrepreneurs feel like Donald Trump gives us all a bad name and he's more of a marketing charlatan than he is a real builder.”
「身為一位企業家,大多數的企業家認為 Donald Trump 讓大家對我們留下了壞印象,而他比較像是一個不懂裝懂的商業分子,而不是一個真正的建設者。」
Yang doesn't seem to be on Trump's radar just yet.
Yang 似乎還不是 Trump 關注的對象。
Yang says he's the candidate to beat Trump because he's focused on the economic anxiety that got Trump into the White House.
Yang 說他是可以打敗川普的候選人,因為他把焦點放在市場經濟焦慮的問題上,而這些問題正是讓川普入主白宮的因素。
"We need to evolve to the next form of our economy in order for Americans to have a path forward.”
So, what are his chances?
Yang is still a fringe candidate by conventional standards and polling behind the leading Democratic contenders.
以傳統的標準看來,Yang 仍是一位處在邊緣的候選人,而他的民調也落後主要的民主黨競爭者。
“Yang Gang 2020. Yang Gang 2020.”
「楊黨 2020。楊黨 2020。」
But in an era where a so-called meme army helped President Trump win, being an online megastar could still count for something.