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  • So for the past 12 years,

    譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Bruce Sung

  • I've been obsessed with this idea


  • that climate change is an information issue


  • that computers will help us fight.

    我一直對這個想法很著迷: 氣候變遷是一個資訊議題,

  • I went from data science to climate policy research,


  • from tech to public service,

    我從資料科學, 轉換到氣候政策研究,

  • in pursuit of better data

    從技術轉到公眾服務, 去追求更好的資料,

  • to avoid the wasted energy, resources, opportunities

    以協助避免浪費 能源、資源、機會,

  • that lead to runaway carbon emissions.


  • Until one day, running in the streets with a friend, it hit me:

    直到有一天,我和朋友 在街上跑步時,我突然想到:

  • the same cars, factories, power plants


  • whose emissions are wrecking our climate over time

    隨著時間,它們排放的廢氣 在破懷我們的氣候,

  • also release harmful, local pollutants

    同樣的,它們也會 釋放有害的當地污染物,

  • that threaten our health right here and right now.


  • All this time I'd focused on the long-term environmental risk

    我一直都把焦點放在 長期的環境風險,

  • when I should have been up in arms


  • about the immediate health impact of pollutants in the air.

    空氣中的污染物 對健康造成的立即影響。

  • Air pollution is a burning public health crisis.


  • It kills seven million people every year,


  • it costs five trillion dollars to the world economy


  • and, worst, it robs us of our most precious gift,

    最糟糕的是,它奪走了 我們最珍貴的禮物,

  • the years in our lives:


  • six months of life expectancy in my hometown of Paris

    在我的家鄉巴黎, 奪走了六個月的平均壽命,

  • and up to three, four, five years in parts of India and China.

    在印度和中國的部分地區, 則高達三、四、五年。

  • And in the US, more people die from car exhaust than from car accidents.

    在美國,死於汽車廢氣的人數 多於死於車禍的人數。

  • So how do we protect ourselves from pollution?

    我們要如何保護自己 不受污染影響?

  • The reason it's difficult is an information gap.

    我們之所以很難保護自己, 是因為資訊落差。

  • We simply lack the data to understand our exposure.

    我們就是缺乏資料, 無法了解我們的暴露狀況。

  • And that's because the way we monitor air quality today

    那是因為,現今我們 監控空氣品質的方式,

  • is designed not to help people breathe but to help governments govern.

    設計目的並不是要協助大家呼吸, 而是要協助政府管理。

  • Most major cities operate networks of air-quality monitoring stations

    大部分的主要城市,營運 空氣品質監控站網路的目的,

  • like this one in London,


  • to decide when to cut traffic or when to shut down factories.

    是要決定何時切斷交通流量 或是何時關閉工廠。

  • And these machines are like the computers from the '60s


  • that filled entire rooms.


  • They're incredibly precise but incredibly large,


  • heavy, costly --


  • so much that you can only deploy just a few of them,


  • and they cannot move.


  • So to governments, air pollution looks like this.

    對政府來說,空氣污染 看起來是這個樣子的。

  • But for the rest of us,

    但對我們其他人來說, 空氣污染看起來是這個樣子的。

  • air quality looks like this.


  • It changes all the time:


  • hour by hour, street by street,

    在單一街區中就可能 有高達八種變化。

  • up to eight times within a single city block.


  • And even more from indoor to outdoor.

    所以,除非你剛好走到 其中一個監控站旁邊,

  • So unless you happen to be walking right next to one of those stations,


  • they just cannot tell you what you breathe.

    所以,如果能夠針對 智慧手機的年代

  • So what would environmental protection look like

    來設計環境保護, 會變成什麼樣子?

  • if it was designed for the age of the smartphone?


  • So for the past three years,

    我和我的團隊 一直在打造一項技術,

  • my team and I have been building a technology

    來協助大家了解自己吸入了什麼, 且小到可以拿在手上。

  • that helps you know what you breathe

    Flow 是一台個人用的空氣品質 追蹤器,你可以帶在身上,

  • and fits in your hand.

    掛在背包上,裝在 腳踏車或嬰兒推車上。

  • Flow is a personal air-quality tracker that you can wear with you


  • on a backpack, a bike, a stroller.

    能夠監控你周圍空氣中 最重要的污染物,

  • It's packed with miniature sensors


  • that monitor the most important pollutants in the air around you,


  • like nitrogen oxides,


  • the exhaust gas from cars,


  • or particulate matter that gets into your bloodstream


  • and creates strokes and heart issues.


  • Or volatile organic compounds,


  • the thousands of chemicals in everyday products


  • that we end up breathing.


  • And that makes this data actionable

    它會告訴你於何時、何處 暴露在很糟糕的空氣品質中,

  • and helps you understand what you're breathing

    這麼一來,你就可以 根據資訊做決策,

  • by telling you where and when you've been exposed to poor air quality,


  • and that way you can make informed decisions


  • to take action against pollution.

    你可以找到騎腳踏車 上班的最佳路線,

  • You can change the products you use at home,


  • you can find the best route to cycle to work,

    你也能找到最適合 帶孩子去的公園。

  • you can run when pollution is not peaking

    隨著時間,你會建立更好的習慣, 減少暴露在污染中的機會,

  • and you can find the best park to bring your children out.


  • Over time you build better habits to decrease your exposure to pollution,


  • and by tracking air quality around them,

    都能盡一份心力,將該城市的 空氣品質繪製在地圖上。

  • cyclists, commuters, parents

    所以,我們創造的不只 是個裝置,也是個共同社區。

  • will also contribute to mapping air quality in their city.

    去年夏天,我們將 這項技術的初期原型發送給

  • So we're building more than a device,


  • but a community.


  • And last summer,


  • we sent early prototypes of our technology to 100 volunteers in London,

    及整個倫敦中央 20% 的地區。

  • and together they mapped air quality

    我們現在的目標是要 把這項工作擴大到全世界,

  • across 1,000 miles of sidewalk

    將資料做群眾外包,讓我們可以 繪出每一條街的空氣品質,

  • and 20 percent of all of central London.


  • So our goal now is to scale this work around the world,


  • to crowdsource data so we can map air quality on every street,


  • to build an unprecedented database


  • so scientists can research pollution,


  • and to empower citizens, civic leaders, policy makers


  • to support clean-air policies for change.

    花了數十年的肺癌研究 和二手煙研究,

  • Because this can and must change.

    但,最終,我們走到了 一個臨界點,通過了禁煙法律。

  • Remember cigarettes in bars?

    對於空氣品質,我們也得走到 同樣的臨界點,我相信我們會的。

  • It took decades of lung cancer research and second-hand smoking studies,


  • but eventually, we reached a tipping point and we passed smoking-ban laws.


  • We must reach the same tipping point for air quality and I believe we will.


  • In the past couple years alone,

    有些城市通過了交通擁擠稅 或是建造了腳踏車車道——

  • governments have fined carmakers record amounts


  • for cheating on emission standards.


  • Cities have passed congestion charges or built bike lanes --


  • like Paris that turned this highway,

    現在,全世界的市長們都在 思考要全面禁止柴油引擎,

  • right next to my home, in the middle of the city,

    在 2025 年、2030 年、 2035 年實施。

  • into a waterfront park.

    但,我們的動作能多快? 我們能拯救多少條性命?

  • And now mayors around the world are thinking of banning diesel outright


  • by 2025, 2030, 2035.


  • But how much faster could we go, how many lives could we save?

    但它可以讓我們的 空氣品質更透明許多,

  • Technology alone will not solve climate change,

    若我們能讓大家能夠去採取行動, 以改善他們自己的健康,

  • nor will it make air pollution disappear overnight.

    那麼,我們同心協力, 便能終結我們的污染。

  • But it can make the quality of our air much more transparent,


  • and if we can empower people


  • to take action to improve their own health,

  • then together we can act to bring an end to our pollution.

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

So for the past 12 years,

譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Bruce Sung

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B1 US TED 空氣 污染 品質 吸入 排放

【TED】羅曼 · 拉柯姆柏: 個人用的空氣品質追蹤器,知會你吸入了什麼 (A personal air-quality tracker that lets you know what you're breathing | Romain Lacombe)

  • 505 11
    Julia Kuo posted on 2019/05/17
Video vocabulary