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Video games are more popular than ever.
Games like Fortnight have gone completely mainstream, and now almost everybody considers themselves a gamer.
In the past, video games have been looked down.
They have been accused of causing habits of violence or addictive behaviors.
But what about the benefits of playing video games?
Here are some reasons you might want to game hard in 2019.
這是一些讓你在 2019 年玩得更兇的理由。
One, video games are linked with emotional stability.
Here at Psych2Go, we're all about helping and educating others on everything related to psychology, and emotional stability is a huge part of that.
在 Psych2Go 的頻道,我們幫助並教導大家關於心理學的相關知識,「情緒穩定性」便是其中重要的一環。
A 2012 study suggested that immersive games in particular, appear to be the most beneficial.
一項 2012 年的研究顯示,虛擬實境遊戲對身心特別有助益。
Because they allowed gamers to try out different versions of themselves.
Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 are so immersive that people can go anywhere and do anything.
例如《碧血狂殺 2 》這樣的遊戲,令人身歷其境,玩家可以到任何地方去做任何事情。
We're allowed to explore our own personalities and see what fits best with our ideal selves.
And according to research, this helps a lot with emotional stability.
Three, video games improved Visuomotor coordination.
You might have heard previously that video games improve hand-eye coordination, it's true.
In fact, a recent study found that video games improve all Visuomotor coordination which is when vision and movement work together to produce actions.
For example, in First-Person Shooters, gamers must aim quickly and accurately at small targets.
In driving games, we make small steering adjustments at high speeds.
When we boost our Visuomotor coordination, we get better at all kinds of tasks; including walking, driving, sports and even basic tasks, like getting dressed in the morning.
Four, playing certain video games boost social skills.
We all know that in 2019, some of the best video games are the ones we can play online with our friends.
我們都知道在 2019 年,有一些電玩是可以在線上與朋友連線對打的。
But until recently, no one really considered the benefits of these games.
In 2014, a very interesting study was published on the subject, which proposed that immersive social video games help gamers develop pro-social skills.
在 2014 年,關於此主題一個非常有趣的研究指出,令人身歷其境的電玩遊戲能夠幫助玩家發展社交技能。
In these games, you have to figure out who you can trust, who to make friends with and how to lead a group.
And yes, those skills can definitely be transferred from the game world in to the real world.
Five, video games are linked with better vision.
We've been told that staring at a screen all day is bad for our eyes, but what if video games actually improve our vision?
There have been quite a few studies on this.
Games can boost visual contrast sensitivity, which is basically the ability to distinguish between different shades of gray.
One study even found that video game treatments can cure a lazy eye, which is also known as amblyopia.
That being said, don't stare at a screen all day playing video games with the excuse of trying to improve your eyesight.
Six, video games might help with dementia.
Almost everyone's a little fearful of getting old, and one big reason is dementia.
Once again, it's video games to the rescue.
A 2016 study found that playing video games helped older patients restore their cognitive functions.
一項 2016 年的研究發現,電玩遊戲能夠幫助年老的病患恢復認知功能。
This included benefits like improving walking abilities, better moods and better social interactions with friends and family.
Seven, video games can help teens blow off steam.
Being a teen isn't easy and most of us remember having a lot of pent up emotions during this time.
If anybody needs to blow off some steam, it's your average teenager.
And according to a 2007 study, video games are a great way to do that.
根據一個 2007 年的研究,電玩遊戲很適合用來宣洩情緒。
The study found that teens were relieving a lot of stress by playing video games.
So instead of causing aggression, video games might actually be helping teens vent by getting aggressive in the game world instead of the real world.
To summarize this video, what's your favorite video game?
Comment below.
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另外,我們最近開始經營 Patreon 這個群眾募資平台,如果你想要幫助我們完成將心理學變得更加平易近人的任務的話,可以考慮參考一下下方資訊欄的連結喔!
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只要每個月捐款 2 塊美金或以上,我們將會隨機抽出 5 個人贈送 Psych2Go 的實體雜誌喔!