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  • ...Our follow up here. And for the follow-up,

    follow up here and for the follow-up we're just going to kind of discuss a

  • we're just going to kind of discuss a

    little bit more of what this all means

  • little bit more of what this all means.

    so a strategy guides your negotiation overall you need a strategy to fool you

  • So a strategy guides your negotiation

    begin your negotiation

  • overall. So you need a strategy before

    it's especially important if you have a team more than one person two people

  • you begin your negotiation. It's

    three people need to be working together

  • especially important if you have a team,

    how do you all work in the same direction you must be four hand plan

  • more than one person, two people, three

    your strategy you don't plan your strategy will be doing things in a

  • people. You need to be working together.

    different direction

  • How do you all work in the same

    you also need your strategy so you know what the say how to act

  • direction? You must, before hand, plan

    what time to show up how to use your body language what information to offer

  • your strategy. If you don't plan your

    those are all related to tactics so let's go back here for a second look at

  • strategy, you'll be doing things in a

    this slide there are four basic strategies competition accommodation

  • different direction. You also need your

    avoidance collaboration now there's an easy way to remember that strategies

  • strategy, so you know what to say, how to

    lead to tactics as this picture here shows we have a strategy and that helps

  • act, what time to show up, how to use your

    us decide how do we act how do we behave what are the things we do that the other

  • body language, what information to offer.

    side sees how can we remember these four strategies or let me jump over here and

  • Those are all related to tactics. So

    show you this is not not hard at all my slides working the way you think of the

  • let's go back here for a second look at

    four strategies is this ask these two questions question one how important is

  • this slide. There are four basic

    the negotiation outcome to you this negotiation right now

  • strategies: competition, accommodation,

    how important is this negotiation right now to you

  • avoidance, collaboration. Now, there's an

    that's the number one question you need to ask the number to question you need

  • easy way to remember that. Strategies

    to ask is how important is the relationship over time

  • lead to tactics as this picture here

    ok so let's jump back to the slide here take a look at this

  • shows. We have a strategy and that helps

    think of the first question is being one axis how important is the outcome to you

  • us decide how do we act, how do we behave,

    right now this negotiation this negotiation right now how important is

  • what are the things we do that the other

    it not important very important

  • side sees. How can we remember these four

    ok not important very important

  • strategies? or let me jump over here and

    how about the relationship

  • show you. This is not hard at all. (I

    how important is the relationship think of the relationship is being another

  • get my slides working.) The way you think

    axis not unfortunate very important not important very important

  • of the four strategies is this. Ask these

    ok now then let's take these two axes and put them together to really get a

  • two questions. Question one: how important

    very simplistic view of how we decide our strategy if we look at these two

  • is the negotiation outcome to you? This

    axes we can see how important is the relationship to you how important is the

  • negotiation, right now, how important is

    outcome to you

  • this negotiation, right now, to you? That's

    hi low on both high low on both so now then let's just go ahead and make

  • the number one question you need to ask.

    quadrants inside of there

  • The number two question you need to ask

    let me show you the first quadrant accommodation accommodation is a

  • is how important is the relationship

    strategy for negotiation with this accommodation mean accommodation means

  • over time?

    you give what the other side once not necessarily wonder-percent but what they

  • Okay. So let's jump back to the slide

    need you give to them if they need a lower price you give them a lower price

  • here. Take a look at this. Think of the

    if they need faster shipping you give them shit faster shipping if they need a

  • first question as being one axis. How

    higher quality you give them higher quality now if we look inside the

  • important is the outcome to you, right

    quadrant here accommodation means how important is a relationship very

  • now. This negotiation, this negotiation


  • right now, how important is it. Not

    how important is the outcome not important so why do we choose

  • important, very important. Okay. Not

    accommodation because I need the other side to have a

  • important, very important. How about the

    good relationship with me over a long time I need the other side over a long

  • relationship? How important is the

    time to have a good relationship with me right now

  • relationship. Think of the relationship

    this deal is not so important so right now this deal if it gives me something

  • as being another axis, not important, very

    not so good well that's okay i'll survive my company will do okay but I

  • important, not important, very important.

    need this other partner I need my negotiation counterpart to have a good

  • Okay. Now, then, let's take these two axes

    relationship with me in the future

  • and put them together to really get a

    therefore we use accommodation let's look at another strategy the next

  • very simplistic view of how we decide

    strategy opposite of accommodation would be competition competition accommodation

  • our strategy. If we look at these two

    was up here competitions down here so competition means what competition means

  • axes, we can see how important is the

    you fight for everything you want to win those two points in the basketball game

  • relationship to you, how important is the

    no matter what you need to get those two and stop the other side from getting

  • outcome to you. High,low on both.High, low on

    their two points so every thing I get the other side loses and everything I

  • both. So now, then let's just go ahead and

    lose the other side gains so I want to win more gain more and lose less that

  • make quadrants inside of there. Let me

    way I can win on everything so why do I choose competition because the

  • show you the first quadrant.

    relationship for the future is not important to me so if i give the other

  • Accommodation-- accommodation is a

    side pressure and i say i need a lower price i need higher quality give them a

  • strategy for negotiation. What does

    lot of pressure and they get very angry that you're very frustrated and they

  • accommodation mean. Accommodation means

    don't like me they don't like my company they don't like this deal i don't care

  • you give what the other side wants, not

    because over time I don't need that relationship maybe my company's bigger

  • necessarily one hundred percent, but what

    than them

  • they need, you give to them. If they need

    maybe my company is an important buyer and they're just a supplier and i have

  • a lower price, you give them a lower

    many other suppliers i can choose from or maybe they're an important supplier

  • price. If they need faster shipping, you

    and but I don't need their product today I can get another kind of product maybe

  • give them faster shipping. If they

    they're not successfully and with the recent product it could be any kind of

  • need a higher quality, you give them

    thing like this i just don't need them in the future i don't think i need them

  • higher quality. Now, if we look inside the

    but right now it's very important that I have a good deal maybe my company needs

  • quadrant, here, accommodation means how

    that money maybe we need a good profit margin on this deal

  • important is a relationship, very

    maybe I'm gonna lose my job if I don't make a good deal

  • important. How important is the outcome,

    my bosses told me hey wooden if you don't make a good deal this time your

  • not important. So why do we choose

    fire so I feel I must get a good deal so I don't care what happens in the future

  • accommodation? because I need the other

    I just care to keep my job now so that could be on an individual level on a

  • side to have a good relationship with me

    company level competition strategy

  • over a long time. I need the other side,

    ok let's take a look at another strategy on the ever dimension here just take a

  • over a long time, to have a good

    look over here and what do we have avoidance avoidance what does avoidance

  • relationship with me. Right now, this deal

    mean well you can see in the slide avoidances relationship not important

  • is not so important. So right now this

    and outcome not important

  • deal, if it gives me something not so

    so what does this tell us I don't need this company over a long period of time

  • good, well, that's okay I'll survive. My

    in the future not important to me and right now today this deals it's

  • company will do okay, but I need this

    important no we don't need this deal now so in this case I use the avoidance

  • other partner I need my negotiation

    strategy which means that when I negotiate

  • counterpart to have a good relationship

    I'm very easy to say well you know what i was drawn we don't want to negotiate

  • with me in the future. Therefore, we use

    anymore and we don't need this deal we just gonna walk away so the other side

  • accommodation. Let's look at another

    always is worried i can just give up

  • strategy. The next strategy, opposite of

    that's my strategy avoidance I don't really want to negotiate if you don't

  • accommodation, would be competition,

    like my price

  • competition. So accommodation was up here.

    well okay I don't sell to you that if you don't like this

  • competition's down here. So competition

    ok nevermind go somewhere else I don't need you in the future and I don't need

  • means what? Competition means you fight

    this deal today so that's the avoidance strategy

  • for everything. You want to win those two

    ok let's look at our final strategy our final strategy is collaboration

  • points in the basketball game no matter

    collaboration now collaboration means that we try to work together that's not

  • what. You need to get those two, and stop

    exactly the same as cooperation similar but little bit different meaning but

  • the other side from getting their two

    anyway the point is we're doing things together we're trying to work together

  • points. So every thing I get, the other


  • side loses. And everything I lose, the

    how does this answer the two questions do i need this relationship in the

  • other side gains. So I want to win more,


  • gain more, and lose less. That way I can

    yes very important do i need this deal now yes very important i need a good

  • win on everything. So why do I choose

    deal now very important to me and I need to have a good relationship with my

  • competition? because the relationship for

    counterpart the other company in the future so what do i do I collaborate

  • the future is not important to me. So if

    what does that mean I give something

  • I give the other side pressure, and I say

    I asked for some things I try to get them to give me what I want and I try to

  • I need a lower price. I need higher

    give them what they want

  • quality. I give them a lot of pressure, and

    hopefully by giving them what they want and they give me what I want we can both

  • they get very angry. They get very

    get what we want and that would be collaboration

  • frustrated, and they don't like me. They

    ok let's put these all together here so here we have our four strategies and are

  • don't like my company. They don't like

    two questions I think this is really quite amazing and it's something you

  • this deal. I don't care because over time

    need to really keep in mind because it's not as complicated as one would think

  • I don't need that relationship. Maybe my

    what we're looking at are two basic questions and four fundamental

  • company's bigger than them. Maybe my

    strategies how important is a relationship

  • company is an important buyer, and they

    how important is this outcome right now

  • are just a supplier, and I have many

    accommodation competition avoidance collaboration

  • other suppliers I can choose from. Or

    ok now that seems pretty straightforward and pretty easy i think not complicate

  • maybe they're an important supplier,

    that's really a great insight if you can keep this in your mind as you prepare

  • but I don't need their product today. I

    for your negotiation this will be super helpful to you

  • can get another kind of product. Maybe

    however just because there's four strategies doesn't mean negotiating now

  • they're not successfully with their

    has become easy

  • recent product. It could be any kind of

    the reason it's not easy we can think about very quickly if I want to

  • thing like this. I just don't need

    collaborate but you want to compete

  • them in the future. I don't think I need

    how can we negotiate in other words i want to keep a good relationship with

  • them. But right now, it's very important

    you and I want to have a good outcome now but you you don't care about the

  • that I have a good deal. Maybe my company

    relationship you only want a good outcome now so are two strategies are

  • needs that money. Maybe we need a good

    fundamentally different of course if your strategy with collaboration and my

  • profit margin on this deal. Maybe I'm

    strategy was collaboration probably will have a much easier negotiation we both

  • going to lose my job if I don't make a

    want the same thing we can try to find out where can I give you something we

  • good deal. My boss has told me, "Hey, Warden,

    can you give me some

  • if you don't make a good deal this time,

    however the problem is very very often the two sides have different strategies

  • you're fired. Until I feel I must get a good

    they have different answers to these two questions and by having different

  • deal, and so I don't care what happens in

    answers to these two questions their approach is going to be very different

  • the future. I just care to keep my job.

    and when you put those different strategies together and negotiation

  • Now, so that could be on an individual

    that's where the negotiation gets tough gets hard not easy to come to an end to

  • level, on a company level competition

    a conclusion and lots of times it means somebody's going to win and somebody's

  • strategy. Okay. Let's take a look at

    going to lose

  • another strategy on the other dimension

    ok we have some exercises in the textbook specifically some fill in the

  • here. Just take a look over here, and what

    gap it's not hard it's not meant to be hard

  • do we have? Avoidance--avoidance, avoidance, what does

    these exercises actually meant to be easy

  • avoidance mean? Well, you can see in the

    the reason I give them to you i want you to begin thinking in this way right

  • slide avoidance's relationship not

    what other two questions what are the strategy what are the words that i can

  • important and outcome not important. So

    use in a regular negotiation because when we execute our negotiations in our

  • what does this tell us? I don't need this

    virtual space i want you to be using that much as possible thinking like a

  • company over a long period of time in

    businessperson thinking this vocabulary and I hope using English ok so please

  • the future, not important to me. And right

    take a look at that exercise

  • now, today, this deal is this important? No,

    hey there ok so i think we're going to wrap it up here pretty straightforward

  • we don't really need this deal now. So in


  • this case, I use the avoidance strategy,

    can I ask you how many strategies are there can i ask you what are the two

  • which means that when I negotiate I'm

    most important questions to form your strategy i think i can do that and you

  • very easy to say, "Well, you know what? I

    can answer quickly when we negotiate before you enter the negotiation before

  • withdraw. We don't want to negotiate

    you see the other side ask these two questions right

  • anymore. Now, we don't need this deal.

    how important is the outcome to me now to my company to my team and how

  • We're just going to walk away." So the

    important is the relationship with the other side over time into the future

  • other side always is worried I can just

    right and then choose one of your four strategies

  • give up. That's my strategy, avoidance. I

    ok so see you next time for negotiation

  • don't really want to negotiate. "If you

    good luck in your negotiations

  • don't like my price, well, okay I don't


  • sell to you then. If you don't like this,

  • okay, never mind, go somewhere else. I

  • don't need you in the future and I don't

  • need this deal today, so that's the

  • avoidance strategy. Okay. Let's look at

  • our final strategy. Our final strategy is

  • collaboration, collaboration. Now

  • collaboration means that we try to work

  • together. That's not exactly the same as

  • cooperation,

  • similar but a little bit different

  • meaning. But anyway, the point is we're

  • doing things together. We're trying to

  • work together. Collaboration, how does

  • this answer the two questions? Do I need

  • this relationship in the future? Yes, very

  • important. Do I need this deal now? Yes,

  • very important. I need a good deal now,

  • very important to me. And I need to have

  • a good relationship with my counterpart,

  • the other company in the future. So what

  • do I do? I collaborate. What does that

  • mean? I give some things. I asked for some

  • things. I try to get them to give me what

  • I want, and I try to give them what they

  • want. Hopefully, by giving them what they

  • want and they give me what I want, we can

  • both get what we want, and that would be

  • collaboration. Okay. Let's put these all

  • together here. So here, we have our four

  • strategies and our two questions. I think

  • this is really quite amazing. And it's

  • something you need to really keep in

  • mind because it's not as complicated as

  • one would think. What we're looking at

  • are two basic questions and four

  • fundamental strategies. How important is

  • a relationship? how important is this

  • outcome right now? Accommodation,

  • competition, avoidance, collaboration. Okay.

  • Now, that seems pretty straightforward

  • and pretty easy i think, not complicated.

  • That's really a great insight. If you can

  • keep this in your mind, as you prepare

  • for your negotiation, this will be super

  • helpful to you. However, just because

  • there's four strategies, doesn't mean

  • negotiating now has become easy. The

  • reason it's not easy, we can think about

  • very quickly. If i want to collaborate

  • but you want to compete, how can we

  • negotiate? In other words, I want to keep

  • a good relationship with you,

  • and I want to have a good outcome now.

  • But you don't care about the

  • relationship. You only want a good

  • outcome now. So our two strategies are

  • fundamentally different. Of course, if

  • your strategy was collaboration, and my

  • strategy was collaboration, probably we'll

  • have a much easier negotiation. We

  • both want the same thing. We can try to

  • find out where can I give you something,

  • where can you give me something. However

  • the problem is very, very often, the two

  • sides have different strategies. They

  • have different answers to these two

  • questions, and by having different

  • answers to these two questions, their

  • approach is going to be very different.

  • And when you put those different

  • strategies together, in negotiation,

  • that's where the negotiation gets tough,

  • gets hard, not easy to come to an end, to

  • a conclusion. And lots of times, it means

  • somebody's going to win, and somebody's

  • going to lose.

  • Okay. We have some exercises in the

  • textbook, specifically, some fill in the

  • gap. It's not hard. It's not meant to be

  • hard. These exercises are actually meant

  • to be easy. The reason I give them to you

  • is I want you to begin thinking in this

  • way, right? What are the two questions?

  • What are the strategies? What are the 245 00:12:15,230 --> 00:12:19,640 words that I can use in a regular

  • negotiation. Because when we execute our

  • negotiations in our virtual space, I want

  • you to be using that as much as possible,

  • thinking like a business person, thinking

  • with his vocabulary, and I hope using

  • English. OK. So please take a look at

  • that exercise A there. Ok, so I think

  • we're going to wrap it up here. Pretty

  • straightforward, right? Can I ask you how

  • many strategies are there? Can I ask you

  • what are the two most important

  • questions to form your strategy? I think

  • I can do that, and you're going to answer

  • quickly, "When we negotiate, before you

  • enter the negotiation, before you see the

  • other side, ask these two questions, right?

  • How important is the outcome to me now,

  • to my company, to my team? and how

  • important is the relationship with the

  • other side over time, into the future,

  • right? And then choose one of your four

  • strategies. OK. So see you next time for

  • negotiation. Good luck in your

  • negotiations!

...Our follow up here. And for the follow-up,

follow up here and for the follow-up we're just going to kind of discuss a

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準備談判策略後續篇3 (Preparing Negotiation Strategies Follow Up Part 3)

  • 149 9
    Tony posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary