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(fun music)
- Hi we're Joel and Lia.
- And this video is about the time
that we got kicked out of an Uber in New York.
We've been meaning to tell this story
for a really long time.
- We have.
- I don't know why we haven't gotten around to telling it.
- When we were in New York,
we did live streams every single day.
And I remember it happened and we said in the live stream,
we're not going to talk about it
because we're gonna save it for another video.
And we never have done it.
- So where do we begin, Joel?
It was throwing it down with rain, wasn't it?
- Yup
- Throwing it down.
I'm talking like the heaviest rain.
- Yeah
- You've ever seen.
When it landed on my skin, I was like ow, ow, ow, ow!
- Yeah, it was awful.
What we decided to do was that we wanted to go to Wal-Mart.
So this was the day that we made the Wal-Mart video,
which if you want to watch it,
it will probably be linked in the cards or something.
- Can I just say, that video,
ended up being not only my worst moment on the Internet
because I tried on a fluffy jacket.
Sprayed it with something, and then-
- Perfume.
- I didn't buy it.
- Yeah.
- No, I sprayed it with ab spray.
That's not perfume, that's a joke.
- Yeah but it's perfume, it was still like nice scent.
I get why people had issues.
- It was meant to give me abs and it didn't.
- But it was a nice smelling spray
and your allowed to try on things.
Anyway, people just got triggered about it.
Fair enough, that's fine.
You do you, we'll do us, but anyway.
- Went to Wal-Mart, didn't intend to do that there
but we wanted to make this video anyway.
- Yeah.
- So we're at our Airbnb in, where is that Airbnb?
- Actually, we were in New Jersey, technically.
This was our New York trip, but we were in New Jersey.
- Yeah.
- In an Airbnb. But so what we decided was that
we were gonna go to Wal-Mart.
- Yeah.
- But we planned and seen that there was
this big shopping center that we wanted to go to.
That was apparently was like an outlet mall in New Jersey,
so it was really cheap clothing
and it was right next to a Wal-Mart.
So we were like, great we'll go to Wal-Mart,
film the video and then go shopping.
- Okay, yeah, perfect.
So we get our...
Bare in mind we've only got wifi inside
where we're staying.
We haven't got like 3G data on our phone,
cause it's like extortioner it costs so much per minute.
- Like international roaming charges.
- Yeah.
So we booked this Uber to the Wal-Mart
that's near the outlet center.
- Was it like 45 minutes away?
- Yeah, it was like a 45 minute journey.
I think it was cheaper to book an uberPOOL?
No we didn't, did we get an uberPOOL?
No we didn't.
- Yeah we did.
- Oh we booked an uberPOOL?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We booked an uberPOOL because it's slightly cheaper
and we get uberPOOLs all the time in London.
So we were like, well why not?
- I got one here.
It doesn't matter if someone jumps in the Uber
they're going in the same direction, its,
you know economical, is that the right word?
- Economical, economical, I don't know, all of them.
- Economical?
- Well it's probably about 10 dollars cheaper
to do an uberPOOL, and were like,
well of course Uber wouldn't have that feature there
if they don't want you to use it.
So, book uberPOOL, no big deal.
- Yeah, no big deal, we use it all the time in London.
Didn't know it was different over there, anyway.
The Uber arrives, we run out, it's throwing it down.
We get into the Uber and we're driving for like 25 minutes?
I'd say?
Bare in mind, we've got no idea where we are.
We're literally like,
we're just getting into someones car as you would, in a cab,
and we're trusting that they're going to take us
to the destination we've got- - Cause we've got no idea.
- On the Uber App.
Which is what we do all the time,
everywhere else, we've never ever had a problem
with Uber before.
- We sat in the back.
After about 15 minutes someone else got in,
this man coming out of his house.
- The school, I thought he was going to an interview
or something.
- I think so.
He was very smartly dressed and he jumped in the car.
I think he had his earphones in,
he didn't even say hi to the driver.
- Or to us.
- Or to us.
He just got in, that was fine.
We didn't want to talk to anyone anyway.
We're Brits.
- And yeah then we drove for about 15 more minutes?
To drop him off. - He got dropped off first,
so it doesn't matter who gets in first,
whoever's destination is on the way first
gets dropped off first.
Just for anyone who isn't familiar.
So, we drop off this guy and then we sort of,
carrying on to our destination.
- Or about to, no, he didn't even stop driving.
- He didn't even stop driving did he?
- Oh, so the guy got out
and then he sort of like stays where he is pulled over
and he was like, bare in mind,
we couldn't understand a word he was saying,
cause he was kinda French.
- Yeah, he spoke French.
He's from Haiti, it turns out.
And so his English was very broken.
I think he may... they speak French in Haiti.
I think they do.
- He was speaking to us in French
and he kept saying like, do you speak French?
In French to us, and we were like, no.
We speak English.
And he basically was like, get out of the car.
- Yeah, and we're like, why?
It was still throwing it down.
We're like, huh, what do you mean?
He's like, you need to get, well, all in broken English,
you have to get out I'm not going there.
And we were like, what?
What's going on?
And he said it, he was so angry and defensive,
just like, get out and we were like, what is going on?
- We kept looking at each other like,
have you done something?
Have I done something?
I was like looking to see if if like, has Joel vomited?
What's going on,
that's made this driver just suddenly really angry
and annoyed?
- And wasn't there something with,
he had his iPad with the rating
and he was like, are you bloody blind?
And then like rated him like one star
because he thought that was you, or like?
- Yeah, he was like, are you,
like say James was the guys name who just got in.
He's like, are you James?
And I think I was like, no, obviously.
But he gave then that James guy like a zero rating,
thinking that, that was us.
It was really weird.
- What was the?
Because We couldn't get out until we agreed to end the trip.
He was like, you need to cancel the trip.
He was like, I can't cancel the trip.
You have to cancel the trip.
And we were like, we can't we've got no data.
- Got no Internet, no data, we're in the middle of nowhere.
- There's no wifi.
- Both of us are going on settings on iPhone,
trying to find if there's like a nearby
anything that we can connect to.
To sort this out, to book a new Uber.
I don't know, there was nowhere we could even like
run to see to go under cover.
- No.
- If we'd of got out of this car,
we'd just be standing in the like heavy rain with no signal,
no internet to do anything.
- It was awful.
- It was awful.
- So then, I got, not angry with him, but I,
you know when you just get in that mood
and you just snap and you're just like, I'm not getting out.
- You were like I'm not getting out.
- And he was just like getting more and more angry.
I was like we're not getting out.
- I remember what he said though.
He said something like location has shown up to me.
I'm not taking you there.
And I was like, why did you accept the journey,
if you couldn't take us there?
- We later discovered, like in over our time in New York.
That drivers don't actually know where you're being,
where you're asking to go.
- Yeah.
- Whereas in London, a driver gets a notification like,
will you take this person from Oxford Street to Chelsea
and they go yeah.
- Yeah, cause they were like yeah,
they don't see the final destination.
- They don't see it,
all they see is that someone in this area needs a lift.
They don't know if they gonna want to go to the airport,
gonna go this way, gonna go that way,
gonna go to a different state.
Like, they just don't know.
- So I think he had an issue that we were traveling like
45 minutes out.
- Yeah.
- To go to this shopping center,
but to us we're like, you accepted the journey,
that means you're taking us there.
If you didn't want to take us there,
you shouldn't have accepted the journey.
- So it was all like lost in translation.
We didn't know that he had no idea.
He couldn't really explain to us that this was
what was going on.
He just kept being like, not going there.
I'm not going there.
We were like, you're an Uber driver!
- Go there.
- Go there.
We lost it with him.
- But then when we started to explain,
I think that we are British,
cause I think he didn't even realize we were British
and that we had no Internet,
we were visitors, we were tourists.
- Yeah.
- And I think he calmed down a bit
and he was like, where do you want to go?
And we were like, Wal-Mart.
And he was like.
I think it was like Wa-Ma.
Wa-Ma, what was it?
- Ro, ro, I think he said it with an R.
He said Walmart,
in a way that like sounded like Wal-Mart but wasn't.
- But not.
And he was like you wanna go Wa-Ma, whatever,
and we're like, no, Walmart!
Then it became a bit funny,
because we were just like, what is happening?
- And he was like War-ma,
but like nodding as if to say like,
I know that place and we were like okay!
Drive us there.
And he was like, there's a Wal-Mart over there.
Yeah he was like there's one much closer than that one.
I can take you to that one, but not to that one.
And we were like, fine, just take us to that one.
- And then-
- Fine, we wont get to the outlet.
- And that was so annoying because we wanted,
we planned it because we wanted to go to that outlet.
But fine, it's whatever, it's shopping, whatever.
- We just have to deal with this man's tantrum
if he's not going to take us to where we want to go to.
- So then he started talking to us and he calmed down a bit.
And then we started like laughing about it with him.
And he was like, if you want to book,
obviously in his broken English.
If you want to book a trip that far,
you don't do an uberPOOL, you do normal Uber.
And we were like, that's not how it works.
Like, uberPOOL is there for a reason,
we shared the pool with the other guy, for a bit.
And then we might share
with someone else as they come along.
- That's the way it works.
- He was just lazy.
- It's like whoever's got the longest destination,
whatever passengers get on,
and then everyone else slots in where they need to.
- Yeah.
- That's how uberPOOL works over here.
- I think he was just lazy
because obviously he gets less money for that trip,
so he was like, I'm not going to drive all that way
for that little amount of money.
- We don't know that, we don't know how much he gets.
- No.
- All we know is the price we agreed to take us there,
which was still quite a lot.
- Yeah, it was still like 30, 40 dollars.
- So we were like, okay,
so that's the cheapest way of us getting there,
let's do that.
And we jut couldn't believe that he was like,
get out of the car.
I actually went to the door at one point
and Joel was like, no, stay in the car.
And I was like, yeah, I was like, what am I doing?
- Yeah, cause we'd have no way to,
it was chucking it down with rain,
we didn't know where we were. - No.
- Yeah and lots of our viewers have told us that New Jersey,
parts of New Jersey aren't very safe as well.
So it was like,
we're not getting out in the middle of nowhere,
with it chucking down rain.
- I was also wearing like a skirt, flip flops.
- Cause it was still warm.
- Still warm, it was just raining,
Hot rain that hurts, ow, ow, ow.
- Anyway, turns out he was here and he didn't even,
he told us like, he didn't even have a VISA?
- No, no, he said something like.
- He had a normal VISA, not a work VISA.
- Yeah.
- He was like, I'm not allowed to work here.
- In the end,
this Uber driver basically told us that he's like
an illegal immigrant.
- From Haiti.
And he was like I just drive up here.
- I drive up here...
- What was he?
Was he a doctor or a police officer or something?
- No he said he was a private investigator.
- He said he was a spy.
We were like, what's your normal job then?
- What do you do where you're from?
- In Haiti.
He was like, oh I'm an investigator,
police officer or something.
- We were like, course you are.
Sure you are,
this private investigator
that's told us that he's basically an illegal worker.
- I don't know what he told us that.
But I think cause he was like,
this is his car that he drove up from Haiti
or something and like I don't know he got there.
- To be fair, it was a quite broken down car.
- It wasn't very nice.
- It wouldn't have passed as an Uber in the U.K.
- Ubers in the U.K are like pristine.
I was surprised when we went to New York and New Jersey,
that the Ubers were a bit, like, one was really nice.
That Mercedes sports car, we were like balling.
But some of them were gross.
But in the U.K they're all quite standard.
- They're all kinda the same, Toyota Prius.
Unless you happen to get a given up Mercedes
or like someone just turns up, they usually drive that,
the UberLUX, but they're just doing an Uber normal that day.
And you're like, fancy.
- I'm fancy.
But anyway, he dropped us off at the Wal-Mart,
not the one we wanted to go to, one nearer,
which was easier for him.
- And thus came the video, of us.
- The scandalous video.
- The scandalous video
where I thought fish bait was ice cream.
So that was, yeah, that was the day that we did that.
- And then we ate at Olive Garden
and then we just got an Uber back home I think.
- Which was freezing.
- You know, we went to Trader Joe's after that.
- Went to Trader Joe's, didn't really film.
Filmed a little bit and then went home.
- Went home.
We had a great Uber driver from Trader Joe's though.
He was so funny.
- He was like-
- Hi!
And we were like, hey!
- In the car park, waiting for us like,
we were like, oh my gosh.
For a second I was like, it's a viewer.
- It's a viewer, he recognizes us,
no he was just a happy man.
- Chappy, lovely guy.
- But I couldn't believe that, I've never had any issues.
- And you gave him a good tip, on that one,
cause you were like I really liked him.
- I gave him like, it was like double the journey price.
Cause I was like, he was so nice.
And I do feel sorry for some Uber drivers.
Cause I fee like they probably don't get paid that much
- Yeah, I don't know.
I've met Uber drivers over here that I've like got,
well they told me, I've got property here,
I just do this as a little bit extra.
And I'm like, oh, okay, alright, you're doing well.
Good for you.
But yeah, there are probably Uber drivers that are like,
you know living on the line.
- And we hadn't tipped any other Uber drivers,
cause in the U.K.,
it's not really a thing that you tip Uber drivers.
So I was like, you know what,
I'm not gonna tip any Uber driers except one,
who makes me smile.
- And he did.
- He did, so I gave him a nice big tip.
- Yeah, so that was the story
of the sort of chaotic lost in translation, illegal spy guy.
- Honestly, it sounds straight forward from
what we were saying.
But when he was saying all this stuff to us,
it took forever to understand what he was saying
and for him to understand what we were saying.
- But when he kept telling us that he was a spy and stuff,
we were just looking at each other like, really?
It was so funny.
- It would be even funnier if he actually was
and like we'd have a flash forward to his real life.
- Like the kind of guy that just gets to the scene,
like lights up a fag and he's like, he did it.
- That's cigarette, by the way.
- Oh yeah, that is a cigarette.
- Most of all, these are Americans,
so that just means cigarette.
But yeah, he literally would just be so chill
and just like, I'm not solving this crime, bye.
- Yeah, just walks in and goes, mmm, nothing happened here,
and just walks back out.
- So bad.
- So thanks for watching guys.
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- We post videos thrice weekly.
So come back next time, they'll be another brand new video.
We post, Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, every single week.
- Sorry, it's cause you said Sunday first,
I was a bit thrown.
- Oh, I should have started, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sunday.
There we go.
- Yeah, Tuesday, thundays.
Th-th-th-th three-o-clock.
U.K. time, I am tho, thorry.
- Tho thorry, she needs some water.
- So sorry.
- We'll see you next time, bye.
- Bye.
Queen wave.
We need some more stories, we've probably got some,
just have to think of them.
- Yeah we do, I mean it's something that we,
like that one we always knew we wanted to tell them.
But it's ones that we've probably-
- Stuff has happened to us, we just can't,
it's been so many years, of years and years and years.
- We just need to remember to tell it to camera.
- Yeah, We need to like think back to like,
oh that time, when.
- I've got one, but it's too rude.
- No you didn't, no you didn't.
- I know.
- You're amazing.
You're amazing.
Please tell that at like my wedding or something.
- Your wedding? Shouldn't it be my wedding?
- Guys, guys, one time.
- One time I did this and they'll like
why are you telling this story?
We should keep that in and bleep out, what the thing was.
- No way, that's amazing.
That's two things I didn't know about you.