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- Hi, we're Joel and Lia.
- And this video is British people
guessing Pennsylvania slang.
- So, we're back on the slang series.
We used to do lots of these.
Haven't done any for awhile.
- Back at it again.
- Back at it again with another slang video.
- So this has been sent to us by a viewer called Nora.
- Yes.
- Thank you so much to anyone who's ever sent us lists
of words or phrases for us to guess.
- Yeah.
- They come in really really handy for this series.
- Oh definitely.
Nora sent us this email in August 2018,
so if you sent us an email and we haven't,
you know, done it,
it's not because we're not going to do it,
it's just because it's taking us awhile to get through them.
- Okay, so let's kick you off
with the first one, Joel.
- Yeah.
- So, the word, Buggy.
- Buggy.
I'm guessing it's not as simple,
in the UK, a buggy is what you push your child around in.
- Yeah. - That's a buggy.
- Yeah, it could be like a bogey.
- A bogey. - Like a bogey.
- Oh, I got a bogey.
- I got a bogey.
- I got a bogey just here.
- We call that a bogey, so it could be that.
- Yeah. I reckon a buggy is something,
like a golf cart.
Like a buggy.
- Oh, okay, golf buggy, golf buggy.
Let's see.
- Oh, shopping cart.
- Oh, it's a shopping cart.
We'd say shopping trolley.
- Yeah, we call it trolley.
- Yeah, get us a trolley.
- So, you take buggy instead of trolley.
- Oh, wow, that's weird. - That's cool.
- Is that because you can
put the kid in the front seat?
- Yeah, maybe.
- Like, put it in a buggy.
- Are there any others?
Do you say anything other than buggy, cart, or trolley?
- They don't say trolley.
- Yeah, they don't say trolley.
- Just us.
- Just us. Also, getting trollied
is something completely different.
- Oh, that's getting drunk. - Yeah.
- Yeah, that's one of our slang.
Okay, let's have the next one. - So, the next one, is fress.
So, the example she gave is
"stop fressing, you won't have room for dinner"
- Oh, it must be snacking,
then you won't have room for dinner.
- Yeah, well she said to eat
usually in large quantities, so maybe not snack, like fress,
- Oh, stop fressing.
- It's just to eat.
Like, yeah, I guess it is like constant snacking,
maybe then to fress.
Like ah I can't stop fressing.
- Stop fressing, you won't have room for dinner.
- But then she says--
- Why would you eat before you eat?
Unless you're Joel and Lia, we do that,
before we like go to like an event,
if we know there's going to be like, counter pays,
but like, let's just go and eat a meal somewhere,
otherwise we're going to be standing next to these
like food thingies all night.
- We want to look like we're not touching it,
and people go, "Oh, you're not eating much tonight"
and you're like, "yeah".
So, fress, some people will be like
I can't wait to fress tonight, to eat a lot.
- I fressed out.
- I fressed out.
- Why didn't you eat dinner?
Fressed out.
- Fressed.
- Fressed, you just say fressed.
- Okay, what's the next one?
- Grexy.
- Grexy?
I think it's when you're grumpy
but feeling sexy at the same time,
you're like ,"oh I'm so grexy"
- You're grumpy
- It's like when you're grumpy
but also feeling really sexy.
That weird feeling that you get maybe once a year.
- That's amazing, I wish it meant that.
Grexy! - I'm so grexy right now.
- Well, I've looked at like the next bit
where she types what it means,
if I hadn't have seen that,
I would say it means
like Greek brexit.
I don't know why, I'm just like grexy.
It just keeps, like anything with an X
just reminds me of brexit, exit,
It means cranky.
- Cranky?
- So, it means the baby is grexy.
- So, half of mine is correct, grumpy
- No, oh yeah, grumpy, but not the baby,
and it's not sexy. - The baby is really grexy.
But it's not just for babies then, is it for everyone?
- Cranky? Yeah, it must be. I don't know if they
- Feeling grexy
- The example is obviously, the baby is grexy
- Ah, ignore her, she's being grexy.
- Grexy.
- Grexy.
Cool, that's a good one.
- Well, that's a new thing,
yeah we'll probably forget that by tomorrow, won't we, Joel?
- Yeah, probably.
In one ear, out the other.
But, we'll try to learn.
- Yeah.
- The next one is Brutzin.
- What?
- Brutzin.
- Does it mean when you're like
swanning around town shopping?
- Well the example is,
Quit your brutzin.
- Oh, okay. Does it mean complaining?
- Not really.
Well, it could be,
but it's not what she said.
- Okay.
- Well, I guess it is kind of complaining.
- One more guess.
Is it close to that?
- Yeah, very close.
- Quit your attitude?
- Yeah, I guess so, like they're all similar,
she's crying or fussing, so I guess you might say to a child
if they're crying or being annoying or if they're sad,
just be like, "Oh quit your brutzin".
- Brutzin.
- Sounds like you saying breakfast.
Oh, I can't wait for my brutzin.
- I realize that's where I got it from this holiday
- Where?
- It's because your aunt can't say it either.
- Oh really? Breakfitz.
- Yeah, she says, breakfitz.
She says breakfast.
And I'm like, "you've given that to me".
- That's so funny.
- I'm like say it. She's like 'breakfitz'.
- Breakfitz.
- That's the wrong way.
- Yeah, you added an extra 't' in there.
- She can't say it. That's where I got it from,
her or my grandma.
- See, people be careful with your parenting.
You could end up with mistakes like this.
- Breakfitz.
- Shushtly. - Does it mean like quietly?
Like do it, but shushtly.
- Oh God, Shushtly.
- Oh, like quietly.
I said like do it, but do it shushtly.
- Oh, okay.
- So I'll be like, "Shhh, shushtly".
- Oh yeah, just go over there, but shushtly.
- Yeah!
- Like shuffle with your toes, shushtly over there.
- Or if someone wants
- Shassy.
- Instead of like, shassy,
instead of being like oh can you just pops to the shops,
can you just shustly to the shops and get me a
- Yeah.
- Shustly to the store,
Americans call it store, don't they?
Shustly to the store
and get me some pop chips while you're in
- Yeah, exactly like that.
Healthy crisps or chips.
I'd say it probably means something like,
Oh, I'm feeling a bit shushtly today.
- Shushtly ill.
- Like a bit ill.
- Sniffly. - Sniffly.
Okay what's it going to be?
It means restless.
- Oh, okay.
- Stop being so shushtly,
we have plenty of time before the guests arrive.
- Ah, so like faffin.
- Oh, okay.
- That just reminds me of like my mum,
like we have plenty of time before the guests arrive,
my mom is like hoovering,
like "Quick! We've got a, people are coming!"
Oh, stop being shushtly.
- Like me tonight, like let's get these videos done.
- Yeah, I'm like stop your shushtling.
Can you say shustling?
- No.
- That'd be cool, like hustling, shushtling.
Stop your shushtling.
- It's when someone is restless before something,
stop your shustling. That's good, I like that.
- I like that.
- So the next one is
Red things up.
But red is spelled the color red.
So, I won't say the example
because it will probably give it away,
so I'll let you guess.
- Does it mean when you're stuck at a red traffic light?
- No.
- Red things up.
- And she said some people just say, Rid up.
Like so, gone from, Red things up, to, Rid up.
So, I guess that's maybe the past tense?
I rid up.
- I'm in trouble, red things up.
- No.
- Like when a player gets a red card in football.
- No.
- Red things up?
- It doesn't mean anything to do with red,
I don't know why it's
- Danger?
- No.
- Red things up or rid up.
Fed up?
- No, it means
- Tidying up.
So go red up your room.
And I guess rid up, if it is the past tense,
you'd be like
Oh, I already rid up my room,
like I've already tidied it.
I've already rid it up.
- Alright. - Maybe.
- Red gets turned into like
- Also, just tangent,
maybe this should be in a complete different video,
apparently Americans don't have the word, sat.
- Really? - The amount of people I get
being like you said the word, sat.
We would say sitting.
I'm like we'd say, sat down.
I was sat down. Sat is past tense of sit,
we don't say, I was sitting down,
but we say, I was sat down,
Americans don't say sat.
- I've never heard an American say sat.
- They don't say sat.
Anyway, sorry.
- Keep that in.
- Keep that in, I will.
- The next one, Joel, is
Onion snow.
- Onion snow?
Something, it's crunchy snow.
Because crunchy onions, so it's like snow,
you know, when you tread in it, its like
(making crunching sound)
- No.
- Okay, Onion snow.
- Onion snow, it's really literal,
like think, not really,
- Onion, smelly snow.
No, snow that makes you cry,
- Sorry, literal was the wrong word.
Snow that makes you cry,
Like because onions and snow don't go together,
- No, an oxymoron.
- So, when might you get onions?
- In a kitchen.
Cooking, cooking in the snow.
- No, It's actually really hard.
This is really really hard.
- What is it?
- Okay, so it's snow that falls in the late spring,
because maybe that's when onions are growing,
- Yeah.
- So, it's like, "ah onion snow!"
- Onion snow, that's really strange, Onion snow.
I wouldn't know if someone said that,
you've got to be in a farming community to sort of know,
- Onion snow.
That must be the season of onions, late spring.
- In Pennsylvania.
- Fantastic.
- That's a good one.
So the next one is a sweeper.
- Just a dust pan and brush?
- No, but you're close.
- A cleaner, someone who comes to your house to clean.
- No, but again on the right lines,
- That'd be horrible.
Imagine calling your cleaner, the sweeper.
- Oh, the sweeper's coming around.
- That'd be awful.
When you make a mess.
- Yes and no, not really, no.
It means hoover.
Like a vacuum cleaner.
- Oh, just a hoover. Well we say hoover,
but vacuum cleaner is the correct term isn't it?
Hoover's a brand.
Vacuum cleaner, sweeper,
it's not sweeping - A sweep motion isn't it?
- Like, sweep makes you think
that there's going to be a brush.
But the vac is kind of
(making vacuum sound)
- But, I guess back in the day, you just swept.
You didn't have a vacuum cleaner.
- So, then that got replaced by this electrical thing.
- Yeah, the electric sweeper.
- Yeah, oh like the electric kettle, got it.
- Wow,
- Okay, here we go Joel, Scootch over.
Oh, we already know that. - Move over.
- Yeah, move over.
- We've got that too.
- We got that.
- What's that, Darescent?
- Darescent.
I haven't looked at what it says next to it.
- Am I saying it with the right, like, inflection?
I don't know.
- Darescent. - Darescent.
Do you pronounce the r in it?
Darescent, Darescent.
- Darescent.
- I don't even know.
- Any ideas though?
- I think, I feel like it's daren't or I daren't do that.
- Yeah, that's it. - Is it!
- That is it. - Is it!
- Look, should I have a piece of cake?
No, I darescent.
Like I shouldn't eat that cake.
- I wonder
- Oh, it's pronounced darescent.
- Darescent, Darescent.
- Darescent.
Thank you for telling us the pronunciation.
- Yeah, thank you, that really helps.
I don't know why they add the extra s in it.
Scent. Darescent.
Because we just say daren't.
Like I dare not have that extra cake.
That's what daren't stands for.
- Yeah, this is darescent.
- Darescent.
Interesting, these are really cool,
normally, with this slang, we know quite a few of them
that get sent in, but the only one was scootch over.
- Oh yeah, we usually sort of cut out quite a few,
so we know them, and it doesn't really make for
an interesting video, being like,
We can tell you what that is.
Scootch over was really the only one
we had in common with Pennsylvania.
- Do you know, it's my mom's dream
to go to Pennsylvania, out of everywhere in America,
because she wants to go an see the Amish, in Pennsylvania.
- Really? She just wants to go, meet them,
- Yeah, she loves the Amish.
Well, I don't think you can meet them,
but she just wants to spy on them.
- Yeah, that's cool.
That'd be such an interesting
like, you know, eye into another, like,
it is like a separate culture, isn't it?
It's completely different.
- Well that's what made me think about sweeper,
that maybe it is like, like I said,
before you had a vacuum cleaner,
lots of Amish would probably still have brooms as a sweeper.
- It would actually be so interesting
to see more about their lives.
- In the UK, I remember on channel four,
we have a channel called channel four,
and they did a series called, Living With the Amish,
and they sent some of Great Britain's, sort of,
best representatives, just really nice teenagers,
so you know the shows
that send naughty teenagers somewhere else?
It wasn't that.
They sent like really good, best of Britain teenagers
to live with the Amish, and it was really really cool.
- Whereabouts?
- In Pennsylvania.
- So the legit
- Because that's where they speak Pennsylvania Dutch,
cause those are the Dutch, went over from the Netherlands
to Pennsylvania, so they speak Dutch there.
- So they're only really there?
- Yeah.
- And they've not really left?
- That's where, it's like Amish county apparently,
like Amish, I think, you guys would know better than I do,
but I think that's where they mainly are.
They probably are in other areas as well,
- But stick to where - Pennsylvania.
- Where it all is.
- Because they don't travel.
They wouldn't fly anywhere.
- They wouldn't, no.
- So they just have wagons and horses,
and some have no electricity, they have nothing.
- Yeah, so interesting, like as if that still exists.
- I know.
- I wonder how many more generations it will exist.
- Yeah, and I wonder if they're happier than we are,
with all our technology and stuff.
Probably are, to be honest.
- They'll never see this.
- No, they won't.
If your Amish and you're watching, hi!
- Why did I just
(Joel laughing)
- As if you haven't watched the rest of the video,
I've been normal. All the sudden "hi!",
as if we've just met.
- Anyway, maybe I'll take you there one day mum.
But, thanks for watching guys, don't forget to come back,
we post videos thrice weekly.
- And yeah, we will see you next time.
Don't forget to switch on notifications if you want an alert
on your phone every time with upload.
- Yep.
- We often respond to the first people
that leave a comment.
So be in the first 60 seconds squad,
as if I've just said that, first 60 seconds squad,
yeah early legends is what we call it.
- Early legends, we love our early legends.
So good.
- Yep, and we'll see you next time guys.
- Bye. - Bye.
- I was trying so hard not to say "yeah" at the end.
When you were saying things, I was like, of course.
- Of course.
- Of course.
Oh, thumbnail.