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♪ De-Be-De-Be-De-De-Da ♪
- Hi guys. - Hello everybody.
- I'm just putting this blanket on for modesty.
- It's called a modesty blanket.
- A modesty blanket, I did get a message, an email
from my grandma saying that she watched the Paris video.
However, you were able to see up my skirt
during the first bit.
And I said, that wasn't really the point.
- It wasn't really what you should have been
looking at, Grandma.
- It was the subject matter.
- But, if you do want to go and watch Lia's knickers
we will link it up in the cards above, actually
it's above my head 'cause I'm sat on your side.
- Oh my gosh, what is this?
- That's weird. - Controversy.
- Lia and Joel. - Joel and Lia.
Lia and Joe today.
- But anyway, as you know, as some of you loyal viewers
will sense that we are in our apartment in New Jersey,
which is just sort of not that far from New York,
our New York trip, basically. - Yep.
- So, this video, as you can tell by the title
is going to be about comparisons between
New York and London.
- Yeah, and I'd love to wear a Skinny Legend hat
if I may.
- Yes, which one.
- Just the black one that's right there.
So, a lot of people have said to us, "Oh, what's the main
"differences between New York and London?
"How are you guys finding it? Are you missing home?"
I'm going to ditch it just because of the light.
Not because I don't like it, I absolutely love it.
Link in description, think it's sold out.
(laughs) - Cheers.
- But yeah, I just think we should touch on a few things
so like he vibe here, transport, and the size.
- Yes, so I think we should start with the size
'cause it's the most maybe obvious one.
New York feels so much bigger than London,
and I guess it is much bigger than London.
- It is, it's so overwhelmingly big.
Like, it's not like everything's a walking distance away.
You were saying that in London if I'm in Marble Arch
and you're in, I don't know, Holborn we could just walk it.
- Yeah, and like I can walk from where I live in London,
which is fairly far out to the center of London
within about two, two and a half hours.
If I was to walk the length of Manhattan that alone
would probably be two, two and a half hours
let alone going into Brooklyn, Queens, all the other places.
- All the neighborhoods, like one night we walked like
35 blocks home.
And, we were just like cool. - Crazy.
- Not home, that was just to the station
in order to get home.
And, stopping people for direction 'cause we didn't
have internet on our phone.
And we're like, "We're just checking we're going
"in the right way."
And they're like, "Just get on the metro."
- They're like, "It's about a half an hour walk."
- We were like, "You're joking, that's like nothing."
They're like, "No, you wanna get on the subway."
We were like, "No, we're Londoners we walk everywhere."
- We're like we're not Skinny Legends for nothing, you know.
- Yeah, exactly we've gotta do 16,000 steps a day,
minimum. - Minimum, literally.
- So funny when we met that viewer today and she only
does like 3,000 steps.
She's so sweet.
- She was so lovely.
But yeah, so size, I think that's a big thing.
- It's like, if you have to get the metro everywhere
how much do you really wanna, do you know what I mean?
When it kind of, every time I go on my maps
it's gonna take us an hour to get anywhere.
So, we finish up at a meeting and we have to allow
sort of like 45 minutes to an hour to get to the next one.
- Yeah, so it's just a bit time consuming.
But, talking about transport that's the next big thing.
And, I definitely, definitely 100% believe that London
wins on this one. - London wins.
- I've been told that London has the best public
transport system of any city in the world.
And, I'm starting to see that.
Went to Paris, the metro doesn't compare.
New York, the subway doesn't come close.
- Berlin doesn't compare, Germany.
Like, but London it's not until you, you know when they
say you don't know what you've got until it's gone?
You don't know what you've got until it's gone.
- No, I didn't think anything of it.
I'm just like, "Well, that's what it is."
Whereas, now I'm here like you go on some of the platforms
on the subway there are no electronic boards saying,
"The next train will be in two minutes.
"The next train will be in four minutes.
"The next train will be in eight minutes."
Like, you don't get that information.
The only things it wins at are the fact that the trains
are all air con.
- Air con train, or AC, 'cause I know the word air con
is triggering some of you.
I've had some comments about that.
Yeah, they were like, "If they say air con one more time
"I'm gonna shoot myself."
- AC? - I know.
I was like, okay AC then.
- It takes the same amount of time to say
- [Both] AC as it does to say air con.
- Same syllables, so get over yourselves
you triggered Skinny Legends.
- Getting so triggered, you lot.
Yes, so air con wins.
We get on the tube and we sweat.
You guys get on the subway and you're--
- De-sweat. - Yeah, you de-sweat.
- De-sweat. - You de-sweat.
- But, in terms of the platforms everything's
dirty, everything's smelly.
- Someone was like, "Have you seen any rats yet?"
Seen loads. - Yeah, loads of rats.
- So many. - In London
you see mice.
- You see these tiny little mice, and they're adorable.
I always put them on my story, tiny little mice.
- Yeah, and I just think it's just general transport
is a lot better in London.
I also think it's less confusing, but I don't know
if that's just because I am a Londoner and I've got used
to the system, but I genuinely think it's less confusing.
There are maps everywhere.
- Yes, there's maps everywhere but there's one really,
really, really annoying thing about the subway.
And, that is if you make a mistake you have to pay again
to get back on and fix it.
- You have to exit and then swipe your Metrocard again.
- That is so bad.
- In London, you don't do that.
- You don't, you just literally get out a the next one
walk over the stairs down to the other side
of the platform and go back to where you came from.
But, you can't do that in New York without coming out
and then swiping back in.
- And, it is cheaper, it's like one dollar something,
isn't it, per journey, regardless of your length of journey.
Whereas in London it's judged by zone and the minimum fare
is like two, three pounds. - Is it?
- Which is like four or five dollars.
- Is that the minimum fare?
- I think so.
- I thought minimum fare was like 1.85.
- That's if you're a student yeah 'cause you're like
with your under 25. - Yeah, interesting.
- But, if you're not, like me, then you're gonna pay
full fare which is like two pound 30 minimum, I think
or something like that.
- Yeah, on the zone, on like zone one, two,
three or something.
- But, linked on from that is the Metrocard.
Oh my gosh, we have contactless so you can use
your bank card, you just tap it in and you go in.
Or you can use your Oyster card, tap it or you can use
a paper card if you have to if you're a tourist.
Here your Metrocards are just flimsy paper
and you have to like swipe it through a groove.
- Yeah, swipe it through a groove.
- Drive through groove. - Swipe it through the groove.
- Can you believe you've gotta swipe it through, but also--
- And they all expire. - They expire.
- So then you lose your money on these cards
that are not even cards. - You have to get another one.
- There's all this paper, just loads and loads of paper.
Amena was showing us like 10,000 bits of paper.
She was like, "One of these won't have expired."
And you're just like-- - I can't believe it.
- 2018. - 2018,
why haven't you got electronic boards?
Why haven't you got like contactless or just make it
easy for people.
- Anytime something triggering, anytime something
triggers us we literally look at each other and go,
"2018." - "2018."
Like seriously. - We go onto the platform
there's no signs, there's no (mumbles).
We've got no idea how long it's gonna take
for a train.
We haven't got an app because we haven't got the internet.
We just go
2018. - 2018.
- That's also triggering to Americas to say 2018.
They're like, "I can't believe you say 2018."
But, that's how Brits say it.
- 2000 and that's gonna be in the merch lines
every single year.
Right now it's 2018,
next year 2019. - Next year, 2019.
The next year will just be
- [Both] 2020.
- 2020.
- That's gonna be so weird.
It's 2020, it's 2020.
- Oh, I don't like that.
- I don't like that at all.
- That means we've become Americanized.
- Yeah. - We're losing
our Britishness. - Are we losing it?
2020. - We love being basic Brits.
- Basic Brits, everyday, basic Brit face.
Oh my gosh, like today, when I just pulled that chair away
I forgot to ask the woman, "Is anyone sitting there?"
I just took the chair.
- That was so funny.
- I was like, "I've never been any less British in my life."
- Yeah, you were just like grabbed it and she was like.
- Someone had come to say hello to us and we were on
a two seater.
And, I was like, "Pull up a chair."
And, I just grabbed the nearest chair that was like
connected to a big table.
And then like, this woman looked over.
And, I was like, "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.
"Was that chair available."
Before you know it I've created a scene in Panera Bread.
And, I made such a scene. - Of course you did.
- I kept apologizing and she was like, "it's fine,
"it's genuinely fine, it's fine."
And, I was like profusely apologizing.
- So, what about the people, the last thing?
- The vibe. - The difference between
the vibe and the people, things like that.
- We said it a few times, I think the pace is slower.
- I do, I don't know if that's just 'cause the city's
more spread out so it's less intense, less people
in one space but it does feel less busy.
- Yeah, it feels less like London chaos.
- Like get out of my way. - Get out of my way.
Maybe , okay, we haven't traveled in at eight a.m.
for a nine o'clock start sort of thing.
- Yeah, but I do think Americans and even New Yorkers,
you've got some Americans saying New Yorkers are
the rudest Americans.
I still think they're more patient than Londoners.
- Yeah, they're quite patient especially when
you cross the road.
- Yeah, like if you get in the way of the car
they might honk but they won't be like angry
or like revving their engines whereas in London
they might not even stop.
They'll just like try to scare you.
- They'll just hit you. - They'll just hit you.
Like Londoners they tut, they huff, they puff,
they bash you out the way.
- They'll never say anything but they'll just go,
- Yeah, or they'll swear at you under their breath.
Like I think London is more passive aggressive
than New Yorkers. - New Yorkers.
In our neighborhood where we are here in New Jersey
there's actually quite a nice community vibe.
Like, someone said, "Good morning," to us
when we were walking.
- Yeah, and we were like. - And we were like, wow.
Like a few dog walkers were like, "Good morning, morning."
We were like, "Hi." - That was nice.
Also, everyone here thinks were Spanish.
- Everyone in our neighborhood.
- Sometimes they're like,
do you speak Spanish? - Do you speak Spanish?
- And, I'm like, a little bit.
Un poco. - Maybe not enough.
No one assumes we're like British, English.
Everyone's just like, "They must be Spanish."
In fact, a few people are like, "Do you speak English
"as well as Spanish?"
We're like, "No, just English no Spanish."
- It's so funny. - Yeah, really funny.
- But, I think in terms of the buildings,
the buildings I love.
They're so tall, so big and they're just very New York.
- They're very New York, love all of the like,
just the outside stairwells, staircase things.
- Yeah, outside the fire escape.
- The fire escapes, that's it.
They just look so cool and obviously they're really useful.
But, they just look great and really, really cool.
- It's cool, I think, yeah. - I would live here
for a bit if I could have my own washing machine.
'Cause I don't like the idea of taking my laundry
over the road and waiting in there and wasting my time.
- It's really weird that people don't have washing machines
in their apartments.
- Yeah, and it's apparently not that unusual that
in New York you might not really have like much
kitchen stuff either, like no hob.
'Cause everyone just buys food.
- Yeah, it's true but that's quite triggering
to Brits, also like the kettle debacle.
The Americans don't - I don't know if I want
- have kettles. - to talk about it again.
- It's okay. - Just the kettle thing.
- Just a kettle, just tea. Brits love hot tea.
We boil it in an electric kettle, but people don't really
have electric kettles here.
There's a few differences.
I wouldn't mind spending an extended period of time here,
maybe like a couple of months max, but I couldn't
live in New York. - Max.
- I'd miss London too much. - Max.
- I love walking in London.
I love the aggressive people in London.
- I already miss London quite a bit, actually.
- Yeah, me too.
- But yeah, I have really, really, really enjoyed New York.
Every time we walk we're seeing something new.
Whereas it's like in London we do just kind of,
we get out of Soho we've got our meeting,
same sit, same stuff, same stuff, same surroundings.
We've seen loads of new stuff.
I actually really like finding our way somewhere
and then when we find it we're like, "Yes."
- We're New Yorkers. - We found it.
- Yeah, it's so satisfying.
I think my favorite area so far has been Chelsea.
- Yeah. - That's where I'd move too
if I moved here. - Loved it.
- Lots of dogs, dogs everywhere.
- Lovely, so nice. So, so nice.
Yeah, we've explored quite a few places but
and a lot of people are quite worried for us
when we're in Brooklyn, but I did really enjoy
down like in Williamsburg where we went to a festival.
There were so many like cool arty people there.
Love that area, love Chelsea.
Yeah, I even love being in the Lower East Side, as well,
I thought it was very hip. - Very hip.
But yeah, we move to Brooklyn in two days from now.
But, by the time this video is up we will
already have been gone
- Probably back here. - From Brooklyn.
- We'll probably be in England.
- Hopefully, we will have survived.
- Yeah, fingers crossed guys.
- 'Cause so many people when we say that
they're like, "Oh no."
And we're like, "What's so bad about Brooklyn?
"Thousands and thousands and thousands of people
"live in Brooklyn."
Yeah, but thanks for everyone's concern.
It's actually really, really nice.
- No, it's good to know.
- Especially after Paris, where we're super high alert
all the time. - Oh definitely.
- It's a lesson that you just, yeah cool.
Anyway guys, if you enjoyed this video please like,
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thrice weekly. - Thrice weekly.
Yep and we kind of said everything.
We'll see you next time. - We'll see you next time.
Bye. - Bye.
London, where dreams are made and crushed and reborn.
♪ In London ♪
♪ Concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪
♪ There's nothing you can't do ♪
♪ Now we're in London♪
Thumbs up for Joel and Lia EP.
♪ The streets will make you ♪
♪ Feel brand new ♪
♪ The lights will inspire you ♪
♪ Let's hear it for London ♪
♪ London, London♪
We need to get in a studio
ASAP, 2018. - ASAP.