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  • hello we are Joel & Lia and today's video is all about TV channels in the UK

  • so let's get going let's talk about the channels we watch if you have to pay to

  • watch them yeah who pays for a TV licence why young people

  • aren't watching telly anymore all these lots of things, lets talk about it so

  • traditionally analog TV in the UK was made up of five channels wasn't it, when we were younger.

  • I remember that do you remember when there was actually no remote you had to go up and press

  • yeah and there was only 5. One, two, three four and five these are the channels that everyone knows yeah so

  • you've got BBC One on channel 1 BBC Two on channel 2 ITV which used to be channel 3 yeah, still ITV1

  • though I think it's called Oh ITV1 yeah because they've now got my ITV2, ITV3

  • ITV4. Oh gosh, it's like a family tree isn't it. and then you'd have what would that be channel 4

  • channel 4 on channel 4 and then channel 5 on channel 5 which is a really bad channel it

  • would be slightly fuzzy I remember like all the other channels would be crisp

  • and then channel 5 was a bit fuzzy yeah it'd be like Oh fine what's on Channel

  • five yeah, it's like the last pick. Oh definitely and nowadays I doubt

  • many people watch Channel five no in fact one of my friend who's an actress got

  • a gig on a Channel five show she's still... who's seen it? No one. Sorry!

  • but obviously nowadays is not analog TV we have satellite cable whatever you

  • call it so there's hundreds of different channels but if we try to stick to like

  • the main ones in this video do you think? yeah yeah because obviously everyone's got like

  • Sky or Netflix or we're gonna tell you about them in this video

  • Keep watching! Stay tuned. Ad break! well that's one thing that the BBC does that no other

  • companies do so let's talk about this first BBC so the BBC stands for the

  • British Broadcasting Corporation yeah or the Beeb as we like to call it in London.

  • yeah oh you working at the beeb?

  • oh I just did a sitcom with the beeb, yeah it's a

  • really like wanky thing to say. anyway so the beeb don't have adverts on

  • their entire network if you want to call it on their Channel and that's because

  • everybody in the UK who watches TV pays a TV licence so that's right we pay

  • a license to watch TV id you own a TV you have to have a

  • license if you don't own a TV you still have to pay a license because you might

  • have a laptop and that laptop will allow you to play catch-up tele like BBC iPlayer for

  • example yeah on-demand iPlayer any of these things

  • that allow you to watch catch-up you have to pay TV licence exactly which I

  • know there's some people probably think that's a bit weird if you're not used to

  • it obviously we're used to it I think it stands at about £150.50 per

  • year but I think it's great because I cannot stand adverts ad breaks I'm so

  • impatient I think most people in our generation are cannot stand waiting to

  • watch something you want to watch now and in most places don't people just use the

  • ad break to make a cup of tea or to go and do something, go to the loo

  • and that's the great thing about BBC you know you're not gonna get

  • an advert if you're watching a TV show if it's a half an hour soap like my

  • grandma's always watches EastEnders which is like a British soap and there's no

  • adverts, amazing! it's great whereas if you watch Coronation Street which is a

  • soap on ITV there will be an advert slap-bang in the middle which some

  • people like because like you said it allows them to get up go make a cup of tea or

  • go to the toilet and sit down but I'm like if you can't sit down and watch

  • something for more than 15 minutes then you've got a problem! yeah you gotta problem! On that note with the

  • adverts being on some networks and not on others, it's also reflective in

  • like the production values of the show so for instance ITV which was channel 3

  • traditionally on a normal telly would have a bigger budget be able to pay their

  • actors more be able to spend more money on making their show look great yeah

  • that the BBC would yeah it's like a well-known fact amongst actors and

  • producers and people that work in the industry that the BBC don't have a lot of

  • money to spend on their projects, yeah so if you're an actor in an ITV drama

  • you're gonna get paid a lot more than if you're an actor in a BBC drama yeah but

  • that said BBC do- their dramas are actually quite big scale

  • though you wouldn't be able to notice the difference between a BBC drama and an

  • ITV in terms of production value, would you? yeah and as well as that I just

  • thought about a BBC drama that had a great budget and that's because it was

  • BBC America like The Musketeers was BBC America, amazing budget so much money spent on these

  • amazing dramas period dramas and so many of the

  • shows we've recommended to you guys to watch whether it's for like listening to

  • accents or like learning language and the BBC, I think they do it best

  • personally and I think they combine with other companies as well to get

  • those big budgets so I know channel 4 sometimes work with BBC in order to do

  • like for example Miranda a BBC comedy, yeah that was shown on BBC but if you

  • get the DVD it's got a little four in the corner because I think Channel four

  • helped produce it and I think that's how they get more money behind it because they pair up

  • that's really cool, that's amazing. So yeah you've heard some of

  • these other names you've got channel 4 they're like probably as big as ITV if

  • not bigger. I think nowadays they are I didn't think they used to be but channel 4 has

  • blown up huge, some great dramas on there I believe like channel 4 also own like

  • the Box Network which is like e4, more4 4music, there's so many like

  • siblings if it was like a family tree there's so many little like frogs coming

  • off it and they've all got their sort of niche whether it's music comedy

  • yeah so there's so much going on and do

  • you know what most people now in the UK they just have Sky which is similar to

  • cable yeah which is like it's like a box that has

  • loads of TV channels on it do you have Sky? No I used to have Sky.

  • Not anymore what's the other one? Freeview.

  • is another one Virgin Media have their own version as well of Sky I think it's

  • just called Virgin yeah so Virgin you get loads of TV channels

  • you get like 500 channels I swear most of us watch like five of

  • them oh definitely and I don't think I'd pay for Sky anymore because Freeview

  • often comes free with a TV with a smart TV a smart TV and with online obviously

  • Netflix nowadays £5.99 a month, you can't argue with it. but

  • even you the other day were saying that you were thinking of stopping your

  • Netflix thing yeah cuz do you know what, I do watch Netflix

  • sometimes but I don't watch it enough to justify you're probably gonna think she is

  • so tight with money but it's only six pounds a month but I probably watch it

  • like once yeah so I may as well just go to cinema and watch a film, that's true and

  • I've not binged watched a series in ages coz I don't have time, I just don't have

  • time. Always working, always hustlin'. Hustler! But for example going back to BBC yeah BBC have

  • loads of different channels BBC Two tends to be where BBC trial new programmes

  • if they don't quite trust that it's gonna be really popular on BBC One cuz

  • BBC One is where everyone wants to be their main audience yeah so you'll find

  • lots of... for example the Great British Bake Off when it was on BBC it's now

  • been bought by Channel 4 which is a whole other topic

  • that started on BBC Two because BBC were like "hmmm it might not be very

  • successful so let's put on BBC Two" and then it moved to BBC One coz they were like wow everyone

  • loves this. I can't believe the bake-off was once on BBC Two, that's mental isn't it. then it got bought

  • for like 25 million pounds by Channel 4 because BBC couldn't afford that price

  • yeah which is again another sort of downside of a publicly funded body

  • is that, they lost out on a really great programme and often you see

  • like I don't know whether The Voice was once a BBC thing

  • or was it ITV now who have The Voice but I think it did used to be on BBC The Voice UK it did because I

  • remember X-Factor used to be on at the same time as The Voice on BBC and it

  • was like a big clash between who was gonna get the most views yeah and you

  • know 'views schmooze' Zoella gets more views than BBC and The Voice, so TVs dying

  • It's like "oh my god there's three million people tuning into The Voice" and it's like, there are so many more people online

  • there's a gamer that has 12 million views right now well because also we find that

  • we've recommended some shows to you guys that aren't in the UK and then you can't

  • access it because BBC or ITV or Channel 4 don't let people from outside the UK

  • watch whereas online Netflix YouTube anyone can watch it except if you're in

  • China, so that's the great thing about the internet, and we have to deal with that with like NBC yeah

  • Comedy Central we can't watch on YouTube there's loads of stuff on YouTube you

  • can't watch do you remember when you were finally able to access SNL you were so happy! I loved it! coz you got all the episodes.

  • it was so good I'm so glad that we've got access ... well we don't on mainstream media

  • that's the thing, SNL isn't on our TVs it's just I've got a way to access it online now

  • yeah and that's why I think TV is dying a bit because we want everything now

  • yeah and I think viewers everywhere want to be able to watch something when

  • they want to watch it there's no point saying to a millennial oh it's on at

  • 9:00 p.m. on a Saturday, we'll be like no I'll watch it when I want to watch it! How funny, that people used to like

  • make sure they're home at 7:00pm so they can sit and watch that drama you're like I

  • want to binge watch 10 episodes of this tonight! Immediately.

  • with my food delivered to my house or I want to get halfway through an episode and go right

  • pause and then go and do something else and then come back to it and it's in exactly the same place

  • we're so spoiled, aren't we? so spoiled and so many

  • young people just don't have TVs yeah... actually I do, I was gunna say I don't but I do! and that's because everyone

  • has a laptop who needs a TV? yeah it's true and you've got Joel & Lia, why do you

  • need TV? Honestly please let us know in the comments below if you've ever

  • thought shall I watch TV right now or should I go and watch YouTube? and

  • specifically us on YouTube! I just want to know yeah so you better all say yes

  • yes I do that and let us know if this video has been helpful for

  • you because we did want to make something about like TV in the UK

  • how the channels work what channels what, and we'd love to see like an

  • American equivalent if anyone's made one, let us know we'd love to watch that, and let us know if there's any

  • other ideas cuz we like talking about these things that are so obvious to us

  • that might not be to you yeah for example TV channels English money or

  • British housing like we love these things so let us know if there are any

  • other things yeah and that's it guys if you wanna buy as a coffee there is a

  • link in the description so we can have coffee when we next watch tele together, or YouTube!

  • and we will see you next time see you soon guys bye

hello we are Joel & Lia and today's video is all about TV channels in the UK

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英國電視網!| 美國VS英國 (BRITISH TV NETWORKS! | American vs British)

  • 22 3
    Michael Cheung posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary