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Hi we're Joel & Lia and this is ten questions that British people have for
Australians we've done a couple more videos of this this is a brand new
series of questions we have for insert nationality here this is the Australian
version and let's kick it off with the first question why do you call
flip-flops thongs yeah and if you call flip-flops thongs what do you call thongs?
yeah because a thong is just like a pair of pants yeah with like a small something just
a thong yeah Lia wears them every day I wear them every day, can't stand VPL, Visible
Panty Line I prefer the word thong to like panties that makes me feel a bit sick well maybe they just
call it g-string cuz isn't that the technical term? But I think that sounds more rude
than a thong yeah a g-strings like when it's literally a string!
which I do not own! I remember when I first discovered thongs! As a child well I feel like it's-
it's like I thought that was when they were invented but they probably
weren't it's probably just when I discovered them I just remember thinking
like *gasp* oh my gosh, like your bum exposed by a little bit of fabric! That's so funny but anyway flip flops the
idea of wearing thongs on your feet just makes me think I've
got my knickers in a twist round my toes! yeah moving on! the next question is why
do all famous people from Australia leave as soon as they get famous? yeah
that's so true as soon as they see a little bit of success they are out of there! Why does no one stay?
it's almost as if every management they've ever had like actors presenters singers they must just go
right you've made it here yeah get yourself to America get yourself to England it's
weird isn't it Kylie Minogue Margot Robbie like everyone in Neighbours
literally they go straight from Neighbours straight to the USA and get
straight to a soap opera or like in pilot season it's weird it's pretty
hilarious no one stays Rolf Harris he's now in prison in the UK no one stays in
Australia is it really that bad? so the next question is why is Australia like
the main place for all the deadly insect and animals and it's so bad isn't it?! like
deadly alligator deadly this the worst spiders you could ever find in the world. Like it'd be scary to live there!
literally in the same way that we wouldn't move to America because of
guns we probably wouldn't move to Australia coz of the animals and insects! i love animals but like I just can't
live in fear yeah do you encounter them on a daily basis what's it like why
don't you just kill all of the spiders like I thought you were gonna say something way worse! I thought you were gunna say why don't you just
kill all the animals! I'd never say that! I love animals! No I'm all for animals, I'm just not for insects and I'm just like
keep the spiders that aren't venomous but just kill all of the venomous
spiders and then you wouldn't have a problem I don't feel sorry for you
Australia! do they have really bad mosquitoes as well? Probably! They have bad everything.... sharks! We live in like the
safest country in the world we don't have guns like America we don't
have earthquakes we don't have extreme weather
we don't have deadly animals, yeah extreme weather! We literally have nothing we
don't have tsunamis earthquakes hurricanes but we think we've got it tough we think we've
got it so tough! We're like urgh I've got to walk with my umbrella in the rain but literally why
is our country so safe compared to everywhere else? okay the next question is a little bit
controversial and it's probably gonna get a few people riled up but I don't
care why are some of you still so sexist no joke so I have a friend well it's my
boyfriend's sister and she lives in Manly and she's a doctor and she says
that on a daily basis she encounters people that are like no can I see the
doctor and she's like I am the doctor and it just drives me mental that people
still can't see/understand that a woman is a doctor that a woman can be a doctor
and that she's not just a nurse. It's weird isn't it! Drives me mental! why are they so behind? well I don't
really know that that's true but I have heard that in Australia there's still quite
a bit of sexism racism things like that yeah they'd
probably just be like why you're not just a housewife yeah like I want a
career because I'm an independent businesswoman yeah like
why are women and men like not equal yet not saying we're the same just
why we not seen evenly there that's a question for ya!
so the next question is have you ever caught chlamydia from a koala yeah
that's so weird yeah we've read somewhere that koalas
carry chlamydia yeah what an awful way to find out yeah well it's in their urine
apparently so you know people tourists like hug koalas if they wee on
you, game over you've got chlamydia oh my god
so how many of you have had chlamydia from a koala? let us know in the
comments the next one is - urgh there's tourists watching us film.
oh my god this is so embarrassing! there's tourists that are watching us film from
outside the window this is so embarrassing oh my god oh no they're looking at the plants
okay the next question is why do you guys abbreviate everything don't get me
wrong this is literally my favourite part about Australia. I was about to be like yeah if you
catch chlamydia from a koala that'd be devo but then I was like i can't say that because we're about to diss them for doing that! I do it a lot as well!
but I've definitely taken it from you guys oh definitely what's the track suit one?
that's my favourite! trackie-dacks!
trackie-dacks, servo for service station, arvo, bottlo,
all these things just ending O they tend to lappy for laptop
I absolutely love it it's just it makes so much sense like you just need to get
your sentence out just say the words yeah my boyfriend sometimes say's hundy
for 100% it makes me feel sick! I've never heard that! He's not Australian but every time he says I'm
like vomiting in my mouth. So funny. He's like hundy! It's so weird because it's not an obvious one. You wouldn't hear
hundy and be like hundy, 100, 100%! yeah like that's so obvi.... obvious!
isn't a hundy that's kind of how Americans say
Hyundai! because they go that song is like "Win a superbowl and drive off in a Hyundai"
So he's talking about Hyundai well done Australians I want to use more of that! the next question
leading on from that is do you get annoyed that we always do your accent
Coz we always do it! it's such a difficult accent not to slip into when you're talking to Australians
just because it's so similar to ours so then you just end up like copying them
and then you think oh no maybe I'm offending them but I'm literally just
doing it cuz I love it but like I absorb it like while listening to it I just
like it's in my bones! I know I love it so much
and our friend Christie from Backpacking Bananas she's in Australia well she's in Sri Lanka at
the moment yeah she's a traveller and every time she comes back
from Australia she's got like such a strong Australian accent funny yeah a
little bit Kiwi twang on it. Kinda leads onto the next one, which is do you
guys feel amazing that Kiwi people from New Zealand like take their first step
up to Australia when it comes to success and career and then feel devastated that
they then leave Australia for the rest of the world, they treat Australia as a stepping stone it is a stepping
stone especially for like Kiwis yeah yeah how do you feel about that? That sounds so
mean how'd you feel about that yeah let us know! so I went to see a
comedian who's from Auckland in New Zealand and then her first like jump was
to Australia and then from Australia London and worldwide and I thought
it was hilarious and similarly Kelly who lives here, thanks for letting us film in
your house Kelly she's from New Zealand and her first jump when she was like 18
was Australia and then from Australia to London and I just think it's really funny, it's weird though coz Australia should be able to like have it's own success
because it's such a big country and there's obviously so many talented
people from Australia yeah it's just like why can't they keep a hold of their own talent!
Next question is do your toilets flush the opposite way to ours coz you're the
other side of the world ours like goes around like
this I think so does yours go around like that I don't really
understand that. Or the water in the sink yeah apparently it goes around a
different way because it's the opposite side of the world
but is it true? Let us know! I always think of dumb
things like when I would be on the beach I thought I'd dig to Australia yeah
that's because you're thick but I was like five at the time still thick and the final
question is does it bother you that you've never had a cold Christmas in
Australia I mean what's it like having a boiling hot Christmas Day yeah and do
you envy like seeing things on Instagram that's like snowy winter cold Christmas
like what Christmas is all about for so many people yeah are you annoyed that
society puts these values like Christmas is snowy and it's cold and you're like
it's not for us! it must be so annoying and it's summer for you but winter for us so weird
someone sends you a Christmas card and it's just like a big snowy landscape and
you're like ah one day, slash never! does it feel fictional? coz it ain't! So mean! It's reality!
but those are the questions I don't know how many we did probably 10! Those are our questions so
let us know the responses in the comments we love learning about each country we've
done this for Canadians and Americans so far oh and they LOVED educating us. They love it so much! But it is actually helpful! I read like
some of them can't read all of them (reads all of them) No but seriously it's been actually helpful for
us to learn about other cultures from your comments so do let us know what
it's actually like down below and if you want to you can buy us a coffee we've got
a little link here in our description it's basically if you want to buy
us a coffee you can! And that's the British way of asking you to tip us if you want to but you
don't have to I don't know I don't know if Australian's are very generous with
money I don't know who knows, let us know! Prove yourself! Prove it! But yeah, don't forget to
subscribe if you haven't already we make videos all about culture in the UK and
how that differs to cultures elsewhere and we'll see
next time see you soon bye! I hope they prove themself
I hope they prove themself literally like pull out your wallet buy us a
Prosecco literally we're gonna we're gonna send
you a picture yeah nothing rude nothing well maybe if we've had too much prosecco!