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  • Hello we are Joel & Lia and today's video is five things that Brits do that

  • drive Americans crazy now we are not American as you can s...hear. "as you can s...hear!" . Now we are not American as you can probably tell but we

  • have thought of five things that we think drive Americans crazy so let us

  • know in the comments if they do drive you crazy or if there's anything that

  • we've missed let's get started! alright, so excited.

  • So excitable. the first one is being standoffish oh yeah so for anyone who doesn't know what

  • standoffish is, it's just a bit like..... if that was if there was a gesture for the word it

  • would be that and that's definitely how Brits are I think more so

  • than Americans and I think it annoys Americans I think it comes across rude

  • even though it's not meant in a rude way it's just sort of we're just different

  • yeah we're just different and it's like never take that as a personal insult

  • it's just like them being so us be so self-conscious about our own stuff it's

  • just like "no", irritating, I don't need anyone in my space yeah, my bubble. so the next thing that we do that

  • we think probably drives Americans mental is that we don't really tip

  • tipping's just not really a big thing here unless you're made of money, throwing it around! it's just not

  • bred in our culture where it's like you have to tip at least fifteen or twenty

  • percent is like what we're taught it 10%. We'll leave a little tip, and I usually only really... like my parents do

  • yeah I don't really do it. But my parents always tip yeah and it tends to

  • be 10% and that's like generous yeah 10% so if it's like a, what 50 quid bill? fiver

  • yeah that'd be 10% yeah course it would knock off a zero. A* Maths GCSE!

  • maths genius right here. yeah just leaving a fiver and that'd be it. It'd never be 20% no

  • never it would never be. But we do try when we come to America I feel like most

  • Brits are like this is a tipping culture let's make sure we're tipping people but

  • maybe some don't and I think that does piss off Americans

  • because again even though stuff is rude in our country we forget that stuff is

  • rude in other people's country so like by not tipping we're offending the person

  • that's serving us and in some countries tipping is actually rude like in Japan

  • yeah yeah it's like no this is the cost of the food it's exhausting it's

  • exhausting so when we go to America Joel we actually have to budget for tipping

  • we haven't even thought of that we just thought we would go somewhere

  • we'll have some coffees it's almost double what we- we have to budget more for that because we tend to

  • think America is cheap so Brits are like yes America is so cheap and it is but then

  • you add sales tax and you add tips and it's like oh it's not actually that much cheaper. Sales

  • tax and tips is ridiculous just tell me the cost yeah tell me the cost upfront

  • and I'll pay it, it's like getting to the checkout and delivery's like the same

  • price as your thing and you're like well just sack off this whole order then

  • abandon abandon so the next thing that drives Americans crazy is that

  • British people are emotionless and they're you know they've got a stiff

  • upper lip that's what we call it when we're sort

  • of like we don't show emotion we have we power through if we're upset we don't

  • tell anyone, we just power through we've got a stiff upper lip. Which I think

  • is definitely something of like an older generation yeah

  • whereas now we're taught to all just like let our emotions out just like

  • cry, have a day, no that's Lia! Okay I cried a lot yesterday and it felt lovely, shoot me! Shoot me guys, I cried! And I actually took some pictures of myself crying! I was just like I'm crying

  • gonna take some pictures, dunno why! I just like to see how I look

  • when I cry! that's so weird! but yeah I think it's getting less like that because our generation is

  • getting aware of how much that is like affecting young people like to tell them

  • to bottle up their emotions oh god it's so bad! it's really bad but it is how we are I

  • think you're probably even though you do show emotion I think you show emotion

  • less than Americans might or other cultures might and talk about it less

  • I'll talk to you about it yeah but it's not something I broadcast. Apart from on my youtube

  • channel! okay this one probably bit a sensitive topic but you know Brits that

  • think Americans don't get sarcasm when they

  • probably do. otherwise so many of them wouldn't subscribe to this channel would they! Coz we're really

  • sarcastic. and that is a huge stereotype that Brits are like Americans just

  • literally they don't get sarcasm but that isn't true because like yeah like

  • you said we're so sarcastic and people have sent us messages like I love

  • watching you guys so sarcastic so that's just yeah that's one thing that we're

  • gonna try and correct over here, we'll be like Americans do get it you guys! Yeah they're more

  • intelligent than you and the last one is kind of similar but it's Brit's

  • assuming that Americans are stupid or that they're like all gun wielding

  • fat loud brash people that all voted for Trump when obviously loads of you didn't. No and I think it's so

  • wrong like obviously we've got American friends been to America got loads of

  • American viewers and we know that just the same stereotypes of Brits having bad

  • teeth we all know that's not true, but some are. Bad teeth?! Is that like a thing?

  • never heard of that? no! So that's a big stereotype that Americans are always

  • like British people have gross teeth and we've had loads of comments about it being like you two are

  • like weird for Brits that you do have nice teeth

  • it's like that that obviously isn't true but there are some Brits that do have

  • bad teeth that's the same thing that isn't true about Americans, but it is true for some Americans.

  • No, definitely it's a shame that like you know Trump is like your president and

  • that a lot of sort of ignorant Brits will look at that and be like

  • they're all like him they all look to him and that's kind of what's pushed in our

  • media is like look at how many Americans love Donald Trump

  • when actually most Americans hate him yeah so we're sorry for

  • Brit's snobbery. British people are snobby! So snobby, sorry sorry. Joel you are

  • totally right because our media push the idea of Americans so much and you know

  • they put Trump on on the news and they're like look at how many people voted for him and it's like of

  • course just building up this image of what we are supposed to think about

  • Americans and it's not healthy is it? no it's not! It's not very nice essentially Americans

  • are very similar to Brits and I know of our channel we kind of highlight the differences

  • between them but they're minimal like I think yeah we are very similar and it's

  • just Americans are a bit more open and nice some of them but we're a bit snobby!

  • We're a bit snobby so there you go we're a bit snobby and we love it

  • and what I always say is I always say this we can all afford to be a bit more American you

  • do, you say that all the time! because we could all wear our heart on our sleeve a bit more yeah show a little bit

  • more emotion speak about how we're feeling, if we've got a problem with someone just say hi

  • can I talk to you about something it's bothering me and also be bold and be

  • confident like if you want to have a meeting with someone if you're

  • networking just be like hi can we go for a coffee I've got a great idea instead of Brits being like

  • or just never saying anything! You know we always go oh my god you can't even get into an uber

  • without someone giving you a business card or their mixtape or something

  • they've made, in America that is, but isn't that great like the idea of

  • selling yourself and just being confident. it's admirable and we want that an element of it but not too much of it

  • not not too much so we'd love to take a leaf out of your book and we hope that

  • you'd like to take a leaf out of ours! yeah multiculturalism! Okay guys, that is the end of the video

  • we hope you've enjoyed it like we said we did make the opposite this video

  • in reverse so click on the cards to watch five things Americans do that drive Brits

  • nuts definitely and we've just started a

  • Ko-Fi page which is an opportunity for some of our supporters to buy us a coffee

  • so if you'd like to do that head down to our Ko-Fi page the links in our

  • description, and that's it guys, subscribe like leave the comments bla bla bla and

  • we'll see you next week bye howdy partner bye partner bye y'all see ya

  • how do you feel about us having a bit of the voice going underneath the endcard yeah that could be cool!

Hello we are Joel & Lia and today's video is five things that Brits do that

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英國人做的5件事讓美國人抓狂! | 美國人VS英國人 (5 THINGS BRITS DO THAT DRIVE AMERICANS CRAZY! | American vs British)

  • 85 1
    Michael Cheung posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary