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  • Hello we are Joel & Lia and today's video is all about questions Brits have for

  • Canadians well it's questions we have for Canadians

  • but we're British so here you go here's some questions that we have and maybe some

  • other British people have yeah let's kick it right off with the first

  • question so the first question can come across quite shady but stay with us

  • bare with us, we're not shady, no we're not shady why is Canada always overshadowed by the

  • US? yeah I mean all we ever hear about especially over here is just the US, US

  • US, yeah Canada is never bigged-up no I mean a few

  • people are like "I love Canada" and yeah rightly so it's a beautiful country but

  • why do we just not hear about it and also why do Canadians get so offended

  • when we mix them up with Americans oh it's awful I guess it's because they're

  • a different country just the same way that Scottish people might be offended if

  • someone called them English yeah so I guess it is offensive but you sound

  • the same Scottish people sound very different to English people yeah I can't

  • hear the difference no me neither so that's the first question and it makes

  • us awkward I was in a shop in central London and I was being helped

  • by what I thought was an American and then later on down the line about five

  • minutes into our conversation she was like oh yeah coz I'm Canadian and I

  • was like.... and I immediately felt terrible because I kept saying oh you'd love my

  • YouTube channel it's all about like you know all things British and we do lots

  • of like American comparisons so you'll love all that but she didn't like bat an

  • eyelid and then when she told me she was Canadian I was like.... I'm gunna go now. the only difference

  • I've heard about is when Americans make fun of Canadians for saying the word

  • aboot instead of about which they don't even do second question why are Kraft products

  • so huge, more so than in America yeah apparently a study was done and you

  • Canadians eat 55% more Kraft products than America so we tried these products

  • very recently in a video that we will link up in the cards and all I can say

  • is it's like plastic food yes it's so rank! So it's like the pasta, mac and cheese and then you

  • add milk to your powder and you make a sauce

  • yeah it doesn't sound great you have such great food like

  • poutine which Brits love poutine! Why do you resort to Kraft? What's the

  • point yeah um please let us know we'd love to know and if you're someone who

  • doesn't eat that then please also let us know like stick up for yourself yeah

  • yeah just back yourself back yourself up come on be a bit more

  • like the US! Kidding, kidding we love Canada... not kidding! so the next question is why is your Prime Minister so amazing and

  • why do you have so many women in positions of power it's great that is

  • amazing rather than saying like why maybe we should just say congratulations

  • yeah that was a good 'why' like why are you so amazing, see how I just

  • made a joke about America being like be a bit more like America but we don't

  • want you to be more like America, like in the UK we place Canada like as being like one

  • of the best most accepting welcoming countries in the world yeah so we

  • wouldn't want you to be more like America yeah so we can eat our words

  • yeah yeah that's amazing I think other countries should definitely take example

  • from that and yeah we're not gonna drill you on that, in fact we're

  • gonna celebrate it yeah so no need to answer that question. why did you guys put pineapple

  • on a pizza apparently a man from Canada invented pineapple on pizza essentially

  • the Hawaiian pizza which is weird because I thought that'd be from Hawaii but why on

  • earth like this is surely the worst thing to come out of Canada I bet no one

  • in Hawaii actually likes pineapple pizza and infact they're probably ashamed yeah they're probably

  • ashamed and they're probably livid that a Canadian put their name to that pizza! It's so gross, it's disgusting, fruit should not go on pizza. It's so wrong on so many levels

  • I'm pretty sure Italians are very offended when they see pizzas with pineapple on, oh hugely! You'd never see that on an

  • Italian menu, no you should be very ashamed of yourself Canada please undo! Undo undo, back back back. another question for you

  • Canadians is how much maple syrup do you actually eat? yeah you always see

  • branding Canadian maple syrup I've never seen any maple syrup that's

  • not Canadian yeah and if it is I wouldn't buy it! they tap it in trees

  • don't they? I've seen them like you tap in like this thing into a tree and then

  • out drips maple syrup like if that was in the UK I'd be taking mine to a forest and just be like ...

  • I'd just have one in my pocket at all times. A little hammer? Yeah! How much maple syrup do you have, do you have it for breakfast?

  • do you have it not at all? Let us know do you have it every meal? do you drink that

  • instead of water? Who knows! so in a study Canada was voted the second happiest country

  • why are you so happy? I'm always suspicious of happy people, I'm like why are you

  • so happy? What have you go to be happy about? SLASH please tell us the secret coz us Brits are miserable, we could really do with some of that, so why are you so happy is our

  • question yeah what could it be to do with? maybe it's cuz you've got polar bears in

  • your country oh yeah maybe because you've got like best of everything

  • yeah skiing ...skiing .... erm.... poutine I reckon poutine is like a basic meal for them there, they're just like meh

  • it's chips and gravy that's it, but to us it's like CHIPS AND GRAVY AND CHEESE! So the next question is why are you guys

  • still speaking French? I went over to Canada because my dad's sisters lives over there so my auntie and

  • the cousins are over there and everyone's fluent in French and they

  • speak English.... they're Greek by the way so Greeks that live in Canada

  • who speak English who speak English with a Canadian accent

  • and French and Greek it's all so messed up that's crazy, coz they live in Montreal

  • which is the like area one of the areas of Canada that was colonised.

  • colonised by the French in like 1500 something and you're still

  • speaking it it's a useless language. i'd have sacked that off ages ago!

  • oh me too I hate French like no offense I learned it in school and stopped, I can't do

  • French there's too many like silent letters. really? That's so funny.

  • sorry to our French viewers because I know we've got French viewers and let us know

  • as well outside of French areas of Canada is there much French going on or

  • is it literally just like you're in French land now yeah and do you get offended

  • by people being like can you speak English please yes coz I know French people

  • do in France they hate you speaking English. They don't like it at all! So the next one is why do you

  • have bagged milk? that's so weird I mean I've got my own stuff to do with

  • milk anyway like why are we still drinking milk from cows just saying yeah

  • I'm not you're not but um why is your milk in a bag yeah why? so weird, just put

  • it in like a .... cardboard... carton? tetrapack! recyclable ... tetrapack? What is that? A carton? Anything that's ... yeah it's a tetrapack

  • I've never heard that, google tetrapack, check I'm saying that right.

  • that's hilarious you call it a tetra pack do you know why I call it a tetrapack?

  • why? because I know the great great grandson of the inventor of tetrapack

  • like the 4th richest family ever they get a percentage of everything created

  • in that shape that's amazing. Went to Hurtwood, course he did. I love that you call it that "oh can you get me a milk tetrapack please?"

  • So that's a question for Lia why does she say tetrapack? but why can't you just start using cartons or

  • bottles like what is the pros for using bagged milk I want to know everyone

  • wants to know. And it's plastic aswell isn't it! But then milk bottles are too, well they used to be glass, can we just

  • go back to basics please yeah please come on Canada. come on guys! next question is do

  • you guys like being in the Commonwealth? it could be a touchy subject I think

  • it's similar with Australians that some really love being attached to the

  • Commonwealth like having the Queen as being like the head

  • of their country but other people like want to be free from it yeah I don't

  • know what the pros and cons are I'm guessing that the cons might be you

  • still feel like you're ruled by another country you're not

  • independent, even though you are because you've got your own

  • Prime Minister do you like it do you like the royal family do you like being

  • linked with the UK and with Australia yeah and all the others, there's loads in the commonwealth isn't there! Like 52 or 53 countries.

  • But I quite like that I quite like that we've got a little gang and the final question is do

  • you actually say eh at the end of every sentence? you're from

  • Canada eh really? Apparently that's what they always say no way, coz Charles

  • always says it now and he's like I don't know "you're going to supermarket, eh?"

  • I don't know if I'm using it right but it's that sort of thing at the end of sentences like eh?

  • they always say ey. Do it turn anything into a question? Almost yeh.

  • imagine if you were like "I'm just going to bed eh", bed eh, mum eh, mummay. Filming a video eh

  • We just make it Essex. That's all of our questions, isn't it? That's everything that's 10 questions that we Brits (Joel and I)

  • have for you Canadians please engage with us in the comments we'll

  • reply to everyone yeah you wanted it! we have questions Brits have for Americans

  • and we had Canadians reply being like please do this for Canada so here you

  • are, let us know if you liked it. 10% of our audience wanted this don't say we don't treat you if you want to buy a

  • coffee we've got some links down below it's quite nice some people that have

  • been supporting us on YouTube have bought us a little coffee on our page if

  • you fancy doing that we'd be super appreciative of it yeah and don't forget

  • subscribe if you are new to this channel we make videos all about British culture

  • and life in the UK and we often do comparisons between UK and Canada... or other countries, as well as loads of other fun stuff

  • See you next time, see you soon! Bye!

Hello we are Joel & Lia and today's video is all about questions Brits have for

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加拿大人的問題!英國人對加拿大有什麼看法? (Questions For Canadians! What Do British People Think About Canada?)

  • 24 1
    Michael Cheung posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary