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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Music Lyrics 18. And today it's the song "Amazing Grace. "

  • We're going explain the lyrics to this song originally written by John Newton.

  • Okay. Let's take a look at the note here. This song is about John Newton's

  • personal thanks to God who he believes saved him by helping him survive a

  • life-threatening storm at sea. So he was a sailor. Yeah. I remember reading about

  • this. He was a sailor at sea and there was a bad storm and they all thought

  • they were going to die. I think him and another sailor went up to the top to try

  • to stop and the other sailor it got pulled away with the waves and never seen again.

  • And he had to hold himself on you know, to the wheel. The wheel to stir the boat

  • to steer the boat for I think 11 hours. He practically had to tie himself to the

  • boat. And of course at this time he was asking God to save him. So this was his

  • experience this is what ended up being a life-changing experience for him. So

  • let's continue here. So it was a life-changing experience that helped him

  • go from being a profane ill-mannered slave trading sailor. Well profane you

  • know, he did a lot of bad things. He well first of all he probably cursed a lot.

  • Maybe cursed God you know , used the Lord's name in vain. He did many terrible things

  • I think they said even for a rough sailor, other sailors were still shocked

  • by him. That his behavior had gotten so bad at one point. So ill-mannered bad

  • slave trading. So he was actually way back in the day when there was slave

  • trades and he was a sailor on one of those slave trading boats. So anyway he

  • changed from being that sort of a person to a devout follower of God. Yeah

  • from from researching what I found out is of course he his mother did teach him

  • some religion when he was young , but then his mother died. And his father was a

  • sailor and his father was away all the time and then he eventually became a

  • sailor himself. And so of course he completely

  • you know, fell away from the religion completely .

  • And of course he had this life-changing experience where he he believed that God

  • was the one that saved him that night. That gave him the strength to hold on

  • and you know for 11 hours straight and tying himself in trying to control that

  • wheel where he saved himself and the rest of the crew that was still alive. So

  • basically that's what did it. Anyway, later on of course he ended up becoming

  • a preacher. I think a Protestant preacher himself or so he you know after he

  • stopped being a salad he went and you know he yea became a preacher. Okay. So

  • let's continue. Anyway just like usual let's get into it. Let's start singing it

  • and explain the lyrics as we go along. Well even, even the title here.

  • Remembers Amazing Grace. If we say something is amazing it's surprising and

  • impressive. All right. Grace has a slightly different

  • meaning here than we usually hear. It's kind of like a religious meaning of

  • grace which means according to religious belief the love and kindness that God

  • gives to people. That's what we mean by grace. That's well we often hear somebody say

  • you know, by the grace of God. You know, something something happened the

  • goodness or kindness of God . So that's what that's what the title is about.

  • 'Amazing Grace.' Well so anyway, let's get into it.

  • Here it goes. Amazing grace, How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I

  • once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind but now I see. All right. Again,

  • we already explained Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound that saved a wretch. Well

  • he's calling himself a wretch because that's what he thought he was. He thought he was

  • a bad person. He thought he was a sinner. He did a lot of terrible things and

  • that's why in some ways he couldn't believe that you know, maybe God would

  • help, help save him. that he didn't deserve

  • it. So that's what that's what that line is about. That saved a wretch like me. I

  • once was lost. All right. What does he mean by lost ? We can have a couple of meanings

  • here. It could be spiritually or physically

  • doomed because you know, he was a bad person or at least he thought he was. Or

  • unable to understand something you could be lost in that way. So when he says I

  • once was lost, but now I'm found meaning well of course you know he's

  • seen what he believes is the right way. He returned to his religion basically. So

  • he's found again you know, he's on the right path. That's what he means. Yes. I'm

  • found, was blind but now I see. So obviously, all the years that he thought

  • he was a wretch or a bad person. That's what he believed he was blind he

  • couldn't see the right way. So but now he can see. All right. Let's continue. 'Twas

  • grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved. How precious did

  • that grace appear the hour I first believed.

  • All right. So 'twas grace was grace. Well again back to the same meaning here of

  • grace. The religious meaning of grace which is a loving kindness of God. So, so

  • ;'twas grace that made by heart to fear. If you're a bad person and you think you're

  • bad and doing a lot of bad things. And you realize that you know maybe

  • you know you're following the wrong path. You might be afraid. But at the same time

  • he says and grace my fears relieved. So once he you know he returned to the

  • religion he he he felt like he was doing the right thing again. How precious did

  • that grace appear the hour I first believed. So once he first, once he was

  • really... when he thought he was saved and he started to become religious and he , he

  • started to feel better right away. That's what he's saying.

  • Okay. Now let's continue. Through many dangers , toils, and snares. I have already

  • come. All right. Danger and dangerous times. Toils here we say toil,

  • difficult to tiring work. Really, really hard work like sometimes you can't think

  • how can I just take all this hard work. Well there's trouble in life. And snares

  • Snares of course can mean a trap or a trick somebody trapped you, caught you,

  • enslaved you, something like that. So a snare trap or trick. Snares I've already

  • come. 'twas Grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home. So

  • again, he feels like he found the way. He feels like you found this grace the

  • grace of God or whatever. So that he feels like he's on the right path again.

  • Okay and then of course he goes on it Probably repeats the, the chorus

  • again. You know . Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I

  • once was lost but now I'm found , was blind but now I see. All right, and then

  • it goes into pretty much the last chorus here. It says, When we've been there ten

  • thousand years bright shining as the Sun. We've no less days to sing

  • God's praise than when we first begun. Yeah. I think he actually wrote this because

  • he was trying to it was actually for a sermon to inspire his people and he

  • thought of his own story and that's when he brought this out. And of course this

  • this song has been recorded by many, many almost countless amounts of famous

  • singers. And I just name a few here. So let's continue here. Tthe song has been

  • recorded by numerous famous artists such as Diana Ross, the three tenors, remember

  • like Pavarotti, Julio Iglesias and the other guy. Whitney Houston, Celine

  • Dion you know , etc . oh I'm I skipped some here Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin,

  • Willie Nelson, LeAnn Rimes. She did a very good version of it. and Whitney Houston's

  • version is also very, very good. Anyway, not only that though. We say here the

  • song is also thought of as an anthem to the civil rights movement. So during the

  • civil rights movement when Martin Luther King this song was very very big and it

  • was actually even sung before his you know, " I have a dream speech. "

  • So it's also connected to many events that happened. It was sung before and

  • after many great events it was sung before and after MLK Martin Luther

  • King's I gave I have a dream speech, the freeing of Nelson Mandela , when the

  • people in South Africa we were rejoicing, they were singing this song. The fall of

  • the Berlin Wall, When the Berlin Wall finally fell down

  • it was played then at that time too. After 9/11 as well all in in comfort

  • like to comfort the people and you know in a way of giving thanks or giving

  • thanks to God. So it's very interesting. Even if, even if you're not religious.

  • It's it's got a very beautiful or Angelic Sort of a hymn and tuned to it.

  • So it always be good to check it out probably you might already even be

  • familiar with with the flow of the music or the hymn of

  • the music. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it was enjoyable. Thank you for your

  • time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Music Lyrics 18. And today it's the song "Amazing Grace. "

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英語家教Nick P音樂歌詞解析(18)Amazing Grace----------。 (English Tutor Nick P Music Lyrics Explained (18) Amazing Grace)

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    anitawu12 posted on 2021/01/14
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