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Homophones, homophones, homophones.
I love homophones.
Do you know what a "homophone" is?
A "homophone" is really fun in English, and important because it teaches you pronunciation
and also a bonus.
The bonus is you get to say one word, and it actually has two different meanings.
So, you're cutting your studying time in half.
I'm saving you time.
I know, it's amazing.
So, "homophones" are words that are spelt differently, but sound exactly the same.
So, "homo" means same and "phone" means sound.
So, these are words in English that are pronounced the exact same way, but the spelling is different.
And this is what makes English confusing: The pronunciation, because unfortunately in
this language, we don't say each of the letters; some letters are silent, some of them we just
don't bother to say at all.
They're just there to make life more difficult for you; but also, it gives me a reason to
talk to you.
It gives me a reason...
It gives you a reason to subscribe to this channel.
Ah, do it.
Do it now.
Another thing that is confusing and crazy in English is remembering the verbs.
So, in English we have a base verb; for example, if you want to look at a book, we say: "read".
So: "Doo-doo.
I'm going to read the book."
And then we have the simple past.
So, the simple past of the verb would be something like: "Yesterday I read the book."
And just here, your brain becomes confused because: "Hey, hey, Ronnie.
You wrote the same word for the sim-...
The base verb and the simple past."
Well, guess what?
This is why English is crazy and this is why I'm here to help you, because we have a homophone.
Yay, we love homophones.
What colour is this?
This is "red".
So, the simple past of the verb "read" is said exactly like the colour "red".
So, you can say: "I read a red book yesterday."
And people might think that you said the verb wrong because it's obviously "read".
"I read the book yesterday."
And you go: "Oh, no.
See, 'read', the past tense is 'read', exactly like the colour because it's a homophone."
So, homophones are fun, they're amazing because you learn pronunciation and-doo-doo-do-doo-you
learn a new word.
So: "read", the simple past is "read", which is a homophone for the colour red.
What's your favourite colour?
Mine's purple.
We have the verb "ride" and the past tense is "rode, r-o-d-e" and it sounds exactly like
a "road".
So, a "road" is the thing that you drive on.
Don't walk on the road; you'll get hit by a car.
We walk on the sidewalk, if we have one.
So: "I rode the road home."
I'm going to draw a picture of a road because it's very easy for me.
Oh, it's got a dividing line.
This is a road.
Yes, I am an artist.
If you'd like to buy any of my artwork, just message me.
I'll sell it to you for cheap.
$1000, that's it.
So: "ride", past tense, simple past is the exact same pronunciation as the noun "road".
This one might also confuse you.
So, we have the verb "pass".
In the simple past, we put "e-d" on it.
Now, this is a regular verb, okay?
The other ones are irregular.
But you have become very confused at this point because you look at it, and your brain
thinks: "pass-ed.
I pass-ed the car."
But actually, if you look and if you study English pronunciation more, you will understand
that when we pronounce "e-d" verbs, we actually have to change the "e-d" to a "t" because
of our "s" sound.
So, in the past tense, the verb "passed" sounds exactly like "past".
We don't say: "pass-ed"; we say: "past".
Next one, this is a verb that a lot of people don't use.
It has to do with clothes.
So, we wear clothes.
Most of us, we have to, it's important.
Especially in Canada in the winter, it's cold.
If you don't wear clothes, you will die.
Maybe it's a little embarrassing if you sit on the subway or you go somewhere on the bus
and you're not wearing clothes; people might look at you.
So, the past tense of: "wear" is "wore".
The spelling is: "w-o-r-e" but the pronunciation is exactly like this terrible thing called
So, "war" is a battle usually made by governments for countries.
It's all about money.
So, you can say: "I wore a war uniform."
Past tense: "wore", the noun "war" like a battle.
Have you been to war?
Did you survive?
I hope so.
Next one.
This is fun.
Homophones are fun.
We have a verb: "blew"...
So, "blow" means you breathe air.
You can blow many things.
The past tense is the exact same pronunciation as the colour "blue".
So, you can say: "I blew a blue balloon."
Wow, I just said "blew" twice, but hey, guess what?
They're homophones, so "blew" is the same as the colour "blue".
So, what I want you to understand is that when you're learning homophones, it also helps
you remember the simple past of the verbs because you can visualize it, and you can
always remember: "blew", "blue"; "read", "red" - wow.
English is getting easier.
But there's more; don't worry.
There's more trips and ticks.
Trips and ticks?
Yes, there are.
The verb: "throw".
So, I throw a ball.
The past tense is: "threw".
This one is easy.
Okay, you go: "Okay, 'throw', 'threw', got it."
But this word is crazy.
This word: "t-h-r-o-u-g-h", your brain goes: "thr-o-u-g-ha".
"I went thr-o-u-g-ha the tunnel", and I'm here to tell you: "Hey, hey, hey.
All you have to do is pronounce it like the past tense of 'throw', which is 'threw'."
So: "I went through the tunnel."
One interesting thing as well that a lot of fast-food restaurants have done, and I think
it's pretty cool, is instead of writing it like this or like this: "t"...
They write: "t-r-u-e".
No, that's "true".
They write: "thru".
I don't even remember how they write it.
So, if you go to a fast-food restaurant...
And, do you know what?
The last time I went to a fast-food restaurant, it was not fast.
I had to wait, like, twenty minutes.
So, if you go to a fast-food restaurant with your car, they have the "drive-through".
So, what they've done-geniuses-this is actually the wrong spelling of this word, but it's
how we say it, so they've made it easier for you.
Thank you.
And spelt it wrong, but that's fine.
You hungry.
This one's fun.
I like this one.
"Eat", the past tense is "a-t-e", it's not "ateh", you guys that speak Portuguese, it's
not: "ateh", "achet".
It's exactly the same word as "eight".
So, when I was a child we had a great joke.
Let me tell you; it's so fun.
I'm going to say the first letter...
The first number, you get to say the second number.
Repeat after me: "I one the sandbox."
Now you say: "I two the sandbox."
"I two the sandbox."
Okay, my turn: "I three the sandbox."
And you say: "I four the sandbox."
Okay, my turn: "I five the sandbox."
You say: "I six the sandbox."
Good, good, good.
My turn: "I seven the sandbox."
You say: "I eight the sandbox."
You ate the sandbox.
When I was a kid, this joke was amazing.
Still funny now because you ate the sandbox.
Not funny, I guess.
A sandbox, by the way, is a box of sand that when we're children we play in.
I guess we were kittens or baby cats when we were children.
But it was fun; you get in the sandbox, you'd get sand everywhere.
It's probably like going to the beach, but in your backyard without the ocean.
And if you had a cat, the cat liked to pooh in the sandbox, so don't eat the sandbox.
But it's a great joke and it'll help you remember the past tense of "eat", which is "ate".
The last one.
We have "make".
The past tense is "made", and it's the exact same pronunciation as a person, if you're
lucky enough, who maybe cleans your house.
So, a "maid" is a person who cleans your house for money.
It's not your Mom or your Dad, it's someone that they actually hire to clean your house.
And this word "maid" is the exact same pronunciation of the simple past: "made" of the verb "make".
So, let's go through one more time because your brain's going to get confused, but your
mouth is going to get this.
So: "maid", "made".
Delicious: "eight", "ate".
"I ate eight hamburgers."
Are these funny yet?
I think they're hilarious.
A lot of advertising.
When you see advertising in English, or if you listen to radio, or you hear movies, maybe
people are laughing or think: "Hahaha, that's funny", and you don't know why it's funny
because: "This word is 'blew', and oh, this word is 'blue'.
Now I get it.
We play with our language.
If you guys listen to a rapper called Eminem, he really, really, really, really is what
I like to call a wordsmirth.
A wordsmith.
He plays with the English language a lot.
We have the past tense of "wear" is "wore", like a terrible battle.
The past tense of "pass" is "passed", like this word "past".
We also have "ride", past tense "rode", the same thing you drive on.
And one of my personal favourites: The beautiful colour "red".
So, I'm going to go and read a book, and it's going to be red.
So I'm going to read a red book, so tomorrow I can tell you: I read a red book and I blew
a blue thing.