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  • So, it's 5 o'clock in New York City and I'm about to catch a cab about 5 miles uptown.

    現在是紐約市早上 5 點,我要搭計程車到住宅區,大概 5 英哩的距離。

  • Let's see how this goes.


  • So it just took me 40 minutes to go about 4.5 miles which is pretty typical for New York City rush hour.

    所以我前進 4.5 英哩花了 40 分鐘,這在紐約市的尖峰時刻很正常。

  • Despite a speed limit of 25 miles per hour, the average car moving through NYC is driving

    儘管速限是每小時 25 英哩,在紐約市車輛移動的平均時速

  • at just 7.1 MPH, down from 9.1 MPH in 2010.

    從西元 2010 年的 9.1 英哩降到 7.1 英哩。

  • And if you're in midtown it's even worse, with cars moving around 5 MPH.

    如果你在市中心狀況更糟,車輛的時速大約在 5 英哩。

  • But it's not just New York Citytraffic in cities like LA is so bad drivers could

    但不只是紐約市 — 都市中的交通真的很糟,像洛杉磯

  • be locked in gridlock for hours.


  • Of course this sucks for drivers, but it also makes activities like biking or walking less safe


  • because cyclists and pedestrians have to weave through an obstacle course of cars.


  • Not to mention the estimated 20 billion dollars in lost revenue due to wasted time sitting in traffic.

    更不用說由於浪費時間在交通上所導致的收入損失達 200 億美元。

  • Now, there might be a solution, but if you commute by car, you are probably not gonna like it.


  • It's called congestion pricing. And it means charging drivers for using the roads.


  • "Congestion pricing is an idea whose time has come. And I believe this is the year to actually get it done."


  • New York's plan is still in the works, and it probably won't be enacted until 2020.

    紐約的計畫還在執行,可能在西元 2020 年以前都不會實施。

  • But the end game is to reduce congestion by discouraging people from driving if they have


  • other options like biking, or taking a train, or walking.


  • And to fund public transit at the same time.


  • It's not a groundbreaking idea: congestion pricing is already old news in cities around the world.


  • London enacted a similar policy in 2003.

    倫敦在西元 2003 年實施相似的政策。

  • This is a necessary step for us to reclaim some of the space that is currently given to a motorized vehicles without ending up with gridlock.


  • Nicole Badstuber researches urban infrastructure and policy at the University of Cambridge and according to her, the system's pretty simple.

    Nicole‧Badstuber 在劍橋大學研究都市基礎設施與政策,根據她的說法,這個制度十分簡單。

  • When drivers enter the Central London congestion zone between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., they're

    當駕駛在晚上 6 點到 7 點進入倫敦市中心的壅擠區

  • charged 11 pounds 50 penceabout 15 US dollars.

    他們會被收取 11 英鎊 50 便士 — 大概 15 美元。

  • New York City's plan will be similar.


  • When drivers enter Midtown or Lower Manhattan, they'll face a fee.


  • There's cameras all around the roads at the edges of the congestion charging area.


  • They automatically recognize the name plate of the car or the vehicle entering the zone.


  • London has a few exemptions in place, like


  • for people who live inside the congestion zone or vehicles with 9 or more seats and

    像是住在壅擠區裡的人,或 9 人座以上的車輛。

  • New York City will likely do that, too. And the system works.


  • So since it was introduced, we've seen that private vehicles


  • entering the zone have gone down by 40 percent.

    進入這個區域的比例降了 40 百分比。

  • Overall vehicle traffic has gone down by 25 percent.

    整體車輛交通降低 25 百分比。

  • Cycling overall has increased 66% since the charge was instituted and bus ridership reached a 50-year high in 2011.

    從交通壅擠附加費設立後,整體自行車量增加 66%,公車的搭乘率也在西元 2011 年達到 50 年來的高點。

  • And wait times for buses decreased 25%, due to increased service both on buses and on the London Underground.

    而且由於增加公車與倫敦地鐵的服務,使得等公車的時間減少 25%。

  • So we now, in comparison, still have much higher frequencies of London Underground services.


  • We can get more people, more capacity, more people into our trains because we have newer trains.


  • And like Nicole said, congestion pricing isn't just about removing cars from specific zones,

    就像 Nicole 說的,交通壅擠附加費不是只有從特定地區趕走車輛

  • it's about reclaiming a space for the public.


  • Picture Trafalgar Square, but designed for carsan idea that was very much a reality before congestion pricing.

    這是特拉法加廣場的照片,但它設計給車輛使用 — 在交通擁擠附加費設立以前,這是個很現實的想法。

  • You would basically have a bus driving right past your nose as you come out of the National Gallery


  • Reclaiming that section of road made the square safer and opened it to more public events.


  • No one could imagine going back to what it was before, and having these cars and buses zoom past you.


  • London's plan is widely embraced today, but it was met with resistance at first, with


  • opponents arguing that congestion pricing could cut people off from health care, shopping, and schools.


  • Plus, people had to trust that the government would work efficiently and make significant


  • improvements to their public transit system.


  • But within a year, London's congestion charging had majority support.


  • As New York's plan is being finalized, some similar resistance is cropping up, which isn't too surprising.


  • After all, it's the first US city to implement this type of congestion pricing and no one


  • wants to pay for something they've gotten for free for so long.


  • But the plan could generate up to a billion dollars for public transit, a system that

    但這個計畫可以為公共運輸帶來 10 億美元收入

  • most agree desperately needs repair.


  • And the city estimates it will reduce congestion by 8 to 13 percent and increase speeds by

    紐約市估計這個制度會減少壅擠程度達 8 至 13 百分比

  • up to 9 percent, making a ride through midtown a lot easier.

    並將時速提升 9 百分比,使得開車經過市中心更加容易。

  • So, like other cities where congestion pricing has been successful, it's likely that people


  • will end up accepting it.


  • When we think of our roads, in particular in cities, as a sort of public good, as a public


  • space, then if you're taking up more of it you should probably be paying for that privilege.


  • If you start to think about how everyone gets around the city, charging cars begins to make a lot more sense:


  • You pay for parking, pay for the subway, pay to take a train or a bus, so


  • why wouldn't we pay for a city road?


  • Thanks for watching. If you haven't already heard, we've


  • launched a paid membership program called the Vox Video Lab, right here on YouTube.

    我們在 YouTube 設立了付費會員頻道,名叫 Vox Video Lab。

  • For a monthly fee, subscribers get access to tons of exclusive content


  • and becoming a member is the best way to support our journalism.


  • So if you want to join, head over to and we'll see you there.


So, it's 5 o'clock in New York City and I'm about to catch a cab about 5 miles uptown.

現在是紐約市早上 5 點,我要搭計程車到住宅區,大概 5 英哩的距離。

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