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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 193. The quote today is by Stalin. Okay.
This is a famous quote. "The people who cast the votes, " ( meaning people actually
put in the votes) " don't decide the election, the people who count the votes
do. " So, all right. Let's look at the note here. This quote by Stalin is basically
talking about fixed elections and voter fraud. So you could be putting in your
vote and you think it counts but if they had already fixed it before time, it really
doesn't matter how you vote. Now I do hope that there is some hope that we can
actually get people elected who are supposed to be elected, but obviously
this a lot of irregularities that still go on and have gone on in a number of
the past election, so especially in the US. . Even though, I believe this does
happen in quite a few countries. It happens in European countries definitely as well.
So let's continue. If enough irregularities or questionable
activities are allowed to exist then it is possible to steal elections. We are
aware these activities exist in countries considered banana republics
for tyrannical countries. But there was more than enough cheating to question if
an election was stolen. Here are common irregularities that I heard of in past
elections. There's ballot stuffing, which of course
means like maybe one person secretly put a lot of ballots in may be either before
or after the polling stations closed. Even though, this is kind of the old
style. I don't think this is the one that's more serious anymore. The fixing
of voting machines. Now this is very serious.
It could be done several ways. Sometimes it's even before the first person goes
to vote. That machine could be fixed to have like maybe in a 50,000 in favor of
one candidate and a minus 50,000 in the favor of another candidate. So
they start off with a hundred-thousand advantage. That's one way it could be
done. Also sometimes we've heard of irregularities where somebody pressed
and voted for one candidate but the voting machine showed that you the other
one came up. This was especially true in 2008 in 2012 or I remember a lot of
people saying they voted for Romney and Obama's name kept showing up. So this is
this is very serious, and this is one that we probably should do away with
electronic voting machines because even they could even be hacked into from a
distance from the from the polling place. Hackers could get into them. So really
you know we, I guess at first people thought this was the future and this was
advanced but actually this is among the most dangerous we should probably get
rid of all electronic voting machines and go back to paper trails. If we really
want to have fair elections and make sure the elections are what they're
supposed to be. Ghost voters. All right. What are ghost voters ? Ghost voters of course , are
people who died before Election Day, but somehow somebody went in and still voted
for them. So that's a ghost voter. There was a lot of ghost voters that ended
up in many of the past elections. I guess whoever was cheating. They obviously must
have looked up all the people that died. Took their name went in and voted. So
again, even in the US. there was a lot of this going on unfortunately. In many
of the past at least four or five elections, we've seen this happen.
Voters showing up and being told they voted already. All right. This is somebody
going in using their name and voting for them before time so maybe that like they
checked it off. Okay some voters taking advantage in voting in more than one
state. Of course this is illegal. But maybe if like if you lived in one or
worked in another you went back home and you voted twice. Or nowadays with
absentee ballot voting, we've heard of many people doing the absentee one and
then going in on the day and voting again too. Of course,
this does happen. Okay and any state without requiring picture
ID can be rife with voter fraud . Yeah. Definitely if you had the picture ID in
all of them you could stop making to limit some of these other problems. They
could probably cut down on the ghost voters. It could definitely cut down on
people that are voting more than once. Yeah. So it could definitely take care of
a lot if we actually had picture IDs, and to be honest it's kind of ridiculous we
don't. We require picture IDs for things that are less serious . Like you know,
buying cigarettes and buying alcohol They require picture ID. So I know I've
heard in the past where they say oh well maybe somebody be disenfranchised if
they don't have it. But it's kind of ridiculous. Everybody has a picture ID
these days. Even a person that doesn't have a driver's license in the US can go
to Motor Vehicles and get a license that's a non driver's license. They can
get this. So really mostly it comes down to that you only you only don't have
voter ID is if you want to do cheating. That's what it actually seems like and
it's also a little ridiculous too I mean we require by law that you have an ID
for buying cigarettes and for buying alcohol does does that mean we're
disenfranchising their right to buy cigarettes and alcohol you know by
having that law. So it doesn't really make that much sense. All right. Let's
continue. All right in 2008 and 2012 there were hundreds of counties that had
over 100 percent of voters. Or 100 percent of eligible voters voted during
this. That by definition means that there absolutely was cheating. So if you have
more than a hundred percent . First of all a hundred percent is impossible. Because
we know not everybody votes. Even if you had above 70 that would be fantastic.
But , but when you have over a hundred. God knows how many
cheated votes you had. How many people voted that were not supposed to vote. So
and again I don't really care who does it. I don't care if Republicans do this. I
don't care for Democrats do this. This should never be allowed on either side.
So you could probably you know question maybe you know some, some Democrats were
probably mad about the 2000 election and think that something happened there. And
some Republicans are probably angry about that both of 2008 and 2012 or
especially 2012. Where there were a lot of irregularities going on. But these
irregularities should never be allowed and they should be limited . So voter ID
is really a must. It should probably be required in every state and we should
probably go back to paper ballots everywhere. We should get rid of voting
machines because there it's just too easy to fix voting machines So anyway I
hope it's clear. I hope you got it Hopefully our future elections even
these midterm elections. There are some questions I've heard of, especially in
states like California that more than a hundred percent of the people registered
to vote. I don't even understand how they're not being taken off the list in
in some states like that. So anyway let's just hope that there's as little as
possible and this is cut down more because it's hard to have fair elections
without this. Anyway, thank you. I hope u it was clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.