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  • Human papilloma virus, or HPV, has a strange reputation.

    人類乳突病毒,簡稱 HPV,有個奇怪的名聲。

  • You might know of it as a sexually transmitted infection that causes uncomfortable warts,


  • the papilloma, but you also may have heard that it can lead to a deadly form of cancer.


  • Both are actually true, as is the possibility that you can have HPV and experience no symptoms whatsoever.

    兩者都對,因為你患有 HPV 時可能不會出現任何症狀,

  • HPV isn't just one virus.

    HPV 不只是一種病毒。

  • There are actually over 200 strains, and the different types of HPV can result in different

    它實際上有 200 多種菌株,不同類型的 HPV 可能導致

  • outcomes (which we'll get into a little bit later).

    不同的結果 (我們稍後會進一步談)。

  • But first, before HPV can do anything, it has to find a way into your skin.

    但首先,HPV 在做任何事前,必須找到進入你皮膚的方法。

  • Hi, I'm Dr. Moscicki from the University of California Los Angeles, Department of Pediatrics.


  • I'm chief of adolescent and young adult medicine, and I have been studying HPV for over 30 years now.

    我是青少年和年輕成人醫學的主任,我研究 HPV 已經超過30年。

  • So when you're looking at skin, you have several layers, and you have the very basal cell layer,


  • that is, the layer that sits right on top of the basement membrane, and right under


  • that is what we call the dermis.


  • and on top of that, you have the spinous, and eventually, you get the very top cornified cell layers.


  • HPV first attaches itself to the basement membrane, by entering the body through a wound or micro-abrasion.

    HPV 首先透過傷口或微小擦傷進入身體,將自身附著在基底膜上。

  • It usually does this through sexual intercourse, but there are other types of HPV that cause

    它通常在性行為時做到這點,但還有其他類型的 HPV

  • hand and foot warts that aren't sexually transmitted.


  • Reaching the basement layer is key because there is a receptor there that it must attach to first.


  • It's referred to as a heparan sulfate receptor.


  • This receptor actually changes the virus so that it can then attach to the basal cells.


  • Once it does this, it injects its DNA into the cell's nucleus.

    一旦這樣做,它就會將 DNA 注入細胞的細胞核。

  • As the basal cells matures, the infected cell makes its way to the very top.


  • kind of hijacks the cell.


  • And what it does is it makes it start proliferating a lot so that it can replicate itself.


  • This all happens without your body mounting a real defense against the disease, because


  • HPV avoids expressing genes that would initiate an immune response until later in its lifecycle.

    HPV 會避開在生命週期後期引發免疫反應的基因。

  • it looks like it's a mechanism that HPV has developed in order for its own survival.

    這似乎是 HPV 為了生存所發展出的機制。

  • But, while HPV has found a clever way to avoid the immune system, the body can still get rid of the infection.

    但是,雖然 HPV 已經找到一種避開免疫系統的聰明方法,但身體仍可以擺脫感染。

  • Like, you know, when you're taking a shower, that top layer of skin kind of comes off.


  • ...once it gets sloughed off, if there's no other place to invade, then that infection's


  • just gonna burn out very quickly.


  • That it was a one-time chance that it found access to the basement membrane.


  • In fact, even though 80% of people in the United States are thought to contract HPV,

    事實上,儘管美國有 80% 的人普遍認為感染了 HPV,

  • 90% of infections are cleared on their own.

    有 90% 的感染都是自行清除。

  • So, if the infection doesn't usually last, whats t'he big deal?


  • Well, that's where those different types of HPV become really important, specifically

    那就是不同類型的 HPV 變得非常重要的時候,特別是

  • the ones that can cause cancer.


  • There's only about 13 types that we have associated with cancer, and they all fall into the alpha types.

    大約只有 13 種類型與癌症相關,而它們都屬於 α 型。

  • The most famous ones are type 16 and 18.

    最常見的是 16 和 18 型。

  • They're actually responsible for around 70% of cervical cancers.

    它們其實主導了約 70% 的子宮頸癌。

  • Types 16 and 18  are totally different from the types of HPV that cause warts, which aren't

    16 和 18 型與導致疣的 HPV 類型完全不同,這種疣

  • pleasant but fortunately do not typically become cancerous.


  • What we believe, the way it causes cancer, is that it infects, probably, a stem cell within the basal cell layer.


  • Therefore, those stem cells, as it maturates, what happens is, literally, HPV hijacks the

    因此,那些幹細胞,在它們成熟時,會發生的就是 HPV 會挾持

  • host cell machinery, says, I want you to replicate, because every time you don't stop me, I can


  • make more and more of my DNA.

    製造越來越多 DNA。

  • While replicating in stem cells, these oncovirus types of HPV will express the genes called E6 and E7.

    在複製幹細胞時,這些致癌的 HPV 會表現出 E6 和 E7 的基因。

  • These oncoproteins stop the body from killing and clearing out cells with damaged DNA, allowing

    這些癌蛋白會阻止身體殺死和清除受損的 DNA 細胞,

  • the cancerous cells to continue replicating.


  • So when there's a damaged cell, it's a race.


  • Their immune system is probably trying its best, but it's really pushing the system,


  • that it's replicating way faster than the immune system can even access it.


  • Fortunately, we have ways to prevent HPV from getting to this point.

    幸運的是,我們有辦法阻止 HPV 這樣做。

  • First, there are screenings for cervical cancer that can catch the disease when it is still pre-cancerous.


  • But there is an unfortunate lack of screening methods for the other cancers caused by HPV.

    但是,現在缺乏由 HPV 引起其他癌症的篩查方法。

  • For people who are young enough and have not been exposed to HPV, there is also a very

    對於年齡足夠且未接觸過 HPV 的人來說,

  • effective vaccine has been available since 2006.

    從 2006 年以來,有一種非常有效的疫苗。

  • And while some people might think it's only given to girls because of the risk of cervical cancer,


  • It's recommended for boys as well.


  • So the prevention here, we're talking about anal cancer, penile cancers, and oropharyngeal cancers.


  • So it's equally as important for boys to get this vaccine as it is for girls.


Human papilloma virus, or HPV, has a strange reputation.

人類乳突病毒,簡稱 HPV,有個奇怪的名聲。

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