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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 144. The verb phrase today is to prey

  • on. You know to prey on somebody or something/ All right. Let's take a look at

  • the note. We have two meanings here. The first one is the more common one that maybe a

  • lot of students may already know. Let's cover that one first. So if an animal

  • preys on another animal, it hunts kills or eats that animal. So you could just use

  • the word PREY as a noun too. You know, someone could be the prey.

  • The predator is the one that hunts the prey. So the prey is the victim. So if

  • you prey on someone it's like you're putting them in the victim category. All right.

  • This would be the second one. This is the one that maybe students may want to know

  • more here. If a person or group preys on others, he or she takes advantage of them.

  • Victimizes then basically. To victimize them or exploit them. Okay good. Let's

  • look at the first example. This one goes to the animals. Lions often like to prey

  • on deer and zebra. So they like to hunt them, kill them, and eat them. So that's,

  • that's pretty straightforward. Let's look at the second one. Many phone scammers

  • will prey on senior citizens because they think they are more likely to have

  • saved money. You know since they become a senior citizen maybe they have a pension.

  • They're more likely to have some extra money saved up over many, many years. So

  • they're a good source to try to trick out of money. And be more feeble-minded.

  • Maybe they're you know, because they're older maybe they think their brain might

  • be getting slower. They might be able to double-talk them or scam them easier. So

  • a lot of times they prey on them and we hear this in in the US a lot. A lot of,

  • especially a lot of senior citizens keep getting these phone calls that try to

  • trick them into doing something to get money from them. Okay good. Let's look at

  • number three here. Pickpockets will often prey on tourists because even if they

  • get caught the victim is unlikely to press charges.

  • Yeah. So usually the victim does not want to come back for a court date. They're

  • just usually there on vacation. They're only there for a few days or a week. They

  • don't want to come back to a court case that may be many, many months later . They

  • don't want to fly all the way back to the country just for that case. So in

  • most cases they'll ... they just won't press charges. So the pickpocket gets away

  • scot-free, That's another adjective phrase that I

  • did too. He gets away completely free. Even if he gets caught. So that's why they're,

  • that's why tourists are very good to prey on. Also tourists tend to carry

  • more cash too. That's another good reason why pickpockets like to prey on them.

  • They like to choose them, especially to victimize or take advantage of. Anyway I

  • hope you got it. I hope it was clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 144. The verb phrase today is to prey

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英語 Tuor Nick P VerbPhrase (144) Prey On(獵物) (English Tuor Nick P VerbPhrase (144) Prey On)

  • 9 0
    anitawu12 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary