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  • *epic music* gaming *burp* week. sucribre to jjacob8600 :)

  • say it with me.

  • *meme* gaming *review* week!

  • *9 year old's voice* "oh, he doesn't play enough games anym-"


  • starting off with the ultimate game of all time.

  • Minecraft.

  • that's right.

  • *POP* i have not played minecraft properly in... ever.

  • *cue meatball giggles*

  • i played the game when it was in alpha.

  • that's right! Hipster Notch supporter!

  • i think a lot of it has changed.

  • i'm not sure.

  • okay!

  • let's just jump into it- why do I not have sound???

  • okay, so create a new world.

  • what should we name it?

  • "broland".

  • good one!

  • here we go guys! :)

  • historical moment.

  • my first video ever was a minecraft video!

  • does it always take this long? (sadly).

  • here it is. oh... my...god!

  • after all these years.

  • i'm back in minecraft.

  • i have this ne...

  • is that a *christian channel* horse?!

  • that's a freaking horse! :0




  • can i ride it?

  • *GASP* OHHHH!!!!! (wow pewds)

  • *he looks so cute uwu*


  • AH!

  • look, it's tiny horse!

  • hello, tiny horse! (uwu)

  • this is amazing :)

  • i love minecraft *meatball giggles*

  • why are they sliding?

  • *giggles*

  • okay, bye bye horse!

  • So I have...

  • i got my outfit. (stream Beach Lasagna)

  • there it is! *giggles* yeah!!

  • bobs or vagana whate-- eyy!

  • *giggles* whatever will it be?

  • i don't really remember how you play- i think the first thing you do is chop down wood.

  • That's right. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. You definitely

  • chop down wood.

  • chop, chop, chop!

  • there we go. new recipe unlocked?

  • amazing!

  • you know, i'm sort of a veteran. (oh, are you felix?)

  • i don't need you kids to tell me how to play minecraft.

  • i know how to play minecraft. (insert "get out of my room im playing miNECRAFT")

  • *scary zombies* oh, god. what was that sound?

  • oh, yeah! you have to build a-- AH! *more zombies*

  • you have to build a shelter before night.

  • that means we've got to get fire; that means we've got to build a door.

  • (irish accent) we've got a lot of things to build.

  • oh, god. *felix has an aneurysm*

  • H E L P

  • is there anyone out there?

  • oh- that's not what i wanted to do...

  • alright, i got a lot of stuff. (exactly 24 oak planks)

  • so how do I build..

  • a twig? (•ิ_•ิ)

  • *mii channel music*

  • there it is! i got it! (eureka)

  • still got it bABy.

  • look at this, dude.

  • what else can I build?

  • oh my god, the crafting table! Σ(・口・)

  • i'm learning so much about science!!1!1

  • and stuff.. ┐('~` )┌

  • i'm already a Minecraft pro

  • and i've only played like half an-

  • (proceeds to fall in hole) aH!

  • Jesus.. *spooky zombie noises*

  • oKay- what is that?!

  • why is it so spooky? :(

  • *splish splash noises* AH!

  • *giggles*

  • i'm scared.. of minecra- (stream him playing the silent hill map)

  • i'll go back to the horses. (friendship is magic!)

  • alright, so where should we build ourrr...

  • first house?

  • this is nice, it's by the beach.

  • it's p r e t t y e p i c

  • yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh

  • here, we'll build it here.

  • this is perfect :)

  • what is T H A T (ಠ_ಠ? )

  • nani kore? (what's this?)

  • what is thaaat?

  • *gets scared by squid*

  • there's...


  • there's CAAAATTTS?!

  • alright, before we advance any further,

  • i must protect myself

  • now, i remember SOME things (me during an exam)

  • there it is

  • still got it

  • so how was a sword then?

  • sword was like..?

  • *confusion intensifies*

  • what is this... recipe

  • oh ok.. uhh

  • sword... oh it does it FOR you

  • let's get an axe as well

  • oh my god this is so EASY

  • kitty, get over-

  • hEY >:(

  • (irish accent part 2) don't you DARE hurt kitty

  • whatever you are

  • kitty, come here

  • what the HELL are you??

  • *testificate noise*

  • *laugh that clears my skin*

  • can i murder them?

  • wait lemme save...

  • alright, NOW let's murder the dude.

  • *intense killing*

  • he would rather DROWN HIMSELF than be with me... :(

  • *weird mating calls*

  • *he dead*

  • he just DISAPPEARED!

  • i'm a murderer!

  • what have i done!?

  • (immediately attempts murder again) can I kill you?

  • *nba level*


  • NOOOOOOO (zero deaths)

  • awwww... :(

  • i've already failed... (me when i see i don't know how to do the first question)

  • alright, now play seriously felix.

  • gOd dammit

  • speed run happening!!

  • *minecraft music starts playing* oh god the sombre moments..

  • the feelings are all coming back to me (ಥ﹏ಥ)

  • late at night after a party...

  • you had a good time.

  • but in reality..

  • you just wanted to go home and play minecraft :'(

  • and I stayed up all night.

  • digging D E E P down.

  • just to see what was that thing.

  • finally, a game that gave me adventure.

  • and made me f e e l, goddammit!

  • oh my god, why- this game is so anime. (´。• ᵕ •。`)

  • oh, i need a shovel; of course.

  • why is minecraft so a n i m e?

  • alright, i think we're ready to just, dig down.

  • so i wanna have like, the mine a little bit away from the home, right?

  • so here's- okay this is perfect :)

  • we'll just cut here.

  • sToNe aGe!

  • that means... you know what kids?

  • you make a stone goddamn pickaxe boi.

  • so now we can dig a lot faster >:)

  • *sims music*

  • e p i c.

  • goddamn, i need coal, don't i?

  • i need to find c o a l.

  • oh god, the sun is setting bois.

  • oh god, i need something to light up.

  • god damN iT

  • this is real bad ( ; ω ; )

  • pig, please. do something ಠ_ಠ

  • i can't even ride the pig, are you kidding me?

  • alright, coal. let's find c o a l.

  • ah perfect- (falls) oW

  • heRe. there should-

  • oh! woah-

  • WO A H

  • tHERE! we found coal :)

  • alright- let's just be careful with the lava (o_O)

  • there it is. there's coal.

  • *ping!*

  • yesss (✯◡✯)

  • we're gonna LIVE!

  • what is this green bar?

  • i'm getting the coal, right? (yes, felix.)

  • goddamn, where- how deep does this go?

  • okay, we have coal!

  • which, of course, means we can make-

  • a torch :)

  • alright, let's be careful here with the lava.

  • can we build a bridge over the lava? :0

  • it's crossing it.

  • we're going to get d i a m o n d bois

  • that's the goal of this series >:)

  • is it hard to get diamonds? i don't really remember...

  • okay... we're going deeper... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • i hear something... (marTy)

  • do i have a sword?

  • i do... (said no one ever when i propose)

  • i have a sword and i'm not afraid to use it, goddamnit (メ` ロ ´)

  • why do i-

  • *herobrine music*

  • AHHHH- what wAS THAT

  • why can i hEAR THEM

  • aHHHHH

  • what- what is down there???

  • oh mY gOd, what is-

  • aHHHH

  • what is HAPPENING down there???

  • (a mob orgy felix)

  • there's a chest down there :0

  • *gasp* there's a chEST DOWN THERE

  • i gotta gET THE CHEST

  • we just gotta have a plan b- alright, what's the plan b then?

  • let's gO BROS


  • aHHHH fuUcCk nO

  • *inhale* HHHHH

  • *inhale*

  • *mating call*

  • awww look how cozy they have it over there ( ̄ヘ ̄)

  • loOk aT tHaT

  • god- *creeper*


  • *exhausted exhale*

  • i'll get my stuff back >:(

  • i'll get revenge.

  • those skeletons are gonna freAKING pay for what they did to me and my father >:(

  • ushten flabben

  • what is that fucking sound-


  • god *christian channel* DAMMIT

  • you're diSGUSTING (spider: why u bully me)

  • are there skeletons everywHERE? (yes felix, it's night)


  • why is the sun noT HELPING :(

  • oH LoOk, there's so much stuff!

  • spider: did u call me disguSTING

  • AHH- alright, alright, i've had enough >:(

  • i've had enough, i've had enough, i've had en-

  • did u fCKINTDHJ

  • horses, dO SOMETHING. (mom @ me & sibling)

  • god- dude, alright i'm digging a hole. (survival 101)

  • i'm digging a hole i'm done with this-

  • you can't hurt me in my hole! (x2)

  • you cAN'T HURT ME- godfu-

  • *cries*

  • and so, the journey begins for felix kjellberg,

  • after returning years from minecraft,

  • to reclaim what was once his >:)

  • there's a fREAKING WATER POOL

  • alright, i'll- i'll find that-

  • there's a freAKING CHICKEN

  • what up, chicken? (proceeds to attack it with a sapling)

  • cool, man. that's awesome.

  • so much has changed :(

  • so much has-

  • changed. *giggles*

  • here it is. (x2)

  • i'll find them.

  • and i'll kill them.

  • those bastards will pay for what they did to me...

  • they humiliated me...

  • but this time i come back, and i come back s t r o n g

  • stronger than i ever was, stronger that i ever thought i could be.

  • i'll kill all of them >:(

  • the sword, goddamnit, give it to me!

  • how do i build armor??

  • maybe i should build an armor first.

  • yeah yeah- i'll get armor.

  • i'm not strong enough yet, but i'm strong enough to know my limits >:)

  • but i got an egg from the- chicken.

  • i need coal, lots of it.

  • now we'll build the furnace; that's right.

  • did i build it, or what?

  • we can make- eYEroN

  • which we make from- iron ore.

  • and- chArcoAL.

  • what is this then? that's just coal -.-

  • well then how do you make CHARcoal?

  • from lava bucket? what?

  • JUNGLEwood; now what the- this is so coMPLICATED

  • oh- you can use different things.

  • oh, okay. 'kay 'kay 'kay, i got it.

  • i got it. (x4) i'm a genius.

  • i know how to play games for kids.

  • minE.

  • i'm gonna be SO goddamn strong-

  • alright, that's all i got.

  • that's right. and i-it's making it! it's making it! :)

  • it's melting! (x3) it's working!

  • yatta yatta yatta! (i did it! i did it! i did it!)

  • iron. i did an iron. it's no big deal.

*epic music* gaming *burp* week. sucribre to jjacob8600 :)

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