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  • Oil paint is simple.


  • At its most basic, it's just a mixture of oil and pigment.


  • But depending on the color and quality, a liter of this paint could cost you between $285 and $1,000.

    但是取決於顏色和品質,一公升的顏料可能要價 285 美金到 1000 美金。

  • So what is it that makes this paint so special, and why is it so expensive?


  • Oil paint has been used for hundreds of years.


  • It's made from a drying oil, like flaxseed, and pigment, sometimes with fillers and thickeners added.

    它由乾燥的油 (如亞麻籽油) 和色素製成,有時還會添加填充物和增稠劑。

  • When mixed and crushed, these ingredients bind and thicken to form a permanent paint.


  • While the rise of oil paint is associated with the Renaissance, paintings using poppy-seed oil have been dated as far back as seventh-century Afghanistan.

    雖然人們將油畫的興起和文藝復興聯想在一起,使用罌粟花籽油製成的顏料 (即最早的油畫顏料) 可追溯回 7 世紀的阿富汗。

  • But there's one key reason this paint hasn't ever been cheap: Pigments cost a lot of money.


  • So in a good oil paint, you're gonna be looking for a high pigment loading and a good-quality pigment in that high pigment loading.


  • So it doesn't matter if you have loads of pigment if it's a bad-quality pigment.


  • You're looking for lightfastness so it doesn't fade, and tests on light-fastness that have been going on for generations, in fact, for some pigments.


  • So you're not gonna create a masterpiece and then 50 years down the line it's completely washed out.

    才不會說你創作了一幅傑作後,過了 50 年顏色都褪了。

  • The highest-quality oil paint can be up to 75% pigment.

    最高品質的油畫顏料含有高達 75% 色素。

  • And throughout history, the most sought-after pigments have been worth far more than their weight in gold.


  • And that's because they take a lot of work to discover and to make.


  • The favorite imperial color in Roman times, Tyrian purple, was a bright pigment made from the glands of sea snails.

    古羅馬時期皇室最愛的帝王紫 —— 「骨螺紫」,就是一種用海螺腺體製成的明亮色素。

  • And it could take 12,000 snails to make just 2 grams of the color.

    要花上 1 萬 2000 隻海螺才能得到 2 公克色素。

  • Indian yellow was originally made from the urine of cows fed only on mango leaves.


  • And in the 16th to 19th centuries, mummy brown was actually made with the ground-up remains of Egyptian mummies.

    而在 16 至 19 世紀,「木乃伊棕」其實就是用埃及木乃伊磨製成。

  • And while the color was perfect for some flesh tones, we quickly ran out of mummies to use.


  • Pigments do dramatically change the cost.


  • And in professional levels, you'll have series, so you'll have probably a series one, well, up to series seven.


  • The higher the number, the more expensive it is.


  • And that's due to the pigments, how difficult they are to obtain, where they come from, and also how in-demand they are as a product in the real world.


  • Possibly the most valuable, though, was ultramarine, literally meaning "beyond the sea," as it had to be mined in Afghanistan.

    其中最有價值的或許是「群青」(ultra marine),字面上意指「超越海洋」,因為它需要從阿富汗採礦而得。

  • It was made from lapis lazuli, which in its purest pigment form can still cost up to $30,000 per kilo.

    它由青金石製成,含量最純的青金石色素甚至要價每公斤 3 萬美金。

  • The gemstone was used to make the pigment until a synthetic version was created in 1826.

    在人造色素於 1826 年問世前,這種色素都是用礦石製成。

  • And the vibrant blue was valued so highly in the Renaissance that it was generally reserved for painting the robes of the Virgin Mary.


  • Synthetic versions of many of these pigments have now been created.


  • And while this means many are cheaper, some can still be difficult to produce.


  • Cobalt blue, for example, has to be made by heating its components to 1,200 degrees Celsius.

    舉例來說,「鈷藍色」的製作過程需要加熱到攝氏 1200 度。

  • And once you have these pigments, they're tricky to work with.


  • Winsor & Newton has been making oil paints for almost 200 years.

    溫莎牛頓有近 200 年製作油畫顏料的經驗。

  • And its factory in France produces over 5 million liters of paint each year.

    他們位於法國的工廠每年生產超過 500 萬公升的顏料。

  • In fact, produce paint is like cooking.


  • So here you have mixing, so we are mixing components like pigments and other additives like oil.


  • We are then milling.


  • So it depends. We're using different type of machines.


  • So we're using granite, ceramic, or steel.


  • Then we are testing, OK.


  • So testing the viscosity of the grain and, of course, the color.


  • The whole process is so select.


  • So for every single pigment, you need to handle it in a particular way.


  • So it will need a particular amount of oil with it, and that ratio changes for every pigment.


  • And you're going to need to grind it to a particular fineness.


  • And actually even with the same pigment the milling and the grinding will affect the color you have.


  • So if you overgrind you might end up with something duller, or with another color if you grind it very fine; you might end up with a purple rather than a blue.


  • The research and testing for these colors can take months or even years to get right.


  • Small samples of each color are made in a lab to measure consistency and lightfastness.


  • Above all else, the quality of oil paint needs to be reliable, as professional artists need to guarantee that what they're working on now will last for hundreds of years.


  • And despite comparatively new paints like acrylic, oil still remains an artist favorite.


  • We've still got works that are still beautiful and relevant from the 15th century.

    有一些 15 世紀的作品在我們現今看來依舊美麗、貼近人們。

  • And it's also, it's durable.


  • And it has this ability to layer, where you can scrape back, you can keep working, you can work on a piece for years and keep on redoing it, and it gives every piece this history.


  • And, you know, the materials themselves are expensive.


  • They're reliable. They're gorgeous.


  • I mean, they come out of the painting at you.


Oil paint is simple.


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