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there are three major milestones
that every youtuber can get to
the first is when they get a million subscribers
the second one is when they get their content either stolen or reacted to by
a big reaction channel
and the third is when there is fanfiction written about them
well ladies and gentleman
today we have the first fanfiction
written about me
I have done a read through where I read this fanfiction blind and unscripted
but it kinda took a little too long
and I don't wanna sound ungrateful but it wasn't the best?!?
I mean the beginning was good
the middle was eh? and you kinda lost me at the end
so I'm only gonna be reading part of it
and summarizing the rest of it
so let's begin!
I wake up crying knowing today is the day James is going to be leaving for a camping trip
Why am I so obsessed with this boy I mean we're both only 12
why am I only twelve? well this isn't creepy at all
I shake the thought of him making me go crazy
knowing I won't be able to watch him and make sure he's safe while he's gone
I put on my clothes walking over to his house
scared that he already left
I move over to the corner of the house
watching him put all of his gear in his car
his white skin shining in the Arizona sun
I look at the trunk of the car open and filled with gear and out of pure desparation to
always be with James
I quickly run into the trunk of the car
hiding under all of James's stuff
that's very impressive for a twelve year old
my eyes widen not regretting a thing
I hear the car start before driving off I get excited
before grabbing one of James's duffel bags
opening the bag and looking through
my eyes widen seeing James' underpants before taking it
I will cherish this forever
I say holding it close to my heart
so then we arrive at the campsite
and the stowaway runs out and hides behind a tree
watching me and saying now's my chance he will notice me
but then for some reason she falls asleep
she sleeps for the entire day
and then when she wakes up she goes through my tent and finds all of my axe deoderant
which I just wanna point something out I don't like axe deoderant
come on get you fanfictions right!
and then she says
senpai smell *laughs*
I say with joy just spraying a little as the scent of James washes over my body
I let out a soft moan before craving more
then for some reason it switches to both of us in school???
like if you wanna write a semi-erotic fanfiction about stalking me go right ahead
but at least make the story make sense!
it's 7th grade and I have followed my senpai everywhere
I go the look of him driving me crazy with lust
every time he talks to a girl the anger driving me crazy
so then she ties in the part where I gave the first comic I made to a girl
sick reference bro
so I give the comic to the other girl
and then the girl in the story says
senpai but I couldn't get mad at senpai
I was only mad at the girl my eyes widen grinning following the girl watching and waiting
so then I think she steals the comic
and then we go back camping???
for some reason keep your stories straight man!!!!
I wake up already knowing James is going to be gone again on another camping trip
I lurk on top of the trees
Wha what on top of the trees?!?!?
a few hours pass before I wake up
you just woke up a few sentences ago!!!!!
to already find everyone there and unpacked
my eyes widen before seeing James on the cliff
as I scream knowing he could hurt himself
I bite my nails watching screaming with each jump
I must help senpai!!!! *laughs again*
then she ties in the time I pushed Harris off a cliff
in one of my older videos
it was into a lake okay
I didn't just push him off a cliff okay
we were cliff diving
then I think I save her from falling or something
but then she swims away
I start to climb down before swimming far away from the campsite my only energy is the thought of James
my eyes exhausted in the heat of the Arizona sun
waiting for my senpai James to show up even the thought of him makes my heart beat fast
then we go back to school for some reason
she tries to fit in as many references as she can
i'm not expecting everyone watching this to have seen all my videos
but there's a reference to my pe video, my five hour energy video
my asmr video
she calls me senpai a lot... A LOT
and it ends with
I move back into the closet closing the door
You will be mine!
whoever made this can you tell me how old you are?
you know I'm almost twenty right???
I just need to make sure you're not a minor for legal reasons
so I cut out a lot of the fanfiction
but the author uses the word senpai 18 times and the phrase eyes widen 10 times
so that's about two percent of the fanfiction is either the words eyes widen or senpai
good job man
good job good job
thanks for watching
thank you for making this fanfiction of me, I really appreciated it